% \iffalse
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% \fi
% \subsubsection{Board splitting}
% \label{sec:impl:hex:split}
% \begin{Macro}{\splitboard}
%   Calculates how to split a board into sheets of paper. 
%   \begin{Syntax}
%     \cs{splitboard}\oarg{options}
%   \end{Syntax}
%  where options are
%  \begin{itemize}
%  \item \spec{paper}=\meta{format}: Specifies the paper format.  One
%    of \spec{a4}, \spec{a3}, \spec{letter}, \spec{tabloid}. Default
%    is \spec{a4}.
%  \item \spec{landscape}: Sets the paper format to be in landscape
%    mode (default is portrait).
%  \item \spec{margin}=\meta{size in centimetres}: Size of margins on
%    each sheet in centimetres \emph{without} unit.  That is put
%    \spec{0.6} for 6mm, \emph{not} \spec{6mm}. Default is \spec{0.6}.
%    This should be \emph{slightly} larger (by roughly 5\%) than the
%    \emph{least} margin required by the printer used. \emph{Must} be
%    given \emph{before} \spec{paper} to have any effect.
%  \item \spec{ncol}=\meta{number of columns}: Sets the number of
%    columns of sheets.  
%  \item \spec{nrow}=\meta{number of rows}: Set the number of rows of
%    sheets.
%  \item \spec{overlap}=\meta{size in centimetres}: Sets the size of
%    the overlap between sheets in centimetres \emph{without} unit.
%    That is put \spec{2} for 2cm, \emph{not} \spec{2cm}. Default is
%    \spec{2}. 
%  \item \spec{image}=\meta{file name}: File name of the board image
%    (a PDF). Default is \spec{board}
%  \item \spec{output}=\meta{file name}: File name (without
%    \spec{.tex} ending) to write calculated split to.
%  \item \spec{standalone}: Boolean flag.  If true, then output file
%    will be a standalone document (i.e., has a \cs{documentclass}).
%  \item \spec{scale}=\meta{scale}: Set scale of board. 
%  \end{itemize}
% The macro will produce a file named \cs{jobname}\spec{\_out.tex}
% which can be included in another document to generate the split
% board PDF.
% To use, make, for example, the file \spec{calcsplit.tex} with the
% content
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \documentclass[11pt]{standalone}
%   \usepackage{wargame}
%   \usepackage{mystyle}
%   \begin{document}
%   \splitboard{paper=letter,margin=.7,ncol=2,nrow=2,overlap=1}
%   \end{document}
% \end{verbatim}
% to calculate the split of \spec{board.pdf} over $2\times2$ letter
% paper sheets, with a non-printable margin of 7mm, and an overlap
% between the segments of 1cm.
% The final split document can then be
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \documentclass[11pt]{article}
%   \usepackage[letterpaper,margin=7mm]{geometry}
%   \begin{document}
%   \input{calcsplit_out}
%   \end{document}
% \end{verbatim}
% If you need to scale down the board, define the style \spec{board
% scale}.  E.g.,
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \tikzset{board scale/.style={scale=.9}}
% \end{verbatim}
% \end{Macro}
% Styles used for drawing things.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % Margin must be <1cm
  split/paper outline/.style={
    line width=.5mm},
  split/effective outline/.style={
    line width=.5mm},
  split/board outline/.style={%
    line width=.5mm,
%    \end{macrocode}
% A scratch dimension used
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Get upper right and lower left corners of node. Argument is node name.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \draw (#1.north east);%  
  \draw (#1.south west);%  
%    \end{macrocode}
% Get board dimensions. Argument is node name. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \split@w{\@percentchar\space Board:
%    \end{macrocode}
% Adjust placement of markers and cut lines.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Dimension to adjust
% \item Overlap dimension (with units)
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \divide\split@tmp by 2%
  \advance\split@tmp by #1%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Get initial offset in a direction.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Number of segments in direction
% \item Overlap in centimetres (without unit)
% \item Effective size, in centimetres (without unit), of sheets in
%   direction
% \item Full size, in centimetres (without unit), of board in
%   direction. 
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \pgfmathparse{((#1 * #3 - (#1 - 1) * #2) - #4)/2}%
  \hex@dbg{2}{((#1 * #3 - (#1 - 1) * #2) - #4)/2 -> `\split@off'}}   
%    \end{macrocode}
% Get initial offset of first segment.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Number of rows 
% \item Number of columns
% \item Overlap in centimetres (without unit)
% \item Effective height, in centimetres (without unit), of sheets
% \item Effective width, in centimetres (without unit), of sheets
% \item Full height, in centimetres (without unit), of board
% \item Full width, in centimetres (without unit), of board
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \split@get@init{#1}{#3}{#4}{#6}\xdef\dy{\split@off cm}
  \split@get@init{#2}{#3}{#5}{#7}\xdef\dx{\split@off cm}}   
%    \end{macrocode}
% Get coordinates of a segment
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Column number
% \item Row number
% \item Overlap, in centimetres (without unit)
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \hex@dbg{2}{Getting coords `c#1r#2'}%
  \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@c\pc r#2}{}{% Left
    \hex@dbg{3}{\space Getting left `c\pc r#2'}%
    \split@getem{c\pc r#2}\split@adj{\split@ulx}{-#3}\edef\mlx{\t}}%
  \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@c\nc r#2}{}{% Right
    \hex@dbg{3}{\space Getting right `c\nc r#2'}%
    \split@getem{c\nc r#2}\split@adj{\split@lrx}{#3}\edef\mrx{\t}}%
  \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@c#1r\pr}{}{% Above
    \hex@dbg{3}{\space Getting above `c#1 r\pr'}%
    \split@getem{c#1r\pr}\split@adj{\split@lry}{#3} \edef\mty{\t}}%
  \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@c#1r\nr}{}{% Below
    \hex@dbg{3}{\space Getting below `c#1 r\nr'}%
  \draw[fill=red]  (\mlx,\mty) circle(.2);%
  \draw[fill=green](\mrx,\mty) circle(.4);%
  \draw[fill=blue] (\mlx,\mby) circle(.6);%
  \draw[fill=cyan] (\mrx,\mby) circle(.8);%
    \@percentchar\space c#1r#2}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Stream to write to
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Short-hand for write outs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Open stream and set-up
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \split@w{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space These are made with
    `calcsplit' with `-jobname \jobname'}
    ^^J\string\geometry{papersize={\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight},margin=\tmp cm}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Write final stuff and close stream
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \split@w{^^J\@percentchar\@percentchar End of `\jobname'^^J}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Initial calculations.  This draws the board and then extracts the
% dimensions of the board.  It also defines some styles for drawing
% the board segments. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  inner sep=0pt,
  outer sep=0pt,
  anchor=north west,
  transform shape](b){\includegraphics{#1}};
  \split@tmp=\split@blrx cm\advance\split@tmp by -\split@bulx%
  \split@tmp=\split@buly cm\advance\split@tmp by -\split@blry%
    (\split@bulx,\split@buly)(\split@blrx,\split@blry) \split@bw x\split@bh
    ^^JPaper: \split@pw x\split@ph
    ^^JEffective: \split@ew x\split@eh
    split/paper size/.style={
      minimum width=\paperwidth,
      minimum height=\paperheight,
      split/paper outline,
    split/effective size/.style={
      minimum width=\textwidth,
      minimum height=\textheight,
      split/effective outline},
    split/board size/.style={
      minimum width=\split@bw cm,
      minimum height=\split@bh cm,
      split/board outline}}
  \node[board/.try,split/board size,anchor=north west] {};
%    \end{macrocode}
% Calculate effective sheet sizes from sheet dimensions and the
% defined margin.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \advance\textwidth by -#1cm%
  \advance\textwidth by -#1cm%
  \advance\textheight by -#1cm%
  \advance\textheight by -#1cm%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Options for the \cs{splitboard} macro.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  split/.search also={/tikz},%
  margin/.store in=\split@margin,
  paper/.is choice,%
    \hex@dbg{3}{A4 paper for split}%
    \hex@dbg{3}{A3 paper for split}%
    \hex@dbg{3}{Letter paper for split}
    \hex@dbg{3}{Tabloid paper for split}%
    \hex@dbg{3}{Landscape option for split}
  standalone/.is if=split@standalone,
  scale/.store in=\split@scale,
  output/.store in=\split@out,
  ncol/.store in=\split@ncol,
  nrow/.store in=\split@nrow,
  overlap/.store in=\split@ov, % Centimeter, no unit 
  image/.store in=\split@img,
  paper/.default=a4,  paper/.initial=a4,
  margin/.default=.6, margin/.initial=.6,
  ncol/.default=0,    ncol/.initial=0,
  nrow/.default=0,    nrow/.initial=0,
  overlap/.default=2, overlap/.initial=2,
  image/.default=board, image/.initial=board,
%    \end{macrocode}
% The actual macro. The argument is key-value pairs of options. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
       Paper:     `\the\paperwidth'x`\the\paperheight'
    ^^JEffective: `\the\textwidth'x`\the\textheight'
    ^^JNcols:     `\split@ncol'
    ^^JNrows:     `\split@nrow'
    ^^JOverlap:   `\split@ov' cm}
    \node[split/effective size,
    above left=\dy and \dx of b.north west,
    anchor=north west] (c1r1) {};
    \node[split/paper size] at (c1r1) {};
    \foreach \r [remember=\r as \pr (initially 0)] in {1,...,\split@nrow}{%
        \hex@dbg{3}{Placing first column of row `\r'}
        \node[split/effective size,
        below=-\split@ov cm of c1r\pr.south west,anchor=north west] (c1r\r){};
        \node[split/paper size] at (c1r\r) {};
      \foreach \c [remember=\c as \pc (initially 1)] in {2,...,\split@ncol}{%
          \hex@dbg{3}{Placing column `\c' (`\pc') of row `\r'}
            \node[split/effective size,
            right=-\split@ov cm of c\pc r\r.north east,anchor=north west]
            (c\c r\r) {};
            \node[split/paper size] at (c\c r\r) {};
    \foreach \r [remember=\r as \pr (initially 0)] in {1,...,\split@nrow}{%
      \foreach \c [remember=\c as \pc (initially 0)] in {1,...,\split@ncol}{%
        \split@getcoords{\c}{\r}{\split@ov cm}}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Macro used by the written file.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item first coordinate (e.g., \spec{(hex ak:c=C,r=17)})
% \item second coordinate (e.g., \spec{(hex ak:c=M,r=33)})
% \item Crop mark left
% \item Crop mark right
% \item Crop mark bottom
% \item Crop mark top
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip (#1) rectangle (#2);
      inner sep=0pt,
      outer sep=0pt,
      anchor=north west,
      transform shape]{\includegraphics{\boardfile}};
    \draw(#3,#6)--++( 0.0, 0.3);
    \draw(#3,#6)--++(-0.3, 0.0);
    \draw(#3,#5)--++( 0.0,-0.3);
    \draw(#3,#5)--++(-0.3, 0.0);
    \draw(#4,#6)--++( 0.0, 0.3);
    \draw(#4,#6)--++( 0.3, 0.0);
    \draw(#4,#5)--++( 0.0,-0.3);
    \draw(#4,#5)--++( 0.3, 0.0);
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% \fi