% \section{The \texttt{game} package}
% \label{sec:package}
% To make our game components re-usable (in particular when we want to
% make a VASSAL module), we will put our definitions of counters,
% board, and charts into a package file called
% \texttt{game.sty}\footnote{In fact, most of this document is in that
% file, because it allows us to document the code using \LaTeX{}'s
% \texttt{ltxdoc} class.}
% Code shown below is in the package.
% The first thing we do in the package is to identify the package and
% load the \textsf{wargame} package.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{The units}
% \label{sec:units}
% We will set-up our units for the game.  As noted above, we will make
% two factions which we will call \emph{A} and \emph{B}.
% \begin{quote}
%   The NATO
%   App6(d)\footnote{\url{https://nso.nato.int/nso/nsdd/main/standards/ap-details/1912/EN}}
%   symbology defines that friendly and hostile units should have
%   different symbol frames, but as we will make a game for two
%   players, and it seems unfair to label one as \emph{hostile} and
%   the other \emph{friendly}, we will stick with the
%   \texttt{friendly} base frames.
%   Of course, if we were to make a solitaire or cooperative game, we
%   might want to use the \texttt{hostile} base frame for the opponent
%   units.
% \end{quote}
% \subsection{Faction styles}
% \label{sec:package:factions}
% We will start by defining two \Tikz{}\footnote{The \textsf{wargame}
% package relies heavily on \Tikz{}. It is highly recommended that you
% acquaint yourself with \Tikz{}.  The manual, including tutorials, is
% available from \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/pgf}.} styles for our two
% factions.  We will call these \texttt{a} and \texttt{b} (obviously).
% These will define the colours of all counters of those sides.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we made the colours \texttt{a-bg} and \texttt{b-bg}.
% Since we will use these colours a few times, it makes sense to make
% a single definition which we can then freely change at any point and
% then automatically have that change propagate everywhere.
% These styles are shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:faction-colors}.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \draw[a] (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1) node[above]{\texttt{a}};%
%     \draw[b] (3,0) rectangle ++(1,1) node[above]{\texttt{b}};%
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Faction colours}
%   \label{fig:faction-colors}
% \end{figure}
% Here we have used the colours \texttt{friendly} and \texttt{hostile}
% defined by the \textsf{wargame} package, even though we said we
% would not use the corresponding \texttt{hostile} base frame.
% However, we can use any colours we can define in \LaTeX{} with the
% \textsf{xcolor}\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor}} package,
% for example,
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \definecolor{a-bg}{HTML}{3333ff}
% \end{verbatim}
% which will make a light blue colour.
% Since we intent to make \emph{double-sided} counters, so that units
% will have two steps (front and back), we also define styles for the
% back side.  These will have lighter backgrounds than the front
% side.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  a flipped/.style={a,fill=pgffillcolor!50!white},
  b flipped/.style={b,fill=pgffillcolor!50!white}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we use the styles \texttt{a} and \texttt{b} as bases for
% these styles.  Thus, if we make changes to the base styles, they
% automatically propagate to our flipped styles.
% \begin{quote}
%   By convention, it is best to name your back-sides of counters and
%   so on the same as the front side, but with `\texttt{ flipped}'
%   appended.  It is therefore also a good idea to use that convention
%   for styles and such. 
% \end{quote}
% The colour \texttt{pgffillcolor} is what ever the current fill
% colour is (i.e., set by the \texttt{a} and \texttt{b} styles). 
% These styles are shown in
% \figurename~\ref{fig:faction-colors-flipped}.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \draw[a flipped] (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1) node[above]{\texttt{a flippped}};%
%     \draw[b flipped] (3,0) rectangle ++(1,1) node[above]{\texttt{b flipped}};%
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Faction flipped colours}
%   \label{fig:faction-colors-flipped}
% \end{figure}
% \subsection{Unit templates}
% \label{sec:units:templates}
% In our game we will have two kinds of units: land, and air.
% Land units represent ground types of different kinds (infantry,
% armoured, etc.) and have two \emph{factors}: A combat factor (CF)
% and a movement factor (MF).  In addition, for artillery units, we
% will also specify a range.  Each unit will also have a unique
% identifier, and possibly parent organisational identifier, starting
% hex, and turn of appearance.  
% Air units provide different kinds of support for the ground units.
% Since we will make a game on an \emph{operational} level (armies,
% divisions, brigades), we will give air units a single factor --- the
% odds column shift (see the combat resolution table later on).
% Let us first define a template for the ground units.  We will call
% this \texttt{gu} (for ground unit), and it will take 8\footnote{Yes,
% that's a lot, but we may leave some of them blank.  Don't worry,
% we'll make more short-hands.} arguments:
% \begin{enumerate}\tightlist
% \item The unit type
% \item The lower unit type (e.g., airborne)
% \item The unit size (echelon)
% \item The unit identifier
% \item The parent unit identifier
% \item The factors (more on this later)
% \item The starting hex
% \item The turn of appearance 
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  gu/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8}{%
      symbol={% Defines the NATO symbol
        faction=friendly, % See note
        command=land, % Ground units
        main={#1},% Unit type(s) (e.g., infantry)
        lower=#2,% Lower type
        echelon=#3,% Size (e.g., division)
        scale line widths,
        line width=1pt,
      unique={chit/small identifier=#4}, % Unit ID
      parent={chit/small identifier=#5}, % Parent ID
      factors={#6}, % The unit factors
      upper left={chit/small identifier=#7}, % Hex
      upper right={gu turn=#8} % Turn
    } % end of chit
  } % end of gu
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note the \texttt{unique}, \texttt{parent}, and \texttt{upper left}
% keys of \texttt{chit} are set to contain a \texttt{chit/identifier}
% (or \texttt{chit/small identifier}) picture.  In general, all the
% keys of a \texttt{chit} and (and \texttt{natoapp6c}) \Tikz{} node
% need to be \texttt{pic}\footnote{A small re-usable picture.  See the
% \Tikz{} manual, Chapter~18.}  objects.  The \texttt{chit/identifier}
% picture outputs the text (the argument after the \texttt{=}).
% Note that for \texttt{upper left}, we used the \texttt{pic}
% \texttt{gu~turn}, which we have not defined yet.  Let us define that
% now.  This will be a picture that puts in the turn number when a
% unit appears.  Turn number ``0'' is the ``At-start'' turn, and so we
% will deal with that specifically.  Other turns should just be done
% normally --- that is, we use another \texttt{chit/small identifier} picture
%    \begin{macrocode}
  gu turn/.pic={%
      \pic{chit/small identifier={#1}};\fi\fi},
  pics/gu turn/.default=0
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we set the default value in case we get no turn number. 
% We have put the keys \texttt{scale~line~widths} and
% \texttt{line~width=1pt} into the \texttt{symbol} (the NATO symbol)
% part. The latter sets the line width to be a little thicker than
% usual.  This is to make the counters more easily read.  The former
% ensures that if we scale our counters up or done, then the line
% width will likewise scale\footnote{Other elements scale
% automatically because of \Tikz{}'s \texttt{transform shape} key}.
% For the factors, we will use two different \texttt{pic}:
% \texttt{chit/2 factors} for regular ground units, and \texttt{chit/2
% factors artillery} for artillery units.
% The template is shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:ground-unit}.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \chit[gu={infantry,,division,23,2,
%     {chit/2 factors={2,4}},D3,2}];%
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Ground unit template}
%   \label{fig:ground-unit}
% \end{figure}
% The image above was made with
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \chit[gu={infantry,,division,23,2,
%             {chit/2 factors={2,4}},D3,2}];
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% As said above, we will have artillery ground units and other kinds
% of ground units.  Let us make two templates --- one for
% field-artillery ground units (\texttt{fu}), which has a range, and
% regular combat units (\texttt{cu}).
% First the artillery unit type: \texttt{fu}.  This takes 8 arguments
% \begin{enumerate}\tightlist
% \item The echelon
% \item The identifier
% \item The parent identifier
% \item The combat factor (CF)
% \item The movement factor (MF)
% \item The range
% \item The starting hex
% \item The turn of appearance 
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  fu/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8}{
      {{[fill=pgfstrokecolor]artillery}}, % Type
      #1, % echelon
      #2, % ID
      #3, % Parent ID
      {chit/2 factors artillery={#4,#5,#6}},
      #7, % Hex
      #8  % Turn
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we pass the options \texttt{[fill=pgfstrokecolor]} to the
% \texttt{pic} \texttt{artillery}\footnote{To be explicit
% \texttt{natoapp6c/s/artillery}.} to fill in the artillery symbol.
% Note that we need to protect this by putting in curly brackets (2 in
% this case). Similarly, we protect the
% \texttt{chit/2~factors~artillery} call.
% \begin{quote}
%   In general, we may pass options (or keys) to a \texttt{pic} by
%   preceeding its name with \oarg{keys}.  However, we then
%   \emph{must} protect the it as in
%   \texttt{\{\oarg{keys}\meta{pic}\}}.  Further, if \oarg{keys}
%   contains a list of keys, separated by commas, then we need to
%   protect \meta{keys} too, as in
%   \texttt{\{[\{\oarg{keys}\}]\meta{pic}\}}.  A little clunky, but
%   that's how \TeX{} works sometimes.
% \end{quote}
% And now the combat unit template: \texttt{cu}.  This takes 9
% arguments.
% \begin{enumerate}\tightlist
% \item The type
% \item The lower type 
% \item The echelon
% \item The identifier
% \item The parent identifier
% \item The combat factor (CF)
% \item The movement factor (MF)
% \item The starting hex
% \item The turn of appearance 
% \end{enumerate} 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cu/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8,#9}{
      {#1}, % Type
      #2, % lower
      #3, % echelon
      #4, % ID
      #5, % Parent
      {chit/2 factors={#6,#7}},
      #8, % Hex
      #9  % Turn
%    \end{macrocode}
% Again, let us see what that looks like (\figurename~\ref{fig:fu-cu}).

% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \chit[cu={infantry,airborne,regiment,
%           21,2,6,4,E2,}](0,0);%
%     \chit[fu={battalion,23,21,1,3,4,E2,}](2,0);%
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Combat and field artillery templates}
%   \label{fig:fu-cu}
% \end{figure}
% The above was made with
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \chit[fu={battalion,23,21,1,3,4,E2,}](0,0);
%   \chit[cu={infantry,airborne,regiment,21,2,6,4,E2,}]
%   (2,0);
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% Finally, we make a template for air units.  We will have
% Close-combat Air Support (CAS \texttt{cas}) and strategic bombers
% (\texttt{sb}).  To make things a little easier for us, we first
% define a template for all air units.  This takes 7 arguments:
% \begin{enumerate}\tightlist
% \item The unit type (e.g., \texttt{fixed wing}, \texttt{rotary
%   wing}). 
% \item The upper modifier (e.g., \texttt{F} for fighter)
% \item The lower modifier (e.g., \texttt{H} for `heavy')
% \item The unit identifier
% \item The parent unit identifier
% \item The factor (column shift)
% \item The turn of appearance 
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  au/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7}{%
      symbol={% Defines the NATO symbol
        faction=friendly, % See note
        command=air, % Air units
        main=#1,% Unit type
        scale line widths,
        line width=1pt,
      unique={chit/identifier=#4}, % Unit ID
      parent={chit/identifier=#5}, % Parent ID
      factors={#6}, % The unit factors
      upper right={gu turn=#7} % Turn
    } % end of chit
  } % end of gu
%    \end{macrocode}
% Here, \texttt{text}\footnote{really \texttt{/natoapp6c/s/text}.} for
% \texttt{lower} and \texttt{upper} is a picture that puts the text
% given as the argument after the \texttt{=}. The template is shown in
% \figurename~\ref{fig:au}. 
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \chit[au={fixed wing,B,,A,1,%
%     {chit/1 factor=+2},3}](0,0);%
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Air unit template}
%   \label{fig:au}
% \end{figure}
% %
% The above was made with
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \chit[au={fixed wing,B,,A,1,
%             {chit/1 factor=+2},3}](0,0);
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% As we said, we will have CAS and strategic bomber wings in this
% game, so we make templates for these.  Our CAS will be helicopters
% (\texttt{rotery wing}) while the strategic bombers are planes.  CAS
% gives a 1 CF, while strategic bombers gives 1 column shift.
% Arguments are 
% \begin{enumerate}\tightlist
% \item The identifier
% \item The parent identifier
% \item The turn of appearance 
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cas/.style args={#1,#2,#3}{ % Close air support
    au={% Air unit
      rotary wing, % Helicopter
      ,, % No lower, upper
      #1, % ID
      #2, % Parent ID
      {chit/2 factors={1,0}},
      #3 %Turn
  sb/.style args={#1,#2,#3}{% strategic bomber
    au={% Air unit
      fixed wing, %Planes
      B, % Bomber
      M, % Medium
      #1, % ID
      #2, % Parent
      {chit/1 factor={+1}},
      #3 % Turn
%    \end{macrocode}
%  The templates are shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:cas-sb}.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \chit[cas={1,2,10}](0,0);%
%     \chit[sb={3,4,}](2,0);%
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{CAS and SB templates}
%   \label{fig:cas-sb}
% \end{figure}
% The above was made with
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \chit[cas={1,2,10}(0,0);
%   \chit[sb={3,4,}(2,0);
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% \subsection{Specialisations}
% \label{sec:units:specialisations}
% We will now make some specialisations of the \texttt{gu} style.
% These represent headquarters \texttt{hq}, mechanised infantry
% \texttt{mi}, infantry \texttt{in}, and so
% on. We do this because we want units of the same kind to have
% similar factors and so on.  Since almost all of our units are
% battalions, we also code that in. 
% All of these, except \texttt{ff} for field artillery units, take 4
% arguments
% \begin{enumerate}\tightlist
% \item The identifier
% \item The parent identifier
% \item The starting hex
% \item The turn of appearance
% \end{enumerate}
% The style \texttt{ff} precedes these arguments with a single
% argument for the unit size (echelon).
%    \begin{macrocode}
  in/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
  mi/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
  ab/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
  ca/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
    cu={combined arms,,battalion,#1,#2,3,3,#3,#4}},
  ar/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
  re/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
  ff/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5}{%
  hq/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5}{
  hqbg/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{
  hqregt/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{The actual units}
% \label{sec:units:actual}
% Above we defined templates for the various units.  These templates
% saves us a lot of trouble when defining the \emph{actual} units.
% Below we will make the units for each faction in the game.   We will
% define them as \Tikz{} styles, just like we did for the templates.
% \begin{quote}
%   Above we said we want to make double sided counters.  We will get
%   back to the back-side (flipped) versions of the counters in a
%   moment. 
% \end{quote}
% \subsubsection{Side A}
% Below we will define the units without much commentary.  Note that
% we use the style \texttt{a} for all our units so that they get the
% right style. Note that we pass the single argument \texttt{\#1} as
% the turn of appearance to all units.  This will be used when
% generating an \emph{Order of Battle} later on. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  a hq/.style       ={a,hq={corps,,,A2,#1}},
  a 1 hqbg/.style   ={a,hqbg={1,,A2,#1}},
  a 1 1lg ibn/.style={a,mi={I-LG,1,D3,#1}},
  a 1 1gh ibn/.style={a,mi={I-GH,1,C2,#1}},
  a 1 2jd ibn/.style={a,mi={II-JD,1,A2,#1}},
  a 1 1 abn/.style  ={a,ff={battalion,1,1,A1,#1}},
  a 2 hqbg/.style   ={a,hqbg={2,,C2,#1}},%
  a 2 1jd abn/.style={a,ar={I-JD,2,A2,#1}},%
  a 2 3gh rbn/.style={a,re={I-JD,2,D2,#1}},%
  a aregt/.style={a,ff={regiment,,,A1,#1}},%
  a f/.style={a,cas={,,#1}},%VR
  a b/.style={a,sb={,,#1}}%SK
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% KA: A2 Karup
% HO: A2 Holsterbro
% HV: D3 Høvelte
% SL: C2 Slagelse
% OK: A1 Oksbøl
% RO: D2 Rønne
% VR: D3 Værløse
% SK: B2 Skydstrup
% \fi
% Let us draw these units in what looks like an organisational
% diagram (\figurename~\ref{fig:a-org}).
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%  \node[a hq]					           (a hq)	{};
%  \node[a aregt,    below right=10mm and 10mm of a hq]    (a aregt)	{};
%  \node[a 1 hqbg,   below left=10mm and  10mm of a hq]    (a 1 hqbg)	{};
%  \node[a 1 1lg ibn,below right=5mm and -8mm of a 1 hqbg] (a 1 1lg ibn){};
%  \node[a 1 1gh ibn,below=5mm of a 1 1lg ibn]	           (a 1 1gh ibn){};
%  \node[a 1 2jd ibn,below=5mm of a 1 1gh ibn]	           (a 1 2jd ibn){};
%  \node[a 1 1 abn,  below=5mm of a 1 2jd ibn]	           (a 1 1 abn)	{};
%  \node[a 2 hqbg,   below=10mm of a hq]	           (a 2 hqbg)	{};
%  \node[a 2 1jd abn,below right=5mm and -8mm of a 2 hqbg] (a 2 1jd abn){};
%  \node[a 2 3gh rbn,below=5mm of a 2 1jd abn]	           (a 2 3gh rbn){};
%  \node[a f,        right=10mm of a aregt]                (a f)        {};
%  \node[a b,        below=5mm of a f]                     (a b)        {};
%  \draw(a 1 hqbg.south west) |- (a 1 1lg ibn.west);
%  \draw(a 1 hqbg.south west) |- (a 1 1gh ibn.west);
%  \draw(a 1 hqbg.south west) |- (a 1 2jd ibn.west);
%  \draw(a 1 hqbg.south west) |- (a 1 1 abn.west);
%  \draw(a 2 hqbg.south west) |- (a 2 1jd abn.west);
%  \draw(a 2 hqbg.south west) |- (a 2 3gh rbn.west);
%  \coordinate (mid) at ($(a hq.south)+(0,-.5)$) {};
%  \coordinate (off) at ($(mid)+(1.5,0)$) {};
%  \draw(a hq.south) -- (mid);
%  \draw(mid) -| (a 1 hqbg.north);
%  \draw(mid) -- (a 2 hqbg.north);
%  \draw(mid) -| (a aregt.north);
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \caption{Faction A organisational chart}
% \label{fig:a-org}
% \end{figure}
% Before we go on to side B, we will make a macro that contains a list
% of all our A side counters.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    a hq,
    a 1 hqbg,
    a 1 1lg ibn,
    a 1 1gh ibn,
    a 1 2jd ibn,
    a 1 1 abn,
    a 2 hqbg,
    a 2 1jd abn,
    a 2 3gh rbn,
    a aregt,
    a f,
    a b}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Side B}
% Below we will define the units without much commentary.  Note that
% we use the style \texttt{b} for all our units so that they get the
% right style. Note that we pass the single argument \texttt{\#1} as
% the turn of appearance to all units.  This will be used when
% generating an \emph{Order of Battle} later on. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  b hq/.style=          {b,hq=    {corps,,,F6,#1}},
  b lg hqregt/.style=   {b,hqregt={LG,,F6,#1}},
  b lg ibn/.style=      {b,in=    {LG,,F6,#1}},
  b k3 hqregt/.style=   {b,hqregt={K3,,E7,#1}},
  b k3 31 abibn/.style= {b,ab=    {31,K3,E7,#1}},
  b k4 hqregt/.style=   {b,hqregt={K4,,F10,#1}},
  b k4 abibn/.style=    {b,ab=    {NL,K4,F10,#1}},
  b p4 hqregt/.style=   {b,hqregt={P4,,D7,#1}},
  b p4 41 cabn/.style=  {b,ca=    {41,P4,D7,#1}},
  b p4 42 cabn/.style=  {b,ca=    {42,P4,D7,#1}},
  b p7 hqregt/.style=   {b,hqregt={P7,,D4,#1}},
  b p7 71 ibn/.style=   {b,mi=    {71,P7,D4,#1}},
  b p7 72 cabn/.style=  {b,ca=    {72,P7,D4,#1}},
  b i13 hqregt/.style=  {b,hqregt={I13,,D8,#1}},
  b i13 131 ibn/.style= {b,in=    {131,I13,D8,#1}},
  b i13 132 ibn/.style= {b,in=    {132,I13,D8,#1}},
  b p18 hqregt/.style=  {b,hqregt={P18,,F5,#1}},
  b p18 181 cabn/.style={b,ca=    {181,P18,F5,#1}},
  b i19 hqregt/.style=  {b,hqregt={I19,,F10,#1}},
  b i19 191 cabn/.style={b,ca=    {191,I19,F10,#1}},
  b i19 192 cabn/.style={b,ca=    {192,I19,F10,#1}},
  b i21 hqregt/.style=  {b,hqregt={I21,,D10,#1}},
  b i21 211 ibn/.style= {b,in=    {211,I21,D10,#1}},
  b i21 212 ibn/.style= {b,in=    {212,I21,D10,#1}},
  b f/.style=           {b,cas=   {F17,BL,#1}},
  b b/.style=           {b,sb=    {F7,SA,#1}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% SH: F6  Stockholm
% KU: F6  Kungsängen near stockholm F6
% KA: E7  Karlsborg
% AR: Off Arvisjaur (top of baltic)
% SK: D7  Skövde
% RE: D3  Revingehed
% FA: D8  Falun
% VI: F5  Visby (delay from island)
% BO: Off Boden (top of baltic)
% SO: Off (D10) Sollefteå
% \fi
% Let us draw these units in what looks like an organisational
% diagram (\figurename~\ref{fig:b-org}). 
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%  \node[b hq]	   			                         (b hq)	{};
%  \node[b lg hqregt,   below left=10mm and 20mm of b hq]        (b lg hqregt){};
%  \node[b lg ibn,      below right=5mm and -8mm of b lg hqregt] (b lg ibn){};
%  \node[b k3 hqregt,   below left=10mm and -1mm of b hq]        (b k3 hqregt){};
%  \node[b k3 31 abibn, below right=5mm and -8mm of b k3 hqregt] (b k3 31 abibn){};
%  \node[b k4 hqregt,   below right=10mm and -1mm of b hq]       (b k4 hqregt){};
%  \node[b k4 abibn,    below right=5mm and -8mm of b k4 hqregt] (b k4 abibn){};
%  \node[b p4 hqregt,   below right=10mm and 20mm of b hq]       (b p4 hqregt){};
%  \node[b p4 41 cabn,  below right=5mm and -8mm of b p4 hqregt] (b p4 41 cabn){};
%  \node[b p4 42 cabn,  below=5mm of b p4 41 cabn]               (b p4 42 cabn){};
%  \node[b p7 hqregt,   below left=65mm and 20mm of b hq]        (b p7 hqregt){};
%  \node[b p7 71 ibn,   below right=5mm and -8mm of b p7 hqregt] (b p7 71 ibn){};
%  \node[b p7 72 cabn,  below=5mm of b p7 71 ibn]                (b p7 72 cabn){};
%  \node[b i13 hqregt,  below left=65mm and -1mm of b hq]        (b i13 hqregt){};
%  \node[b i13 131 ibn, below right=5mm and -8mm of b i13 hqregt](b i13 131 ibn){};
%  \node[b i13 132 ibn, below=5mm of b i13 131 ibn]              (b i13 132 ibn){};
%  \node[b p18 hqregt,  below right=65mm and -1mm of b hq]       (b p18 hqregt){};
%  \node[b p18 181 cabn,below right=5mm and -8mm of b p18 hqregt](b p18 181 cabn){};
%  \node[b i19 hqregt,  below right=65mm and -1mm of b hq]       (b i19 hqregt){};
%  \node[b i19 191 cabn,below right=5mm and -8mm of b i19 hqregt](b i19 191 cabn){};
%  \node[b i19 192 cabn,below=5mm of b i19 191 cabn]             (b i19 192 cabn){};
%  \node[b i21 hqregt,  below right=65mm and 20mm of b hq]       (b i21 hqregt){};
%  \node[b i21 211 ibn, below right=5mm and -8mm of b i21 hqregt] (b i21 211 ibn){};
%  \node[b i21 212 ibn, below=5mm of b i21 211 ibn]               (b i21 212 ibn){};
%  \node[b f,           right=15mm of b hq] (b f){};
%  \node[b b,           right=5mm of b f] (b b){};
%  \draw(b lg hqregt.south west) |- (b lg ibn.west);
%  \draw(b k3 hqregt.south west) |- (b k3 31 abibn.west);
%  \draw(b k4 hqregt.south west) |- (b k4 abibn.west);
%  \draw(b p4 hqregt.south west) |- (b p4 41 cabn.west);
%  \draw(b p4 hqregt.south west) |- (b p4 42 cabn.west);
%  \draw(b p7 hqregt.south west) |- (b p7 71 ibn.west);
%  \draw(b p7 hqregt.south west) |- (b p7 72 cabn.west);
%  \draw(b p18 hqregt.south west) |- (b p18 181 cabn.west);
%  \draw(b i19 hqregt.south west) |- (b i19 191 cabn.west);
%  \draw(b i19 hqregt.south west) |- (b i19 192 cabn.west);
%  \draw(b i13 hqregt.south west) |- (b i13 131 ibn.west);
%  \draw(b i13 hqregt.south west) |- (b i13 132 ibn.west);
%  \draw(b i21 hqregt.south west) |- (b i21 211 ibn.west);
%  \draw(b i21 hqregt.south west) |- (b i21 212 ibn.west);
%  \coordinate (mid) at ($(b hq.south)+(0,.-.5)$);
%  \draw(b hq.south) -- (mid);
%  \draw(mid) -| (b lg hqregt.north);
%  \draw(mid) -| (b k3 hqregt.north);
%  \draw(mid) -| (b k4 hqregt.north);
%  \draw(mid) -| (b p4 hqregt.north);
%  \coordinate (mid2) at ($(b hq.south)+(0,.-6)$);
%  \draw(mid) -- (mid2);
%  \draw(mid2) -| (b p7 hqregt.north);
%  \draw(mid2) -| (b i13 hqregt.north);
%  \draw(mid2) -| (b i19 hqregt.north);
%  \draw(mid2) -| (b i21 hqregt.north);
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \caption{Faction B organisational chart}
% \label{fig:b-org}
% \end{figure}
% As before, we will make a macro that contains all B counters.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    b hq, b lg hqregt, b lg ibn,
    b k3 hqregt, b k3 31 abibn,
    b p4 hqregt, b p4 41 cabn, b p4 42 cabn,
    b p7 hqregt, b p7 71 ibn,  b p7 72 cabn,
    b i13 hqregt, b i13 131 ibn,b i13 132 ibn,%
    b f, b b%
  },{},{},{% Empty turns
    b p18 hqregt, b p18 181 cabn%
    b i21 hqregt, b i21 211 ibn, b i21 212 ibn%
    b k4 hqregt, b k4 abibn%
    b i19 hqregt, b i19 191 cabn, b i19 192 cabn%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that this is defined as a list of lists, and some of the lists
% are a little special.  This is because we will reuse this list over
% and over again, and in particular for the Order of Battle charts.
% The point is that each element of the outer most list correspond to
% a turn, starting with turn ``0'', or ``At start''. Empty elements
% are thus turns where there will be no reinforcements for the faction.
% \subsection{The \texttt{flipped} side of things}
% \label{sec:units:flipped}
% Well, really the \texttt{flipped} definitions of the units.  The
% flipped side of our unit counters will represent a ``spent'' state,
% i.e., a state where the unit cannot attack and only do limited
% manoeuvres.  In this state, all units will have a combat factor or
% zero and movement factor of 1.  Thus, we define a simple style that
% sets the factors
%    \begin{macrocode}
    /chit/factors={chit/2 factors={0,1}},
    /chit/upper left={},
    /chit/upper right={}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we give the \emph{explicit full} path to the chits factors
% key.  This is because we want to \emph{monkey patch} our units to
% have these new factors. We also clear the upper left and right
% corners on the flip side. 
% Now, we'll do a little hack.  Previously, we defined the
% \texttt{a~flipped} and \texttt{b~flipped} styles, but if you look
% closely, we can see how we can automatically define the flipped fill
% colours.  Thus we make another style that does this.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% With this, we can define the \texttt{flipped} state of all A
% counters. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  a hq flipped/.style=		{a hq       ,f},
  a 1 hqbg flipped/.style=	{a 1 hqbg   ,f},
  a 1 1lg ibn flipped/.style=	{a 1 1lg ibn,f},
  a 1 1gh ibn flipped/.style=	{a 1 1gh ibn,f},
  a 1 2jd ibn flipped/.style=	{a 1 2jd ibn,f},
  a 1 1 abn flipped/.style=	{a 1 1 abn  ,f},
  a 2 hqbg flipped/.style=	{a 2 hqbg   ,f},
  a 2 1jd abn flipped/.style=	{a 2 1jd abn,f},
  a 2 3gh rbn flipped/.style=	{a 2 3gh rbn,f},
  a aregt flipped/.style=	{a aregt    ,f},
  a f flipped/.style=		{a,f},
  a b flipped/.style=		{a,f},
%    \end{macrocode}
% Let us draw the A side counters, front and back, using the macro
% \verb+doublechits+ (\figurename~\ref{fig:a-all}).
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \doublechits{\alla}{3}{0.04}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{All faction A counters, front and back}
%   \label{fig:a-all}
% \end{figure}
% The above was produced by
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \doublechits{\alla}{3}{0.04}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% We will use the macro \verb+\doublechits+ later on to make our chit
% sheets.   This works \emph{only} because we define the back sides of
% our chits to have the style `\meta{front} \texttt{flipped}', which
% is why it is \emph{highly} recommended to follow this convention.
% We do the same thing for the faction B counters. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  b hq flipped/.style=		{b hq,          f},
  b lg hqregt flipped/.style=	{b lg hqregt,   f},
  b lg ibn flipped/.style=	{b lg ibn,      f},
  b k3 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b k3 hqregt,   f},
  b k3 31 abibn flipped/.style=	{b k3 31 abibn, f},
  b k4 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b k4 hqregt,   f},
  b k4 abibn flipped/.style=	{b k4 abibn,    f},
  b p4 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b p4 hqregt,   f},
  b p4 41 cabn flipped/.style=	{b p4 41 cabn,  f},
  b p4 42 cabn flipped/.style=	{b p4 42 cabn,  f},
  b p7 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b p7 hqregt,   f},
  b p7 71 ibn flipped/.style=	{b p7 71 ibn,   f},
  b p7 72 cabn flipped/.style=	{b p7 72 cabn,  f},
  b i13 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b i13 hqregt,  f},
  b i13 131 ibn flipped/.style=	{b i13 131 ibn, f},
  b i13 132 ibn flipped/.style=	{b i13 132 ibn, f},
  b p18 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b p18 hqregt,  f},
  b p18 181 cabn flipped/.style={b p18 181 cabn,f},
  b i19 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b i19 hqregt,  f},
  b i19 191 cabn flipped/.style={b i19 191 cabn,f},
  b i19 192 cabn flipped/.style={b i19 192 cabn,f},
  b i21 hqregt flipped/.style=	{b i21 hqregt,  f},
  b i21 211 ibn flipped/.style=	{b i21 211 ibn, f},
  b i21 212 ibn flipped/.style=	{b i21 212 ibn, f},
  b f flipped/.style=		{b,f},
  b b flipped/.style=		{b,f}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Let us draw the faction B counters, front and back, using the macro
% \verb+doublechits+ (\figurename~\ref{fig:b-all}).
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \doublechits{\allb}{3}{.04}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{All faction B counters, front and back}
%   \label{fig:b-all}
% \end{figure}
% The above was produced by
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \doublechits{\allb}{3}{.04}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% \subsection{Other counters}
% \label{sec:units:other}
% In principle one can make as many and different counters and markers
% as needed.  Here, we will keep things simple and only define a game
% turn marker.   The package \textsf{wargame} already defines one as
% shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:plain-game-turn}.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \chit[game turn chit]
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{The \textsf{wargame} game turn counter}
%   \label{fig:plain-game-turn}
% \end{figure}
% However, this has no flip side and we would like the side to reflect
% the faction currently in turn
%    \begin{macrocode}
  game turn chit/.append style={a},
  game turn chit flipped/.append style={b}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This modified game turn is shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:game-turn}.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \doublechits{{game turn chit}}{1}{.04}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Modified game turn, front and back}
%   \label{fig:game-turn}
% \end{figure}
% \section{The board}
% \label{sec:board}
% Designing the board is probably where one will spend the most time.
% The \textsf{wargame} package is not omnipotent, but tries to make it
% as simple as possible.  However, some artistic streak is a good
% thing, and familiarity with \Tikz{} is highly recommended.
% The simplest thing one can do is to import an image and superimpose
% hexes on top of that image.  While often a good solution, it does
% not always give the most pleasing board.
% The \textsf{wargame} package does not, in and of it self, provide
% fancy ``modern'' graphics (though it can be done).  Rather, off the
% shelf, it mimics classic wargames of yore (Afrika Korps, D-Day,
% Russian Campaign, and so on).  That is, it uses rather simplified
% graphics.
% For our game, we will have three kinds of terrain: Clear, woods, and
% mountains. The map will have a lot of coastline, but the scale of
% the game is such that naval units are not really called for.
% Indeed, the game focuses on land combat with abstracted aerial
% support.
% The first thing we do, is to decide a few things about the map.  We
% want to have the hexes automatically label with alphabetic columns
% and numerical rows.  We want to start our rows and columns at 1 (the
% default is starting at 0). By default, we want the hexes to be white
% (for clear terrain).  To set this up, we define some more
% keys.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  hex/short bottom columns=even,
  hex/short top columns=odd,
  hex/label is name,
  hex/first row and column are=1,
  every hex/.style={
    /hex/label={auto=alpha column},
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note how we used the \emph{full} path for the \texttt{/hex/label}
% key.  This will be important when we generate a VASSAL module later
% on.
% The key \texttt{hex/label is name} makes it so that every hex on the
% board will be a named \texttt{node}.  This means we can refer to a
% hex in \Tikz{} simply by its label.  In fact, we can use various
% anchors of the hex if we want to --- it is a \texttt{node} like any
% other node in \Tikz{}.
% The keys \texttt{hex/short bottom column=even} and
% \texttt{hex/short~top~column=odd} is mainly used by the
% \verb+\boardframe+ macro to generate a proper frame. 
% Having defined the settings, we can move on to the board itself. We
% will do this in parts. This makes it easier to get an overview of,
% and helps us in this tutorial to explain what is going on.
% The first thing we do, is define a macro that defines the coast line
% of our map.  We use the hexagonal coordinate system provided by the
% \textsf{wargame} package, but we could also have used general
% Cartesian coordinates.
% \begin{quote}
%   Defining the coastline of a map can be quite tedious.  You may
%   want to use some vector graphics editor, say Inkscape, to do
%   this.  In the \textsf{wargame} package you will find a Python
%   script to convert an SVG to \Tikz{} paths. 
% \end{quote}
% Alright, let's make our macro to define the coastline.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  (hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=SE)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,e=SE)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,e=NE,o=.5)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=NW,o=.7)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=2,v=W,o=.6)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=2,v=NW,o=.7)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=3,v=SE,o=.9)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=3,e=SE,o=.9)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=4,e=S,o=.7)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=3,v=NE,o=.4)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=3,e=S,o=.1)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=3,v=E,o=.8)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=3,e=SE,o=.8)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=3,v=SE,o=.6)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=NW,o=.2)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,e=SE)
  --(hex cs:c=3,r=1,e=NE)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=2,e=N,o=.3)
  --(hex cs:c=5,r=2,e=S,o=.6)
  --(hex cs:c=5,r=2,v=SE,o=.9)
  --(hex cs:c=7,r=3,v=E)
  --(hex cs:c=7,r=1,v=E)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=1,v=E,o=2.5)
  (hex cs:c=3,r=2,v=W,o=.5)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=3,e=NW,o=.75)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=3,e=SW,o=.3)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=2,e=NW,o=.7)
  --(hex cs:c=3,r=2,v=SW,o=.4)
  (hex cs:c=2,r=4,e=N,o=.8)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=4,v=E,o=.7)
  --(hex cs:c=3,r=3,v=E,o=.8)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=3,v=NW,o=.6)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=3,e=NW,o=.1)
  --(hex cs:c=4,r=3,v=SE,o=.4)
  --(hex cs:c=5,r=3,v=SW,o=.6)
  --(hex cs:c=5,r=3,v=NE,o=.2)
  --(hex cs:c=5,r=3,e=NE)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=4,v=SW,o=.3)
  --(hex cs:c=5,r=4,v=E,o=1.7)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=5,e=N)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=6,v=E)
  --(hex cs:c=7,r=6,v=NW,o=.4)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=7,e=S,o=.2)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=7,e=NW)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=8,e=NW,o=.7)
  --(hex cs:c=7,r=9,e=NE)
  --(hex cs:c=6,r=10,v=E,o=2.5)
  --(hex cs:c=7,r=10,v=E)
  --(hex cs:c=1,r=10,v=W)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=4,v=W,o=2.5)
  --(hex cs:c=2,r=5,v=SW)
%    \end{macrocode}
% The coast line is shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:coast}\footnote{Any
% resemblance to any actual location is, erhm, accidental?} 
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.7]
%     \draw[fill=gray] \coastline;
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{The coast line}
%   \label{fig:coast}
% \end{figure}
% As you can see, it is pretty simple.  Not too many details about the
% nooks and crannies.  Now we want to define some colours that we will
% use on the map.  As mentioned above, we will have some sea, and we
% will have some surrounding neutral countries.  Let us define some
% colours for these things. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% OK, with that out of the way, we start on the hexes in earnest.  We
% define the macro \verb+\hexes+ to produce our hexes within our map.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We have defined this macro to take a single optional argument.  We
% wont use that here, but it might come in handy at some later point.
% The first thing we do, is to fill the entire map with \texttt{sea}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \fill[sea](-1.000,-0.866) rectangle(10.,15.580);        
%    \end{macrocode}
% Then we use the macro \verb+\coastline+ to define a path that we may
% use over and over again.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \path[save path=\coast]\coastline;
%    \end{macrocode}
% Next up, we want to draw hexes that are on the coast line but also
% has land parts in it.  This is so that the hexes are complete and
% get a proper label on it.  We define the fill to be the sea
% colour, and the lines labels to be white
%    \begin{macrocode}
    every hex/.append style={white,fill=sea},
    hex/label/.append style={color=white}]
    \hex(c=1,r=1);    \hex(c=1,r=2);
    \hex(c=2,r=2);    \hex(c=2,r=3);
    \hex(c=3,r=2);    \hex(c=3,r=3);
    \hex(c=4,r=2);    \hex(c=4,r=3);
    \hex(c=5,r=3);    \hex(c=5,r=7);
    \hex(c=6,r=4);    \hex(c=6,r=5);
    \hex(c=6,r=6);    \hex(c=6,r=7);
    \hex(c=6,r=8);    \hex(c=6,r=9);
    \hex(c=7,r=6);    \hex(c=7,r=9);
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we use the \texttt{.append style} handler so that we get
% the setting from above here too (labels, among other things). These
% amended styles only have effect inside the \texttt{scope}.  Once we
% leave the scope, then the old settings are restored.
% We draw a compass needle.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    scale line widths,
    line width=1mm]
    (hex cs:c=7,r=4,v=SE) -- ++(110:2)
      transform shape,
%    \end{macrocode}
% Since the areas where we do not add hexes are considered neutral
% countries in this game, we fill the whole coast line with the
% previously defined \texttt{neutral} colour. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Here we have the first use of the saved path \verb+\coast+.  We make
% that the current path by calling \verb+\setosave+ --- a small
% utility in the \textsf{wargame} package. 
% We can now add the actual hexes.  Some of the hexes will represent
% different terrain, and that will be clear from the definitions.  We
% will put our definitions inside a scope, and the first thing we do
% in that scope is to clip everything to our coast line.  This will be
% the second use of \verb+\coast+.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that we use the \texttt{hex cs} coordinate system.  We specify
% the column (\texttt{c}) and the row (\texttt{r}) of each hex. We can
% use longer forms, of the keys if we want. 
% The southern border of A factions country needs a little special
% attention. We clip the drawn hex, and draw the border. In fact, we
% draw the hex twice, first time with a white outline and the neutral
% fill colour.  This is so that the full hex will be drawn, even it is
% only partially within the map area. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=SW)
      --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=E)
      --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=NE)
      --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=NW)
      --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=W)
    \draw[coast] (hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=SW)
    --(hex cs:c=2,r=2,v=E);
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that our clipping path is defined in the \texttt{hex cs}
% coordinate system, and how we have retrieved vertex coordinates via
% the key \texttt{v}. 
% Now we come to some other terrain: woods and mountains. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Again, we do not want to draw the hex in the neutral country to
% the south, so we clip this hex too.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip(hex cs:c=4,r=2,v=W)
      --(hex cs:c=4,r=2,v=NE)
      --(hex cs:c=4,r=2,v=NW)
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \hex(c=3,r=2); \hex(c=3,r=3);
%    \end{macrocode}
% In the next step, we will add a town to the map.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      place={(hex cs:c=1,r=1,e=SW,o=.5)}}]
%    \end{macrocode}
% The \texttt{place} key specifies the placement of the town relative
% to the hex centre.
% For the rest of the map, there isn't much new. 
%    \begin{macrocode}

      place={(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=E,o=.3)}}]
    \hex(c=6,r=7); \hex(c=6,r=8);

    \hex(c=7,r=4); \hex(c=7,r=5);
    \hex(c=7,r=6); \hex(c=7,r=7);
    \hex(c=7,r=8); \hex(c=7,r=9);
%    \end{macrocode}
% That concludes our hexes.   Let us draw it (\figurename~\ref{fig:hexes}).
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.7]
%     \hexes
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Our hexes}
%   \label{fig:hexes}
% \end{figure}
% This only defines the map.  Now we would like to make the full
% board.  Typically one want to add a turn track and some other stuff.
% Here, we will keep it fairly simple and just add a turn track.
% \begin{quote}
%   This is where we need to start to consider VASSAL.  Essentially,
%   VASSAL can split a board into \emph{zones}.  These zones can be
%   different game specific places, e.g., a place to keep eliminated
%   units, a place for the turn track, and so on.  We will take
%   advantage of this in our board definition by applying some
%   specific styles.
% \end{quote}
% Below we customise the board frame, and some other things on the
% board. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  hex/board frame/.style={
    scale line widths,
    line width=.5pt,
  board frame/.style={%
    anchor=south west,
    transform shape,
    scale line widths,
    line width=1pt,
    minimum width=14cm,%
    minimum height=19cm    
    scale line widths,
    line width=.5pt,
    minimum width=1.4cm,
    minimum height=1.4cm,
    text width=1.2cm,
    transform shape,
    anchor=north east
    inner sep=0pt,
    outer sep=0pt,
    transform shape,
  sub title/.style={
    transform shape,
    text width=5cm,
    inner sep=0pt,
    outer sep=0pt,
%    \end{macrocode}
% Let us start the board.  The \textsf{wargame} package has a tool
% \verb+\boardrame+ which will put a frame around the map as defined
% by hex coordinates.  It also output the map bounding box to the
% standard log file.  So running \LaTeX{} once with this macro in
% effect will give us some useful information.
% We will define the board in two steps.  First we define an
% \emph{environment} which holds the map, turn track, and title of the
% game, and after that we will add an environment that wraps it in a
% \Tikz{} picture.
% We define the board as an environment, so that we may put
% things on the board in our explanations of the rules. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \node[board frame] (frame) {};
%    \end{macrocode}
% This adds in our frame of the whole map as defined by the style
% above.
% Also note that we made our outer frame a \texttt{node}.  This is so
% that we can refer to its anchors without too much knowledge of its
% size.
% We have made our frame a little bigger than the hex, so that we may
% add a turn track.  We will at it at the top, and we will add 10
% turns. Here, we make use of \Tikz{} loops, and they do the trick for
% us.
% We will make use the style \texttt{zone scope} with the name
% \texttt{Turns}.  This will be made into a VASSAL zone that has a
% coordinate system that identifies it (at least by convention) as
% turn track.  We will in fact deploy a little trick here to make the
% module even more complete.  This is because we add the style
% \texttt{zone~point} to the turn number nodes below, and the first
% one will have the name of the game turn marker.  This means that the
% game turn marker will \emph{automatically} be placed there. If the
% below is a little complicated for you, take a look at the
% alternative below the code
%    \begin{macrocode}
    shift={($(frame.south east)+(-0.5,.5)$)}]
    \begin{scope}[zone scope=Turns]
      \foreach \i in {1,...,10}{%
          \def\tname{game turn}
        \node[turn,zone point={\tname}{-.7}{\y}]
        at (0,\y+.7) {\i};
%    \end{macrocode}
% A simpler alternative would be
% \begin{verbatim}
%  \begin{scope}[
%    shift={($(frame.south east)+(-0.5,.5)$)}]
%    \begin{scope}[zone scope=Turns]
%      \foreach \i in {1,...,10}{%
%        \node[turn] at (0,\i*1.65-.225) {\i};
%      }
%    \end{scope}
%  \end{scope}
% \end{verbatim}
% We also add a title using the styles we defined above.  Note,
% consistent use of \Tikz{} styles makes it very easy to change things
% consistently throughout the game. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \node[below right=5mm and 5mm of
  frame.north west,title]{A Game};
  \node[below left=5mm and 5mm of
  frame.north east,sub title]{A tutorial in the\\
     {\color{white}wargame} package};
%    \end{macrocode}
% With this, we are left with adding in the map.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      zone scope=Hex]
      % Reported by the above
      % Board Frame:
      %   BBox:  (-1.0,-0.86603)x(10.0,15.5885)
      %   WxH:   (11.0x16.45453)
      %   NCxNR  (1,1)x(7,10)
%    \end{macrocode}
% Above, we see the output from \verb+\boardframe+.  This in turn
% informs us how to set the offset of the inner most scope. We also
% see that the map is $11\times 16.45453\,\textrm{cm}$ big, which means
% our board will easily fit on standard paper (A4 or, less standard,
% Letter).
% \begin{quote}
%   The offset of $(-1,0.86603)$ is not surprising when you know that
%   the radius $r$ of the circumscribed circle of the hexes is 1\,cm,
%   and that the first hex centre is placed in $(0,0)$. The horizontal
%   offset of -1 is just that radius $r$, and the vertical offset is
%   $r\sin60^{\circ}=\sqrt{3}/2=0.86603$. 
% \end{quote}
% The outer most scope translates the hex 5mm in from both edges so
% that we may draw a nice frame around the map.
% The style \texttt{zone scope=Hex} will make this area a zone in
% VASSAL and it will have a hex grid (because its argument contains
% the sub string \texttt{hex}) attached to it.
% This end the start of the environment.  Next, we define the end of
% it.  This simply closes the scopes and the \Tikz{} picture.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This ends the environment that defines the board proper.   Now we
% wrap it in another environment that will put the map inside a
% \Tikz{} picture.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The style \texttt{zoned} on the \Tikz{} picture ensures that we will
% get a zoned map when generating the VASSAL module.  Note that we
% used the \TeX{}-like form of the environment \verb+\tikzpicture+,
% rather than \verb+\begin{tikzpicture}+, so that the various
% \verb+\end+s does not mess up things. 
% We can draw the final board (\figurename~\ref{fig:board}).
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{board}[scale=.5]
%   \end{board}
%   \caption{The final board}
%   \label{fig:board}
% \end{figure}
% \subsection{Adding units to the board}
% \label{sec:board:units}
% We have defined our board as a environment so we can add units to it
% without much hassle.  Let us add the starting units at the starting
% positions.   Since we will be \emph{stacking} chits, we will use the
% \verb+\chitstack+ macro for this.  Note that this macro expects code
% to produce the chits (rather than the unit styles).  Therefore we
% must add in some \verb+\noexpand+ in front of the \verb+\chit+
% command.
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{board}[scale=.5]%
%     \stackchits(A2)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[a hq],%
%     \noexpand\chit[a 1 hqbg],%
%     \noexpand\chit[a 1 2jd ibn],%
%     \noexpand\chit[a 2 1jd abn]}%
%     \chit[a 1 1lg ibn](D3);%
%     \stackchits(C2)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[a 2 hqbg],%
%     \noexpand\chit[a 1 1gh ibn]}%
%     \stackchits(A1)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[a aregt],%
%     \noexpand\chit[a 1 1 abn]}%
%     \chit[a 2 3gh rbn](D2);%
%     \stackchits(F6)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[b hq],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b lg hqregt],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b lg ibn]}%
%     \stackchits(E7)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[b k3 hqregt],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b k3 31 abibn]}%
%     \stackchits(D7)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[b p4 hqregt],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b p4 41 cabn],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b p4 42 cabn]}%
%     \stackchits(E3)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[b p7 hqregt],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b p7 71 ibn],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b p7 72 cabn]}%
%     \stackchits(D4)(.2,.2){%%
%     \noexpand\chit[b i13 hqregt],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b i13 131 ibn],%
%     \noexpand\chit[b i13 132 ibn]}%
%   \end{board}
%   \caption{The board with units at their starting positions}
%   \label{fig:board-start}
% \end{figure}
% The board with the ``At-start'' units in place are shown in
% \figurename~\ref{fig:board-start}.  The first part of this was made
% with
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{board}
%   \stackchits(A2)(.2,.2){%
%     \noexpand\chit[a hq],
%     \noexpand\chit[a 1 hqbg],
%     \noexpand\chit[a 1 2jd ibn],
%     \noexpand\chit[a 2 1jd abn]}
%   \chit[a 1 1lg ibn](D3);
% \end{verbatim}
% The first argument to \verb+\stackchits+ is where to put the
% stack. The second is the offset applied to each stack unit in
% succession (obviously the first offset is $(0,0)$).  The third
% argument is the list of chits to add to the stack.
% Note that we use the hex labels, rather than the hex coordinates, to
% place the units and stacks of units, thanks to \texttt{hex/label is
% name}.
% We have made the counters and board for the game.  What remains is
% the various tables (and or of course the rules).
% \subsection{Clipped boards}
% \label{sec:board:clipped}
% We are not quite done with the board just yet.  We want to make
% \emph{another} environment which will clip to a specified area of
% the map.  We will reuse our \texttt{innerboard} environment so that
% everything is consistent.   Let us go ahead and define the
% environment, and then see later how it is used. We define our
% environment as two macros \verb+\clipped+ and \verb+\endclipped+ so
% that we can use parenthesis for our arguments. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  clip board/.style={gray,line width=.5pt}}
      \clip (#2) rectangle (#3);
    \draw[clip board](\tmp@clip@a)
    rectangle (\tmp@clip@b);
%    \end{macrocode}
% Our environment \texttt{clipped} takes 3 arguments.  One is optional
% and is keys to pass to the \Tikz{} picture environment.  The two
% others are the coordinates (relative to the hexes) of our clipping
% rectangle.  Let us illustrate this with an example --- see
% \figurename~\ref{fig:clipped}. 
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{clipped}(hex cs:c=2,r=2)(hex cs:c=5,r=5)
%   \end{clipped}
%   \caption{Example of using \texttt{clipped}.}
%   \label{fig:clipped}
% \end{figure}
% The figure was produced by the code
% \begin{verbatim}
%  \begin{clipped}(hex cs:c=2,r=2)(hex cs:c=5,r=5)
%  \end{clipped}
% \end{verbatim}
% Note that we \emph{must} use the hex coordinate system.  When we
% make the clipping path, the nodes of the hex map has not yet been
% defined.  We can use this to illustrate things on the map.  For
% example, \figurename~\ref{fig:clipped-attack} show that B P7/72 CABN
% attacks A 2/1JD ABN with the code
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \begin{clipped}(hex cs:c=2,r=3)(hex cs:c=5,r=5)
%     \chit[b p7 72 cabn](D5);
%     \chit[a 2 1jd abn](C4);
%     \draw[hex/attack] (D5)--(C4);
%   \end{clipped}
% \end{verbatim}
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{clipped}(hex cs:c=2,r=3)(hex cs:c=5,r=5)
%     \chit[b p7 72 cabn](D5);
%     \chit[a 2 1jd abn](C4);
%     \draw[hex/attack] (D5)--(C4);
%   \end{clipped}
%   \caption{Example of using \texttt{clipped}.}
%   \label{fig:clipped-attack}
% \end{figure}
% Note that \emph{inside} the environment we \emph{can} use hex
% labels as coordinates.
% \section{The charts}
% \label{sec:charts}
% We will not go into details about how to make tables in
% \LaTeX{}. There are plenty of excellent resources out there for that
% purpose.  Here we will make three tables: The combat resolution
% table (CRT), the terrain effects chart (TEC), and the Order of Battle
% (OOB) chart\footnote{In some games this is called the Order of
% Appearance (OOA) chart.}  --- all of which in some respect uses
% elements of the 
% \textsf{wargame} package.
% For all the tables, we would like to use the \textsf{colortbl}
% package to colour the rows.  Here, we make some short hands for
% doing just that.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{The CRT}
% \label{sec:charts:crt}
% The combat resolution table is in some sense a straight forward
% \LaTeX{} table. Here's the definition
%    \begin{macrocode}
    & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{\textbf{Odds}}
    & \textbf{1:3}
    & \textbf{1:2}
    & \textbf{1:1}
    & \textbf{2:1}
    & \textbf{3:1}
    & \textbf{4:1}
    1 & AE & AR & AR & EX & DR & DR \\
    2 & AE & AR & EX & EX & DR & DR \\
    3 & AR & EX & EX & DR & DR & DE \\
    4 & AR & EX & EX & DR & DR & DE \\
    5 & EX & EX & DR & DR & DE & DE \\
    5 & EX & DR & DR & DE & DE & DE \\
%    \end{macrocode}
% And what it looks like is shown in \tablename~\ref{tab:crt}
% \begin{table}
%   \centering
%   \crt{}
%   \caption{The combat resolution table}
%   \label{tab:crt}
% \end{table}
% \subsection{The TEC}
% \label{sec:charts:te}
% In this table we will use small version of hexes to make a nice
% table.  The definition is as follows.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    & MF
    & CF\textsuperscript{\dag}
    & Clear
    & 1
    & ---
    & Woods
    & 2
    & \texttimes 2\textsuperscript{*}
    & Mountains
    & Stop
    & \texttimes 2\textsuperscript{*}
      (hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=NW)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=W)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=SW)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,e=S)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=W,o=.5)
      (hex cs:c=1,r=1,e=N)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=NE)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=E)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,e=SE)
      --(hex cs:c=1,r=1,v=E,o=.4)
    & Coastal
    & 2
    & \texttimes2\phantom{\textsuperscript{*}}
      \emph{Defender} modifier}\\
      \infantrymark{}\,\pgmark{} \emph{only},
      unless \artillerymark}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The result is in \tablename~\ref{tab:te}.  Note the use of
% \verb+\infantrymark+ to put in \infantrymark{} in the table.  The
% \textsf{wargame} package defines a number of macros like this. 
% \begin{table}
%   \centering
%   \tec
%   \caption{The terrain effects table}
%   \label{tab:te}
% \end{table}
% \subsection{The OOB}
% \label{sec:charts:oob}
% We like to make an OOB chart that we can place our unit counter on
% so we can keep track of which units are available when.  In our
% game, all A faction units start already on the board. The B faction,
% however, has most of its reinforcement troops way up north, and will
% therefore bring them on the map piecemeal. 
% We will use the \textsf{wargame} macro \verb+\oob+ to make our
% OOBs.  This macro uses the \texttt{pic} \texttt{chits/oob~turn} to
% make the turns.  The default setting is not what we want, so we
% redefine that picture.  In particular, we want turn ``0'' to say
% ``At start''.
% We also want to reuse the style \texttt{turn} we used
% to make the turn track on the board, but modify it a bit to fit our
% purposes here.  We therefore define the style \texttt{oob~turn}
% which derives from \texttt{turn}, but scale it down 70\%, change the
% anchor, and add some extra space outside of it
% (\texttt{outer~sep}).
%    \begin{macrocode}
  oob turn/.style={
    transform shape,
    outer sep=2mm,
%    \end{macrocode}
% Our modified \texttt{chit/oob~turn} picture will check if we get an
% empty turn number, or the special ``0'' turn, and then put in a node
% with the appropriate contents.  Note that we define two pictures,
% one which actually puts in the turn, and one that puts in nothing,
% so when we make the combined OOB we only output the turns once.  We
% then default \texttt{chit/oob~turn} to the first picture
%    \begin{macrocode}
  oob turn real/.pic={%
    \def\tmp{{\Large At start}}
    \node[oob turn,transform shape]{\tmp};
  oob turn empty/.pic={},
    pics/chit/oob turn/.style=%
    {oob turn real=##1}}}
    pics/chit/oob turn/.style=%
    {oob turn empty=##1}}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Let us see how this looks for both factions. Factions A and B are
% shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:a-oob} and \ref{fig:b-oob},
% respectively. 
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}[oob turn/.append style={anchor=west}]
%     \oob*{\alla}{4}{1.24}{0}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Faction A OOB}
%   \label{fig:a-oob}
% \end{figure}
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%     \oob{\allb}{4}{1.24}{0}
%   \end{tikzpicture}
%   \caption{Faction B OOB}
%   \label{fig:b-oob}
% \end{figure}
% These were done with
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{tikzpicture}[oob turn/.append style={anchor=west}]
%   \oob*{\alla}{4}{1.24}{0}
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \oob{\allb}{4}{1.24}{0}
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{verbatim}
% Note that the stared version \verb+\oob*+ puts out the counters
% right aligned.  This is also why we append the style
% \texttt{oob~turn} to be anchored to the west.
% The first argument to \verb+\oob+ is the list of lists of counters.
% This is why we defined \verb+\alla+ and \verb+\allb+ in the way we
% did.   The second argument is the distance between each counter.
% Since the counters are 1.2\,cm wide, we gave them a little extra
% space between them by setting the second argument to 1.24\,(cm).
% The third argument is the spacing between turn rows.  Above we have
% set that to 0\,(cm), but that we will change in the real OOB chart.
% And that's what we will do next.  This will be rather wide, so we
% when we show it in a minute, we will do so in a wide table (leaving
% the two-column layout for a minute). 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \node[board frame,anchor=north] (oob frame)
  at (0,2.5) {};%
  % Game title
    below right=5mm and 5mm of oob frame.north west,
    title,scale=.8]{A Game};
  % Chart title
    below left=5mm and 5mm of oob frame.north east,
    sub title,scale=1.2,transform shape]{%
    Order of Battle};
  % Turn title
    white,transform shape] at (0,1) {Turn};
      transform shape,
      oob turn/.append style={anchor=west},%
      zone scope=A OOB]%
      transform shape,
      zone scope=B OOB]%
%    \end{macrocode}
% A couple of things to note.
% We put everything inside a \Tikz{} picture with the option
% \texttt{zoned} so that we will get a zoned 
% map in VASSAL.  We also add the zones \texttt{A OOB} and \texttt{B
% OOB} via the key \texttt{zone scope}.  We will need to adjust the
% grids of the zones later on.  Another side effect of using
% \verb+\oob+ is that each turn will be marked as a ``region'' of a
% ``region grid'' in in VASSAL, so that the each counter will be
% automatically placed in its place on the OOB in the VASSAL module. 
% Secondly, we reuse our \texttt{board frame}, \texttt{title}, and
% \texttt{sub~title} styles to make the OOB come out in similar manner
% as the board.  We do adjust the font sizes a bit though.   We have
% also made the OOB the same size as the board so that they stack
% nicely.
% Finally, when we make the faction A oob, we turn off generation of
% the turn numbers.  This is so we do note produce those twice. 
% The final OOB is shown in \figurename~\ref{fig:oob}.  This was
% produced with
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \fulloob
% \end{verbatim}
% \begin{figure}
%   \centering
%   \fulloob[scale=.5]
%   \caption{The OOB}
%   \label{fig:oob}
% \end{figure}
% \section{Ending the package}
% \label{sec:end:package}
% At the end of the package we should end with the marker
% \verb+\endinput+.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This is the end of the package.  We will do a little more in the
% main document. 
% \iffalse
% Local Variables:
%   mode: docTeX
%   TeX-master: "game.tex"
% End:
% \fi