% Replace the information at the bottom with your document's actual
% metadata.
% NOTE that the file needs to be renamed to <name>.xmpdata, where <name>
%      is the name of your (master) TeX file.
% Symbols permitted in metadata
% =============================
% Within the metadata, all printable ASCII characters except
% '\', '{', '}', and '%' represent themselves. Also, all printable
% Unicode characters from the basic multilingual plane (i.e., up to
% code point U+FFFF) can be used directly with the UTF-8 encoding. 
% Consecutive whitespace characters are combined into a single
% space. Whitespace after a macro such as \copyright, \backslash, or
% \sep is ignored. Blank lines are not permitted. Moreover, the
% following markup can be used:
%  '\ '         - a literal space  (for example after a macro)                  
%   \%          - a literal '%'                                                 
%   \{          - a literal '{'                                                 
%   \}          - a literal '}'                                                 
%   \backslash  - a literal '\'                                                 
%   \copyright  - the (c) copyright symbol                                      
% The macro \sep is only permitted within \Author, \Keywords, and
% \Org.  It is used to separate multiple authors, keywords, etc.
% Explanations
% ==============
% Here is an incomplete list of user-definable metadata fields,
% and their meanings. Please refer to the pdfx manual for a 
% comprehensive list
% General information:
%  \Author           - the document's human author. Separate multiple
%                      authors with \sep.
%  \Title            - the document's title.
%  \Keywords         - list of keywords, separated with \sep.
%  \Subject          - the abstract. 
%  \Org              - publishers.
% Copyright information:
%  \Copyright        - a copyright statement.
%  \CopyrightURL     - location of a web page describing the owner
%                      and/or rights statement for this document.
%  \Copyrighted      - 'True' if the document is copyrighted, and
%                      'False' if it isn't. This is automatically set
%                      to 'True' if either \Copyright or \CopyrightURL
%                      is specified, but can be overridden. For
%                      example, if the copyright statement is "Public
%                      Domain", this should be set to 'False'.

\Title        {Titel der Arbeit}

% Multiple Authors: {Vorname Nachname\sep Vorname Nachname}
\Author       {Vorname Nachname}

\Copyright    {Copyright \copyright\ 2018 "Vorname Nachname"}

\Keywords     {Schlagwort\sep
               weiteres Schlagwort\sep
               noch ein Schlagwort}

\Subject      {Hier kommt das Abstract hin.}

\Org          {Universität Wien / University of Vienna}

\Copyrighted  {True}

% That's it.