The version number of all files is changed for every release. Please refer to the details below in order to see which files were changed.

2021/02/22 v1.7.1
* [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] fixing \bbldoi by switching to pkg:uri
* [udesoftec.cls] re-enabled auto-output of glossary if existing
* [udesoftec.cls] add pkg:bookmark to replace bookmarks from pkg:hyperref
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fix deprecated extrayear
* [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] fix deprecated \ifnumber
* [udesoftec.cls] remove supervisor from example front page
* [udesoftec.cls] remove deprecationwarnings for \clearscr*

2020/03/09 v1.6.6
* [udesoftec.cls] fix confidentially clause
* improve build steps for package, linting of files

2018/06/20 v1.6.5 (unreleased)
* internal changes
2018/04/24 v1.6.4 (unreleased)
* [udesoftec.cls] fix statutory declaration
* [udesoftec.cls] list of abbreviations should have more indent due to longer abbreviations
2018/04/02 v1.6.3
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fix regression with duplicate bibliography toc entry

2018/03/28 v1.6.2
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] Corrected headline showing last chapter instead of bibliography
* [udesoftec.cls] fixed german heading for list of abbreviations
* [udesoftec-doc.pdf] corrected TeXnicCenter Configuration
* Bumping version number
2017/12/08 v1.6.1 (unreleased)
* Internal fixes due to new build tool
* Bumping version number
2017/05/12 v1.6.0
* Internal fixes due to new build tool
* [udesoftec.cls] removing PDF warnings
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] new compatibility with biblatex>3.5 new naming scheme
* [udesoftec.cls] fixed list of abbreviations
* [udesoftec.bst] fixed compatibility issue with MikTeX
* [udesoftec.bst] fixed issue with @incollection missing volume argument resulting in error
* [udesoftec.bst] removed url+urldate from output if DOI is present
* [udesoftec.bst] fixed issue with @article which has month set resulting in warning
2016/08/15 v1.5.5
* [udesoftec.cls] fixed cover page to fit new exam regulations
* [udesoftec.cls] fixed bug resulting in xpatch errors due to koma update
* [udesoftec.cls] added template version to English cover page
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] updated deprecated code for new biblatex
2015/09/28 v1.5.4 (unreleased)
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed references heading wrong label and missing toc entry
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed bbl for @incollection
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] changed bbl to raggedright and set bibhang to 1.5em
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] some bbl spaces are now non-breaking spaces to improve word-wrap
* [udesoftec-bst.sty] changed bbl to raggedright and set bibhang to 1.5em
* [udesoftec-bst.sty] some bbl spaces are now non-breaking spaces to improve word-wrap
2015/09/04 v1.5.3 (unreleased)
* [udesoftec-doc.pdf] corrected package dependencies
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed incompatibility with \citemulti from udesoftec-bibcommon
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed incompatibility with \citequotepar from udesoftec-bibcommon
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] defaulting \cite to \citep for compatibility with udesoftec-bst
* [udesoftec.cls] changed quotation style
2015/09/04 v1.5.2
* [udesoftec.cls] Regression: \acadmicfield was dropped from default title page
* [udesoftec.bst] repaired doi error parsing
* [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] automatic prefixing of pages for BibTeX: if page is numeric add prefix, else use string supplied instead of page, e.g. \cite[43-56]{Bib} for citing "pp. 42-56" and \cite[B.2]{Bib} to cite "B.2" of a document without pages. In order to reproduce old behavior use: \renewcommand*{\bblInTextPagePrefix}[1]{}
2015/08/27 v1.5.1
* Improving interop between BibTeX and BibLaTeX styles
* [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] adapting formating to remove major bugs  
* [udesoftec.cls] switching class mapping of "en" to "british" instead of "english" for better date representation
2015/08/25 v1.5.0 (unreleased)
* Big code sprint and bugfixing!
* [udesoftec.bst] fixed order of elements in biblography
* [udesoftec.cls] major cleanup and reordering of cls file
* [udesoftec-bst.sty] fixed wrong font size after first ISBN/ISSN in bibliography
* NEW [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] adding basic support in the architecture of the class for biblatex. Currently the citations are barely how they should look like and the package is highly experimental.
* NEW [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] provide basic support for bibtex/bst and biber/bbx/biblatex to use the same commands for design of citations and bibliography, will be included automatically by udesoftec-bst and udesoftec-biblatex
* [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] provide support for reformating the dates in bibliography for urldate or techstandards. Dates should have the format "yyyy-mm-dd" or "". A bit of robustness is coded in, due to different exports having different date formats. In case you run into errors, feel free to report your date format.
* [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] changed punctuation for more fit towards Springer Basic
* [udesoftec-bibcommon.sty] fixed some citations not having \textsc set
2015/08/20 v1.4.8
* [udesoftec.bst] fixing regression introduced in 1.4.7 with some cite commands preventing year from being placed in text

2015/08/19 v1.4.7
* [udesoftec-doc] fixed documentation for package depencies due to used packages being updated
* [udesoftec.cls] removed deprecated fixltx2e
* [udesoftec.bst] added new doctype @techstandard for better interop with Citavi and standards, refer to documentation for further details
* [udesoftec.bst] fixed a problem with Citavi BibTeX exports having a {\textunderscore } in doi
* [udesoftec.cls] added new command \citemulti{}

2015/05/14 v1.4.6
* replaced AtBeginDocument with AtEndPreamble for better interop with other packages
* changed page margin to fit better to new font and improve readability on 4:3 tablets as well as paper while marginnotes get less space

2014/11/10 v1.4.5
* fixed list of abbreviations not being created

2014/08/23 v1.4.4
* [udesoftec-extra.sty] removed detokenize from DOI in bibtex (due to Citavi adding tokens to bibtex exports).
* [udesoftec-bst.sty] corrected spacing between edition ordinal and label

2014/07/16 v1.4.3 (unreleased)
* [udesoftec.cls] corrected auto-detection of list-of-acronyms, because sometimes a blank page was created if acronyms where defined but none was used.
* [udesoftec.cls] added udesoftec version to default output of version on titlepage for easier reference by students
* [udesoftec-bst.sty] added option for page prefix of in-text-citations (e.g. to switch easily between German 'S.' and English 'p')
* [udesoftec-extra.sty] added page prefix for in-text-citations '\bblp' - doesn't use 'pp' for multiple pages.
* [udesoftec-extra.sty] removed detokenize from DOI in bibtex (due to Citavi adding tokens to bibtex exports).

2014/06/22 v1.4.2
* [udesoftec-doc.pdf] created an rss feed for udesoftec updates and added it to documentation
* [udesoftec.cls] added auto-detection to list-of-* to just generate them if needed. So the omit-*-Options are in most cases unnecessary, but will still work in order to override the detection.

2014/05/27 v1.4.1
* minor improvements to documentation
* moved tested addtitions from udesoftec-extra.sty to udesoftec.cls

2014/05/19 v1.4.0
* splitted documentclass in two files to create udesoftec-bst.sty which holds the configuration for bibstyle and might be used separately
* major code cleanup: removed many usepackages and configuration which is not necessary anymore
* major documentation cleanup and improvement: added list of listings for easy access to code examples
* added list of listings and classoption "omit-lol"
* improved the title page background files
* updated tlmgr install for new dependencies 
* fixed font usage to just stick to one family
* changed line spacing to a more appropiate value.
* changed box size to be same for all kind of boxes (e.g. citequotepar, lstlisting)

== WARNING: your document might need update using newer version ==

2014/05/13 v1.3.8
* corrected some URLs in source
* changed default chapter design (e.g. used by list-of-*)
* added abstract with document options omit-a and long-a
* added more documentation about enumerations
* added chapter numbering, document title and toc to pdf bookmarks
* changed pdf bookmarks to be open for 2 levels
* corrected list of abbreviations design
* corrected some wrong ordering of usepackage
* changed quotebox environment to not break pages due to current problems with them using the same space as figure

2014/04/30 v1.3.7
* removed deprecated page layout combinations and thus removed complex page layout creation to fall back to KOMA defaults (thx to pointing this out unknown phone caller).
* added default binding correction (BCOR) for print layout
* major cleanup of class structure
* fixed confidentially clause

2014/04/14 v1.3.6
* fixed problems with combination of cls-options 'proposal' and 'final'
* fixed problem when no layout was chosen
* fixed missing inlinetodo-command for option 'omit-todo'

2014/04/07 v1.3.5
* added document option 'proposal' which equals all omit-*
* corrected English version of confidentially clause
* set default layout to 'screen'
* omit warning if no layout chosen
* corrected cls version number and date format
* corrected combinations of options vawi* and en overriding default labels on titlepage 

2014/03/31 v1.3.4
* added option omit-toc for research proposals
* documentation changes
** english summary updated
** minor changes to sectioning and labels
** updated link to example document
** added additional packages to tlmgr command to support OSX BasicTeX

2014/03/11 v1.3.3
* added statutory declaration to document (omit with 'omit-sd')

2014/02/18 v1.3.2
* fixed broken CRLF terminated line endings
* corrected URLs for CTAN mirror use

2014/02/18 v1.3.1
* repaired option _vawibamberg_ in combination with option _en_
* changed document configuration options like \def \entitle{my english title} to non-def commands like \title or \author

2014/01/10 v1.3.0
* switched from package expdlist to enumitem: description environment options need to be changed!

== WARNING: document might need update using newer version ==

2013/08/14 v1.2.1
* fixed misconfigured line endings and zip format

* added to support other TeX Collections
* removed problem with umlauts in lstlisting-env
* added (currently emtpy) udesoftec-extra.sty, for easier updating in case of changed behaviour
* improved documentation
* improved \parExample and \citequotepar
* added classoption omit-loa
* added classoption omit-todos
* added \printglossaries, \printacronyms and \listoftodos to \AtBeginDocument and \AtEndDocument for convenience (i.e. they aren't necessary in the document anymore)
* made \listoftodos conditional
* correct bibstyle "lastaccessed" format
* added additional sections to manual with more examples
* english cover wasn't found due to wrong filename referenced
* option for confidentially clause now available

* added version number
* updated cover page line spacing
* updated README and added instruction for cover files
* added packages listings, multicol and verbatim
* updated documentation
** added English abstract
** better outline to improve understanding
** included package listing
*** included FAQ entry for problems with cover files

* better filenames
* update to udesoftec-cover-uba.pdf: smaller filesize and undamaged PDF file

* Initial CTAN Upload