% Encoding: UTF8 @XDATA{if-common, location = {М.}, publisher = {ИФРАН}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{bolzano:pb, ids = {bolzano_pb}, author = {Больцано, Бернард}, title = {Парадоксы безконечнаго}, year = 1911, publisher = {Mathesis}, location = {Одесса}, origyear = 1851, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Переиздано в современной орфографии в кн: Парадоксы бесконечного. Минск: Изд. В. П. Ильина, 1999, с. 75-196.}, } @Book{kojeve:adr, ids = {kojeve_adr}, author = {Кожев, Александр}, title = {Атеизм и другие работы}, year = 2006, publisher = {Праксис}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-901574-56-7}, pagetotal = 512, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lakatos:fmnip, ids = {lakatos_fmnip}, author = {Имре Лакатос}, title = {Фальсификация и методология научно-исследовательских программ}, year = 1995, publisher = {Медиум}, location = {М.}, origyear = 1970, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lakatos:do, ids = {lakatos_do}, author = {Имре Лакатос}, translator = {И. Н. Веселовского}, title = {Доказательства и опровержения. {Как} доказываются теоремы}, shorttitle = {Доказательства и опровержения}, year = 1967, publisher = {Наука}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 152, origyear = 1976, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{habermas:fdm, ids = {habermas_fdm}, author = {Юрген Хабермас}, translator = {М. М. Беляева and К. В. Костина and Е. Л. Петренко and И. В. Розанова and Г. М. Северской}, title = {Философский дискурс о модерне}, year = 2003, origyear = 1985, publisher = {Весь Мир}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 416, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{ricoeur:ki, ids = {ricoeur_ki}, author = {Рикёр, Поль}, title = {Конфликт интерпретаций}, year = 1995, language = {russian}, publisher = {Моск. филос. фонд}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 411, langid = {russian}, } @Book{ricoeur:ki2002, ids = {ricoeur_ki2002}, author = {Поль Рикёр}, translator = {И. Вдовиной}, introduction = {И. Вдовиной}, title = {Конфликт интерпретаций}, subtitle = {Очерки о герменевтике}, year = 2002, publisher = {КАНОН-пресс-Ц~; Кучково поле}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-86090-054-6}, series = {Канон философии}, pagetotal = 624, origyear = 1969, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{ryle:oya, ids = {ryle_oya}, crossref = {ryle:ps-book}, author = {Райл, Гилберт}, title = {Обыденный язык}, _year = 2000, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Philosophy and Ordinary Language. Urbana, 1960, pp. 108-127}, } @InBook{ryle:ps, ids = {ryle_ps}, crossref = {ryle:ps-book}, author = {Райл, Гилберт}, title = {Понятие сознания}, _year = 2000, origyear = 1949, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {G. Ryle. The Concept of Mind. N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1949}, } @Book{ryle:ps-book, ids = {ryle_ps-book}, author = {Райл, Гилберт}, title = {Понятие сознания}, year = 2000, publisher = {Идея-Пресс, Дом интеллектуальной книги}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0011-6}, pagetotal = 408, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{jones-fogelin:tcqd, ids = {jones-fogelin_tcqd}, title = {The Twentieth Century to {Quine} and {Derrida}}, author = {Jones, W. T. and Fogelin, R. J.}, isbn = 9780155003798, lccn = 96078916, series = {A History of Western Philosophy}, year = 1997, publisher = {Harcourt Brace College Publishers}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InBook{benjamin:pi, ids = {benjamin_pi}, crossref = {benjamin:pi-book}, author = {Вальтер Беньямин}, title = {Произведение искусства в эпоху его технической воспроизводимости}, year = 1996, origyear = 1936, pages = {15--65}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{benjamin:pi-book, ids = {benjamin_pi-book}, author = {Вальтер Беньямин}, _credits = {Предисловие, составление, перевод и примечания С. А. Ромашко}, editor = {С. А. Ромашко}, editortype = {compiler}, translator = {С. А. Ромашко}, annotator = {С. А. Ромашко}, foreword = {С. А. Ромашко}, title = {Произведение искусства в эпоху его технической воспроизводимости}, subtitle = {Избранные эссе}, year = 1996, publisher = {Медиум}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-85691-049-4}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{durkheim:s, ids = {durkheim_s}, author = {Дюркгейм, Э.}, editor = {издание Н. П. Карбасникова}, editor = {В. А. Базарова}, translator = {А. Н. Ильинского}, credits = {Пер с фр. с сокр.}, title = {Самоубийство}, subtitle = {Социологический этюд}, year = 1994, publisher = {Мысль}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = {399, [1]}, _origlanguage ={french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Печатается с некоторыми сокращениями по изданию: СПб., 1912}, } @Book{durkheim:spmp, ids = {durkheim_spmp}, title = {Социология. {Ее} предмет, метод, предназначение}, author = {Дюркгейм, Э.}, isbn = 9785275018202, year = 2008, pagetotal = 399, publisher = {Терра—Кн. клуб}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{marcuse:oc, ids = {marcuse_oc}, crossref = {marcuse:ecoc}, author = {Герберт Маркузе}, title = {Одномерный человек}, year = 2003, origyear = 1964, pages = {251--515}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{marcuse:ec, ids = {marcuse_ec}, crossref = {marcuse:ecoc}, author = {Герберт Маркузе}, title = {Эрос и цивилизация}, year = 2003, origyear = 1955, pages = {5--250}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{marcuse:ecoc, ids = {marcuse_ecoc}, title = {Эрос и цивилизация. {Одномерный} человек}, subtitle = {Исследование идеологии развитого индустриального общества}, shorttitle = {Эрос и цивилизация. Одномерный человек}, author = {Герберт Маркузе}, translator = {Юдина, А. А.}, afterword = {Юдина, А. А.}, annotator = {Юдина, А. А.}, editor = {В. Ю. Кузнецова}, editortype = {compiler}, foreword = {В. Ю. Кузнецова}, isbn = 9785170110414, year = 2003, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 526, publisher = {АСТ}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kristeva:su, ids = {kristeva_su}, author = {Юлия Кристева}, translator = {А. Костиковой}, introduction = {М. Никольчиной}, introduction = {И. Жеребкиной}, title = {Силы ужаса}, subtitle = {эссе об отвращении}, year = 2003, origyear = 1980, publisher = {Алетейя}, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-89329-620-6}, series = {Гендерные исследования}, pagetotal = 256, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{kristeva:is, ids = {kristeva_is}, crossref = {kristeva:it}, author = {Юлия Кристева}, translator = {Г. К. Косикова and Б. Н. Нарумова}, title = {Исследования по семанализу}, year = 2004, origyear = 1969, pages = {31--394}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Перевод выполнен по изданию: Kristeva J. Séméiôtiké : Recherches pour une semanalyse. P., 1969.}, } @InBook{kristeva:sdr, ids = {kristeva_sdr}, crossref = {kristeva:it}, author = {Юлия Кристева}, translator = {Г. К. Косикова}, title = {Слово, диалог и роман}, year = 2004, origyear = 1967, pages = {165--193}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kristeva:it, ids = {kristeva_it}, author = {Юлия Кристева}, translator = {Г. К. Косикова and Б. Н. Нарумова}, title = {Избранные труды}, subtitle = {Разрушение поэтики}, shorttitle = {Избранные труды}, year = 2004, publisher = {Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН)}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-8243-0500-5}, series = {Книга света}, pagetotal = 656, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lotman:sski, ids = {lotman_sski}, author = {Лотман, Ю. М.}, title = {Статьи по семиотике культуры и искусства}, shorttitle = {Статьи по семиотике~\textellipsis\isdot}, year = 2002, publisher = {Академический проект}, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-7331-0184-9}, series = {Мир искусств}, pagetotal = 544, language = {rissian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{barthes:nsp, ids = {barthes_nsp}, crossref = {semiotika}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Нулевая степень письма}, year = 1983, origyear = 1953, pages = {306-349}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{semiotika, title = {Семиотика}, editor = {Степанова, Ю. С.}, editortype = {compiler}, year = 1983, publisher = {Радуга}, pagetotal = 640, location = {М.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @COLLECTION{semiotika2ed, title = {Семиотика. Антология}, editor = {Степанова, Ю. С.}, editortype = {compiler}, edition = {2-е, испр. и доп.}, year = 2001, publisher = {Академический проект; Екатеринбург: Деловая книга}, pagetotal = 702, location = {М.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{barthes:os, ids = {barthes_os}, crossref = {szp}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Основы семиологии}, year = 1975, origyear = 1964, _pages = {72--130}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{szp, title = {Структурализм: «за» и «против»}, year = 1975, publisher = {Прогресс}, location = {М.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{barthes:m3ed, ids = {barthes_m3ed}, crossref = {barthes:m}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Мифологии}, year = 2010, publisher = {Академический проект}, isbn = {978-5-8291-1239-4}, pagetotal = 312, langid = {russian}, edition = 3, } @Book{barthes:m2ed, ids = {barthes_m2ed}, crossref = {barthes:m}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Мифологии}, year = 2004, isbn = {5-8242-0076-9}, pagetotal = 312, langid = {russian}, edition = 2, } @Book{barthes:m, ids = {barthes_m}, author = {Ролан Барт}, translator = {С. Н. Зенкина}, commentator = {С. Н. Зенкина}, introduction = {С. Н. Зенкина}, title = {Мифологии}, year = 1996, publisher = {Изд-во им. Сабашниковых}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-8242-0048-3}, pagetotal = 312, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{deleuze:4top, ids = {deleuze_4top}, crossref = {logos}, author = {Жиль Делёз}, title = {Четыре тезиса о психоанализе}, year = 2010, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, translator = {Татьяны Зарубиной}, number = {3 (76)}, pages = {5--11}, _related = {Deleuze Gilles, Guаttari Félix. Politique et psychanalyse. — Alençon: Des mots perdus, 1977. Р. 43-58}, } @Book{levi-strauss:sa, ids = {levi-strauss_sa}, author = {Клод Леви-Стросс}, translator = {{Вяч.} {Вс.} Иванова}, title = {Структурная антропология}, year = 2001, origyear = 1958, publisher = {ЭКСМО-Пресс}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-04-008349-1}, series = {Психология без границ}, pagetotal = 512, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{barthes:opkt, ids = {barthes_opkt}, crossref = {barthes:ir}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {От произведения к тексту}, translator = {С. Н. Зенкина}, year = 1994, origyear = 1971, pages = {413--423}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{barthes:ms, ids = {barthes_ms}, crossref = {barthes:ir}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Миф сегодня}, translator = {Б. П. Нарумова}, year = 1994, origyear = 1957, pages = {72--130}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{barthes:ms-m, crossref = {barthes:m3ed}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Миф сегодня}, translator = {Б. П. Нарумова}, year = 2008, origyear = 1957, pages = {265--323}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{barthes:ut, ids = {barthes_ut}, crossref = {barthes:ir}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Удовольствие от текста}, translator = {Г. К. Косикова}, year = 1994, pages = {462--518}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{barthes:sa, ids = {barthes_sa}, crossref = {barthes:ir}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Смерть автора}, translator = {С. Н. Зенкина}, year = 1994, origyear = 1968, pages = {384--391}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{barthes:skd, ids = {barthes_skd}, crossref = {barthes:ir}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Структурализм как деятельность}, translator = {Н. А. Безменовой}, year = 1994, pages = {253--261}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{barthes:ir, ids = {barthes_ir}, author = {Ролан Барт}, title = {Избранные работы}, subtitle = {Семиотика. {Поэтика}}, _credits = {Сост., общ. ред. и вступ. ст. Г. К. Косикова}, editor = {Г. К. Косикова}, editortype = {gecompiler}, introduction = {Г. К. Косикова}, year = 1989, publisher = {Прогресс}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 616, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{foucault:sv, ids = {foucault_sv}, author = {Мишель Фуко}, _translator = {часть первая -- ВИЗГИНА В. П., часть вторая -- АВТОНОМОВОЙ Н. С.}, translator = {Визгина, В. П. and Автономовой, Н. С.}, introduction = {Н. С. Автономовой}, title = {Слова и вещи}, subtitle = {Археология гуманитарных наук}, year = 1994, origyear = 1966, publisher = {А-cad}, location = {Спб}, pagetotal = {408 }, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {MICHEL FOUCAULT Les mots et les choses UNE ARCHEOLOGIE DES SCIENCES HUMAINES CALLIMARD 1966}, } @InBook{derrida:gfintro, ids = {derrida_gfintro}, crossref = {derrida:gf}, author = {Жак Деррида}, translator = {С. Г. Кашиной}, title = {Голос и феномен: введение в проблему знаков в феноменологии {Гуссерля}}, year = 1999, pages = {9--137}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{derrida:pr, ids = {derrida_pr}, author = {Жак Деррида}, translator = {А. Гараджи and В. Лапицкого and С. Фокина}, _credits = {Сост. и общая ред. В. Лапицкого}, editor = {В. Лапицкого}, editortype = {geneditor}, editora = {В. Лапицкого}, editoratype = {compiler}, title = {Письмо и различие}, year = 2000, origyear = 1967, publisher = {Академический проект}, location = {СПб}, isbn = {5-7331-0181-4}, pagetotal = 432, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{apel:tgp, ids = {apel_tgp}, crossref = {apel:tf}, author = {Апель, Карл-Отто}, translator = {В. Куренного}, title = {Трансцендентально-герменевтическое понятие языка}, year = 2001, origyear = 1972, pages = {237--262}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{apel:tf, ids = {apel_tf}, author = {Апель, Карл-Отто}, translator = {В. Куренного and Б. Скуратова}, title = {Трансформация философии}, year = 2001, publisher = {Логос}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-8163-0017-2}, pagetotal = 344, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{putnam:rii, ids = {putnam_rii}, author = {Хилари Патнем}, translator = {Т. А. Дмитриева and М. В. Лебедева}, title = {Разум, истина и история}, year = 2002, publisher = {Праксис}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-901574-09-5}, pagetotal = 296, series = {Философия}, origyear = 1981, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{james:p, ids = {james_p}, crossref = {james:vv-book}, author = {Джеймс, У.}, title = {Прагматизм}, subtitle = {Новое название для некоторых старых методов мышления. {Популярные} лекции по философии}, origtitle = {Pragmatism}, origyear = 1907, year = 1997, pages = {208--324}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{james:vv, ids = {james_vv}, crossref = {james:vv-book}, author = {Джеймс, У.}, title = {Воля к вере}, year = 1997, pages = {9--27}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{james:vv-book, ids = {james_vv-book}, author = {Джеймс, У.}, _credits = {сост. Л. В. Блинников, А. П. Поляков}, editor = {Л. В. Блинников and А. П. Поляков}, editortype = {compiler}, title = {Воля к вере}, year = 1997, publisher = {Республика}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5—250—02658—3}, series = {Мыслители XX века}, pagetotal = 431, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{peirce:pf, ids = {peirce_pf}, author = {Пирс, Ч. С.}, title = {Принципы философии}, year = 2001, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-93597-016-3}, pagetotal = 542, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{peirce:ksn, ids = {peirce_ksn}, crossref = {peirce:ifp}, author = {Пирс, Ч. С.}, translator = {К. Чухрукидзе}, title = {Как сделать наши идеи ясными}, year = 2000, origyear = 1878, pages = {266--295}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{peirce:nsk, ids = {peirce_nsk}, crossref = {peirce:ifp}, author = {Пирс, Ч. С.}, translator = {К. Чухрукидзе}, title = {О новом списке категорий}, year = 2000, origyear = 1867, pages = {96--115}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{peirce:ifp, ids = {peirce_ifp}, author = {Пирс, Ч. С.}, title = {Избранные философские произведения}, year = 2000, translator = {К. Голубович and К. Чухрукидзе and Т. Дмитриева}, publisher = {Логос}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 448, isbn = {5-8163-0014-8}, series = {Феноменология. Герменевтика. Философия языка}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Peirce C. S. Collected Papers. Ed. by C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss; Arthur W. Burks. Vol. 1 - 8. Cambridge - Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1965 -1967}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{brentano:msa, ids = {brentano_msa}, author = {Брентано, Франц}, title = {О многозначности сущего по {Аристотелю}}, isbn = {978-5-900291-30-7}, year = 2012, pagetotal = {LXIV, 247 с.}, publisher = {Изд-во Института «Высшая религиозно-философская школа»}, location = {СПб.}, credits = {предисл. издателя Н. А. Печерской~; предисл. к изданию Р. А. Громова~; пер. с нем. Н. П. Ильина~; коммент. Ф. Брентано, А. Г. Чернякова~; науч. ред. и сост. словника А. Ю. Вязьмина}, origyear = 1862, _translator = {Н. П. Ильина}, _origlanguage ={german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{althusser:iia, ids = {althusser_iia}, author = {Луи Альтюссер}, title = {Идеология и идеологические аппараты государства (заметки для исследования)}, shorttitle = {Идеология и идеологические аппараты}, year = 2011, journaltitle = {Неприкосновенный запас}, number = {3(77)}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, origyear = 1970, origlanguage = {french}, translator = {С. Б. Рындина}, url = {http://magazines.russ.ru/nz/2011/3/al3.html}, urldate = {2012-09-18}, } @SuppBook{balibar:vs:zm, ids = {balibar_vs_zm}, crossref = {althusser:zm}, author = {Этьен Балибар}, title = {Вступительное слово к изданию 1996 года}, year = 2006, pages = {7-27}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{althusser:zm, ids = {althusser_zm}, author = {Луи Альтюссер}, title = {За {Маркса}}, year = 2006, publisher = {Праксис}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 392, isbn = {5-901574-59-1}, translator = {А. В. Денежкина}, origyear = 1965, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, series = {Новая наука политики}, } @InBook{vezin:fffn, ids = {vezin_fffn}, crossref = {vezin-fedier:vv}, author = {Франсуа Везен}, title = {Философия французская и философия немецкая}, year = 2002, pages = {5-34}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{fedier:voobr, ids = {fedier_voobr}, crossref = {vezin-fedier:vv}, author = {Франсуа Федье}, title = {Воображаемое}, year = 2002, pages = {35-92}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{fedier:vlast, ids = {fedier_vlast}, crossref = {vezin-fedier:vv}, author = {Франсуа Федье}, title = {Власть}, year = 2002, pages = {93-136}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @SuppBook{bibikhin:ppvf, ids = {bibikhin_ppvf}, crossref = {vezin-fedier:vv}, author = {В. В. Бибихин}, title = {Послесловие переводчика}, year = 2002, pages = {137-151}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{vezin-fedier:vv, ids = {vezin-fedier_vv}, author = {Везен, Франсуа and Федье, Франсуа}, _credits = {Пер. с фр., общ. ред. и послесл. В. В. Бибихина}, editor = {В. В. Бибихина}, editortype = {geneditor}, afterword = {В. В. Бибихина}, title = {{Везен} {Ф}. Философия французская и философия немецкая. {Федье} {Ф}. {Воображаемое}. {Власть}}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Едиториал УРСС}, year = 2002, pagetotal = 152, isbn = {5-354-00200-1}, translator = {В. В. Бибихина}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{safransky:hgm, ids = {safransky_hgm}, author = {Сафрански, Р.}, title = {Хайдеггер: германский мастер и его время}, edition = 2, location = {М.}, publisher = {Молодая гвардия}, year = 2005, pagetotal = {614 [10] с.}, translator = {{Т. А. Баскаковой при участии В. А. Брун-Цехового}}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, series = {Жизнь замечательных людей: Сер. биогр.; Вып. 956}, } @InCollection{motroshilova:dzh, ids = {motroshilova_dzh}, crossref = {fmh}, author = {Мотрошилова, Н. В.}, title = {Драма жизни, идей и грехопадения {Мартина} {Хайдеггера}}, year = 1991, pages = {3---52}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{fmh, editor = {Мотрошиловой, Н. В.}, _editortype = {Отв. ред.}, title = {Философия {Мартина} {Хайдеггера} и современность}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Наука}, year = 1991, pagetotal = 253, isbn = {5-02-008105-1}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{merleau-ponty:fv, ids = {merleau-ponty_fv}, author = {Морис Мерло-Понти}, editor = {И. С. Вдовиной and С. Л. Фокина}, title = {Феноменология восприятия}, location = {СПб.}, publisher = {Ювента, Наука}, year = 1999, pagetotal = 608, isbn = {5-02-026807-0 (Наука), 5-87399-054-9 (Ювента)}, origyear = 1945, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{husserl:li1909, ids = {husserl_li1909}, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, title = {Логические исследования. Т 1}, location = {СПб.}, year = 1909, origyear = 1900, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{husserl:li1994, ids = {husserl_li1994}, crossref = {husserl:fsn-book}, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, title = {Логические исследования. Т. 1}, year = 1994, origyear = 1900, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{husserl:fsn-book, ids = {husserl_fsn-book}, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, title = {Философия как строгая наука}, location = {Новочеркасск}, publisher = {Сагуна}, year = 1994, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{husserl:ken2005, ids = {husserl_ken2005}, crossref = {husserl:ir}, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, title = {Кризис европейских наук и феноменология}, pages = {443-459}, year = 2005, origdate = {1936/}, translator = {В. И. Молчанова}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{husserl:ideen2005, ids = {husserl_ideen2005}, crossref = {husserl:ir}, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, title = {Идеи к чистой феноменологии и феноменологической философии. {Книга} I}, pages = {241-282}, year = 2005, translator = {А. В. Михайлова}, origyear = 1913, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _annotation = {только первые 55 параграфов}, } @BookInBook{husserl:fsn2005, ids = {husserl_fsn2005}, crossref = {husserl:ir}, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, title = {Философия как строгая наука}, pages = {185--240}, year = 2005, translator = {С. Гессена}, origlanguage = {german}, origyear = 1911, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {«Логос: Международный ежегодник по философии культуры». 1911. Книга первая. С. 1–56}, _relatedtype = {reprintof}, } @Book{husserl:ideen1, ids = {husserl_ideen1}, crossref = {husserl:ideen}, author = {Гуссерль, Э.}, book = {Книга первая}, title = {Общее введение в чистую феноменологию}, year = 2009, origyear = 1913, pagetotal = 489, isbn = {978-5-8291-1042-0}, translator = {А. В. Михайлова}, introduction = {В. А. Куренного}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, series = {Философские технологии}, } @MVBook{husserl:ideen, ids = {husserl_ideen}, author = {Гуссерль, Э.}, title = {Идеи к чистой феноменологии и феноменологической философии}, books = 2, location = {М.}, publisher = {Академический Проект}, year = 2009, origyear = 1913, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, series = {Философские технологии}, } @InBook{austin:chs, ids = {austin_chs}, crossref = {austin:izbr}, author = {Джон Остин}, title = {Чужое сознание}, year = 1999, pages = {247-289}, _translator = {Руднева, В. П.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{austin:istina, ids = {austin_istina}, crossref = {austin:izbr}, author = {Джон Остин}, title = {Истина}, year = 1999, pages = {290-307}, _translator = {Руднева, В. П.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{austin:zs, ids = {austin_zs}, crossref = {austin:izbr}, author = {Джон Остин}, title = {Значение слова}, year = 1999, pages = {308--326}, _translator = {Руднева, В. П.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{austin:ksd, ids = {austin_ksd}, crossref = {austin:izbr}, author = {Джон Остин}, title = {Как совершать действия при помощи слов?}, year = 1999, pages = {13-138}, translator = {Руднева, В. П.}, origyear = 1962, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, related = {austin:htd}, relatedtype = {translationof}, } @BookInBook{austin:ss, ids = {austin_ss}, crossref = {austin:izbr}, author = {Джон Остин}, title = {Смысл и сенсибилии}, year = 1999, pages = {139-246}, translator = {Макеевой, Л. Б.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{austin:izbr, ids = {austin_izbr}, author = {Остин, Джон}, title = {Избранное}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Идея-Пресс, Дом интеллектуальной книги}, year = 1999, pagetotal = 332, isbn = {5-7333-0010-8}, translator = {Макеевой, Л. Б. and Руднева, В. П.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{popper:lrnz, ids = {popper_lrnz}, author = {Поппер, Карл}, title = {Логика и рост научного знания}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Прогресс}, year = 1983, _pagetotal = {pagetotal}, _isbn = {isbn}, _translator = {translator}, origyear = 1935, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{saussure:kol, ids = {saussure_kol}, author = {Соссюр, Фердинанд де}, editor = {Р. И. Шор}, commentator = {Р. И. Шор}, title = {Курс общей лингвистики}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Едиториал УРСС}, year = 2004, origyear = 1916, pagetotal = 256, isbn = {5-354-00556-6}, translator = {А. М. Сухотина}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, series = {Лингвистическое наследие XX века}, } @Book{austin:htd, ids = {austin_htd}, author = {John Austin}, editor = {J. O. Urmson}, title = {How to do Things with Words}, subtitle = {The {William} {James} Lectures delivered at {Harvard} {University} in 1955}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Clarendon}, year = 1962, isbn = {0-674-41152-8}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{ayer:yail-book, ids = {ayer_yail-book}, author = {Айер, Альфред Д.}, editor = {В. А. Суровцева}, editortype = {geneditor}, title = {Язык, истина и логика}, location = {М.}, publisher = {«Канон+» РООИ «Реабилитация»}, year = 2010, pagetotal = 240, isbn = {978-5-88373-180-5}, translator = {В. А. Суровцева and Н. А. Тарабанова}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, origyear = 1936, origtitle = {Language, Truth and Logic}, } @Collection{alm, title = {Autour de \emph{{Logiques} des mondes d'{Alain} {Badiou}}}, editor = {Rabouin, D. and Feltham, O. and Lincoln, L.}, isbn = 9782813000248, year = 2011, pagetotal = 182, location = {Paris}, publisher = {Archives Contemporaines}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, } @Article{duportail:alu, ids = {duportail_alu}, author = {Guy Félix Duportail}, title = {Sur le lien ultime de la psychanalyse à la philosophie}, journaltitle = {Revue de métaphysique et de morale}, year = {2005/1}, pages = {23-39}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, doi = {10.3917/rmm.051.0023}, number = 45, } @Book{passmore:slf, ids = {passmore_slf}, author = {Пассмор, Дж.}, editor = {А. Ф. Грязнова}, editortype = {geneditor}, title = {Сто лет философии}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Прогресс-Традиция}, year = 1998, pagetotal = 496, origyear = 1957, isbn = {5-89826-005-6}, translator = {И. В. Борисова and Л. Б. Макеева and А. М. Руткевич}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {А Hundred Years of Philosophy. London, 1957}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{wolff:of, ids = {wolff_of}, author = {Роберт П. Вольф}, editor = {В. А. Лекторского and Т. А. Алексеевой}, title = {О философии}, subtitle = {Учебник}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Аспект Пресс}, year = 1996, _pagetotal = {pagetotal}, _isbn = {isbn}, translator = {В. А. Лекторского and Т. А. Алексеевой}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {ABOUT PHILOSOPHY Fourth edition Robert Paul Wolff University of Massachusetts}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @InCollection{hempel:tilp, ids = {hempel_tilp}, crossref = {fe}, author = {Карл Гемпель}, title = {Теория истины логического позитивизма}, origyear = 1934, pages = {623-637}, translator = {Олеси Назаровой}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{fe, editor = {Олеси А. Назаровой}, title = {Философия и естествознание. Журнал «{Erkenntnis}» («{Познание}»). {Избранное}}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Идея-Пресс, «Канон+» РООИ «Реабилитация»}, year = 2010, pagetotal = 640, isbn = {978-5-88373-185-6}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Online{uschanov:sdolp, ids = {uschanov_sdolp}, author = {T. P. Uschanov}, title = {The Strange Death of Ordinary Language Philosophy}, year = 2001, language = {english}, langid = {english}, url = {http://www.helsinki.fi/~tuschano/writings/strange/}, urldate = {2012-07-27}, } @Book{gellner:sv, ids = {gellner_sv}, author = {Эрнст Геллнер}, title = {Слова и вещи}, subtitle = {Критический анализ лингвистической философии и исследование идеологии}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Из-во иностранной литературы}, year = 1962, pagetotal = 344, translator = {И. Добронравова and В. Швырева}, credits = {общая редакция и вступительная статья В. В. Мшвениерадзе}, origlanguage = {english}, origyear = 1959, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{quine:or, ids = {quine_or}, author = {Willard Van Orman Quine}, title = {Ontological Relativity}, journaltitle = {The Journal of Philosophy}, date = {1968-04-04}, origyear = 1968, pages = {185-212}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 65, issue = 7, _related = {Перепечатано: Quine W. V. O. Ontological Relativity and Other Essays. N.Y., 1969. Современная философия науки. - М., 1996. - С.18-40.}, } @InBook{wittgenstein:fi, ids = {wittgenstein_fi}, crossref = {wittgenstein:fr1}, author = {Людвиг Витгенштейн}, title = {Философские исследования}, year = 1994, origyear = 1953, pages = {75-319}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{if1, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 1}, sorttitle = {История философии 01}, credits = {Ред. Г. М. Тавризян}, pagetotal = 206, isbn = {5-201-01951-X}, year = 1997, } @Collection{if2, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 2}, sorttitle = {История философии 02}, credits = {Ред. М. Н. Громов, А. В. Панибратцев}, pagetotal = 190, isbn = {5-201-01962-5}, year = 1998, } @Collection{if3, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 3}, sorttitle = {История философии 03}, credits = {Ред. В. А. Жучков}, pagetotal = 182, isbn = {5-201-01992-7}, year = 1998, } @Collection{if4, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 4}, sorttitle = {История философии 04}, credits = {Отв. ред. М. Н. Громов, А. В. Панибратцев}, pagetotal = 218, isbn = {5-201-02007-0}, year = 1999, } @Collection{if5, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 5}, sorttitle = {История философии 05}, credits = {Ред. И. А. Михайлов}, pagetotal = 294, isbn = {5-201-02015-1}, year = 2000, } @Collection{if6, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 6}, sorttitle = {История философии 06}, credits = {Ред. И. А. Михайлов}, pagetotal = 228, isbn = {5-201-02033-Х}, year = 2000, } @Collection{if7, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 7}, sorttitle = {История философии 07}, credits = {Ред. В. Г. Лысенко}, pagetotal = 300, isbn = {5-201-02047-Х}, year = 2000, } @Collection{if8, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 8}, sorttitle = {История философии 08}, credits = {Отв. ред. А. М. Руткевич, И. А. Михайлов}, pagetotal = 187, isbn = {5-201-02073-9}, year = 2001, } @Collection{if9, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 9}, sorttitle = {История философии 09}, credits = {Отв. ред. С. И. Бажов}, pagetotal = 176, isbn = {5-201-02092-5}, year = 2002, } @Collection{if10, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 10}, sorttitle = {История философии 10}, credits = {Отв. ред. В. В. Старовойтов}, pagetotal = 253, isbn = {5-201-02134-4}, year = 2003, } @Collection{if11, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 11}, sorttitle = {История философии 11}, credits = {Отв. ред. В. Г. Лысенко}, pagetotal = 250, isbn = {5-9540-0004-2}, year = 2004, } @Collection{if12, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 12}, sorttitle = {История философии 12}, credits = {Отв. ред. Т. А. Дмитриев}, pagetotal = 244, isbn = {5-9540-0039-5}, year = 2005, } @Collection{if13, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 13}, sorttitle = {История философии 13}, credits = {Отв. ред. И. И. Блауберг}, pagetotal = 251, isbn = {978-5-9540-0107-5}, year = 2008, } @Collection{if14, crossref = {if}, xdata = {if-common}, volume = {№ 14}, sorttitle = {История философии 14}, credits = {Отв. ред. А. В. Никитин}, pagetotal = 267, isbn = {978-5-9540-0125-9}, year = 2009, } @MVCollection{if, xdata = {if-common}, title = {История философии}, credits = {РАН, Ин-т философии}, date = {1997/}, related = {if1,if2,if3,if4,if5,if6,if7,if8,if9,if10,if11,if12,if13,if14}, relatedtype = {multivolume}, } @InCollection{ajdukiewicz:pti, ids = {ajdukiewicz_pti}, crossref = {if5}, author = {К. Айдукевич}, title = {Проблема трансцендентального идеализма в семантической формулировке}, pages = {154-171}, translator = {В. Н. Порус}, origlanguage = {polish}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, year = 2000, origdate = 1937, _related = {Problemat transcendentalnego idealizmu w slormulowaniu semantycznym // Przegląd Filozoficzny. 1937. XL. S. 271–287.}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, url = {http://iph.ras.ru/elib/HP5_9.html}, urldate = {2012-07-26}, annotation = {критика понятия трансцендентального субъекта}, } @Article{przelecki:wojcicki:pa, ids = {przelecki_wojcicki_pa}, _author = {Marian Przełęcki and Ryszard Wójcicki}, author = {Marian \foreignlanguage{polish}{Przełęcki} and Ryszard \foreignlanguage{polish}{Wójcicki}}, title = {The Problem of Analyticity}, journaltitle = {Synthese}, year = 1969, pages = {374-399}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 19, number = {3/4}, month = 4, } @Book{badiou:century, ids = {badiou_century}, author = {Badiou, Alain}, title = {The Century}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Polity}, year = 2007, _pagetotal = {???}, translator = {Alberto Toscano}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{stroll:tcaph, ids = {stroll_tcaph}, author = {Stroll, Avrum}, title = {Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy}, location = {N.Y.}, publisher = {Columbia University Press}, year = 2000, pagetotal = 302, isbn = {0-231-11220-3}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InBook{heidegger:wim, ids = {heidegger_wim}, crossref = {heidegger:g9wegmarken}, author = {Martin Heidegger}, title = {Was ist Metaphysik?}, pages = {103-122}, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @Book{carnap:sn, ids = {carnap_sn}, author = {Рудольф Карнап}, editor = {Д. А. Бочвара}, editortype = {geneditor}, title = {Значение и необходимость}, subtitle = {Исследование по семантике и модальной логике}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Изд-во иностр. лит-ры}, year = 1959, pagetotal = 383, translator = {Н. В. Воробьева}, foreword = {С. А. Яновской}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{carnap:pmlaya, ids = {carnap_pmlaya}, crossref = {af-sr}, author = {Рудольф Карнап}, title = {Преодоление метафизики логическим анализом языка}, pages = {69-89}, translator = {А. В. Кезина}, origyear = 1932, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, url = {http://philosophy.ru/library/carnap/01.html}, } @InBook{quine:dde, ids = {quine_dde}, crossref = {quine:so}, author = {Куайн, Уиллард Ван Орман}, title = {Две догмы эмпиризма}, origyear = 1951, translator = {Т. А. Дмитриева}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, related = {quine:tde}, relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{quine:so, ids = {quine_so}, author = {Куайн, Уиллард Ван Орман}, title = {Слово и объект}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Логос, Праксис}, year = 2000, pagetotal = 386, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{pfa, title = {Путь в философию. Антология}, location = {М.: ПЕР СЭ~; СПб.: Университетская книга}, year = 2001, pagetotal = 445, isbn = {5-9292-0039-4 (ПЕР СЭ)~; 5-323-00003-1 (Университетская книга)}, series = {Humanitas}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{quine:tde, ids = {quine_tde}, author = {Willard Van Orman Quine}, title = {Two Dogmas of Empiricism}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, year = 1951, issue = 1, volume = 60, month = 1, pages = {20-43}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, related = {quine:dde}, relatedtype = {bytranslator}, } @InCollection{ayer:yail, ids = {ayer_yail}, crossref = {af-it}, author = {Айер, Альфред Д.}, title = {Язык, истина и логика (глава 6)}, pages = {50-65}, translator = {А. А. Яковлева}, origyear = 1936, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Ayer A. J. Language, Truth and Logic. Harmonds- worth, 1980. P. 136-158}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @InBook{wittgenstein:lft1994, ids = {wittgenstein_lft1994}, crossref = {wittgenstein:fr1}, author = {Людвиг Витгенштейн}, title = {Логико-философский трактат}, year = 1994, origyear = 1921, pages = {1-73}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{wittgenstein:fr1, ids = {wittgenstein_fr1}, crossref = {wittgenstein:fr}, editor = {М. С. Козловой}, editortype = {compiler}, introduction = {М. С. Козловой}, annotator = {М. С. Козловой}, part = {I}, _pagetotal = 612, isbn = {5-7333-0485-6}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{wittgenstein:fr2, ids = {wittgenstein_fr2}, crossref = {wittgenstein:fr}, _author = {Людвиг Витгенштейн}, _editor = {М. С. Козловой}, _editortype = {compiler}, introduction = {М. С. Козловой}, _annotator = {М. С. Козловой}, part = {II}, isbn = {5-7333-0485-5}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{wittgenstein:fr, ids = {wittgenstein_fr}, author = {Людвиг Витгенштейн}, title = {Философские работы}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Гнозис}, year = 1994, series = {Феноменология, Герменевтика, Философия языка}, translator = {М. С. Козловой and Ю. А. Асеева}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{bibikhin:wsa, ids = {bibikhin_wsa}, author = {Бибихин, В. В.}, title = {Витгенштейн}, subtitle = {смена аспекта}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Институт философии, теологии и истории св. Фомы}, year = 2005, pagetotal = 576, isbn = {5-94242-011-4}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{moore:pe-ru, ids = {moore_pe_ru}, author = {Джордж Эдвард Мур}, editor = {Нарского, И. С.}, editortype = {geneditor}, title = {Принципы этики}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Прогресс}, year = 1984, origdate = 1903, pagetotal = 327, translator = {Коноваловой, Л. В.}, origlanguage = {english}, introduction = {Нарского, И. С. and Коноваловой, Л. В.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{moore:dvm, ids = {moore_dvm}, crossref = {af-it}, author = {Джордж Эдвард Мур}, title = {Доказательство внешнего мира}, pages = {66-83}, translator = {И. В. Борисовой}, origlanguage = {english}, origdate = 1939, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {впервые: The Proceedings of the British Academy. V. XXV. Данный перевод по изданию: Moore G. Е. hilosophical Papers. L., 1959. P. 127-151.}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @InCollection{moore:zzs, ids = {moore_zzs}, crossref = {af-sr}, author = {Джордж Эдвард Мур}, title = {Защита здравого смысла}, pages = {51-75}, translator = {И. В. Борисовой}, origlanguage = {english}, origdate = 1925, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Moore G. Е. Phllosophlcal Papers. L.-N.-У., 1959, рр. 32-59}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @InCollection{moore:ps, ids = {moore_ps}, crossref = {ife2008}, author = {Джордж Эдвард Мур}, title = {Природа суждения}, pages = {186-204}, translator = {И. В. Борисовой}, origlanguage = {english}, origdate = 1899, commentator = {И. В. Борисовой}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Moore, G. E. 1899: “The Nature of Judgment,” Mind 8, 176-93}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Collection{ife2008, credits = {Ин-т философии РАН}, title = {Историко-философский ежегодник 2008}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Наука}, year = 2009, pagetotal = 421, isbn = {978-5-02-036810-1}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{ife98, title = {Историко-философский ежегодник'98}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Наука}, year = 2000, pagetotal = 427, isbn = {5-02-008360-7}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{russell:mfr, ids = {russell_mfr}, crossref = {af-it}, author = {Бертран Рассел}, title = {Мое философское развитие}, pages = {11-27}, translator = {А. А. Яковлева}, origyear = 1959, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Russell В. My Philosophical Development. L., 1975.}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{preston:ap, ids = {preston_ap}, title = {Analytic Philosophy}, subtitle = {The History of an Illusion}, author = {Preston, Aaron}, isbn = 9781441131966, series = {Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy}, year = 2010, pagetotal = 208, publisher = {CONTINUUM}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InBook{frege:osz, ids = {frege_osz}, crossref = {frege:lls}, author = {Фреге, Готтлоб}, title = {О смысле и значении}, pages = {230-246}, year = 2000, origyear = 1892, origtitle = {Über Sinn und Bedeutung}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{frege:opp, ids = {frege_opp}, crossref = {frege:lls}, author = {Фреге, Готтлоб}, title = {О понятии и предмете}, pages = {253-262}, year = 2000, origyear = 1892, origtitle = {Über Begriff und Gegenstand}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @INBOOK{frege:mli, crossref = {frege:lls}, author = {Фреге, Готтлоб}, title = {Мысль. Логическое исследование}, pages = {326-342}, year = 2000, origyear = 1919, origtitle = {Der Gedanke. Eine logische Untersuchung}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{frege:ip, crossref = {frege:lls}, author = {Фреге, Готтлоб}, title = {Исчисление понятий, язык формул чистого мышления, построенный по образцу арифметического}, pages = {65-142}, year = 2000, origyear = 1879, origtitle = {Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{frege:lls, ids = {frege_lls}, author = {Фреге, Готтлоб}, editor = {3. А. Кузичевой}, title = {Логика и логическая семантика}, subtitle = {Сборник трудов}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Аспект Пресс}, year = 2000, pagetotal = 512, isbn = {5-7567-0128-1}, translator = {Б. В. Бирюкова}, _credits = {введение и послесловие Б. В. Бирюкова~; комментарии Б. В. Бирюкова и 3. А. Кузичевой}, introduction = {Б. В. Бирюкова}, afterword = {Б. В. Бирюкова}, commentator = {Б. В. Бирюкова and 3. А. Кузичевой}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, annotation = {Учебное пособие для студентов вузов}, } @Collection{af-sr, editor = {Грязнова, А. Ф.}, editortype = {geneditor}, editora = {Грязнова, А. Ф.}, editoratype = {compiler}, introduction = {Грязнова, А. Ф.}, title = {Аналитическая философия}, subtitle = {Становление и развитие (антолоrия)}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Дом интеллект. книги. Прогресс-Традиция}, year = 1998, pagetotal = 528, credits = {пер. с англ., нем.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{af-it, title = {Аналитическая философия}, subtitle = {Избранные тексты}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Изд-во МГУ}, year = 1993, pagetotal = 181, isbn = {5-211-02147-9}, origlanguage = {english}, translator = {И. В. Борисовой and А. Л. Золкина and А. А. Яковлева}, introduction = {А. Ф. Грязнова}, editor = {А. Ф. Грязнова}, editortype = {compiler}, commentator = {А. Ф. Грязнова}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{russell:op1919, ids = {russell_op1919}, author = {Bertrand Russell}, title = {On Propositions: What They Are and How They Mean}, journaltitle = {Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Aristotelian Society}, year = 1919, pages = {1-43}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 2, issuetitle = {Problems of Science and Philosophy}, eprint = 4106441, eprinttype = {jstor}, _url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4106441}, } @InCollection{rescher:vpaf, ids = {rescher_vpaf}, crossref = {af-sr}, author = {Н. Решер}, title = {Взлет и падение аналитической философии}, pages = {454-465}, translator = {А. В. Пономаревой}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, url = {http://philosophy.ru/library/lang/rescher.html}, urldate = {2012-07-13}, } @Book{russell:it, ids = {russell_it}, author = {Бертран Рассел}, title = {Избранные труды}, location = {Новосибирск}, publisher = {Сибирское университетское издательство}, year = 2007, pagetotal = 260, introduction = {В. А. Суровцева}, _credits = {вступительная статья В. А. Суровцева~; пер. с англ. В. В. Целищева and В. А. Суровцева}, translator = {В. В. Целищева and В. А. Суровцева}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{russell:oo, ids = {russell_oo}, crossref = {russell:it}, author = {Бертран Рассел}, title = {Об обозначении}, translator = {В. А. Суровцева}, pages = {18-32}, origlanguage = {english}, origyear = 1905, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, url = {http://www.katrechko.narod.ru/library/russel/on-denoting.html}, _related = {russell:od}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Article{russell:od, ids = {russell_od}, author = {Bertrand Russell}, title = {On Denoting}, journal = {Mind. New Series}, year = 1905, number = 56, pages = {479-493}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 14, month = 10, _related = {russell:oo}, _relatedtype = {translatedas}, } @Collection{analfil, editor = {М. В. Лебедева and А. З. Черняка}, title = {Аналитическая философия}, subtitle = {Учебное пособие}, location = {М.}, publisher = {ИПК РУДН}, year = 2006, pagetotal = 622, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{russell:fla, ids = {russell_fla}, crossref = {russell:fla-book}, title = {Философия логического атомизма}, origdate = 1918, pages = {3-108}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{russell:op, ids = {russell_op}, crossref = {russell:fla-book}, title = {О пропозициях: что они собой представляют и каким образом обозначают}, origdate = 1919, pages = {109-145}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{russell:la, ids = {russell_la}, crossref = {russell:fla-book}, title = {Логический атомизм}, origdate = 1924, pages = {146-167}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{russell:lo, ids = {russell_lo}, crossref = {russell:fla-book}, title = {Логика и онтология}, origdate = 1957, pages = {168-174}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @SuppBook{surovtsev:la, ids = {surovtsev_la}, crossref = {russell:fla-book}, author = {В. А. Суровцев}, title = {Логический атомизм}, subtitle = {источники и перспективы одной коллизии}, pages = {180-191}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{russell:fla-book, ids = {russell_flabook}, author = {Бертран Рассел}, title = {Философия логического атомизма}, location = {Томск}, publisher = {Водолей}, year = 1999, pagetotal = 192, isbn = {5-7137-0127-1}, translator = {В. А. Суровцева}, commentator = {В. А. Суровцева}, afterword = {В. А. Суровцева}, _origlanguage ={english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{russell:im, ids = {russell_im}, author = {Бертран Рассел}, title = {Искусство мыслить}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Идея-Пресс, Дом интеллектуальной книги}, year = 1999, pagetotal = 240, translator = {Козловой, Е. Н. and Назаровой, О. А. and Сычевой, С. Г.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, edition = {2-е изд., испр.}, isbn = {5-7333-0007-8}, } @Book{frege:lft, ids = {frege_lft}, author = {Фреге, Готлоб}, title = {Логико-философские труды}, media = {text}, credits = {пер. с англ., нем., франц. В. А. Суровцева}, _translator = {В. А. Суровцева}, _origlanguage ={english and german and french}, location = {Новосибирск}, publisher = {Сиб. унив. изд-во}, year = 2008, pagetotal = 283, series = {Пути философии}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{fsi, title = {Философия в систематическом изложении}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Территория будущего}, year = 2006, pagetotal = 440, series = {Университетская библиотека Александра Погорельского}, isbn = {5-91129-011-1}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{herrmann:pphh, ids = {herrmann_pphh}, author = {Херрманн, Ф.-В. фон}, title = {Понятие феноменологии у Хайдеггера и Гуссерля}, subtitle = {Сборник}, location = {Мн.}, publisher = {Пропилеи}, year = 2000, pagetotal = 192, isbn = {985-6329-41-8}, translator = {И. Инишева}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{brentano:petz, ids = {brentano_petz}, crossref = {brentano:ir}, title = {Психология с эмпирической точки зрения}, pages = {11-91}, origyear = 1874, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{brentano:ir, ids = {brentano_ir}, author = {Брентано, Ф.}, title = {Избранные работы}, editor = {В. Анашвили}, editortype = {compiler}, translator = {В. Анашвили}, origlanguage = {german}, location = {М.}, year = 1996, publisher = {Дом интеллект. книги, Рус. феноменол. общ-во}, isbn = {5-7333-0428-6}, pagetotal = 176, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{brentano:pns, ids = {brentano_pns}, title = {О происхождении нравственного познания}, author = {Брентано, Ф.}, translator = {А. А. Анипко}, origlanguage = {german}, isbn = 9785893293203, series = {Метафизические исследования}, year = 2000, location = {СПб.}, publisher = {Алетейя}, pagetotal = 202, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @SuppBook{gak:tss, ids = {gak_tss}, crossref = {tesniere:gss}, author = {В. Г. Гак}, title = {Л. Теньер и его структурный синтаксис}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{tesniere:gss, ids = {tesniere_gss}, title = {Основы структурного синтаксиса}, origtitle = {Éléments de Syntaxe Structurale}, language = {russian}, pagetotal = 656, series = {Языковеды мира~/ редкол.: Г. В. Степанов (пред.) [и др.]}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Прогресс}, author = {Теньер, Люсьен}, translator = {И. М. Богуславского and Л. И. Лухт and Б. П. Нарумова and С. Л. Сахно}, editor = {В. Г. Гака}, editortype = {geneditor}, foreword = {В. Г. Гака}, year = 1988, langid = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, } @Book{descombes:ds, ids = {descombes_ds}, title = {Дополнение к субъекту}, subtitle = {Исследование феномена действия от собственного лица}, origtitle = {Le complément de sujet: Enquête sur le fait d'agir de soi-même}, isbn = {978-5-86793-827-7}, language = {russian}, pagetotal = 576, series = {Интеллектуальная история}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Новое литературное обозрение}, author = {Декомб, Винсент}, translator = {Голованивской, Марии}, year = 2011, langid = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, _related = {descombes:cs}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{descombes:cs, ids = {descombes_cs}, title = {Le complément de sujet}, subtitle = {Enquête sur le fait d'agir de soi-même}, author = {Descombes, Vincent}, isbn = 9782070761302, lccn = 2004430666, series = {NRF Essais}, year = 2004, publisher = {Gallimard}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, } @Book{ciganenko:es, ids = {ciganenko_es}, author = {Цыганенко, Г. П.}, title = {Этимологический словарь русского языка}, subtitle = {Более 5 000 слов}, edition = {2-е изд., перераб. и доп.}, location = {К.}, publisher = {Рад. шк.}, year = 1989, pagetotal = 511, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, isbn = {5-330-00735-6}, } @Book{sartre:bin, ids = {sartre_bin}, title = {Бытие и ничто}, subtitle = {Опыт феноменологической онтологии}, author = {Сартр, Жан-Поль}, isbn = {5-250-02729-6}, series = {Мыслители ХХ века}, year = 2000, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 639, publisher = {Республика}, translator = {В. И. Колядко}, foreword = {В. И. Колядко}, annotator = {В. И. Колядко and Р. К. Медведевой}, origyear = 1943, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{zizek:ldl, ids = {zizek_ldl}, crossref = {rs11}, author = {Žižek, Slavoj}, title = {The Lamella of David Lynch}, pages = {205-220}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InCollection{feldstein:pgw, ids = {feldstein_pgw}, crossref = {rs11}, author = {Feldstein, Richard}, title = {The Phallic Gaze of Wonderland}, pages = {149-174}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InCollection{quinet:gao, ids = {quinet_gao}, crossref = {rs11}, author = {Antonio Quinet}, title = {The Gaze as an Object}, pages = {139-148}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InCollection{ragland:rbvg, ids = {ragland_rbvg}, crossref = {rs11}, author = {Ellie Ragland}, title = {The Relation Between the Voice And the Gaze}, pages = {187-204}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Collection{rs11, title = {Reading Seminar XI}, subtitle = {Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: Including the First English Translation of ``Position of the Unconscious'' by Jacques Lacan}, editor = {Richard Feldstein and Bruce Fink and Maire Jaanus}, _serieseditor ={Henry Sussman}, series = {SUNY Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture}, publisher = {State University of New York Press}, language = {english}, year = 1995, langid = {english}, } @Article{shepherdson:pf, ids = {shepherdson_pf}, author = {Charles Shepherdson}, title = {A Pound of Flesh: Lacan's Reading of ``The Visible and the Invisible''}, journaltitle = {Diacritics}, number = 4, volume = 27, year = 1997, pages = {70--86}, issue = {Winter}, publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press}, eprint = 1566262, eprinttype = {jstor}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{winnicott:mdim, ids = {winnicott_mdim}, author = {Дональд Вудс Винникотт}, title = {Маленькие дети и их матери}, translator = {Н. М. Падалко}, series = {Библиотека психологии и психотерапии}, publisher = {Независимая фирма «Класс»}, year = 1998, pagetotal = 80, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{pluth:sa, ids = {pluth_sa}, author = {Ed Pluth}, title = {Signifiers and Acts}, subtitle = {Freedom in Lacan's Theory of the Subject}, series = {Suny Series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature}, publisher = {State University of New York Press}, year = 2008, isbn = 9780791472446, pagetotal = 208, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{Pluth:bpn, title = {{Badiou}: A Philosophy of the New}, series = {Key Contemporary Thinkers}, author = {Ed Pluth}, publisher = {Polity}, year = 2010, edition = 1, isbn = 9780745642789, pagetotal = 224, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{husserl:li21, ids = {husserl_li21}, crossref = {husserl:soch}, author = {Гуссерль, Эдмунд}, title = {Логические исследования. Т. II~(1)}, volume = {Т. 3~(1)}, translator = {В. И. Молчанова}, origyear = 1901, origlanguage = {german}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Гнозис, Дом интеллектуальной книги}, year = 2001, pagetotal = 472, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{lacan:hamlet, ids = {lacan_hamlet}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet}, journaltitle = {Yale French Studies}, number = {55/56}, year = 1977, issuetitle = {Literature and Psychoanalysis. The Question of Reading: Otherwise}, pages = {11-52}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{agamben:cqv, ids = {agamben_cqv}, author = {Agamben, Giorgio}, title = {La communauté qui vient}, subtitle = {Théorie de la singularité quelconque}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {Seuil}, year = 1990, pagetotal = 118, origlanguage = {italian}, translator = {Marilène Raiola}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, isbn = {978-2-02-012376-1}, } @Book{freud:ops, ids = {freud_ops}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Очерки по психологии сексуальности}, location = {М.}, publisher = {МЦ «Система»}, year = 1990, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:hsa, ids = {freud_hsa}, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Hemmung, Symptom und Angst}, crossref = {freud:gw}, volume = {XIV}, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @Book{freud:gw14, ids = {freud_gw14}, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, maintitle = {Gesammelte Werke}, sorttitle = {Gesammelte Werke 14}, location = {London}, volume = {XIV}, origyear = 1926, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @MVBook{freud:gw, ids = {freud_gw}, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Gesammelte Werke}, date = {1940/1952}, location = {London}, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @Book{merleau-ponty:ew, ids = {merleau-ponty_ew}, author = {Merleau-Ponty, M.}, title = {The essential writing of Merleau-Ponty}, editor = {A. L. 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Статья в Британской энциклопедии}, year = 1991, number = 1, origyear = 1939, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, pages = {12--21}, crossref = {logos}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{husserl:fsn, ids = {husserl_fsn}, author = {Гуссерль, Эдмунд}, title = {Философия как строгая наука}, year = 1911, book = 1, origyear = 1911, language = {russian}, crossref = {logos-mefk}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{dekart:pf, ids = {dekart_pf}, author = {Декарт, Рене}, title = {Первоначала философии}, pages = {297--422}, language = {russian}, crossref = {dekart:s1}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{dekart:rm, ids = {dekart_rm}, author = {Декарт, Рене}, title = {Рассуждение о методе}, pages = {250--296}, language = {russian}, crossref = {dekart:s1}, langid = {russian}, } @SuppBook{derrida:d, ids = {derrida_d}, crossref = {gurko:td}, author = {Деррида, Жак}, title = {Différance}, pages = {124-158}, translator = {Елена Гурко}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{dobrokhotov:een, ids = {dobrokhotov_een}, author = {Доброхотов, Александр Львович}, title = {Эпохи европейского нравственного самосознания}, year = 2000, language = {russian}, issue = 1, pages = {70--87}, crossref = {em}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{lacan:ibb, ids = {lacan_ibb}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Инстанция буквы в бессознательном или судьба разума после Фрейда}, pages = {54--87}, origyear = 1957, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, crossref = {lacan:ib-book}, langid = {russian}, shorttitle = {Инстанция буквы~\textellipsis\isdot}, } @InBook{lacan:ns, ids = {lacan_ns}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Ниспровержение субъекта и диалектика желания в бессознательном у Фрейда}, pages = {148--183}, language = {russian}, crossref = {lacan:ib-book}, langid = {russian}, shorttitle = {Ниспровержение субъекта~\textellipsis\isdot}, } @InBook{lacan:svr, ids = {lacan_svr}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Символическое, воображаемое, реальное}, pages = {9--50}, language = {russian}, crossref = {lacan:io}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{lacan:sz, ids = {lacan_sz}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Стадия зеркала и ее роль в формировании функции Я}, origyear = 1949, pages = {7--14}, language = {russian}, crossref = {lacan:ib-book}, langid = {russian}, shorttitle = {Стадия зеркала и ее роль~\textellipsis\isdot}, } @InCollection{lacan:sz-98, ids = {lacan_sz-98}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Стадия зеркала как образующая функцию Я, какой она раскрывается в психоаналитическом опыте}, pages = {136--142}, language = {russian}, crossref = {kkm1}, langid = {russian}, shorttitle = {Стадия зеркала как образующая~\textellipsis\isdot}, } @InCollection{levinas:dr, ids = {levinas_dr}, author = {Левинас, Эммануэль}, title = {Диахрония и репрезентация}, pages = {141--61}, language = {russian}, crossref = {it}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{levinas:vd, ids = {levinas_vd}, author = {Левинас, Эммануэль}, title = {Время и другое}, pages = {89--138}, language = {russian}, crossref = {pfg}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{levinas:zs, ids = {levinas_zs}, author = {Левинас, Эммануэль}, title = {Значение и смысл}, pages = {82--116}, language = {russian}, crossref = {oer}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{nancy:osb, ids = {nancy_osb}, author = {Нанси, Жан-Люк}, title = {О со-бытии}, pages = {91--102}, language = {russian}, crossref = {fmh}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{nietzsche:si, ids = {nietzsche_si}, author = {Ницше, Фридрих}, title = {Сумерки идолов, или как философствуют молотом}, language = {russian}, pages = {556--630}, crossref = {nietzsche:s2}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{mirandola:rdc, ids = {mirandola_rdc}, author = {Пико делла Мирандола, Джованни}, title = {Речь о достоинстве человека}, year = 1962, volume = 1, pages = {506--514}, translator = {Л. Брагиной}, language = {russian}, url = {http://www.humanities.edu.ru/db/msg/22090}, urldate = {2008-08-12}, crossref = {ie}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:bsz-07, ids = {freud_bsz-07}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Бессознательное}, pages = {12--58}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:psf}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:narz-07, ids = {freud_narz-07}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {О введении понятия «нарцизм»}, pages = {180--207}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:psf}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:pm-07, ids = {freud_pm-07}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Печаль и меланхолия}, pages = {208--223}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:psf}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:pma, ids = {freud_pma}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Психология масс и анализ человеческого Я}, pages = {422--480}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:pe}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:pts, ids = {freud_pts}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {По ту сторону принципа удовольствия}, pages = {375--508}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:ptsyao}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:pts-07, ids = {freud_pts-07}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {По ту сторону принципа удовольствия}, pages = {72--129}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:psf}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:viis, ids = {freud_viis}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Влечения и их судьба}, pages = {125--150}, crossref = {freud:opt}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:vyt-07, ids = {freud_vyt-07}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Вытеснение}, pages = {59--71}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:psf}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:yao, ids = {freud_yao}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Я и Оно}, pages = {511--58}, translator = {А. М. Боковикова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, crossref = {freud:ptsyao}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:yao-07, ids = {freud_yao-07}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Я и Оно}, pages = {130--179}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, origyear = 1923, crossref = {freud:psf}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:ctm1993, ids = {heidegger_ctm1993}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Что такое метафизика?}, pages = {16--27}, language = {russian}, crossref = {heidegger:vb-book}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:ctm2007, ids = {heidegger_ctm2007}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Что такое метафизика?}, pages = {24-45}, origyear = 1927, language = {russian}, crossref = {heidegger:ctm-book}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:czm, ids = {heidegger_czm}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Что значит мыслить?}, pages = {134--145}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, crossref = {heidegger:rpd}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:hg, ids = {heidegger_hg}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Гегель и греки}, pages = {381--391}, language = {russian}, crossref = {heidegger:vb-book}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:pctm, ids = {heidegger_pctm}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Послесловие к: «Что такое метафизика?»}, pages = {66-78}, language = {russian}, crossref = {heidegger:ctm-book}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:pg, ids = {heidegger_pg}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Письмо о гуманизме}, pages = {192-220}, origyear = 1947, language = {russian}, crossref = {heidegger:vb-book}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:tkb, ids = {heidegger_tkb}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Тезис Канта о бытии}, pages = {361--381}, language = {russian}, crossref = {heidegger:vb-book}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:vb, ids = {heidegger_vb}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Время и бытие}, pages = {80--101}, translator = {А. С. Солодовниковой}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, crossref = {heidegger:rpd}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:vb1993, ids = {heidegger_vb1993}, author = {Мартин Хайдеггер}, title = {Время и бытие}, pages = {391--406}, crossref = {heidegger:vb-book}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{heidegger:vb1991, author = {Мартин Хайдеггер}, title = {Время и бытие}, pages = {80--101}, translator = {А. С. 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A.}, language = {german}, isbn = 3465033728, pagetotal = 488, crossref = {heidegger:ga1abt}, langid = {german}, shorttitle = {Wegmarken}, _title = {Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen: Gesamtausgabe 1. Abt. Bd. 9: Wegmarken}, } @Book{freud:lek1, ids = {freud_lek1}, volume = {Лекции 1–15}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:lek}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:lek2, ids = {freud_lek2}, volume = {Лекции 16–35}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:lek}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:tst, ids = {freud_tst}, title = {Торможение, симптом, тревога}, pages = {151--228}, crossref = {freud:vn}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:vyt-98, ids = {freud_vyt-98}, title = {Вытеснение}, pages = {108--123}, language = {russian}, crossref = {freud:opt}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{freud:zh, ids = {freud_zh}, title = {Жуткое}, pages = {349--389}, crossref = {freud:ip}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{levinas:gdc1999, ids = {levinas_gdc1999}, title = {Гуманизм другого человека}, pages = {120--258}, crossref = {levinas:vd-gdc}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{levinas:vd1999, ids = {levinas_vd1999}, title = {Время и Другой}, pages = {18--119}, crossref = {levinas:vd-gdc}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{nietzsche:vv, ids = {nietzsche_vv}, title = {Воля к власти: опыт переоценки всех ценностей}, volume = 1, language = {russian}, crossref = {nietzsche:izb}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{schopenhauer:s2, ids = {schopenhauer_s2}, title = {Мир как воля и представление. Том второй, содержащий дополнения к четырем книгам первого тома}, year = 2001, volume = 2, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, pagetotal = 560, crossref = {schopenhauer:soch}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{schopenhauer:s3, ids = {schopenhauer_s3}, title = {Малые философские сочинения}, year = 2001, volume = 3, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, pagetotal = 528, crossref = {schopenhauer:soch}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{schopenhauer:s4, ids = {schopenhauer_s4}, title = {Parerga и Paralipomena. В 2~т. Т.~1: Parerga}, year = 2001, volume = 4, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, pagetotal = 400, crossref = {schopenhauer:soch}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{schopenhauer:s5, ids = {schopenhauer_s5}, title = {Parerga и Paralipomena. В 2~т. 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Abteilung: Vorlesungen 1919-1944}, sorttitle = {Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen. 2}, date = {1994/}, language = {german}, publisher = {Klostermann}, location = {Frankfurt am Main}, langid = {german}, shorttitle = {Gesamtausgabe. 2. Abt.}, } @MVBook{heidegger:ga3abt, ids = {heidegger_ga3abt}, author = {Heidegger, Martin}, title = {Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen. III. Abteilung: Unveröffentlichte Abhandlungen / Vorträge --- Gedachtes}, sorttitle = {Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen. 3}, language = {german}, publisher = {Klostermann}, location = {Frankfurt am Main}, langid = {german}, shorttitle = {Gesamtausgabe. 3. Abt.}, } @MVBook{heidegger:ga4abt, ids = {heidegger_ga4abt}, author = {Heidegger, Martin}, title = {Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen. IV. Abteilung: Hinweise und Aufzeichnungen}, sorttitle = {Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen. 4}, date = {1978/}, language = {german}, publisher = {Klostermann}, location = {Frankfurt am Main}, langid = {german}, shorttitle = {Gesamtausgabe. 4. Abt.}, } @Book{heidegger:sz1967, ids = {heidegger_sz1967}, author = {Heidegger, Martin}, title = {Sein und Zeit}, year = 1967, edition = {Elfte, unveränderte Auflage}, language = {german}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, location = {Tübingen}, pagetotal = 437, langid = {german}, } @Book{heidegger:sz1941, ids = {heidegger_sz1941}, author = {Heidegger, Martin}, title = {Sein und Zeit}, year = 1941, edition = 5, language = {german}, publisher = {Niemeyer}, location = {Halle}, pagetotal = 438, langid = {german}, } @Book{heyting:ii, ids = {heyting_ii}, author = {Heyting, Arend}, title = {Intuitionism. An Introduction}, year = 1971, language = {english}, publisher = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, location = {Amsterdam, London}, pagetotal = 146, langid = {english}, } @Book{lacan:s11f, ids = {lacan_s11f}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, editor = {Miller, Jacques-Alain}, title = {Le séminaire, livre XI}, subtitle = {Les Quatre Concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, 1964}, year = 1973, language = {french}, publisher = {Seuil}, location = {Paris}, isbn = 9782020125147, langid = {french}, _shorthand = {S11}, shorttitle = {Le Séminaire, livre XI}, } @Book{lacan:s10f, ids = {lacan_s10f}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {Le séminaire, livre X}, subtitle = {L'angoisse, 1962/1963}, year = 2004, language = {french}, publisher = {Seuil}, location = {Paris}, isbn = {202063886X}, pagetotal = 432, langid = {french}, _shorthand = {S10}, shorttitle = {L'angoisse}, } @Book{lacan:s5f, ids = {lacan_s5f}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {Le séminaire, livre V}, subtitle = {Les formations de l'inconscient}, year = 1998, language = {french}, publisher = {Seuil}, location = {Paris}, isbn = 2020256681, langid = {french}, _shorthand = {S5}, shorttitle = {Le séminaire, livre V}, } @Book{lacan:s3e, ids = {lacan_s3e}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: The Psychoses (Book III) (The Seminar of Jacques Lacan)}, year = 1997, translator = {Grigg, Russel}, language = {english}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {W. W. Norton \& Company}, isbn = 0393316122, pagetotal = 352, langid = {english}, _shorthand = {S3e}, shorttitle = {The Psychoses}, } @Book{lacan:s3f, ids = {lacan_s3f}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {Le séminaire, livre III}, subtitle = {Les psychoses, 1955-1956}, year = 1981, language = {french}, publisher = {Editions du Seuil}, isbn = 2020060264, pagetotal = 20, langid = {french}, _shorthand = {S3}, shorttitle = {Les psychoses}, } @Book{lacan:s20f, ids = {lacan_s20f}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {Le séminaire, livre XX}, subtitle = {Encore, 1972/1973}, year = 1975, language = {french}, publisher = {Seuil}, location = {Paris}, pagetotal = 135, langid = {french}, _shorthand = {S20}, shorttitle = {Encore}, } @Book{lacan:s20e, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, series = {The Seminar of Jacques Lacan~; book 20}, title = {On Feminine Sexuality, the Limits of Love and Knowledge: Encore 1972-1973}, isbn = 0393319164, shorttitle = {On Feminine Sexuality}, pagetotal = 160, publisher = {W. W. Norton \& Co.}, year = 2000, origlanguage = {french}, translator = {Bruce Fink}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{lacan:ecrits, ids = {lacan_ecrits}, author = {Lacan, Jacques}, title = {Écrits}, year = 1966, language = {french}, publisher = {Seuil}, location = {Paris}, isbn = 2020027526, pagetotal = 928, langid = {french}, _shorthand = {Écrits}, } @Article{laplanche-leclaire:unc, ids = {laplanche_leclaire_unc}, author = {Laplanche, J. and Leclaire, S.}, title = {The Unconscious: A Psychoanalytic Study}, year = 1972, issuetitle = {French Freud: Structural Studies in Psychoanalysis}, language = {english}, volume = 48, pages = {118-175}, langid = {english}, journal = {Yale French Studies}, } @Book{laplanche-pontalis:fo, ids = {laplanche_pontalis_fo}, author = {Laplanche, Jean and Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand}, title = {Fantasme originaire. Fantasme des origines. 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Погоняйло}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Наука}, location = {СПб.}, pagetotal = 792, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lacan:s10r, ids = {lacan_s10r}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Тревога (Семинар, Книга X (1962/63))}, year = 2010, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 424, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {С10}, shorttitle = {Тревога}, } @Book{lacan:io, ids = {lacan_io}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Имена-Отца}, year = 2006, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 160, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lacan:s7r, ids = {lacan_s7r}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Этика психоанализа (Семинары: Книга VII (1959--60))}, year = 2006, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 416, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {С7}, shorttitle = {Этика психоанализа}, } @Book{lacan:s11r, ids = {lacan_s11r}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Четыре основные понятия психоанализа (Семинары: Книга XI (1964))}, year = 2004, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 304, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {С11}, shorttitle = {Четыре основные понятия психоанализа}, } @Book{lacan:s5r, ids = {lacan_s5r}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Образования бессознательного (Семинары: Книга V (1957/1958))}, year = 2002, origyear = 1958, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 608, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {С5}, } @Book{lacan:televidenie, ids = {lacan_televidenie}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Телевидение}, year = 2000, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-8163-0016-4}, pagetotal = 160, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lacan:s2r, ids = {lacan_s2r}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {`Я' в теории Фрейда и в технике психоанализа (1954/1955)}, year = 1999, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис; Логос}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-8163-0007-5}, pagetotal = 520, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {С2}, } @Book{lacan:ib-book, ids = {lacan_ib-book}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Инстанция буквы, или судьба разума после Фрейда}, year = 1997, translator = {А. К. Черноглазова and М. А. Титовой}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Русское феноменологическое общ-во; Логос}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0454-5}, pagetotal = 184, langid = {russian}, _translator = {А. К. Черноглазова and М. А. Титовой (Значение фаллоса)}, } @Book{lacan:fpr, ids = {lacan_fpr}, author = {Лакан, Жак}, title = {Функция и поле речи и языка в психоанализе}, year = 1995, origyear = 1956, translator = {А. Черноглазова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Гнозис}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0469-3}, pagetotal = 192, langid = {russian}, } @Book{laplanche-pontalis:spp, ids = {laplanche_pontalis_spp}, author = {Жан Лапланш and Жан-Батист Понталис}, title = {Словарь по психоанализу}, year = 1996, translator = {Н. С. Автономовой}, foreword = {Н. С. Автономовой}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Высш. шк.}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 623, langid = {russian}, } @Book{levinas:vd-gdc, ids = {levinas_vd-gdc}, author = {Левинас, Эммануэль}, title = {Время и Другой. Гуманизм другого человека}, year = 1999, translator = {А. В. Парибка}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Высшая религиозно-философская школа}, location = {СПб}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{leibniz:soch, ids = {leibniz_soch}, author = {Лейбниц, Г. В.}, title = {Сочинения}, date = {1982/1989}, publisher = {Мысль}, volumes = 4, origlanguage = {french}, series = {Философское наследие}, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{merleau-ponty:vn, ids = {merleau-ponty_vn}, author = {Морис Мерло-Понти}, title = {Видимое и невидимое}, year = 2006, translator = {О. Н. Шпарага}, series = {Conditio humana}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, publisher = {Логвинов}, location = {Мн.}, pagetotal = 400, langid = {russian}, } @Book{molchanov:vs, ids = {molchanov_vs}, author = {Молчанов, В. И.}, title = {Время и сознание. Критика феноменологической философии}, year = 1988, language = {russian}, publisher = {Высшая школа}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 144, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{nietzsche:soch, ids = {nietzsche_soch}, author = {Ницше, Фридрих}, title = {Сочинения в двух томах}, language = {russian}, publisher = {Мысль}, year = 1990, volumes = 2, origlanguage = {german}, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{nietzsche:izb, ids = {nietzsche_izb}, author = {Ницше, Фридрих}, title = {Избранные произведения}, year = 1994, language = {russian}, publisher = {Наука}, volumes = 3, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{freud:lek, ids = {freud_lek}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, editor = {Е. Е. Соколовой and Т. В. Родионовой}, title = {Введение в психоанализ}, year = 1999, language = {russian}, publisher = {Алетейя СПб.}, translator = {Г. В. Барышниковой}, origlanguage = {german}, location = {СПб.}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:psf, ids = {freud_psf}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Психика: структура и функционирование}, year = 2007, language = {russian}, publisher = {Академический проект}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 230, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:vn, ids = {freud_vn}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Влечения и неврозы}, year = 2007, translator = {А. М. Боковикова}, series = {Психологические технологии}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Академический Проект}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 233, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:ip, ids = {freud_ip}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Интерес к психоанализу}, year = 2006, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Поппури}, location = {Минск}, pagetotal = 592, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:ts, ids = {freud_ts}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Толкование сновидений}, year = 2003, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, origyear = 1900, publisher = {Попурри}, location = {Мн.}, pagetotal = 576, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:ts1913, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Толкование сновидений}, year = 1913, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, origyear = 1900, publisher = {Современныя проблемы}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 448, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:pe, ids = {freud_pe}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Психоаналитические этюды}, year = 2001, language = {russian}, publisher = {Попурри}, location = {Мн.}, pagetotal = 608, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:opt, ids = {freud_opt}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {Основные психологические теории в психоанализе. Очерк истории психоанализа}, year = 1998, language = {russian}, publisher = {Алетейя}, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-89329-075-5}, pagetotal = 256, langid = {russian}, } @Book{freud:ptsyao, ids = {freud_ptsyao}, author = {Фрейд, Зигмунд}, title = {По ту сторону принципа удовольствия. Я и Оно}, date = {2000?}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{heidegger:rpd, ids = {heidegger_rpd}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, editor = {А. Л. Доброхотова}, title = {Разговор на проселочной дороге}, year = 1991, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Высш. шк.}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 192, editortype = {geneditor}, langid = {russian}, subtitle = {Сборник}, } @Book{heidegger:ctm-book, ids = {heidegger_ctm_book}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Что такое метафизика?}, year = 2007, translator = {В. В. Бибихина}, series = {Философские технологии}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Академический проект}, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{heidegger:opf, ids = {heidegger_opf}, author = {Мартин Хайдеггер}, title = {Основные проблемы феноменологии}, year = 2001, translator = {А. Г. Чернякова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Высшая религиозно"=Философская школа}, location = {Санкт"=Петербург}, isbn = {5-900291-19-7}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{heidegger:bv, ids = {heidegger_bv}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Бытие и время}, year = 1997, translator = {В. Бибихина}, language = {russian}, origyear = 1927, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Ad Marginem}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 452, langid = {russian}, } @Book{heidegger:kpm, ids = {heidegger_kpm}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Кант и проблема метафизики}, year = 1997, translator = {О. В. Никифорова}, language = {russian}, origyear = 1929, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Русское феноменологическое общ-во}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 176, langid = {russian}, } @Book{heidegger:rrr, ids = {heidegger_rrr}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Работы и размышления разных лет}, year = 1993, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Гнозис}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 464, langid = {russian}, } @Book{heidegger:vb-book, ids = {heidegger_vb_book}, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Время и бытие}, year = 1993, translator = {В. В. Бибихина}, subtitle = {Статьи и выступления}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Республика}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 447, langid = {russian}, } @Book{adorno-horkheimer:dp, ids = {adorno_horkheimer_dp}, author = {Теодор В. Адорно and Макс Хоркхаймер}, title = {Диалектика Просвещения: Философские фрагменты}, year = 1997, origyear = 1947, translator = {М. Кузнецова}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Медиум, Ювента}, location = {М.-СПб.}, pagetotal = 312, langid = {russian}, shorttitle = {Диалектика Просвещения}, } @MVBook{schelling:soch, ids = {schelling_soch}, author = {Шеллинг, Ф. В. Й.}, title = {Сочинения}, date = {1987/1989}, language = {russian}, publisher = {Мысль}, volumes = 2, origlanguage = {german}, location = {М.}, _foreword = {А. А. Козлова}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{schopenhauer:soch, ids = {schopenhauer_soch}, author = {Шопенгауэр, Артур}, editor = {А. Чанышева}, title = {Собрание сочинений}, date = {1999/2001}, language = {russian}, publisher = {ТЕРРА—{}Книжный клуб; Республика}, volumes = 6, origlanguage = {german}, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{boi:rph, ids = {boi_rph}, editor = {Boi, Luciano and Kerszberg, Pierre and Patras, Frédéric}, title = {Rediscovering phenomenology: phenomenological essays on mathematical beings, physical reality, perception and consciousness}, year = 2007, language = {english}, series = {Phenomenologica}, number = 182, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = 9781402058806, pagetotal = 402, langid = {english}, shorttitle = {Rediscovering phenomenology}, } @Collection{ffl, editor = {Richard Cohen}, title = {Face to Face with Levinas}, year = 1986, language = {english}, publisher = {State Univ. of New York Press}, location = {N. Y.}, langid = {english}, } @Collection{ll-me, editor = {Harasym, Sarah}, title = {Levinas and Lacan: The Missed Encounter}, year = 1998, language = {english}, series = {SUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture}, publisher = {State University of New York Press}, isbn = 0791439607, pagetotal = 236, langid = {english}, shorttitle = {Levinas and Lacan}, } @Collection{dad, editor = {Franz Josef Klehr}, title = {Den Andern denken: Philosophisches Fachgespräch mit Emmanuel Levinas}, year = 1991, language = {german}, publisher = {Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart}, location = {Stuttgart}, pagetotal = 203, langid = {german}, shorttitle = {Den Andern denken}, } @Reference{ep, language = {english}, publisher = {Routledge}, location = {London, New York}, isbn = 0415152941, pagetotal = 466, editor = {Taylor, Victor E. and Winquist, Charles E.}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Postmodernism}, shorttitle = {Encyclopedia~\textellipsis\isdot}, title = {Encyclopedia of Postmodernism}, year = 2001, } @Collection{ll, ids = {later_lacan}, editor = {Véronique Voruz and Bogdan Wolf}, title = {The Later Lacan}, year = 2007, subtitle = {An Introduction}, language = {english}, series = {SUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture}, publisher = {State University of New York Press}, location = {Albany}, langid = {english}, } @Collection{it, title = {Интенциональность и текстуальность}, year = 1998, subtitle = {Философская мысль Франции XX века}, language = {russian}, publisher = {Водолей}, location = {Томск}, pagetotal = 320, credits = {составление, общая редакция: канд. филос. наук Е. А. Найман, канд. филос. наук В. А. Суровцев~; редакция переводов: Ж. В. Горбылева}, langid = {russian}, } @MVCollection{em, title = {Этическая мысль. Ежегодник}, date = {2000/2008}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, location = {М.}, publisher = {ИФ РАН}, } @MVCollection{ie, title = {История эстетики. Памятники мировой эстетической мысли}, date = {1962/1970}, language = {russian}, _volumes = {в 5-и томах (6-и книгах)}, volumes = 5, books = 6, volsorder = {vb}, publisher = {Изд-во Академии Художеств СССР}, location = {М.}, _title = {История эстетики. Памятники мировой эстетической мысли. В 5-и томах (6-и книгах)}, langid = {russian}, shorttitle = {История эстетики}, } @Periodical{logos, title = {Логос}, date = {1991/}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Логос}, } @MVCollection{logos-mefk, ids = {logos_mefk}, title = {Логос. Международный ежегодник по философии культуры}, date = {1910/1914}, langid = {russian}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Мусагетъ}, } @MVCollection{mi, title = {Метафизические исследования. Альманах Лаборатории Метафизических Исследований при Философском факультете СПбГУ}, shorttitle = {Метафизические исследования}, language = {russian}, publisher = {Алетейя}, location = {СПб}, langid = {russian}, } @MVCollection{tvrfs, title = {Труды Высш. религ.-филос. школы}, date = {1992/1993}, language = {russian}, publisher = {ВРФШ}, location = {СПб.}, langid = {russian}, related = {pfg,oer}, relatedtype = {multivolume}, } @Collection{kkm1, title = {Кабинет: Картины мира I}, year = 1998, language = {russian}, publisher = {Инапресс}, location = {СПб.}, pagetotal = 299, langid = {russian}, } @XDATA{sib-phil-jour, journaltitle = {Сибирский философский журнал}, location = {Новосибирск}, issn = {1818-796X}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, publisher = {Изд-во НГУ}, } @XDATA{vestnikngu-phil, journaltitle = {Вестник НГУ. Серия: Философия}, location = {Новосибирск}, issn = {1818-796X}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, publisher = {Изд-во НГУ}, } @XDATA{vestniktgu-phil, journaltitle = {Вестник ТГУ. Философия. Социология. Политология}, location = {Томск}, issn = {1998-863X}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{tselishev-khlebalin:fo, ids = {tselishev_khlebalin:fo}, xdata = {vestnikngu-phil}, volume = 10, issue = 4, year = 2012, author = {Целищев, В. В. and Хлебалин, A. В.}, title = {Формальная онтология и метафизическая семантика}, pages = {5-13}, year = 2012, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{berestov:eap, xdata = {vestnikngu-phil}, volume = 10, issue = 4, year = 2012, author = {Берестов, И. В.}, title = {Элеатовские аргументы против множественности сущего в концепции мира Ума Плотина}, pages = {122-133}, year = 2012, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{fekondo:df, xdata = {vestnikngu-phil}, volume = 10, issue = 4, year = 2012, author = {Фекондо, А.}, title = {Деррида и феноменология}, subtitle = {критическое исследование работы <<Голос и феномен>>}, pages = {161-167}, year = 2012, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{chern:om, crossref = {ss}, author = {А. Г. Черняков}, title = {Онтология как математика: Гуссерль, Бадью, Плотин}, year = 2009, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, pages = {420-441}, url = {http://srph.1gb.ru/text}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{ss, title = {Сущность и слово}, subtitle = {Сб. науч. ст. к юбилею проф. Н. В. Мотрошиловой}, credits = {Отв. ред.: М. А. Солопова, М. Ф. Быкова}, year = 2009, publisher = {Феноменология-герменевтика}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 622, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{laruelle:ab-en, title = {Anti-Badiou}, subtitle = {The Introduction of Maoism Into Philosophy}, author = {Laruelle, François}, translator = {Mackay, Robin}, isbn = 9781441190765, lccn = 2012021338, year = 2013, publisher = {Bloomsbury Publishing}, location = {London and New York}, pagetotal = 240, origlanguage = {french}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, related = {laruelle:ab}, relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{laruelle:ab, title = {Anti-Badiou}, subtitle = {Sur l'introduction du maoisme dans la philosophie}, author = {Laruelle, François}, year = 2011, publisher = {Kime}, location = {Paris}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, related = {laruelle:ab-en}, relatedtype = {bytranslator}, } @Book{badiou:tw, title = {Theoretical Writings}, author = {Badiou, Alain}, editor = {Brassier, Ray and Toscano, Alberto}, translator = {Brassier, Ray and Toscano, Alberto}, isbn = {0-8264-9324-6}, publisher = {Continuum}, location = {London and New York}, year = 2006, pagetotal = 292, language = {english}, langid = {english}, origlanguage = {french}, } @InBook{badiou:etb, crossref = {badiou:tw}, author = {Badiou, Alain}, title = {The Event as Trans-Being}, year = 2006, pages = {99-104}, } @Book{lewis:convention2002, title = {Convention}, subtitle = {A Philosophical Study}, isbn = 0631232575, shorttitle = {Convention}, pagetotal = 228, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, author = {Lewis, David}, foreword = {Willard Van Orman Quine}, year = 2002, origyear = 1969, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @PERIODICAL{critical-inquiry2011.37.4, year = 2011, title = {Critical Inquiry}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 37, number = 4, issue = {Summer}, } @ARTICLE{nirenberg:nirenberg:bn, crossref = {critical-inquiry2011.37.4}, author = {Ricardo L. Nirenberg and David Nirenberg}, title = {Badiou's Number}, subtitle = {A Critique of Mathematics as Ontology}, year = 2011, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {583-614}, eprint = {10.1086/660983}, eprinttype = {jstor}, _url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/660983}, _urldate = {2012-08-27}, } @COLLECTION{it-ft, title = {Интеллектуальные трансформации}, subtitle = {Феномены и тренды}, location = {Новосибирск}, publisher = {Параллель}, year = 2008, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @COLLECTION{it-ntp, title = {Интеллектуальные трансформации}, subtitle = {Новые теоретические парадигмы}, location = {Екатеринбург}, publisher = {УрО РАН}, year = 2008, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{so4, title = {Современная онтология-IV}, subtitle = {проблемы метода~: материалы международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 28-30 июня 2010 г.)}, editor = {Колычева, П. М.}, location = {СПб.}, publisher = {СПбГУИТМО}, year = 2010, pagetotal = 168, isbn = 9785757703527, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{monokl10, title = {Monokl 10}, subtitle = {Jean-Luc Nancy ile Karşılaşmalar}, year = 2011, location = {Istanbul}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{trubetzkoy:of, title = {Основы фонологии}, author = {Николай Сергеевич Трубецкой}, editor = {Кацнельсона, С.Д.}, translator = {Холодовича, А.А.}, isbn = 9785382010618, series = {Классический учебник}, year = 2000, origyear = {1939, 1960 (рус. пер.)}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Аспект Пресс}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 352, isbn = {5-7567-0250-4}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{veilahti:abm, author = {Antti Veilahti}, title = {Alain {Badiou}'s Mistake~--- Two Postulates of Dialectic Materialism}, shorttitle = {Alain {Badiou}'s Mistake}, date = {2013-01-10}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprint = {1301.1203v2}, eprintclass = {math.CT}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pagetotal = {41+1}, annotation = {To accompany recent openings in category theory and philosophy, I discuss how Alain Badiou attempts to rephrase his dialectic philosophy in topos-theoretic terms. Topos theory bridges the problems emerging in set-theoretic language by a categorical approach that reinscribes set-theoretic language in a categorical framework. Badiou's own topos-theoretic formalism, however, turns out to be confined only to a limited, set-theoretically bounded branch of locales. This results with his mathematically reduced understanding of the 'postulate of materialism' constitutive to his account. Badiou falsely assumes this postulate to be singular whereas topos theory reveals its two-sided nature whose synthesis emerges only as a result of a (quasi-)split structure of truth. Badiou thus struggles with his own mathematical argument. I accomplish a correct version of his proof the sets defined over such a 'transcendental algebra' T form a (local) topos. Finally, I discuss the philosophical implications Badiou's mathematical inadequacies entail.}, } @MVBook{dosse:hs, author = {Dosse, François}, title = {History of Structuralism}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {University of Minnesota Press}, location = {Minneapolis}, } @Book{dosse:hs1, crossref = {dosse:hs}, author = {Dosse, François}, volume = 1, title = {The Rising Sign, 1945-1966}, isbn = 0816622418, origlanguage = {french}, translator = {Deborah Glassman}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pagetotal = 500, date = 1997, annotation = {Structuralism has had a profound impact on disciplines ranging from literary theory to sociology, from history to psychoanalysis. Francois Dosse tells the story of structuralism's beginnings in postwar Paris to its culmination as a movement that would reconfigure French intellectual life and reverberate throughout the Western world. This essential guide is a cogent map of the dizzying array of personalities and ideas involved in the movement.}, } @Book{dosse:hs2, crossref = {dosse:hs}, author = {Dosse, François}, volume = 2, title = {The Sign Sets, 1967 - Present}, isbn = 0816623708, origlanguage = {french}, translator = {Deborah Glassman}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pagetotal = 554, date = 1997, annotation = {The first comprehensive history of one of the most influential intellectual movements of the twentieth century.Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault -- the ideas of this group of French intellectuals who propounded structuralism and poststructuralism have had a profound impact on disciplines ranging from literary theory to sociology, from anthropology to philosophy, from history to psychoanalysis. In this long-awaited translation, History of Structuralism examines the thinkers who made up the movement, providing a fascinating elucidation of a central aspect of postwar intellectual history.Francois Dosse tells the stow of structuralism from its beginnings in postwar Paris, a city dominated by the towering figure of Jean-Paul Sartre. The work of Saussure became the point of departure for a group of younger scholars, and the outcome was not only the doom of Sartre as intellectual leader but the birth of a movement that would come to reconfigure French intellectual life and would eventually reverberate throughout the Western world.Dosse provides a readable, intelligible overall account, one that shows the interrelationship among the central currents of structuralism and situates them in context. Dosse illuminates the way developments in what are usually distinct fields came to exert such influence on each other, showing how the early structuralists paved the way for later developments and for recent discourses such as postmodernism. The cast of characters related by Dosse includes those mentioned above as well as Roman Jakobson, Julia Kristeva, Pierre Bourdieu, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Tzvetan Todorov, andmany others. Chapters are devoted to major figures, and Dosse has done extensive interviews with the major and minor figures of the movement, furnishing an intellectual history in which historical players look back at the period.This first comprehensive history of the structuralist movement is an essential guide to a major moment in the development of twentieth-century thought, one that provides a cogent map to a dizzying array of personalities and their ideas. It will be compelling reading for those interested in philosophy, literary theory, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and psychoanalysis."Excellent.... Dosse reminds us that not only was structuralism an intellectual event of the sixties, it was also the cultural coup d'etat that both put an end to the reign of Sartre and existentialism and inaugurated the rise of the humanities". Le Figaro"Dosse's work is exceptional in its pursuit of an honest and relevant archaeology that not only clarifies the past but offers lessons for the future". Liberation.}, } @InCollection{meillassoux:die, crossref = {alm}, author = {Quentin Meillassoux}, title = {Décision et indécidabilité de l'événement dans \emph{L'Être et l'événement I} et \emph{II}}, year = 2011, pages = {121-142}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, } @Book{kromer:to, title = {Tool and Object}, subtitle = {A History and Philosophy of Category Theory}, author = {Kr{\"o}mer, R.}, isbn = 9783764375249, lccn = 2007920230, series = {Science Networks. Historical Studies, 32}, year = 2007, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, location = {Basel and Boston and Berlin}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{heidegger:zsd, author = {Martin Heidegger}, title = {Zur Sache des Denkens}, year = 1969, publisher = {Niemeyer}, location = {Tübingen}, pagetotal = 91, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @InBook{heidegger:psz, crossref = {heidegger:zsd}, author = {Martin Heidegger}, title = {Protokoll zu einem Seminar über der Vortrag «Zeit und Sein»}, year = 1969, pages = {27--58}, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @Article{plotnitsky:ewo, author = {Plotnitsky, Arkady}, title = {Experimenting with ontologies}, subtitle = {sets, spaces, and topoi with {Badiou} and Grothendieck}, shorttitle = {Experimenting with ontologies}, volume = 30, doi = {10.1068/d6610}, issue = 2, pages = {351-368}, journaltitle = {Environment and Planning D: Society and Space}, date = 2012, language = {english}, langid = {english}, abstract = {The paper explores the ontology and logic of the irreducibly multiple in set theory and in topos theory by considering the differences between Badiou’s logical and Grothendieck’s ontological approach to topos theory. It argues that Grothendieck’s ontological program for topos theory leads to a more radical concept of the multiple than does the set-theoretical ontology, which defines Badiou’s view of ontology even in his later, more topos theoretically oriented work. Extending Grothendieck’s way of thinking to other fields enables one to give ontological multiplicities—no longer bound by the set-theoretical ontology or ultimately by any mathematical ontology, even in mathematics—a great diversity and richness. It follows that the set-theoretical ontology is not sufficiently rich to accomplish what Badiou thinks it could accomplish even in mathematics itself, let alone elsewhere; and Badiou wants it to work elsewhere—indeed, wherever it is possible to speak of ontology. I shall also consider, in closing, some implications of the arguments for the workings of the multiple in ethics, politics, and culture}, } @Book{copleston:if-xxv, author = {Коплстон, Фредерик}, translator = {П.А. Сафронова}, title = {История философии. XX век}, year = 2002, publisher = {ЗАО Центрполиграф}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-9524-0049-3}, pagetotal = 269, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Online{molchanov:dlb, author = {Виктор Молчанов}, title = {Две лекции о Брентано}, url = {http://www.ruthenia.ru/logos/number/2002_01/04.htm}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kierkegaard:znp, author = {Кьеркегор, Серен}, translator = {Н. Исаевой and С. Исаева}, title = {Заключительное ненаучное послесловие к «Философским крохам»}, shorttitle = {Послесловие}, year = 2005, publisher = {Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та}, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-288-03760-4}, pagetotal = 680, origlanguage = {danish}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kierkegaard:fk, author = {Серен Керкегор}, translator = {Д.А. Лунгиной}, editor = {В.Л. Махлина}, commentator = {Д.А. Лунгиной}, foreword = {Д.А. Лунгиной}, title = {Философские крохи}, year = 2009, publisher = {Институт философии, теологии и истории св. Фомы}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 192, origlanguage = {danish}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{mullarkey:bp, title = {Bergson and Philosophy}, author = {Mullarkey, John}, isbn = 9780748609574, year = 1999, publisher = {Edinburgh University Press}, pagetotal = 206, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{bergson:te2001, author = {Анри Бергсон}, translator = {В. Флеровой}, introduction = {И. Блауберг}, title = {Творческая эволюция}, year = 2001, publisher = {Терра-Книжный клуб}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-275-00390-0}, pagetotal = 384, origyear = 1907, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {перевод сверен И. Блауберг и И. Вдовиной}, } @Book{bergson:temp, author = {Анри Бергсон}, title = {Творческая эволюция. Материя и память}, year = 1999, publisher = {Харвест}, location = {Мн.}, isbn = {985-433-532-1}, series = {Классическая философская мысль}, pagetotal = 1408, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{bergson:nds, crossref = {bergson:temp}, author = {Анри Бергсон}, translator = {Б. С. Бычковского}, title = {Непосредственные данные сознания}, pages = {669-924}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{bergson:te, crossref = {bergson:temp}, author = {Анри Бергсон}, translator = {М. Булгакова}, title = {Творческая эволюция}, pages = {7-412}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{bergson:mp, crossref = {bergson:temp}, author = {Анри Бергсон}, translator = {А. Баулер}, title = {Материя и память}, pages = {413-668}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{moran:ip, title = {Introduction to Phenomenology}, author = {Moran, Dermot}, isbn = 9780203196632, lccn = 16008648, year = 2002, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, pagetotal = 592, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{gander:hl, title = {Husserl-Lexikon}, author = {Gander, H.H.}, isbn = 9783534164936, lccn = 2010395262, year = 2010, publisher = {WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft}, language = {german}, langid = {german}, } @Book{ricoeur:khi, title = {A key to Husserl's Ideas I}, author = {Ric{\oe}ur, Paul}, _translator = {Bond Harris and Jacqueline Bouchard Spurlock}, _introduction ={Pol Vandevelde}, _editor = {Pol Vandevelde}, _foreword = {Bond Harris and Jacqueline Bouchard Spurlock}, isbn = 9780874626094, lccn = 96010139, series = {Marquette studies in philosophy}, number = 10, year = 1996, publisher = {Marquette University Press}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, credits = {translated and with a preface by Bond Harris \& Jacqueline Bouchard Spurlock ; edited, translation revised, and with a introduction by Pol Vandevelde}, } @Book{heidegger:fia, author = {Хайдеггер, Мартин}, title = {Феноменологические интерпретации Аристотеля (Экспозиция герменевтической ситуации)}, shorttitle = {Феноменологические интерпретации Аристотеля}, year = 2012, publisher = {ИЦ «Гуманитарная Академия»}, location = {СПб}, isbn = {978-5-93762-097-2}, pagetotal = 224, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {пер. с нем., предисл., науч. ред., сост. слов. Н. А. Артеменко}, } @MVBook{dilthey:ss, author = {Вильгельм Дильтей}, editor = {A. B. Михайлова and Н. С. Плотникова}, editortype = {geneditor}, title = {Собрание сочинений}, date = {2000/}, publisher = {Дом интеллектуальной книги}, location = {М.}, volumes = 6, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{dilthey:ss4, crossref = {dilthey:ss}, author = {Вильгельм Дильтей}, translator = {В. В. Бибихина and Н. С. Плотникова}, editor = {В. В. Бибихина and Н. С. Плотникова}, title = {Герменевтика и теория литературы}, year = 2001, publisher = {Дом интеллектуальной книги}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0240-2}, volume = 4, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{dilthey:ss3, crossref = {dilthey:ss}, author = {Вильгельм Дильтей}, translator = {В. А. Куренного and А. П. Огурцова and А. В. Михайловского}, editor = {В. А. Куренного}, title = {Герменевтика и теория литературы}, year = 2004, publisher = {Три квадрата}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0240-2}, volume = 3, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{dilthey:ss1, crossref = {dilthey:ss}, author = {Вильгельм Дильтей}, translator = {B. C. Малахова}, editor = {B. C. Малахова}, title = {Введение в науки о духе}, subtitle = {Опыт полагания основ для изучения общества и истории}, year = 2000, origyear = 1883, publisher = {Дом интеллектуальной книги}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0237-2}, volume = 1, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @SuppBook{plotnikov:dilthey, crossref = {dilthey:ss1}, author = {H. С. Плотников}, title = {Жизнь и история}, year = 2000, pages = {15-264}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{ricoeur:yasd, author = {Рикёр, Поль}, title = {Я-сам как другой}, year = 2008, publisher = {Издательство гуманитарной литературы}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-87121-036-8}, series = {Французская философия XX века}, pagetotal = 416, origyear = 1990, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{ricoeur:vr, author = {Поль Рикёр}, title = {Время и рассказ}, year = 2000, publisher = {Университетская книга}, location = {М.; СПб.}, _volumes = 2, series = {Книга света}, origdate = {1983/1985}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{ricoeur:vr1, crossref = {ricoeur:vr}, author = {Поль Рикёр}, title = {Интрига и исторический рассказ}, year = 1998, publisher = {Университетская книга}, location = {М.; СПб.}, volume = 1, series = {Книга света}, pagetotal = 313, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{ricoeur:vr2, crossref = {ricoeur:vr}, author = {Поль Рикёр}, title = {Конфигурация в вымышленном рассказе}, year = 2000, publisher = {Университетская книга}, location = {М.; СПб.}, volume = 2, series = {Книга света}, pagetotal = 224, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{sartre:t-book, author = {Жан-Поль Сартр}, translator = {В. П. Гайдамака}, introduction = {С. Н. Зенкина}, title = {Тошнота}, subtitle = {Избранные произведения}, year = 1994, publisher = {Республика}, location = {М.}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{sartre:s-book, author = {Жан-Поль Сартр}, translator = {В. П. Гайдамака}, introduction = {С. Н. Зенкина}, title = {Стена}, subtitle = {Избранные произведения}, year = 1992, publisher = {Издательство политической литературы}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 480, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{sartre:t, crossref = {sartre:t-book}, author = {Жан-Поль Сартр}, translator = {Ю. Яхниной}, title = {Тошнота}, origyear = 1938, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{camus:ss, author = {Альбер Камю}, title = {Собрание сочинений}, date = {1997/1998}, publisher = {Фолио}, location = {Харьков}, volumes = 5, series = {Вершины}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{camus:ss1, crossref = {camus:ss}, author = {Альбер Камю}, year = 1998, volume = 1, pagetotal = 398, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{camus:ss2, crossref = {camus:ss}, author = {Альбер Камю}, year = 1997, volume = 2, pagetotal = 527, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{camus:ss3, crossref = {camus:ss}, author = {Альбер Камю}, year = 1998, volume = 3, pagetotal = 575, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{camus:ss4, crossref = {camus:ss}, author = {Альбер Камю}, year = 1998, volume = 4, pagetotal = 620, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{camus:ss5, crossref = {camus:ss}, author = {Альбер Камю}, year = 1998, volume = 5, pagetotal = 410, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{camus:ms, crossref = {camus:ss2}, author = {Альбер Камю}, translator = {В. Великовского}, title = {Миф о Сизифе}, pages = {5-112}, origyear = 1942, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{camus:chb, crossref = {camus:ss3}, author = {Альбер Камю}, translator = {Ю. Денисова and Ю. Стефанова}, title = {Человек бунтующий}, pages = {59-462}, origyear = 1951, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{jaspers:iu, author = {Ясперс, Карл}, translator = {Т. В. Тягуновой}, editor = {М. А. Гусаковского}, editortype = {geneditor}, title = {Идея университета}, year = 2006, publisher = {БГУ}, location = {Минск}, isbn = {985-485-082-Х}, series = {Universitas}, pagetotal = 159, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {ред. перевода О. Н. Шпарага}, } @Book{jaspers:nvp, author = {Ясперс, Карл}, title = {Ницше. Введение в понимание его философствования}, shorttitle = {Ницше}, year = 2004, publisher = {Владимир Даль}, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-93615-018-6}, series = {Мировая Ницшеана}, pagetotal = 632, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{jaspers:f, author = {Карл Ясперс}, title = {Философия}, year = 2012, publisher = {«Канон+» РООИ «Реабилитация»}, location = {М.}, books = 3, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{jaspers:f1, crossref = {jaspers:f}, author = {Карл Ясперс}, book = {Книга первая}, title = {Философское ориентирование в мире}, year = 2012, pagetotal = 384, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{jaspers:f2, crossref = {jaspers:f}, author = {Карл Ясперс}, book = {Книга вторая}, title = {Просветление экзистенции}, year = 2012, pagetotal = 448, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{jaspers:f3, crossref = {jaspers:f}, author = {Карл Ясперс}, book = {Книга третья}, title = {Метафизика}, year = 2012, pagetotal = 296, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{gaidenko:pt, author = {Гайденко, П. П.}, title = {Прорыв к трансцендентному}, subtitle = {Новая онтология ХХ века}, year = 1997, publisher = {Республика}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 495, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{ab-pic, editor = {Gabriel Riera}, title = {Alain Badiou~: philosophy and its conditions}, year = 2005, publisher = {SUNY Press}, location = {Albany}, series = {SUNY series, Intersections~: Philosophy and Critical Theory}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pagetotal = 277, } @InCollection{bosteels:ccbt, crossref = {ab-pic}, author = {Bruno Bosteels}, title = {Can Change Be Thought?}, subtitle = {A Dialogue with Alain Badiou}, _year = 2005, pages = {237-261}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{avtonomova:os, author = {Автономова, Н. С.}, title = {Открытая структура}, subtitle = {Якобсон~--- Бахтин~--- Лотман~--- Гаспаров}, year = 2009, publisher = {Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН)}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-903298-03-6}, pagetotal = 503, series = {Российские Пропилеи}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{ife87, title = {Историко-философский ежегодник 87}, year = 1987, publisher = {Наука}, location = {М.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, pagetotal = 344, } @InCollection{moore:oi, crossref = {ife87}, author = {Джордж Эдвард Мур}, title = {Опровержение идеализма}, pages = {242-265}, origlanguage = {english}, origyear = 1903, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {перевод и предисловие к публикации И. В. Борисовой}, } @Book{hill:stp, author = {Хилл, Томас Инглиш}, editor = {Б. Э. Быховского}, editortype = {geneditor}, foreword = {Б. Э. Быховского}, title = {Современные теории познания}, year = 1965, publisher = {Прогресс}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 533, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{rorty:fzp, author = {Ричард Рорти}, title = {Философия и зеркало природы}, translator = {В. В. Целищева}, year = 1997, origyear = 1979, location = {Новосибирск}, publisher = {Изд-во Новосиб. ун-та}, pagetotal = {XIX, 297~с.}, isbn = {5-7615-0404-9}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{nietzsche:pss, author = {Фридрих Ницше}, title = {Полное собрание сочинений}, date = {2005/}, publisher = {Культурная революция}, location = {М.}, volumes = 13, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {Институт философии}, } @Book{nietzsche:pss5, crossref = {nietzsche:pss}, author = {Фридрих Ницше}, title = {По ту сторону добра и зла. К генеалогии морали. Случай <<Вагнер>>}, translator = {Н. Н. Полилова and К. А. Свасьяна}, year = 2012, volume = 5, pagetotal = 480, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{nietzsche:pts, crossref = {nietzsche:pss5}, author = {Фридрих Ницше}, title = {По ту сторону добра и зла}, translator = {Н. Н. Полилова}, _year = 2012, pages = {7-228}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{nietzsche:gm, crossref = {nietzsche:pss5}, author = {Фридрих Ницше}, title = {К генеалогии морали}, translator = {К. А. Свасьяна}, _year = 2012, origyear = 1877, pages = {229-382}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kiekegaard:st-book, author = {Сёрен Кьеркегор}, title = {Страх и трепет}, year = 2010, origyear = 1843, publisher = {Культурная революция}, location = {М.}, origlanguage = {danish}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kiekegaard:p, author = {Сёрен Кьеркегор}, title = {Повторение (Опыт экспериментальной психологии Константина Констанция)}, shorttitle = {Повторение}, year = 1997, publisher = {Лабиринт}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 160, isbn = {5-87604-099-1}, origlanguage = {danish}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{marx-engels:soch, author = {Карл Маркс and Фридрих Энгельс}, title = {Сочинения}, date = {1955/1981}, publisher = {Госполитиздат}, location = {М.}, volumes = 50, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, edition = 2, } @InBook{marx:efr, crossref = {marx-engels:soch}, author = {Карл Маркс}, title = {Экономическо"=философские рукописи 1844 г.\isdot}, url = {http://www.marxists.org/russkij/marx/1844/manuscr/}, volume = 42, pages = {41-174}, origyear = 1844, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{fichte:soch, author = {Иоган Готлиб Фихте}, title = {Сочинения в двух томах}, editor = {Владимира Волжского}, editortype = {compiler}, commentator = {Владимира Волжского}, year = 1993, publisher = {Мифрил}, location = {СПб}, volumes = 2, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{fichte:soch1, crossref = {fichte:soch}, author = {Иоган Готлиб Фихте}, year = 1993, volume = {I}, pagetotal = 687, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{fichte:soch2, crossref = {fichte:soch}, author = {Иоган Готлиб Фихте}, year = 1993, volume = {II}, pagetotal = 798, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{fichte:oon, crossref = {fichte:soch1}, author = {Иоган Готлиб Фихте}, title = {Основа общего наукоучения}, pages = {65-337}, origyear = 1794, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{twardowski:lfpi, author = {Казимеж Твардовский}, commentator = {Б. Т. Домбровскоro}, introduction = {В. А. Смирнова}, title = {Логико-философские и психологические исследования}, year = 1997, publisher = {Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН)}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-86004-082-2}, series = {Научная философия}, pagetotal = 252, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{twardowski:fbif, crossref = {twardowski:lfpi}, author = {Казимеж Твардовский}, translator = {Б. Т. Домбровского}, title = {Франц Брентано и история философии}, pages = {193-209}, origyear = 1895, origlanguage = {polish}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {K. Тwardowski. Rozprawy i artykuly filozoficzne. Lwow, 1927, S.229-242}, } @InBook{twardowski:uspp, crossref = {twardowski:lfpi}, author = {Казимеж Твардовский}, translator = {Я. Саноцкого}, title = {К учению о содержании и предмете представлений}, subtitle = {Психологическое исследование}, pages = {38-159}, origyear = 1894, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Twardowski К. Zur Lehre уош Inhalt und Gegenstand der Vorstellungen, Alfred Hoelder, Wien, 1894.}, } @Collection{sb, author = {Ницше, Ф. and Фрейд, 3. and Фромм, Э. and Камю, А. and Сартр Ж. П.}, title = {Сумерки богов}, year = 1990, publisher = {Политиздат}, location = {М.}, _editor = {А. А. Яковлева}, _editortype = {geneditor}, _editora = {А. А. Яковлева}, _editoratype = {compiler}, isbn = {5—250—01275—2}, series = {Библиотека атеистической литературы}, pagetotal = 398, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {сост. и общ. ред. А. А. Яковлева}, } @InCollection{sartre:eg, crossref = {sb}, author = {Жан-Поль Сартр}, translator = {А. А. Санина}, title = {Экзистенциализм это гуманизм}, pages = {319-344}, origyear = 1946, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Sartre J .— P. L’existentialisme est un humanisme. Paris, Les Editions Nagel, 1946.}, } @Book{beauvoir:vp, author = {Симона де Бовуар}, editor = {С. Г. Айвазовой}, editortype = {geneditor}, commentator = {М. В. Аристовой}, introduction = {С. Г. Айвазовой}, title = {Второй пол. Т. 1 и 2}, shorttitle = {Второй пол}, year = 1997, location = {М.: Прогресс~; СПб.: Алетейя}, pagetotal = 832, origyear = 1949, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{jaspers:sni-book, author = {Карл Ясперс}, title = {Смысл и назначение истории}, year = 1991, publisher = {Политиздат}, location = {М.}, series = {Мыслители XX в.}, pagetotal = 527, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{jaspers:dsv, crossref = {jaspers:sni-book}, author = {Карл Ясперс}, title = {Духовная ситуация времени}, pages = {287-418}, origyear = 1931, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kuhn:snr, author = {Томас Кун}, translator = {И. 3. Налетова}, title = {Структура научных революций}, subtitle = {С вводной статьей и дополнениями 1969 г.}, year = 1977, publisher = {Прогресс}, location = {М.}, series = {Логика и методология науки}, pagetotal = 300, origyear = 1962, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{althusser:lf, author = {Луи Альтюссер}, translator = {Н.Кулиш}, title = {Ленин и философия}, year = 2005, publisher = {Ad Marginem}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 175, origyear = 1969, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lukacs:iks, author = {Георг Лукач}, title = {История и классовое сознание. Исследования по марксистской диалектике}, shorttitle = {История и классовое сознание}, year = 2003, publisher = {Логос-Альтера}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 416, origyear = 1923, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{pos, title = {Проблемы онтологии в современной буржуазной философии}, year = 1988, publisher = {Зинатне}, location = {Рига}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, pagetotal = {334 с., 4 л. ил.}, credits = {Отв. ред. Т. А. Кузьмина}, } @InCollection{sartre:oif, crossref = {pos}, author = {Жан-Поль Сартр}, translator = {А. И. Пигалева}, title = {Основная идея феноменологии Гуссерля: интенциональность}, shorttitle = {Основная идея феноменологии~\textellipsis\isdot}, year = 1988, pages = {318-320}, origyear = 1939, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Sartre J.-P. Situations I. Paris, 1947, p. 31—35}, } @Book{husserl:km, author = {Эдмунд Гуссерль}, translator = {В. И. Молчанова}, title = {Картезианские медитации}, year = 2010, origyear = 1950, publisher = {Академический Проект}, location = {М.}, isbn = {978-5-8291-1181-6}, series = {Философские технологии}, pagetotal = 229, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{adorno:zhp, author = {Адорно, Теодор В.}, translator = {Е. В. Борисова}, title = {Жаргон подлинности. О немецкой идеологии}, shorttitle = {Жаргон подлинности}, year = 2011, publisher = {«Канон+» РООИ «Реабилитация»}, location = {М.}, isbn = {978-5-88373-263-1}, pagetotal = 191, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{james:sls, crossref = {james:vv-book}, author = {Уильям Джеймс}, translator = {Маргариты Гринвальд}, title = {Существует ли сознание?}, pages = {359-372}, origyear = 1904, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{dewey:oep, author = {Дьюи, Джон}, translator = {И. И. Мюрберг and А. Б. Толстова and Е. Н. Косиловой}, title = {Общество и его проблемы}, year = 2002, publisher = {Идея-Пресс}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 160, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{kripke:ott, author = {Saul Kripke}, title = {Outline of a Theory of Truth}, _year = 1975, date = {1975-11-06}, journaltitle = {The Journal of Philosophy}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 72, number = 19, pages = {690-716}, } @Collection{sfn, title = {Современная философия науки}, year = 1996, location = {М.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{quine:oo, crossref = {sfn}, author = {Куайн, Уиллард Ван Орман}, title = {Онтологическая относительность}, pages = {40-61}, origyear = 1968, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {Сокр. пер. А. А. Печенкина}, } @Book{dewey:rf-book, author = {Джон Дьюи}, translator = {Л. Е. Павловой}, annotator = {Л. Е. Павловой}, afterword = {Л. Е. Павловой}, title = {Реконструкция в философии. Проблемы человека}, shorttitle = {Реконструкция в философии~\textellipsis\isdot}, year = 2003, publisher = {Республика}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-250-01849-1}, series = {Мыслители XX века}, pagetotal = 494, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{dewey:rf, crossref = {dewey:rf-book}, author = {Джон Дьюи}, title = {Реконструкция в философии}, year = 2003, origyear = 1920, pages = {3-132}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{mauss:ool, author = {Марсель Мосс}, _editor = {А. Б. Гофмана}, _editortype = {compiler}, _translator = {А. Б. Гофмана}, _commentator = {А. Б. Гофмана}, _introduction ={А. Б. Гофмана}, _foreword = {А. Б. Гофмана}, title = {Общества. Обмен. Личность. Труды по социальной антропологии}, shorttitle = {Общества. Обмен. Личность}, year = 2011, publisher = {КДУ}, location = {М.}, isbn = {978-5-98227-695-7}, pagetotal = 416, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {сост., пер. с фр., предисловие, вступит. статья, комментарии А. Б. Гофмана}, } @InBook{mauss:od, crossref = {mauss:ool}, author = {Марсель Мосс}, title = {Опыт о даре}, subtitle = {Форма и основание обмена в архаических обществах}, translator = {А. Б. Гофмана}, year = 2011, origyear = 1925, pages = {134-285}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Впервые опубликовано в журнале "L'Année sociologique". Seconde série. T. 1 (1923 — 1924). P., 1925. Перевод осуществлен по изданию: Mauss M. Sociologie et anthropologie. P.: Presses Universitaires de France, 1950; текст уточнен по 8-му парижскому изданию 1983 г.}, } @Book{barthes:sz, author = {Ролан Барт}, editor = {Г. К. Косикова}, title = {S/Z}, year = 2001, publisher = {Эдиториал УРСС}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-8360-0211-8}, pagetotal = 232, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, edition = {2-е изд., испр.}, } @Book{foucault:az, author = {Мишель Фуко}, translator = {М. Б. Раковой and А. Ю. Серебрянниковой}, introduction = {А. С. Колесникова}, title = {Археология знания}, year = 2004, origyear = 1969, publisher = {ИЦ «Гуманитарная Академия»; Университетская книга}, location = {СПб.}, isbn = {5-93762-034-8}, series = {Ars Pura. Французская коллекция}, pagetotal = 416, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{deleuze:rp, author = {Жиль Делёз}, translator = {Н. Б. Маньковской and Э. П. Юровской}, title = {Различие и повторение}, year = 1998, origyear = 1968, publisher = {Петрополис}, location = {СПб.}, pagetotal = 384, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{deleuze:ae, author = {Жиль Делёз and Феликс Гваттари}, title = {Анти-Эдип. Капитализм и шизофрения}, translator = {Д. Кралечкина}, shorttitle = {Анти-Эдип}, year = 2008, origyear = 1972, publisher = {У-Фактория}, location = {Екатеринбург}, isbn = {978-5-9757-0192-3}, pagetotal = 672, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{deleuze-guattari:ctf, author = {Жиль Делёз and Феликс Гваттари}, title = {Что такое философия?}, translator = {С. Зенкина}, afterword = {С. Зенкина}, publisher = {Академический Проект}, location = {М.}, year = 2009, isbn = {978-5-8291-1171-7}, pagetotal = 261, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {french}, origyear = 1991, langid = {russian}, } @Article{jameson:pop, author = {Фредрик Джеймисон}, title = {Постмодернизм и общество потребления}, year = 2000, journaltitle = {Логос}, url = {http://www.ruthenia.ru/logos/number/2000_4/10.htm}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, number = 4, pages = {63-77}, } @Book{jameson:p, title = {Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism}, author = {Jameson, Fredric}, year = 1991, origyear = 1991, publisher = {Duke University Press}, location = {Durham, NC}, pagetotal = 461, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{lyotard:sp, author = {Жан-Франсуа Лиотар}, translator = {Н. А. Шматко}, title = {Состояние постмодерна}, year = 1998, publisher = {Институт экспериментальной социологии~; СПб~: Алетейя}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 160, series = {Gallicinium}, origyear = 1979, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{habermas:mnp, author = {Юрген Хабермас}, title = {Модерн~--- незавершенный проект}, year = 1992, journaltitle = {Вопросы философии}, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, translator = {А. Б. Григорьева}, number = 4, pages = {40--41}, url = {http://www.gumer.info/bogoslov_Buks/Philos/Article/Hab_Modern.php}, } @Article{jameson:tp, author = {Джеймисон, Фредерик}, title = {Теории постмодерна}, year = 2001, journaltitle = {Искусствознание}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, number = 1, pages = {111-122}, } @Article{lyotard:ov, author = {Жан-Франсуа Лиотар}, title = {Ответ на вопрос: что такое постмодерн?}, shorttitle = {Ответ на вопрос\textellipsis}, year = 1992, journaltitle = {Общественные науки за рубежом. РЖ <<Философия>>}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, number = {5, 6}, pages = {102-114}, } @Book{avtonomova:fya, author = {Н. С. Автономова}, title = {Философский язык Жака Деррида}, year = 2011, publisher = {Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН)}, location = {М.}, isbn = {978-5-8243-1618-6}, series = {Российские Пропилеи}, pagetotal = 510, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{gurko:dti, author = {Елена Гурко}, title = {Деконструкция: тексты и интерпретация. Деррида Ж. Оставь это имя (Постскриптум), Как избежать разговора: денегации}, shorttitle = {Деконструкция: тексты и интерпретация}, year = 2001, publisher = {Экономпресс}, location = {Минск}, isbn = {985-6479-20-7}, pagetotal = 320, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{cassin:es, author = {Барбара Кассен}, translator = {А. Россиуса}, title = {Эффект софистики}, year = 2000, origyear = 1995, publisher = {Московский философский фонд, Университетская книга, Культурная инициатива}, location = {М.; СПб.}, isbn = {5-85133-061-9, 5-7914-0056-4}, series = {Библиотека современной французской философии}, pagetotal = 238, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {L’effet sophistique. Paris: Gallimard, 1995}, _relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{sokal-bricmont:iu, author = {Сокал, Алан and Брикмон, Ж.}, translator = {Анны Костиковой and Дмитрия Кралечкина}, foreword = {С. П. Капицы}, title = {Интеллектуальные уловки. Критика философии постмодерна}, shorttitle = {Интеллектуальные уловки}, year = 2002, origyear = 1997, publisher = {Дом интеллектуальной книги}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 248, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Sokal, Alan D. and Bricmont, Jean. Impostures Intellectuelles. Editions Odile Jacob, 1997}, } @Book{bataille:pcss, author = {Жорж Батай}, commentator = {Е. Д. Гальцовой}, title = {Проклятая часть. Сакральная социология}, year = 2006, publisher = {Ладомир}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 742, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, credits = {Составление, общая редакция и вступительная статья С. Н. Зенкина}, } @InBook{bataille:pc, crossref = {bataille:pcss}, author = {Жорж Батай}, translator = {А.В. Соловьева}, title = {Проклятая часть}, subtitle = {Опыт общей экономики}, year = 2006, origyear = 1949, pages = {109-236}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{sloterdijk:kcr, author = {П. Слотердайк}, translator = {Перцева А. В.}, title = {Критика цинического разума}, year = 2009, origyear = 1983, location = {Екатеринбург: У-Фактория, М.: АСТ}, isbn = {978-5-9757-0422-1, 978-5-403-00102-1}, series = {Philosophy}, pagetotal = 800, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, edition = {испр. изд-е}, } @Book{foucault:ibke, author = {Мишель Фуко}, title = {История безумия в классическую эпоху}, translator = {И. К. Стаф}, shorttitle = {История безумия}, year = 2010, origyear = 1961, publisher = {АСТ: АСТ МОСКВА}, location = {М.}, isbn = {978-5-17-060345-9, 978-5-403-03334-3}, series = {Philosophy}, pagetotal = {698, [6] с\adddot}, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{barthes:frv, author = {Ролан Барт}, translator = {В. Лапицкого}, introduction = {С. Зенкина}, title = {Фрагменты речи влюбленного}, year = 2002, origyear = 1977, publisher = {Ad Marginem}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 432, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{grigg:llp, author = {Grigg, Russell}, title = {Lacan, language, and philosophy}, year = 2008, publisher = {SUNY Press}, location = {NY}, isbn = {978-0-7914-7345-0}, series = {SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature}, pagetotal = 213, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{deleuze:ls, author = {Жиль Делёз}, translator = {Я.И. Свирского}, title = {Логика смысла}, year = 2011, origyear = 1969, publisher = {Академический Проект}, location = {М.}, isbn = {978-5-8291-1251-6}, series = {Философские технологии}, pagetotal = 472, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{baudrillard:ss, author = {Жан Бодрийяр}, translator = {О. А. Печенкиной}, introduction = {О. А. Печенкиной}, title = {Симулякры и симуляция}, year = 2013, origyear = 1981, location = {Тула}, isbn = {978-5-88422-506-0}, pagetotal = 204, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Jean Baudrillard. Simulacres et simulation. 1981, ÉDITIONS GALILÉE, 9 rue Linné, 75005 Paris}, } @Book{baudrillard:gg, title = {La guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu}, author = {Baudrillard, Jean}, isbn = 9782718603957, lccn = 91186846, year = 1991, publisher = {Galilée}, location = {P.}, pagetotal = 99, language = {french}, langid = {french}, } @Article{flivberg:hf, author = {Фливберг, Б.}, title = {Хабермас и Фуко — теоретики гражданского общества}, shorttitle = {Хабермас и Фуко}, year = 2000, journaltitle = {СоцИс~: Соц. исслед.}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, translator = {Н. В. Романовского}, number = 2, pages = {127—136}, } @Book{furs:fnm, author = {Фурс, В. Н.}, title = {Философия незавершенного модерна Юргена Хабермаса}, year = 2000, publisher = {Экономпресс}, location = {Минск}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InBook{aristotle:ne, crossref = {aristotle:soch-4}, author = {Аристотель}, translator = {Н. В. Брагинской}, title = {Никомахова этика}, year = 1983, pages = {53-293}, _origlanguage = {greek}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{dobrokhotov:kb, author = {Доброхотов, Александр Львович}, title = {Категория бытия в классической западноевропейской философии}, shorttitle = {Категория бытия~\textellipsis\isdot}, year = 1986, publisher = {Из-во МГУ}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 248, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{poli:hcfo, author = {Roberto Poli}, title = {Husserl's conception of formal ontology}, year = 1993, journaltitle = {History and Philosophy of Logic}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 14, issue = 1, pages = {1-14}, doi = {10.1080/01445349308837207}, } @InCollection{davidson:iks, crossref = {af-it}, author = {Дональд Дэвидсон}, translator = {А. Л. Золкина}, title = {Об идее концептуальной схемы}, year = 1993, origyear = 1974, pages = {144-159}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Данный перевод осуществлен А. Л. Золкиным по изданию: Davidson D. Inquiries into Truth and lterpretation. Oxford, 1985. P. 183—198.}, } @Article{smith:cs, author = {Daniel W. Smith}, title = {The concept of the simulacrum}, subtitle = {Deleuze and the overturning of Platonism}, year = 2006, journaltitle = {Continental Philosophy Review}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 38, pages = {89–123}, doi = {10.1007/s11007-006-3305-8}, } @Article{macintyre:b, author = {Аласдер Макинтайр}, title = {Бессознательное. Понятийный анализ}, shorttitle = {Бессознательное}, year = 2006, origyear = 1957, journaltitle = {Логос}, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, number = 1, pages = {186-232}, } @InCollection{boolos:ics, author = {George Boolos}, title = {The iterative conception of set}, year = 1983, crossref = {phm1983}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {486-502}, } @Collection{phm1983, editor = {Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Philosophy of Mathematics}, subtitle = {Selected Readings}, year = 1983, language = {english}, langid = {english}, edition = 2, location = {Cambridge}, pagetotal = 612, abstract = {The twentieth century has witnessed an unprecedented 'crisis in the foundations of mathematics', featuring a world-famous paradox (Russell's Paradox), a challenge to 'classical' mathematics from a world-famous mathematician (the 'mathematical intuitionism' of Brouwer), a new foundational school (Hilbert's Formalism), and the profound incompleteness results of Kurt G\"o{}del. In the same period, the cross-fertilization of mathematics and philosophy resulted in a new sort of 'mathematical philosophy', associated most notably (but in different ways) with Bertrand Russell, W. V. Quine, and G\"o{}del himself, and which remains at the focus of Anglo-Saxon philosophical discussion. The present collection brings together in a convenient form the seminal articles in the philosophy of mathematics by these and other major thinkers. It is a substantially revised version of the edition first published in 1964 and includes a revised bibliography. The volume will be welcomed as a major work of reference at this level in the field.}, } @Book{avtonomova:fpsa, author = {Наталия Сергеевна Автономова}, title = {Философские проблемы структурного анализа в гуманитарных науках (Критический очерк концепций французского структурализма)}, publisher = {Наука}, year = 1977, address = {М.}, pagetotal = 271, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, url = {http://abuss.narod.ru/study/str/avt_str0.htm}, } @Book{benjamin:ift, author = {Вальтер Беньямин}, title = {Историко"=философские тезисы}, translator = {Владимир Биленкин}, year = 1996, origyear = 1940, origlanguage = {german}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, url = {http://www.left.ru/2001/7/benjamin.html}, } @Book{whitehead:irf, author = {Уайтхед, Альфред Норт}, title = {Избранные работы по философии}, year = 1990, _editor = {И. Т. Касавина}, _editortype = {compiler}, credit = {Сост. И.Т. Касавин: Общ. ред. и вступ. ст. М. А. Кисселя}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, series = {Философская мысль Запада}, publisher = {Прогресс}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-01-001591-9}, pagetotal = 720, } @BookInBook{whitehead:pr-ru, crossref = {whitehead:irf}, title = {Процесс и реальность}, year = 1990, pages = {272--303}, annote = {только отрывки}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{whitehead:icp, author = {A. N. Whitehead}, title = {An Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge}, year = 1919, pagetotal = 216, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {Cambridge} } @Book{whitehead:cn, author = {A. N. Whitehead}, title = {The concept of Nature}, year = 1920, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {Cambridge}, url = {http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18835/18835-h/18835-h.htm}, } @Collection{hig, editor = {F. Buekenhout and W. Kantor}, title = {Handbook of Incidence Geometry}, year = 1994, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {North-Holland} } @InCollection{gerla:pg, crossref = {hig}, author = {G. Gerla}, title = {Pointless geometries}, year = 1994, pages = {1015--1031}, url = {http://www.dmi.unisa.it/people/gerla/www/Down/point-free.pdf}, } @MVCollection{hwpt, editor = {Michel Weber and Will Desmond}, title = {Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought}, year = 2008, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volumes = 2, publisher = {Ontos Verlag}, location = {Frankfurt}, doi = {10.1515/9783110333299}, } @InCollection{gerla-miranda:mfwpg, crossref = {hwpt}, author = {Giangiacomo Gerla and Annamaria Miranda}, title = {Mathematical features of Whitehead’s pointfree geometry}, year = 2008, volume = 2, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {119--130}, doi = {10.1515/9783110333299.2.119}, } @Book{whitehead:pr, author = {A. N. Whitehead}, title = {Process and Reality}, year = 1929, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {The Macmillan Co.}, location = {New York}, } @Book{rorty:sis, author = {Ричард Рорти}, title = {Случайность, ирония и солидарность}, year = 1996, translator = {Хестанова, Р. З. and Хестановой, И. В.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, publisher = {Русское феноменологическое общество}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-7333-0494-4}, pagetotal = 280, } @Book{deleuze:dr, author = {Gilles Deleuze}, title = {Différence et répétition}, year = 1968, language = {french}, langid = {french}, publisher = {PUF}, location = {Paris}, pagetotal = 416, } @Article{deleuze:ps-en, title = {Plato and the Simulacrum}, author = {Deleuze, Gilles}, translator = {Krauss, Rosalind}, journal = {October}, volume = 27, issue = {Winter}, pages = {45-56}, eprint = 778495, eprinttype = {jstor}, _url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/778495}, issn = 01622870, language = {English}, langid = {english}, origlanguage = {french}, year = 1983, publisher = {The MIT Press}, } @MVCollection{hhl, title = {Handbook of the History of Logic}, date = {2004/}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {Elsevier}, } @Collection{hhl6, editor = {Dov M. Gabbay and Akihiro Kanamori and John Woods}, crossref = {hhl}, title = {Sets and Extensions in the Twentieth Century}, year = 2012, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 6, publisher = {Elsevier}, pagetotal = 880, isbn = {978-0-444-51621-3}, } @InCollection{holmes-forster-libert:ast, author = {M. Randall Holmes and Thomas Forster and Thierry Libert}, title = {Alternative Set Theories}, year = 2012, crossref = {hhl6}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {559-632}, } @Book{simons:parts, title = {Parts: A Study in Ontology}, author = {Simons, Peter}, isbn = 9780191591150, year = 1987, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pagetotal = 402, } @InBook{varzi:mereology, title = {Mereology}, year = 2012, author = {Varzi, A.}, booktitle = {The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition)}, editor = {E. N. Zalta}, url = {http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2012/entries/mereology/}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{casati-varzi:pp, author = {Casati, R. and Varzi, A.}, title = {Parts and places}, subtitle = {The structures of spatial representation}, year = 1999, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {MIT Press}, location = {Cambridge, MA}, pagetotal = 248, } @Article{shiver:hdys, author = {Anthony Shiver}, title = {How do you say `everything is ultimately composed of atoms’?}, journaltitle = {Philosophical Studies}, year = 2015, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 172, issue = 3, pages = {607-614}, doi = {10.1007/s11098-014-0321-0}, } @MVBook{russell:whitehead:pm, author = {Russell, Bertrand and Whitehead, Alfred North}, title = {Principia Mathematica}, date = {1910/1913}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volumes = 3, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {London}, url = {http://name.umdl.umich.edu/AAT3201.0003.001}, } @Book{cook:yp, title = {The Yablo Paradox}, subtitle = {An Essay on Circularity}, author = {Roy T. Cook}, pagetotal = 208, isbn = 9780191648380, year = 2014, publisher = {OUP Oxford}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{bach:dbr, number = 3, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, journaltitle = {Pacific Philosophical Quarterly}, author = {Kent Bach}, pages = {215--241}, volume = 78, year = 1997, title = {Do Belief Reports Report Beliefs?}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{soames:dr, number = 1, title = {Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic Content}, publisher = {University of Arkansas Press}, journaltitle = {Philosophical Topics}, volume = 15, year = 1987, author = {Scott Soames}, pages = {47--87}, doi = {10.5840/philtopics198715112}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Collection{obs, title = {On Being and Saying}, subtitle = {Essays for Richard Cartwright}, editor = {Thomson, J.J.}, year = 1988, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {MIT Press}, pagetotal = 293, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InCollection{soames:substitutivity, author = {Soames, S.}, title = {Substitutivity}, year = 1988, crossref = {obs}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {99--132}, } @Book{badiou:briefings, title = {Briefings on Existence}, subtitle = {A Short Treatise on Transitory Ontology}, author = {Badiou, Alain}, year = 2006, translator = {Norman Madarasz}, editor = {Norman Madarasz}, introduction = {Norman Madarasz}, isbn = {978-0-7914-6803-6}, publisher = {SUNY Press}, location = {NY}, pagetotal = 190, origlanguage = {french}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, note = {Originally published in France under the title Court Traité d’ontologie transitoire. 1998, Éditions de Seuil} } @Book{badiou:ctot, author = {Badiou, Alain}, title = {Court traité d'ontologie transitoire}, series = {Collection «L'\/Ordre philosophique»}, year = 1998, publisher = {Seuil}, location = {P.}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, related = {badiou:briefings}, relatedtype = {translatedas}, } @Book{salmon:fp, author = {Nathan U. Salmon}, title = {Frege's Puzzle}, publisher = {Bradford Books/The MIT Press}, location = {Cambridge, Mass.}, year = 1986, pagetotal = 195, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @MVReference{rep, title = {Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, editor = {Edward Craig}, publisher = {Routledge}, isbn = {0415324955,9780415324953,9780203086711}, year = 2005, edition = {2nd Revised edition}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Thesis{belozerov:thesis, ids = {belozerov_thesis}, author = {Белозеров, Иван Валентинович}, title = {Религиозная политика Золотой Орды на Руси в XIII—XIV вв.\isdot}, media = {text}, type = {phdthesis}, science = {ист. наук}, number = {07.00.02}, titleaddon = {защищена 22.01.02~: утв. 15.07.02}, location = {М.}, date = 2002, pagetotal = 215, addendum = {Библиогр.: с. 202---213.~--- 04200201565}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Thesis{vishnyakov:thesis, ids = {vishnyakov_thesis}, author = {Вишняков, Илья Владимирович}, title = {Модели и методы оценки коммерческих банков в условиях неопределенности}, media = {text}, type = {phdthesis}, science = {экон. наук}, specialitycode ={08.00.13}, titleaddon = {защищена 12.02.02~: утв. 24.06.02}, location = {М.}, date = 2002, pagetotal = 234, addendum = {Библиогр.: с. 220---230.~--- 04200204433}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Thesis{Skvortsov:2008, ids = {Skvortsov_2008}, author = {Скворцов, Михаил Андреевич}, title = {Флуктуационные и интерференционные эффекты в мезоскопических системах}, media = {text}, institution = {ИТФ им. Л.\,Д.~Ландау}, year = 2008, type = {docthesis}, major = {физ.-мат. наук}, majorcode ={01.04.02}, pagetotal = 224, location = {Черноголовка}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Thesis{Skvortsov:2008autoref, crossref = {Skvortsov:2008}, type = {docautoref}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Thesis{domanovdi, author = {Доманов, Дмитрий Иванович}, title = {Вероятностный анализ риска возникновения катастрофического состояния применяемых в мостостроении косо опертых плитно-балочных систем из железобетона при воздействии подвижной нагрузки}, type = {phdthesis}, science = {технических наук}, _institution = {Воронеж. гос. архитектур.-строит. ун-т}, credits = {[Место защиты: Воронеж. гос. архитектур.-строит. ун-т]}, year = 2016, number = {05.23.17}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, location = {Воронеж}, pagetotal = {159 с. : ил.}, } @Patent{patent1h, heading = {Пат. 2187888 Рос. федерация, МПК\ensuremath{^7} H 04 B 1/38, H 04 J}, author = {Чугаева, В. И.}, title = {Приемопередающее устройство}, media = {text}, _type = {patent}, _number = 2187888, _location = {countryru}, _ipc = {МПК\ensuremath{^7} H 04 B 1/38, H 04 J}, holder = {{заявитель и патентообладатель Воронеж. науч.-исслед. ин-т связи}}, reqnumber = {2000131736/09}, date = {2000-12-18}, publication = {Бюл. № 23 (II ч.)\midsentence}, publdate = {2002-08-20}, pagetotal = {2 с.~: ил.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Patent{patent2h, heading = {Заявка 1095735 Рос. федерация, МПК\ensuremath{^7} B 64 G 1/00}, author = {Тернер, Э. В.}, authortype = {США}, title = {Одноразовая ракета-носитель}, media = {text}, _type = {patreq}, _number = 1095735, _location = {countryru}, _ipc = {МПК\ensuremath{^7} B 64 G 1/00}, holder = {{заявитель Спейс Системз/Лорал, инк.}}, credits = {патент. поверенный Егорова Г. Б.}, reqnumber = {2000108705/28}, date = {2000-04-07}, publdate = {2001-03-10}, publication = {Бюл. № 7 (I ч.)\midsentence}, prdate = {1999-04-09}, prnumber = {09/289, 037}, prcountry = {countryus}, pagetotal = {5 с.~: ил.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Patent{patent3h, heading = {А. с. 1007970 СССР, МКИ\ensuremath{^3} В 25.1 15/00}, author = {В. С. Ваулин and В. Г. Кемайкин}, authortype = {СССР}, title = {Устройство для захвата неориентированных деталей типа валов}, media = {text}, _type = {invcert}, _number = 1007970, _location = {countryussr}, _ipc = {МКИ\ensuremath{^3} В 25.1 15/00}, reqnumber = {3360585/25-08}, date = {1981-11-23}, publication = {Бюл. № 12}, publdate = {1983-03-30}, pagetotal = {2 с.~: ил.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Patent{patent1, _heading = {Пат. 2187888 Рос. федерация}, author = {Чугаева, В. И.}, title = {Приемопередающее устройство}, media = {text}, type = {patent}, number = 2187888, location = {countryru}, ipc = {МПК\ensuremath{^7} H 04 B 1/38, H 04 J}, holder = {{заявитель и патентообладатель Воронеж. науч.-исслед. ин-т связи}}, reqnumber = {2000131736/09}, date = {2000-12-18}, publication = {Бюл. № 23 (II ч.)\midsentence}, publdate = {2002-08-20}, pagetotal = {2 с.~: ил.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Patent{patent2, _heading = {Заявка 1095735 Рос. федерация}, author = {Тернер, Э. В.}, authortype = {США}, title = {Одноразовая ракета-носитель}, media = {text}, type = {patreq}, number = 1095735, location = {countryru}, ipc = {МПК\ensuremath{^7} B 64 G 1/00}, holder = {{заявитель Спейс Системз/Лорал, инк.}}, credits = {патент. поверенный Егорова Г. Б.}, reqnumber = {2000108705/28}, date = {2000-04-07}, publdate = {2001-03-10}, publication = {Бюл. № 7 (I ч.)\midsentence}, prioritydate = {1999-04-09}, prioritynumber ={09/289, 037}, prioritycountry ={countryus}, pagetotal = {5 с.~: ил.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Patent{patent3, _heading = {А.\,с. 1007970 СССР}, author = {В. С. Ваулин and В. Г. Кемайкин}, authortype = {СССР}, title = {Устройство для захвата неориентированных деталей типа валов}, media = {text}, type = {invcert}, number = 1007970, location = {countryussr}, ipc = {МКИ\ensuremath{^3} В 25.1 15/00}, reqnumber = {3360585/25-08}, date = {1981-11-23}, publication = {Бюл. № 12}, publdate = {1983-03-30}, pagetotal = {2 с.~: ил.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Reference{standard1h, heading = {ГОСТ Р 51771---2001}, title = {Аппаратура радиоэлектронная бытовая. Входные и выходные параметры и типы соединений. 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Международная стандартная нумерация книг}, media = {text}, subtitle = {ГОСТ 733---2001}, specdata = {Взамен ГОСТ 7.53---86~; введ. 2002---07---01}, _stdinstead = {ГОСТ 7.53---86}, _stdintroduced ={2002-07-01}, location = {Минск~: Межгос. совет по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации~; М.~: Изд-во стандартов}, year = {cop. 2002}, pagetotal = 3, series = {Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу}, langid = {russian}, } @Reference{standard3, title = {Селитра калиевая техническая. Технические условия}, media = {text}, subtitle = {ГОСТ 19790-74}, specdata = {Взамен ГОСТ 1949-65 и ГОСТ 5.1138-71~; введ. 01.07.05}, _stdinstead = {ГОСТ 1949-65 and ГОСТ 5.1138-71}, _stdintroduced ={2005-07-01}, location = {М.}, publisher = {Стандартинформ}, year = 2006, pagetotal = 18, series = {Межгосударственный стандарт}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{guriev2012russia, title = {Россия — лидер по неравенству распределения богатства}, author = {Гуриев, С. and Цывинский, О.}, journaltitle = {Ведомости}, date = {2012-06-06}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{kasler:otm, ids = {kasler_otm}, author = {Кейслер, Х. Джером}, title = {Основы теории моделей}, pages = {55-108}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, crossref = {skml1}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{kock-reyes:dcl, author = {Кок, А. and Рейес, Г. Э.}, title = {Доктрины в категорной логике}, pages = {289-319}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, crossref = {skml1}, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{burgess:v, author = {Джон П. Берджес}, title = {Вынуждение}, pages = {99--157}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, crossref = {skml2}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{skml1, title = {Теория моделей}, year = 1982, part = 1, pagetotal = 392, crossref = {skml}, langid = {russian}, } @Collection{skml2, title = {Теория множеств}, year = 1982, part = 2, pagetotal = 376, crossref = {skml}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{lawvere-rosebrugh:sm, ids = {lawvere_rosebrugh_sm}, author = {Lawvere, F. William and Rosebrugh, Robert}, title = {Sets for mathematics}, year = 2003, language = {english}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, isbn = 9780521010603, pagetotal = 280, langid = {english}, } @Book{troelstra:pi, ids = {troelstra_pi}, author = {Anne S. Troelstra}, title = {Principles of Intuitionism}, year = 1969, number = 95, series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, subtitle = {Lectures Presented at the Summer Conference on Intuitionism and Proof Theory (1968) at Suny at Buffalo, NY}, language = {english}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, location = {Heidelberg}, isbn = 3540046143, pagetotal = 111, langid = {english}, serieseditor = {A. Dold, Heidelberg and B. Eckmann, Zürich}, } @Book{vopenka:mast, ids = {vopenka_mast}, author = {Vopěnka, Petr}, title = {Mathematics in the alternative set theory}, year = 1979, edition = 1, language = {english}, publisher = {B. G. 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Dummett}, title = {Formal Systems and Recursive Functions}, year = 1965, eventtitle = {Eighth Logic Colloquium}, eventdate = {1963-07}, venue = {Oxford}, language = {english}, publisher = {North Holland Publishing Co.}, location = {Amsterdam}, _title = {Formal Systems and Recursive Functions (Proceedings of the Eighth Logic Colloquium at Oxford, July, 1963)}, langid = {english}, } @MVCollection{skml, editor = {Дж. Барвайса}, title = {Справочная книга по математической логике}, date = {1982/1983}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, publisher = {Наука. Главная редакция физико-математической литературы}, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, parts = 4, shorttitle = {Справочная книга~\textellipsis\isdot}, } @Book{kunen:st, author = {Kenneth Kunen}, title = {Set Theory}, subtitle = {An Introduction to Independence Proofs}, year = 1980, publisher = {North-Holland Pub. Co}, location = {Amsterdam and New York}, isbn = 0444854010, series = {Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics: v. 102}, pagetotal = {xvi, 313 p.}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, annote = {bibliography: Bibliography: p. 305-308. Includes indexes.}, } @InProceedings{shoenfield:uf, crossref = {ast1}, author = {J. R. Shoenfield}, title = {Unramified forcing}, pages = {357-381}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Proceedings{ast1, crossref = {pspm}, title = {Axiomatic Set Theory}, editor = {Dana S. Scott}, year = 1971, volume = 13, part = 1, volsorder = {vp}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Proceedings{ast2, crossref = {pspm}, title = {Axiomatic Set Theory}, editor = {Thomas J. Jech}, year = 1974, volume = 13, part = 2, volsorder = {vp}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @MVProceedings{pspm, editor = {Dana S. Scott and Thomas J. 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И. Фуксона}, origlanguage = {english}, editor = {В. Н. Гришина}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, related = {jech:lst}, relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{jech:lst, author = {Thomas J. Jech}, title = {Lectures in set theory with particular emphasis on the method of forcing}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, location = {Berlin and Heidelberg and New York}, year = 1971, series = {Lecture notes in mathematics}, number = 217, language = {english}, langid = {english}, related = {jech:tm}, relatedtype = {bytranslator}, } @Article{scott:pich, author = {Dana S. Scott}, title = {A Proof of the Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis}, journal = {Mathematical Systems Theory}, volume = 1, number = 2, year = 1967, pages = {89-111}, doi = {10.1007/BF01705520}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{mostowski:uas, author = {Andrzej Mostowski}, title = {An undecidable arithmetical statement}, year = 1949, journaltitle = {Fundamenta Mathematicae}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 36, number = 1, pages = {143–164}, publisher = {Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences}, url = {http://eudml.org/doc/213187}, annotation = {Mostowski collapsing theorem}, } @Book{aczel:nwfs, author = {Aczel, Peter}, foreword = {Barwise, Jon}, title = {Non-well-founded sets}, year = 1988, publisher = {Stanford University, Center for the Study of Language and Information}, location = {Stanford, CA}, isbn = {0-937073-22-9}, number = 14, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, pagetotal = {xx, 137}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{tzouvaras:fa, author = {Tzouvaras, Athanassios}, title = {Forcing and antifoundation}, year = 2005, month = 7, journaltitle = {Archive for Mathematical Logic}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 44, number = 5, pages = {645-661}, doi = {10.1007/s00153-004-0268-5}, } @Article{esser:fwafa, author = {Olivier Esser}, title = {Forcing with the Anti-Foundation axiom}, year = 2012, month = 2, journaltitle = {Mathematical Logic Quarterly}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 58, number = {1-2}, pages = {55--62}, doi = {10.1002/malq.201020079}, } @Book{barwise:liar, title = {The Liar}, subtitle = {An Essay on Truth and Circularity}, author = {Barwise, Jon and Etchemendy, John}, isbn = 9780195059441, lccn = 86031260, year = 1989, pagetotal = 194, publisher = {Oxford University Press, USA}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{barwise_moss:vc, title = {Vicious Circles}, subtitle = {On the mathematics of non-wellfounded phenomena}, isbn = 1575860082, pagetotal = 400, location = {Stanford, Calif}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, author = {Barwise, Jon and Moss, Lawrence S.}, year = 1996, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{seebach-etal:wis, title = {What is a Sheaf?}, author = {Seebach, J. Arthur Jr. and Seebach, Linda A. and Steen, Lynn A.}, journal = {The American Mathematical Monthly}, volume = 77, number = 7, issue = {Aug.---Sep.}, pages = {681-703}, eprint = 2316199, eprinttype = {jstor}, _url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2316199}, issn = 00029890, language = {English}, year = 1970, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, } @Book{goldblatt:t-ru, author = {Голдблатт, Роберт}, translator = {В. Н. Гришина and В. В. Шокурова}, editor = {Д. А. Бочвара}, title = {Топосы. Категорный анализ логики}, shorttitle = {Топосы}, year = 1983, publisher = {Мир}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 488, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, related = {goldblatt:t-en}, relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{goldblatt:t-en, author = {Robert Goldblatt}, title = {Topoi, the categorial analysis of logic}, shorttitle = {Topoi}, year = 1984, origyear = 1979, publisher = {North-Holland}, location = {Amsterdam and New York and Oxford}, series = {Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics~; v.98}, pagetotal = 568, language = {english}, langid = {english}, edition = 2, related = {goldblatt:t-ru}, relatedtype = {bytranslator}, } @Article{vanDalen:iia, author = {Dirk van Dalen}, title = {An interpretation of intuitionistic analysis}, journal = {Annals of Mathematical Logic}, volume = 13, number = 1, pages = {1-43}, year = 1978, issn = {0003-4843}, doi = {10.1016/0003-4843(78)90029-3}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @MVBook{borceux:hca, title = {Handbook of Categorical Algebra}, author = {Borceux, Francis}, volumes = 3, isbn = 9780521441803, series = {Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications}, _number = {50, 51, 52}, year = 1994, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{borceux:hca1, crossref = {borceux:hca}, volume = 1, title = {Basic Category Theory}, pagetotal = 345, number = 50, isbn = 0521061199, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511525858}, } @Book{borceux:hca2, crossref = {borceux:hca}, volume = 2, title = {Categories and Structures}, pagetotal = 443, number = 51, isbn = {052144179X}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511525865}, } @Book{borceux:hca3, crossref = {borceux:hca}, volume = 3, title = {Sheaf Theory}, pagetotal = 522, number = 52, isbn = 0521441803, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511525872}, } @InProceedings{kripke:sail, ids = {kripke_sail}, author = {Kripke, Saul}, title = {Semantical Analysis of Intuitionistic Logic I}, language = {english}, pages = {92--130}, crossref = {fsrf40}, langid = {english}, } @Book{bell:st, title = {Set Theory}, subtitle = {Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs}, author = {John L. Bell}, isbn = 9780191620829, series = {Oxford Logic Guides}, number = 47, edition = 3, year = 2005, pagetotal = 216, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{lebesgue:iv, author = {Анри Лебег}, title = {Об измерении величин}, year = 1960, translator = {О. И. Кисловской-Карской}, editor = {И. М. Яглома}, foreword = {А. Н. Колмогорова}, publisher = {Гос. уч.-пед. изд-во М-ва просвещения РСФСР}, location = {Москва}, pagetotal = 204, origlanguage = {french}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, edition = 2, related = {lebesgue:mg}, relatedtype = {translationof}, } @Book{lebesgue:mg, author = {Henri Lebesgue}, title = {La mesure des grandeurs}, year = 1915, publisher = {A. Kundig}, location = {Genève}, number = 1, series = {Monographies de l’Enseignement mathématique}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, related = {lebesgue:iv}, relatedtype = {bytranslator}, } @Book{kusraev-kutateladze:vba, author = {Кусраев, А. Г. and Кутателадзе, Самсон Семёнович}, title = {Введение в булевозначный анализ}, year = 2005, publisher = {Наука}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-02-033710-2}, pagetotal = 526, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Article{scott:eti, author = {Dana S. Scott}, title = {Extending the topological interpretation to intuitionistic analysis}, journal = {Compositio Mathematica}, pages = {194-210}, publisher = {Noordhoff International}, volume = 20, year = 1968, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{blass:ibc, author = {Andreas Blass}, title = {The Interaction Between Category Theory and Set Theory}, year = 1984, journaltitle = {Contemporary Mathematics}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 30, pages = {5-29}, } @Article{thomason:ssc, title = {On the Strong Semantical Completeness of the Intuitionistic Predicate Calculus}, author = {Thomason, Richmond H.}, journal = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic}, volume = 33, number = 1, pages = {1-7}, _eprint = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2270047}, eprint = 2270047, eprinttype = {jstor}, issn = 00224812, language = {English}, issue = {Mar.}, year = 1968, publisher = {Association for Symbolic Logic}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{rasiowa-sikorski:mm, author = {Елена Расёва and Роман Сикорский}, translator = {В. А. Янкова}, title = {Математика метаматематики}, year = 1972, publisher = {Наука}, location = {М.}, series = {Математическая логика и основания математики}, pagetotal = 591, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {Helena Rasiowa and Roman Sikorski THE MATHEMATICS OF METAMATHEMATICS Polska Akademia Nauk MONOGRAFIE MATEMATYCZNE Tom 41 Paristwowe Wydawnlctwo Naukowe Warszawa 1963}, } @Article{sato:faf, author = {Kentaro Sato}, title = {Forcing under Anti-Foundation Axiom}, subtitle = {An expression of the stalks}, year = 2006, month = 6, journaltitle = {Mathematical Logic Quarterly}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 52, number = 3, pages = {295-314}, doi = {10.1002/malq.200410060}, } @Article{feferman:sanf, author = {Solomon Feferman}, title = {Some applications of the notions of forcing and generic set}, year = 1965, journaltitle = {Fundamenta Mathematicae}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 56, pages = {325-345}, } @Book{maclane:crm, author = {Сондерс Маклейн}, translator = {В.А. Артамонова}, editor = {В.А. Артамонова}, title = {Категории для работающего математика}, year = 2004, publisher = {ФИЗМАТЛИТ}, location = {М.}, isbn = {5-9221-0400-4}, pagetotal = 352, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, _related = {перевод со 2-го изд. Mac Lane, Categories for the Working Mathematician, Springer, 1998}, } @Article{johnstone:ppt, author = {Peter T. Johnstone}, title = {The Point of Pointless Topology}, year = 1983, journaltitle = {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (New Series)}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 8, number = 1, _issue = {January}, month = 1, pages = {41-53}, url = {http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=682820}, } @Book{engelking:ot, author = {Энгелькинг, Р.}, translator = {М. Я. Антоновского and А. В. Архангельского}, title = {Общая топология}, year = 1986, publisher = {Мир}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 752, origlanguage = {english}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{scedrov:fct, author = {Andrej Ščedrov}, title = {Forcing and classifying topoi}, year = 1984, publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, location = {Providence, Rhode Island, USA}, isbn = {978-0-8218-2294-4 (print); 978-1-4704-0705-6 (online)}, number = {Volume 48, number 295}, series = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, pagetotal = 106, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1090/memo/0295}, } @Book{maclane-moerdijk:sgl, author = {Saunders MacLane and Ieke Moerdijk}, title = {Sheaves in geometry and logic}, subtitle = {a first introduction to topos theory}, year = 1992, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, location = {New York, Berlin etc.}, isbn = {0-387-97710-4}, series = {Universitext}, pagetotal = 630, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{fitting:ilmtf, author = {Fitting, Melvin}, title = {Intuitionistic logic, model theory and forcing}, series = {Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics}, year = 1969, publisher = {North-Holland Pub. Co.}, location = {Amsterdam and London}, pagetotal = 191, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{moens:fskj, title = {Forcing et sémantique de Kripke-Joyal}, author = {Moens, J. L.}, isbn = 9782870770986, series = {Cahiers du Centre de logique}, number = 3, pagetotal = 30, year = 1982, publisher = {Cabay}, location = {Louvain-la-Neuve}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, } @Book{kleene:vm, author = {Стефен К. Клини}, editor = {В. А. Успенского}, translator = {А. С. Есенина-Вольпина}, origlanguage = {english}, title = {Введение в метаматематику}, publisher = {Изд-во иностр. лит.}, location = {М.}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, pagetotal = 526, year = 1957, } @Article{weyl:ml, author = {Weyl, Hermann}, title = {Mathematics and logic}, subtitle = {A brief survey serving as a preface to a review of ``The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell''}, journal = {Amer. math, monthly}, year = 1946, volume = 53, pages = {2-13}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{benacerraf:wncb, author = {Benacerraf, Paul}, title = {What Numbers Could Not Be}, journal = {The Philosophical Review}, year = 1965, volume = 74, number = 1, pages = {47-73}, month = 1, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{leinster:rst, author = {Tom Leinster}, title = {Rethinking Set Theory}, doi = {10.4169/amer.math.monthly.121.05.403}, abstract = {Abstract Mathematicians manipulate sets with confidence almost every day, rarely making mistakes. Few of us, however, could accurately quote what are often referred to as 'the' axioms of set theory. This suggests that we all carry around with us, perhaps subconsciously, a reliable body of operating principles for manipulating sets. What if we were to take some of those principles and adopt them as our axioms instead? The message of this article is that this can be done, in a simple, practical way (due to Lawvere). The resulting axioms are ten thoroughly mundane statements about sets.}, journaltitle = {The American Mathematical Monthly}, number = 5, pages = {403-415}, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, volume = 121, year = 2014, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Online{leinster:rst-arxiv, author = {Tom Leinster}, title = {Rethinking set theory}, date = {2012-12-28}, _url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.6543v1}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, annote = {Mathematicians manipulate sets with confidence almost every day, rarely making mistakes. Few of us, however, could accurately quote what are often referred to as "the" axioms of set theory. This suggests that we all carry around with us, perhaps subconsciously, a reliable body of operating principles for manipulating sets. What if we were to take some of those principles and adopt them as our axioms instead? The message of this article is that this can be done, in a simple, practical way (due to Lawvere). The resulting axioms are ten thoroughly mundane statements about sets. This is an expository article for a general mathematical readership.}, eprint = {1212.6543v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {math.LO}, } @Online{sear, title = {SEAR}, year = 2011, url = {http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/SEAR}, urldate = {2015-02-18}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{grayson:fis, title = {Forcing in Intuitionistic Systems Without Power-Set}, author = {R. J. Grayson}, pages = {670--682}, publisher = {Association for Symbolic Logic}, year = 1983, journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, number = 3, volume = 48, language = {english}, langid = {english}, abstract = {It is shown how to define forcing semantics within metatheories not containing the power-set construction, in particular, how to construct exponents assuming only (a slightly strengthened form of) exponents in the metatheory. Some straightforward applications (consistency and independence results, and derived rules) are obtained for such systems}, } @Book{hott-book, _shorthand = {HoTT}, author = {{Univalent Foundations Program, The}}, title = {Homotopy Type Theory}, subtitle = {Univalent Foundations of Mathematics}, edition = {first-edition-0-ge0aa8e9}, publisher = {\url{http://homotopytypetheory.org/book}}, location = {Institute for Advanced Study}, year = 2013, pagetotal = 589, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{johnstone:se, title = {Sketches of an Elephant}, subtitle = {A Topos Theory Compendium}, author = {Johnstone, Peter T.}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, location = {Oxford}, series = {Oxford Logic Guides}, year = 2002, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{johnstone:se1, crossref = {johnstone:se}, volume = 1, pagetotal = 467, isbn = 9780198524960, lccn = 2002070149, number = 43, year = 2002, } @Book{johnstone:se2, crossref = {johnstone:se}, volume = 2, pagetotal = 716, isbn = 9780198515982, lccn = 2002070149, number = 44, year = 2002, } @Article{palmgren:csf, author = {Erik Palmgren}, title = {Constructivist and structuralist foundations}, subtitle = {Bishop’s and Lawvere’s theories of sets}, doi = {10.1016/j.apal.2012.01.011}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, issnp = {0168-0072}, year = 2012, volume = 163, issue = 10, pages = {1384-1399}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Proceedings{25y, title = {Twenty-five years of constructive type theory}, titleaddon = {Proceedings of a Congress held in Venice, October 1995}, year = 1998, _eventdate = {1995-10}, _venue = {Venice}, language = {english}, editor = {Giovanni Sambin and Jan M. Smith}, series = {Oxford Logic Guides}, number = 36, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, location = {New York}, pagetotal = 296, langid = {english}, } @InProceedings{martin-lof:itt, crossref = {25y}, author = {Per Martin-Löf}, title = {An intuitionistic theory of types}, year = 1998, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {127-172}, } @InProceedings{sambin-valentini:but, crossref = {25y}, author = {Sambin, Giovanni and Valentini, Silvio}, title = {Building up a toolbox for Martin-Löf's type theory: subset theory}, year = 1998, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {221-244}, } @InProceedings{coquand-spiwack:tcha, crossref = {tmma}, author = {Coquand, T. and Spiwack, A.}, title = {Towards Constructive Homological Algebra in Type Theory.}, pages = {40-54}, year = 2007, } @Proceedings{tmma, title = {Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants}, year = 2007, titleaddon = {14th Symposium, Calculemus 2007, 6th International Conference, MKM 2007, Hagenberg, Austria, June 27-30, 2007. Proceedings}, _eventdate = {2007-06-27/30}, _venue = {Hagenberg, Austria}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, editor = {Manuel Kauers and Manfred Kerber and Robert Miner and Wolfgang Windsteiger}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {Volume 4573}, publisher = {Springer}, location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-73083-5}, issn = {0302-9743}, pagetotal = 410, } @Book{bishop:fca, author = {Errett Bishop}, title = {Foundations of Constructive Analysis}, year = 1967, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, location = {New York}, pagetotal = 382 } @Book{bishop-bridges:ca, author = {Errett Bishop and Douglas Bridges}, title = {Constructive Analysis}, year = 1985, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften}, number = 279, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, pagetotal = 477 } @InProceedings{aczel:tti, crossref = {lc77}, doi = {10.1016/s0049-237x(08)71989-x}, title = {The Type Theoretic Interpretation of Constructive Set Theory}, author = {Aczel, Peter}, year = 1978, pages = {55--66}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Proceedings{lc77, editor = {Angus Macintyre and Leszek Pacholski and Jeff Paris}, title = {Logic Colloquium '77}, year = 1978, titleaddon = {Proceedings of the colloquium held in Wroclaw, August 1977}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics}, number = {v.~96}, publisher = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, location = {Amsterdam and New York and Oxford}, } @Collection{fst, number = 4, volume = 12, editor = {Laura Crosilla and Peter Schuster}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = 2005, title = {From Sets and Types to Topology and Analysis}, subtitle = {Towards Practicable Foundations for Constructive Mathematics}, pagetotal = 370, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Oxford Logic Guides}, number = 48, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198566519.001.0001}, abstract = {This edited collection bridges the foundations and practice of constructive mathematics and focuses on the contrast between the theoretical developments, which have been most useful for computer science (ie: constructive set and type theories), and more specific efforts on constructive analysis, algebra and topology. Aimed at academic logician, mathematicians, philosophers and computer scientists with contributions from leading researchers, it is up to date, highly topical and broad in scope} } @Article{maietti:mtlf, doi = {10.1016/j.apal.2009.01.006}, title = {A minimalist two-level foundation for constructive mathematics}, author = {Maria Emilia Maietti}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, issnp = {0168-0072}, year = 2009, volume = 160, issue = 3, pages = {319--354}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InCollection{maietti-sambin:tmf, author = {Maietti, Maria Emilia and Sambin, Giovanni}, title = {Toward a Minimalist Foundation for Constructive Mathematics}, year = 2005, crossref = {fst}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {91--114}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198566519.003.0006} } @Article{aczel-gambino:gtti, author = {Gambino, Nicola and Aczel, Peter}, title = {The Generalised Type-Theoretic Interpretation of Constructive Set Theory}, journaltitle = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic}, year = 2006, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 71, number = 1, month = 3, pages = {67--103}, doi = {10.2178/jsl/1140641163}, eprinttype = {jstor}, eprint = 27588436, } @Collection{ipt, editor = {A. Kino and J. Myhill and R. E. Vesley}, title = {Intuitionism and Proof Theory}, year = 1970, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {North-Holland}, location = {Amsterdam}, pagetotal = 516 } @InCollection{bishop:mnl, crossref = {ipt}, author = {Errett Bishop}, title = {Mathematics as a numerical language}, year = 1970, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {553-71} } @Book{lewis:pc, author = {Lewis, David}, title = {Parts of Classes}, year = 1991, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {Basil Blackwell}, location = {Cambridge}, pagetotal = 155 } @Article{lawvere:etcs, author = {F. William Lawvere}, title = {An elementary theory of the category of sets}, journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the U.S.A}, year = 1965, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 52, pages = {1506--1511}, } @Article{lawvere:etcs-long, author = {F. William Lawvere}, title = {An elementary theory of the category of sets (long version)}, journaltitle = {Theory and Applications of Categories}, year = 2005, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 11, pages = {7--35}, } @Book{martin-lof:itt-book, title = {An intuitionistic type theory}, subtitle = {Notes by Giovanni Sambin of a series of lectures given in Padua, June 1980}, author = {Per Martin-Löf}, publisher = {Bibliopolis}, location = {Napoli}, isbn = {88-7088-105-9}, year = 1984, pagetotal = 91, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Studies in Proof Theory}, } @Book{fraenkel:ast, title = {Abstract Set Theory}, author = {Abraham A. Fraenkel}, publisher = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, year = 1966, series = {Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Volume 12}, edition = 3, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{hovda:wcm, author = {Paul Hovda}, title = {What is Classical Mereology?}, journaltitle = {Journal of Philosophical Logic}, year = 2009, language = {english}, volume = 38, pages = {55-82}, doi = {10.1007/s10992-008-9092-4}, langid = {english}, } @Book{picado-pultr:fl, title = {Frames and Locales}, subtitle = {topology without points}, author = {Picado, Jorge and Pultr, Ales}, volume = 28, year = 2012, publisher = {Birkhäuser}, series = {Frontiers in Mathematics}, location = {Basel}, pagetotal = 420, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-0348-0154-6}, } @Article{mclarty:ncb, eprinttype = {jstor}, eprint = 2215789, author = {Colin McLarty}, journaltitle = {Noûs}, number = 4, pages = {487-498}, publisher = {Wiley}, title = {Numbers Can Be Just What They Have To}, volume = 27, year = 1993, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.2307/2215789}, } @Article{landry-marquis:cc, author = {Landry, Elaine and Marquis, Jean-Pierre}, journaltitle = {Philosophia Mathematica}, keywords = {MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL ability, STRUCTURALISM, DEBATES & debating, SCIENCE}, number = 1, pages = {1--43}, title = {Categories in Context: Historical, Foundational, and Philosophical}, volume = 13, year = 2005, doi = {10.1093/philmat/nki005}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to put into context the historical, foundational and philosophical significance of category theory. We use our historical investigation to inform the various category-theoretic foundational debates and to point to some common elements found among those who advocate adopting a foundational stance. We then use these elements to argue for the philosophical position that category theory provides a framework for an algebraic in re interpretation of mathematical structuralism. In each context, what we aim to show is that, whatever the significance of category theory, it need not rely upon any set-theoretic underpinning. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]}, } @Book{awodey:ct2010, title = {Category Theory}, author = {Awodey, S.}, isbn = 9780191612558, series = {Oxford Logic Guides}, url = {https://www.mpi-sws.org/~dreyer/courses/catlogic/awodey.pdf}, year = 2010, publisher = {OUP}, location = {Oxford}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Online{shulman:sttt, author = {Michael A. Shulman}, title = {From Set Theory to Type Theory}, date = {2013-01-07}, url = {https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2013/01/from_set_theory_to_type_theory.html}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @MVCollection{sga4-1, editor = {Michael Artin and Alexandre Grothendieck and Jean-Louis Verdier}, title = {Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois Marie – 1963–64. Théorie des topos et cohomologie étale des schémas (SGA 4)}, year = 1972, volume = 1, language = {french}, langid = {french}, series = {Lecture notes in mathematics}, number = 269, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, location = {Berlin; New York}, } @InCollection{bourbaki:univers, crossref = {sga4-1}, author = {Bourbaki, Nicolas}, title = {Univers}, year = 1972, pages = {185--217}, language = {french}, langid = {french}, url = {http://library.msri.org/books/sga/sga/4-1/4-1t_185.html}, } @Article{shulman:stct, author = {Michael A. Shulman}, title = {Set theory for category theory}, date = {2008-10-07}, _year = 2008, language = {english}, langid = {english}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {0810.1279v2}, eprintclass = {math.CT}, annote = {Questions of set-theoretic size play an essential role in category theory, especially the distinction between sets and proper classes (or small sets and large sets). There are many different ways to formalize this, and which choice is made can have noticeable effects on what categorical constructions are permissible. In this expository paper we summarize and compare a number of such "set-theoretic foundations for category theory," and describe their implications for the everyday use of category theory. We assume the reader has some basic knowledge of category theory, but little or no prior experience with formal logic or set theory.}, } @Article{mclarty:ecs, author = {Colin McLarty}, title = {Exploring Categorical Structuralism}, journaltitle = {Philosophia Mathematica}, year = 2004, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 12, number = 3, pages = {37-53}, doi = {10.1093/philmat/12.1.37}, } @InCollection{lawvere:etcc, author = {F. William Lawvere}, title = {The Category of Categories as a Foundation for Mathematics}, year = 1966, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra - La Jolla 1965}, editor = {Eilenberg and Harrison and MacLane and Röhrl}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {Springer}, location = {Heidelberg}, pages = {1-20}, } @InCollection{lambek-scott:rcf, author = {Jim Lambek and Philip J. Scott}, title = {Reflections on Categorical Foundations of Mathematics}, year = 2011, booktitle = {Foundational Theories of Classical and Constructive Mathematics}, editor = {G. Sommaruga}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, publisher = {Springer}, location = {New York}, pages = {171-185}, } @Book{lambek-scott:ihocl, author = {Jim Lambek and Philip J. Scott}, title = {Introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic}, year = 1986, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, number = 7, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {Cambridge}, } @Article{awodey-butz-simpson-streicher:rfo, author = {Steve Awodey and Carsten Butz and Alex Simpson and Thomas Streicher}, title = {Relating First-Order Set Theories, Toposes and Categories of Classes}, shorttitle = {Relating\textellipsis}, number = 2, pages = {428--502}, year = 2014, journaltitle = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, volume = 165, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1016/j.apal.2013.06.004} } @Article{marquis:ctf, author = {Jean-Pierre Marquis}, title = {Category Theory and the Foundations of Mathematics: Philosophical Excavations}, journaltitle = {Synthese}, year = 1995, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 103, pages = {421-447}, } @Book{bell:tlst, author = {J. L. Bell}, title = {Toposes and Local Set Theories}, year = 1988, subtitle = {An Introduction}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Oxford logic guides}, number = 14, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, location = {Oxford}, pagetotal = 267, } @Article{forrest:nm, author = "Forrest, Peter", title = "Nonclassical Mereology and Its Application to Sets", doi = "10.1305/ndjfl/1071509430", journaltitle = "Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic", month = 04, number = 2, pages = "79--94", publisher = "Duke University Press", volume = 43, year = 2002, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{quine:nf, author = {W. V. Quine}, title = {New Foundations for Mathematical Logic}, journaltitle = {The American Mathematical Monthly}, number = 2, pages = {70-80}, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, volume = 44, year = 1937, doi = {10.2307/2300564}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{awodey-gambino-lumsdaine-warren:lts, author = {Awodey, S. and Gambino, N. and Lumsdaine, P. L. and Warren, M. A.}, title = {Lawvere–Tierney sheaves in Algebraic Set Theory}, shorttitle = {Lawvere–Tierney sheaves \textellipsis\isdot}, journaltitle = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic}, volume = 74, issue = 03, month = 9, year = 2009, issn = {1943-5886}, pages = {861--890}, numpages = 30, doi = {10.2178/jsl/1245158088}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{yanofsky:ua, author = {Noson S. Yanofsky}, title = {A Universal Approach to Self-Referential Paradoxes, Incompleteness and Fixed Points}, journaltitle = {The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic}, number = 3, pages = {362-386}, publisher = {Association for Symbolic Logic}, volume = 9, year = 2003, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.2178/bsl/1058448677}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {math.LO}, eprint = {math/0305282}, issn = 10798986, abstract = {Following F. William Lawvere, we show that many self-referential paradoxes, incompleteness theorems and fixed point theorems fall out of the same simple scheme. We demonstrate these similarities by showing how this simple scheme encompasses the semantic paradoxes, and how they arise as diagonal arguments and fixed point theorems in logic, computability theory, complexity theory and formal language theory.}, } @Book{joyal-moerdijk:ast, title = {Algebraic set theory}, author = {André Joyal and Ieke Moerdijk}, publisher = {CUP}, location = {Cambridge}, isbn = {0-521-55830-1}, year = 1995, pagetotal = 123, series = {London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series}, number = 220, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InCollection{drossos:scs, crossref = {wct}, title = {Sets, categories and structuralism}, author = {Drossos, Costas A.}, year = 2006, pages = {95-126}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, abstract = {First we introduce some basic theoretical issues that set the stage for subsequent accounts. Secondly, we touch upon some important issues: Set-theory vs. category theory, various conceptions of sets, the problem of universals, combining settheory and category theory, structuralism, and finally category theory as an application tool. We argue that in the present time, the categorical holistic way of structuring is much needed. Also we would like to see a kind of unification, not only to mathematics but to structuralism as well.} } @Collection{wct, title = {What is Category Theory?}, editor = {Sica, G.}, isbn = 9788876990311, series = {Advanced studies in mathematics and logic}, number = 3, year = 2006, publisher = {Polimetrica}, location = {Monza Italy}, pagetotal = 292, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{awodey:biast, author = {Steve Awodey}, title = {A brief introduction to algebraic set theory}, journaltitle = {The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic}, year = 2008, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 13, number = 3, pages = {281-298}, } @InProceedings{berg-moerdijk:uaast, crossref = {lc2006}, author = {Benno van den Berg and Ieke Moerdijk}, title = {A Unified Approach to Algebraic Set Theory}, year = 2009, language = {english}, langid = {english}, pages = {18--37}, _eprint = {arXiv:0710.3066 [math.LO]}, annote = {The paper provides an introduction to the field of Algebraic Set Theory (AST). AST is a flexible categorical framework for studying different kinds of set theories: both classical and constructive, predicative and impredicative. We discuss the basic results in this area, with a particular emphasis on applications to the constructive set theories IZF and CZF. (This paper is a summary of a tutorial on categorical logic given by the second named author at the Logic Colloquium 2006 in Nijmegen.)}, } @Proceedings{lc2006, title = {Logic Colloquium 2006}, editor = {S. Barry Cooper and Herman Geuvers and Anand Pillay and Jouko Väänänen}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, isbn = {0521110815,9780521110815}, year = 2009, series = {Lecture Notes in Logic}, number = 32, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InBook{le-janicki:cam, author = "Lê, Dai Tri Man and Janicki, Ryszard", editor = "Peters, James F. and Skowron, Andrzej", title = "A Categorical Approach to Mereology and Its Application to Modelling Software Components", booktitle = "Transactions on Rough Sets VIII", year = 2008, publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg", location = "Berlin, Heidelberg", pages = "146--174", isbn = "978-3-540-85064-9", doi = "10.1007/978-3-540-85064-9_8", language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{maclane:cwm, title = {Categories for the Working Mathematician}, author = {Mac Lane, Saunders}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {0387984038, 9780387984032}, year = 1998, series = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, number = 5, pagetotal = 314, edition = 2, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @InProceedings{lawvere:daccc, crossref = {ctht2}, author = {F. William Lawvere}, title = {Diagonal arguments and cartesian closed categories with author commentary}, year = 1969, pages = {134-145}, doi = "10.1007/BFb0080769", language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Proceedings{ctht2, title = {Category Theory, Homology Theory and their Applications II}, titleaddon = {Proceedings of the Conference held at the Seattle Research Center of the Battelle Memorial Institute, June~24--July~19, 1968 Volume Two}, editor = {Michael Barr (auth.)}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, year = 1969, series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, number = 92, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{freyd-scerdov:ca, title = {Categories, Allegories}, author = {Freyd, P.J. and Scedrov, A.}, isbn = 9780080887012, series = {North-Holland Mathematical Library}, number = 39, year = 1990, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{seely:lccc, author = {Seely,R. A. G.}, title = {Locally cartesian closed categories and type theory}, journaltitle = {Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society}, volume = 95, issue = 1, month = 1, year = 1984, issn = {1469-8064}, pages = {33--48}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1017/S0305004100061284}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0305004100061284}, } @Article{awodey:sml, author = {S. Awodey}, title = {Structure in Mathematics and Logic}, subtitle = {A Categorical Perspective}, journaltitle = {Philosophia Mathematica}, volume = 4, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, number = 3, pages = {209--237}, year = 1996, language = {english}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.1093/philmat/4.3.209}, } @Book{birkhoff:tr, title = {Теория решёток}, author = {Биркгоф, Г.}, publisher = {Наука}, location = {М.}, year = 1984, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, origlanguage = {english}, translator = {В.Н. Салия}, pagetotal = 568, } @Article{lawvere:af, author = {F. William Lawvere}, title = {Adjointness in Foundations}, journaltitle = {Dialectica}, year = 1969, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 23, pages = {281-296}, _related = {Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, No. 16 (2006), pp. 1-16}, url = {http://www.emis.de/journals/TAC/reprints/articles/16/tr16abs.html}, } @Article{wiedijk:zfh, author = "Freek Wiedijk", title = {Is {ZF} a hack?}, subtitle = {Comparing the complexity of some (formalist interpretations of) foundational systems for mathematics}, journaltitle = "Journal of Applied Logic ", volume = 4, number = 4, pages = "622 - 645", year = 2006, language = {english}, langid = {english}, note = "Towards Computer Aided Mathematics", issn = "1570-8683", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jal.2005.10.011", abstract = "This paper presents Automath encodings (which are also valid in LF/lambdaP) of various kinds of foundations of mathematics. Then it compares these encodings according to their size, to find out which foundation is the simplest. The systems analyzed in this way are two kinds of set theory (ZFC and NF), two systems based on Church's higher order logic (Isabelle/Pure and HOL), three kinds of type theory (the calculus of constructions, Luo's extended calculus of constructions, and Martin-Löf's predicative type theory) and one foundation based on category theory. The conclusions of this paper are that the simplest system is type theory (the calculus of constructions), but that type theories that know about serious mathematics are not simple at all. In that case the set theories are the simplest. If one looks at the number of concepts needed to explain such a system, then higher order logic is the simplest, with twenty-five concepts. On the other side of the scale, category theory is relatively complex, as is Martin-Löf's type theory. (The full Automath sources of the contexts described in this paper are one the web at http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/zfc-etc/.) " } @InCollection{martin-lof:cmcp, author = "Per Martin-Löf", title = "Constructive Mathematics and Computer Programming ", editor = "L. Jonathan Cohen, Jerzy Łoś, Helmut Pfeiffer and Klaus-Peter Podewski", booktitle = "Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science VI, 1979", publisher = "Elsevier", year = 1982, pages = "153-175", series = "Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics ", number = 104, issn = "0049-237X", doi = "10.1016/S0049-237X(09)70189-2", } @Proceedings{lc73, editor = {H. E. Rose and J. C. Shepherdson}, title = {Logic Colloquium '73}, year = 1975, titleaddon = {Proceedings of the logic colloquium, Bristol, July 1973}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, series = {Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics}, number = {v.~80}, publisher = {North-Holland}, location = {Amsterdam and New York and Oxford}, } @InProceedings{martin-lof:ittpp, author = {Per Martin-Löf}, title = {An intuitionistic theory of types: Predicative part}, year = 1975, crossref = {lc73}, pages = {73-118}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Article{lindstrom:cnwf, author = {Ingrid Lindström}, title = "A Construction of Non-Well-Founded Sets within Martin-Löf's Type Theory", journaltitle = "Journal of Symbolic Logic", _journal = "J. Symbolic Logic", month = 03, number = 1, pages = "57--64", publisher = "Association for Symbolic Logic", eprint = 2275015, eprinttype = {JSTOR}, doi = {10.2307/2275015}, volume = 54, year = 1989, language = {english}, langid = {english}, abstract = {In this paper, we show that non-well-founded sets can be defined constructively by formalizing Hallnäs' limit definition of these within Martin-Löf's theory of types. A system is a type W together with an assignment of ᾱ ∈ U and α̃ ∈ ᾱ → W to each α ∈ W. We show that for any system W we can define an equivalence relation =<sub>w</sub> such that α =<sub>w</sub> β ∈ U and =<sub>w</sub> is the maximal bisimulation. Aczel's proof that CZF can be interpreted in the type V of iterative sets shows that if the system W satisfies an additional condition (*), then we can interpret CZF minus the set induction scheme in W. W is then extended to a complete system W<sup>*</sup> by taking limits of approximation chains. We show that in W<sup>*</sup> the antifoundation axiom AFA holds as well as the axioms of CFZ<sup>-</sup>.}, } @Book{jech:st2006, author = {Thomas Jech}, title = {Set Theory}, publisher = {Springer}, location = {Berlin and Heidelberg and New York}, isbn = {3540440852,9783540440857}, year = 2006, series = {Springer Monographs in Mathematics}, edition = {3rd Millennium ed, rev. and expanded}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{fraenkel-bar-hillel-levy:fst, title = {Foundations of set theory}, author = {A.A. Fraenkel and Y. Bar-Hillel and A. Levy}, publisher = {Noord-Hollandsche U.M}, isbn = {0720422701,9780720422702,9780080887050}, year = 1973, series = {Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 67}, edition = {2d rev. ed}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @Book{mendelson:vml, title = {Введение в математическую логику}, author = {Эллиот Мендельсон}, publisher = {Наука. Главная редакция физико"=математической литературы}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 320, year = 1971, origlanguage = {english}, translator = {Ф. А. Кабакова}, editor = {С. И. Адяна}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{mendelson:iml2015, title = {Introduction to mathematical logic}, author = {Mendelson, Elliott}, publisher = {CRC Press/Taylor \& Francis Group}, location = {L. and NY}, isbn = {978-1-4822-3778-8,1482237784}, year = 2015, pagetotal = {xxiv,472}, series = {Discrete mathematics and its applications}, edition = 6, language = {english}, langid = {english}, } @SuppBook{asmus:ek, ids = {asmus_ek}, language = {russian}, _volume = 4, _part = 1, pages = {5--65}, author = {Асмус, В. Ф.}, crossref = {kant:s6t:4-1}, langid = {russian}, title = {Этика Канта}, year = 1965, } @Book{kant:s6t:4-1, ids = {kant_s6t_4-1}, year = 1965, volume = 4, language = {russian}, part = 1, pagetotal = 544, crossref = {kant:s6t}, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {K41}, _sortkey = {K41}, } @Book{kant:kcr-snr2-1, ids = {kant_kcr-snr2-1}, author = {Иммануил Кант}, _title = {Критика чистого разума : в 2~ч}, subtitle = {2-е издание (В), 1787}, language = {russian}, part = 1, pagetotal = 1081, _volume = 2, _year = 2006, crossref = {kant:kcr-snr2}, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {КЧР1}, _sortkey = {КЧР1}, } @Book{kant:kcr-snr2-2, ids = {kant_kcr-snr2-2}, author = {Иммануил Кант}, _title = {Критика чистого разума : в 2~ч}, subtitle = {1-е издание (А), 1781}, language = {russian}, part = 2, pagetotal = 936, _volume = 2, _year = 2006, crossref = {kant:kcr-snr2}, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {КЧР2}, _sortkey = {КЧР2}, } @BookInBook{kant:kpr, ids = {kant_kpr}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Критика практического разума}, language = {russian}, pages = {121--258}, crossref = {kant:kprbook}, langid = {russian}, _shorthand = {КПР}, _sortkey = {КПР}, } @BookInBook{kant:mn, ids = {kant_mn}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Метафизика нравов в двух частях}, language = {russian}, pages = {259--505}, crossref = {kant:kprbook}, langid = {russian}, } @BookInBook{kant:omn, ids = {kant_omn}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Основы метафизики нравственности}, language = {russian}, pages = {53--119}, crossref = {kant:kprbook}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kant:kcr-snr2, ids = {kant_kcr-snr2}, author = {Иммануил Кант}, _title = {Критика чистого разума : в 2~ч}, title = {Критика чистого разума}, year = 2006, language = {russian}, crossref = {kant:snr}, langid = {russian}, _parts = 2, volume = {II}, } @Book{kant:kpr-snr3, ids = {kant_kpr-snr3}, author = {Иммануил Кант}, title = {Критика практического разума}, year = 1997, volume = {III}, language = {russian}, pagetotal = 793, crossref = {kant:snr}, langid = {russian}, } @MVBook{kant:snr, ids = {kant_snr}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, editor = {Б. Тушлинг and Нелли Мотрошиловой}, title = {Сочинения на немецком и русском языках}, date = {1993/2006}, language = {russian and german}, publisher = {Наука}, volumes = 4, translator = {Б. Тушлинг and Нелли Мотрошиловой}, origlanguage = {german}, location = {М.}, gender = {sm}, langid = {russian}, keywords = {kant}, } @MVBook{kant:s6t, ids = {kant_s6t}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Сочинения в шести томах}, _volumes = 6, language = {russian}, publisher = {Мысль}, location = {М.}, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kant:kprbook, ids = {kant_kprbook}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Критика практического разума}, year = 1995, language = {russian}, publisher = {Наука}, location = {СПб.}, pagetotal = 528, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kant:kcr, ids = {kant_kcr}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Критика чистого разума}, year = 1994, language = {russian}, publisher = {Мысль}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 592, langid = {russian}, } @Book{kant:kss, ids = {kant_kss}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Критика способности суждения}, year = 1994, translator = {М. Левиной}, series = {История эстетики в памятниках и документах}, language = {russian}, origlanguage = {german}, publisher = {Искусство}, location = {М.}, pagetotal = 367, langid = {russian}, } @InCollection{kant:ooo, ids = {kant_ooo}, author = {Кант, Иммануил}, title = {Об одном открытии, после которого всякая новая критика разума становится излишней ввиду наличия прежней}, crossref = {kantsb}, _journaltitle ={Кантовский сборник}, year = 1993, language = {russian}, issue = 17, pages = {139--140}, langid = {russian}, _location = {Калининград}, } @MVCollection{kantsb, title = {Кантовский сборник}, _year = 1993, language = {russian}, _issue = 17, langid = {russian}, location = {Калининград}, } @Article{rockmore:kftm, author = {Rockmore, Tom}, title = {Kant and Fichte's Theory of Man}, journaltitle = {Kant-Studien}, year = 1977, language = {english}, langid = {english}, volume = 68, number = 3, pages = {305-320}, } @MVBook{burtsev:zsl, author = {Бурцев, В}, title = {За сто лет (1800—1896). Сборник по истории политических и общественных движений в России}, year = 1897, editor = {В. Бурцев}, editortype = {compiler}, editora = {С. М. {Кравчинского (Степняка)}}, editoratype = {editorcollaborator}, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, parts = 2, location = {London}, } @Thesis{talashkin, author = {Г. Н. Талашкин}, title = {Методы преодоления кризисных ситуаций в функционировании инвестиционно-строительного комплекса России}, type = {phdthesis}, science = {экон. наук}, specialitycode ={08.00.05}, speciality = {Экономика и упр. нар. хоз-вом (экон. безопасность; экономика, орг. и упр. предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами)}, titleaddon = {TITLEADDON}, credits = {С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т экономики и финансов}, _institution = {С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т экономики и финансов}, year = 2011, language = {russian}, langid = {russian}, location = {СПб.}, pagetotal = 159, }