#!/usr/bin/env python3 #_∗_coding: utf-8 _∗_ import os import shutil import pathlib import re import subprocess def updateversion(filename='',versioninfo=''): if filename: filelist=[filename] else: filelist=['gb7714-2015.bbx','gb7714-2015ay.bbx','gb7714-2015ms.bbx','gb7714-2015mx.bbx','readme.md'] for file in filelist: try: if 'bbx' in file: f = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') contents= f.readlines() newcontents=[] i=0 for line in contents: i+=1 if r'\def\versionofgbtstyle' in line: linea=r'\def\versionofgbtstyle{'+versioninfo+'}\n' else: linea=line if i<20: print(line) print(linea) newcontents.append(linea) g=open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for line in newcontents: g.write(line) g.close() print(f'{file} has updated!') elif 'md' in file: f = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') contents= f.readlines() newcontents=[] i=0 historylineid=10000 flg_hisupdate=False for line in contents: i+=1 if r'Date of last change' in line: linea=r'<b>Date of last change: '+versioninfo+'</b>\n' elif r'Version history' in line: historylineid=i linea=line elif not flg_hisupdate and i>historylineid+3 and line=='\n': linea=r'* '+versioninfo+',ctan,github\n' flg_hisupdate=True else: linea=line if i<20: print(line) print(linea) newcontents.append(linea) g=open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for line in newcontents: g.write(line) g.close() print(f'{file} has updated!') except ImportError: print('warning: file not loaded!') return None if __name__ == '__main__': #compileall('all') #compileall('compare') updateversion(versioninfo='2025/03/03 v1.1t')