%============================================================================= % FileName: thubeamer.bst % Author: 杨敬轩(Jingxuan Yang) % Email: yanglatex2e@gmail.com % Version: 1.0.0 % Modified: 杨敬轩(Jingxuan Yang) % History: Yanshuo Chu,胡海星 % LastChange: 2021-07-07 16:59 %============================================================================= % ENTRY % class Entry { { % public: author % String author; editor % String editor; translator % String translator; title % String title; edition % String edition; address % String address; publisher % String publisher; pages % String pages; year % String year; date % String date; modifydate % String modifydate; citedate % String citedate; url % String url; doi % String doi; language % String language; booktitle % String booktitle; journal % String journal; chapter % String chapter; series % String series; volume % String volume; number % String number; version % String version; month % String month; school % String school; institution % String institution; organization % String organization; type % String type; howpublished % String howpublished; eid % String eid; key % String key; country % String country; patentid % String patentid; media % String media; } { % // declare integer variables required % int required; // withther the bibfield is required } { % // declare String variables label % String label; // label for the entry mark % String mark; // mark for the entry % // there is ahidden entry variable sort.key$ % String sort_key; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % INTEGERS { % // declare global int variables entry.count % static int entry_count; // number of entries longest.label.width % static int longest_label_width; // width of the longest label i % static int i; j % static int j; k % static int k; } % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % STRINGS { % // declare global String variables longest.label % static String longest_label; // the longest label s % static String s; t % static String t; } % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % define global static constants FUNCTION {true} {#1} FUNCTION {false} {#0} FUNCTION {debug.enabled} {true} FUNCTION {cap.volume.en} {"Vol~"} FUNCTION {cap.volume.zh} {"卷"} FUNCTION {cap.edition.en} {"~ed"} FUNCTION {cap.edition.zh} {"版"} FUNCTION {cap.anonymous.en} {"Anon"} FUNCTION {cap.anonymous.zh} {"佚名"} FUNCTION {cap.no.address.en} {"[S.l.]"} FUNCTION {cap.no.address.zh} {"[出版地不详]"} FUNCTION {cap.no.publisher.en} {"[s.n.]"} FUNCTION {cap.no.publisher.zh} {"[出版者不详]"} FUNCTION {cap.et.al.en} {", et~al"} FUNCTION {cap.et.al.zh} {", 等"} FUNCTION {cap.translate.en} {"~trans"} FUNCTION {cap.translate.zh} {"译"} FUNCTION {cap.doi.url} {"http://dx.doi.org/"} FUNCTION {cap.st.en} {"st"} FUNCTION {cap.nd.en} {"nd"} FUNCTION {cap.rd.en} {"rd"} FUNCTION {cap.th.en} {"th"} FUNCTION {cap.space} {" "} FUNCTION {cap.period} {"\@. "} FUNCTION {cap.comma} {"\@, "} FUNCTION {cap.colon} {"\thinspace{}\textnormal{: }"} FUNCTION {cap.double.slash} {" //\thinspace{}"} FUNCTION {cap.dash} {"\textnormal{-}"} % Predefined latex command used to format the style of bibitems FUNCTION {env.bibbegin} { "\begin{thebibliography}" } FUNCTION {env.bibend} { "\end{thebibliography}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibauthor} { "\providecommand{\bibauthor}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibeditor} { "\providecommand{\bibeditor}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibtranslator} { "\providecommand{\bibtranslator}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibtitle} { "\providecommand{\bibtitle}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibbooktitle} { "\providecommand{\bibbooktitle}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibjournal} { "\providecommand{\bibjournal}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibmark} { "\providecommand{\bibmark}[1]{\mbox{#1}}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibcountry} { "\providecommand{\bibcountry}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibpatentid} { "\providecommand{\bibpatentid}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibedition} { "\providecommand{\bibedition}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.biborganization} { "\providecommand{\biborganization}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibaddress} { "\providecommand{\bibaddress}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibpublisher} { "\providecommand{\bibpublisher}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibinstitution} { "\providecommand{\bibinstitution}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibschool} { "\providecommand{\bibschool}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibvolume} { "\providecommand{\bibvolume}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibnumber} { "\providecommand{\bibnumber}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibversion} { "\providecommand{\bibversion}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibpages} { "\providecommand{\bibpages}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibmodifydate} { "\providecommand{\bibmodifydate}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibcitedate} { "\providecommand{\bibcitedate}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibyear} { "\providecommand{\bibyear}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.bibdate} { "\providecommand{\bibdate}[1]{#1}" } FUNCTION {cmd.biburl} { "\providecommand{\biburl}[1]{\newline\url{#1}}" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {log.str} { % void Entry::log_str(String value, String message) debug.enabled { % if (debug_enabled == 1) { "DEBUG: " swap$ * " - '" * % message = "DEBUG: " + message + " - '"; swap$ * % message = message + value; "'" * % message = message + "'"; top$ % log(message); } { % } else { pop$ pop$ % return; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {log.int} { % int Entry::log_int(int value, String message) debug.enabled { % if (debug_enabled == 1) { "DEBUG: " swap$ * " - " * % message = "DEBUG: " + message + " - "; swap$ int.to.str$ * % message = message + int_to_str(value); top$ % log(message); } { % } else { pop$ pop$ % return; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {not} { % int Entry::not(int x) { { % if (x == 1) { false % return false; } { % } else { true % return true; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {and} { % int Entry::and(int x, int y) { { % if (y == 1) { skip$ % return x; } { % } else { pop$ false % return false; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {or} { % int Entry::or(int x, int y) { { % if (y == 1) { pop$ true % return true; } { % } else { skip$ % return x; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // calculate the length in characters of a string % // We need this function since text.length$ is NOT % // the length in characters. INTEGERS {length.i} % static int length_i; FUNCTION {length} { % int Entry::length(String str) { duplicate$ empty$ { % if (empty(str)) { pop$ #0 % return 0; } { % } else { #1 'length.i := % length_i = 1; false % int stop = false; {not} { % while (! stop) { duplicate$ length.i #1 substring$ % String tmp = substring(str, length_i, 1); "" = { % if (tmp == "") { true % stop = true; } { % } else { length.i #1 + 'length.i := % length_i = length_i + 1; false % stop = false; } if$ % } } while$ % } pop$ length.i #1 - % return length_i - 1; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {is.digit} { % int Entry::is_digit(String ch) { chr.to.int$ % int ascii = chr_to_int(ch); duplicate$ "0" chr.to.int$ < { % if (ascii < chr_to_int("0")) { pop$ false % return false; } { % } else { "9" chr.to.int$ > { % if (ascii > chr_to_int("9")) { false % return false; } { % } else { true % return true; } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // test if str is a number FUNCTION {is.number} { % int Entry::is_number(String str) { duplicate$ empty$ not swap$ % int result = (! empty(str)); { duplicate$ empty$ not} { % while (! empty(str)) { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.digit { % if (is_digit(substring(str, 1, 1))) { #2 global.max$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 2, global_max); } { % } else { pop$ pop$ false % result = false; "" % str = ""; } if$ % } } while$ % } pop$ % return result; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // extract the number prefix of str FUNCTION {extract.number} { % String Entry::extract_number(String str) { duplicate$ % String suffix = str; duplicate$ length swap$ % int n = length(str); duplicate$ empty$ % int stop = empty(suffix); { not } { % while (! stop) { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.digit { % if (is_digit(substring(suffix, 1, 1))) { #2 global.max$ substring$ % suffix = substring(suffix, 2, global_max); duplicate$ empty$ % stop = empty(suffix); } { % } else { true % stop = true; } if$ % } } while$ % } length - % int n = n - length(suffix); #1 swap$ substring$ % return substring(str, 1, n); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {get.last.chr} { % String Entry::get_last_chr(String str) { duplicate$ length % int n = length(str); duplicate$ #0 = { % if (n == 0) { pop$ % return str; } { % } else { #1 substring$ % return substring(str, n, 1); } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {get.ordinal.suffix.en} { % String Entry::get_ordinal_suffix_en(String ch) { duplicate$ "1" = { % if (num == "1") { pop$ cap.st.en % return cap_st_en; } { % } else { duplicate$ "2" = { % if (num == "2") { pop$ cap.nd.en % return cap_nd_en; } { % } else { duplicate$ "3" = { % if (num == "3") { pop$ cap.rd.en % return cap_rd_en; } { % } else { pop$ cap.th.en % return cap_th_en; } if$ % } } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {num.to.ordinal.en} { % String Entry::num_to_ordinal_en(String num) { duplicate$ empty$ { % if (empty(num)) { skip$ % return num; } { % } else { duplicate$ get.last.chr % String ch = get_last_chr(num); get.ordinal.suffix.en % String str = get_ordinal_suffix_en(ch); * % reutrn num + str; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % STRINGS {remove.dots.result} % static String remove_dots_result; % FUNCTION {remove.dots} { % String Entry::remove_dots(String str) { "" 'remove.dots.result := % remove_dots_result = ""; { duplicate$ empty$ not } { % while (! empty(str)) { duplicate$ #1 #2 substring$ % String tmp = substring(str, 1, 2); "\." = { % if (tmp == "\.") { #3 global.max$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 3, global_max); } { % } else { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ % tmp = substring(str, 1, 1); duplicate$ "." = { % if (tmp == ".") { pop$ #2 global.max$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 2, global_max); } { % } else { remove.dots.result swap$ * % tmp = remove_dots_result + tmp; 'remove.dots.result := % remove_dots_result = tmp; #2 global.max$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 2, global_max); } if$ % } } if$ % } } while$ % } pop$ remove.dots.result % return remove_dots_result; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {add.brace} { % String Entry::add_brace(String str) { "{" swap$ * "}" * % return "{" + str + "}"; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {add.bracket} { % String Entry::bracket(String str) { "(" swap$ * ")" * % return "(" + str + ")"; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {add.squarebracket} { % String Entry::add_squarebracket(String str) { "[" swap$ * "]" * % return "[" + str + "]"; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {add.textit} { % String Entry::add_textit(String str) { "\textit{" swap$ * "}" * % return "\textit{" + str + "}"; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {add.textbf} { % String Entry::add_textbf(String str) { "\textbf{" swap$ * "}" * % return "\textbf{" + str + "}"; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // test if str contains a dash '-' FUNCTION {contain.dash} { % int Entry::contain_dash(String str) { false swap$ % int result = false; { duplicate$ empty$ not} { % while (! empty(str)) { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { % if (substring(str, 1, 1) == "-") { pop$ pop$ true % result = true; "" % str = ""; } { % } else { #2 global.max$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 2, global_max); } if$ % } } while$ % } pop$ % return result; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // extract the substring before the first '-' % // returns the string itself if no '-' FUNCTION {extract.before.first.dash} { % String Entry::extract_before_first_dash(String str) { duplicate$ % String suffix = str; duplicate$ length swap$ % int n = length(str); duplicate$ empty$ % int stop = empty(suffix); { not } { % while (! stop) { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { % if (substring(suffix, 1, 1) == "-") { true % stop = true; } { % } else {4r #2 global.max$ substring$ % suffix = substring(suffix, 2, global_max); duplicate$ empty$ % stop = empty(suffix); } if$ % } } while$ % } length - % int n = n - length(suffix); #1 swap$ substring$ % return substring(str, 1, n); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // extract the substring after the first '-' % // returns the string itself if no '-' FUNCTION {extract.after.first.dash} { % String Entry::extract_after_first_dash(String str) { duplicate$ % String suffix = str; duplicate$ empty$ % int stop = empty(suffix); { not } { % while (! stop) { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { % if (substring(suffix, 1, 1) == "-") { true % stop = true; } { % } else {4r #2 global.max$ substring$ % suffix = substring(suffix, 2, global_max); duplicate$ empty$ % stop = empty(suffix); } if$ % } } while$ % } duplicate$ empty$ { % if (empty(suffix)) { pop$ % return str; } { % } else { swap$ pop$ #2 global.max$ substring$ % return substring(suffix, 2, global_max); } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // extract the substring after the last '-' % // returns the empty string if no '-' FUNCTION {extract.after.last.dash} { % String Entry::extract_after_last_dash(String str) { duplicate$ contain.dash not { % if (! contain_dash(str)) { pop$ "" % return ""; } { % } else { {duplicate$ contain.dash} { % while (contain_dash(str)) { extract.after.first.dash % str = extract_after_first_dash(str); } while$ % } % return str; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {trim.start} { % String Entry::trim_start(String str) { {duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ " " =} { % while (substring(str, 1, 1) == " ") { #2 global.max$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 2, global_max); } while$ % } % return str; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {trim.end} { % String Entry::trim_end(String str) { {duplicate$ get.last.chr " " =} { % while (get_last_chr(str) == " ") { duplicate$ length #1 - % int n = length(str) - 1; #1 swap$ substring$ % str = substring(str, 1, n); } while$ % } % return str; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {trim} { % String Entry::trim(String str) { trim.start % str = trim_start(str); trim.end % return trim_end(str); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {start.bibitem} { % void Entry::start_bibitem() { newline$ % writeln(); "\bibitem{" cite$ * "}" * write$ % write("\bibitem{" + this.cite + "}"); newline$ % writeln(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {end.bibitem} { % void Entry::end_bibitem() { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); newline$ % writeln(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {is.in.chinese} { % int Entry::is_in_chinese() { language empty$ { % if (empty(this.language)) { false % return false; } { % } else { language "zh" = { % if (this.language == "zh") { true % return true; } { % } else { false % return false; } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {is.online} { % int Entry::is_online() { url empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.url)) { true % return true; } { % } else { doi empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.doi)) { true % return true; } { % } else { false % return false; } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {set.mark} { % void Entry::set_mark(String mark) { 'mark := % this.mark = mark; is.online { % if (is_online()) { mark "/OL" * 'mark := % this.mark = this.mark + "/OL"; } { % } else { media empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.media)) { mark "/" * media * 'mark := % this.mark = this.mark + "/" + this.media; } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.volume} { % String Entry::cap_volume() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.volume.zh % return cap_volume_zh; } { % } else { cap.volume.en % return cap_volume_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.edition} { % String Entry::cap_edition() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.edition.zh % return cap_edition_zh; } { % } else { cap.edition.en % return cap_edition_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.anonymous} { % String Entry::cap_anonymous() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.anonymous.zh % return cap_anonymous_zh; } { % } else { cap.anonymous.en % return cap_anonymous_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.no.address} { % String Entry::cap_no_address() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.no.address.zh % return cap_no_address_zh; } { % } else { cap.no.address.en % return cap_no_address_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.no.publisher} { % String Entry::cap_no_publisher() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.no.publisher.zh % return cap_no_publisher_zh; } { % } else { cap.no.publisher.en % return cap_no_publisher_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.et.al} { % String Entry::cap_et_al() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.et.al.zh % return cap_et_al_zh; } { % } else { cap.et.al.en % return cap_et_al_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {cap.translate} { % String Entry::cap_translate() { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.translate.zh % return cap_translate_zh; } { % } else { cap.translate.en % return cap_translate_en; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.bibinfo} { % String Entry::format_bibinfo(String info, String type) { swap$ add.brace swap$ % info = add_brace(info); "\bib" swap$ * swap$ * % return "\bib" + type + info; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INTEGERS { nameindex namecount } % static int nameindex, namecount; STRINGS { namelist nameformat } % static String namelist, nameformat; STRINGS { firstname lastname jrname vonname} % static String firstname, lastname, jrname, vonname; % FUNCTION {format.names} { % String Entry::format_names(String names) { 'namelist := % namelist = names; namelist num.names$ 'namecount := % namecount = num_names(namelist); "" % String result = ""; #0 'nameindex := % nameindex = 0; {nameindex namecount < nameindex #3 < and} { % while ((nameindex < namecount) && (nameindex < 3)) { nameindex #1 + 'nameindex := % nameindex = nameindex + 1; nameindex #1 > { % if (nameindex > 1) { cap.comma * % result = result + cap_comma; } 'skip$ if$ % } namelist nameindex "{vv}" format.name$ % String tmp = format_name(namelist, nameindex, "{vv}"); 'vonname := % vonname = tmp; namelist nameindex "{jj}" format.name$ % tmp = format_name(namelist, nameindex, "{jj}"); remove.dots 'jrname := % jrname = remove_dots(tmp); namelist nameindex "{f}" format.name$ % tmp = format_name(namelist, nameindex, "{f}"); remove.dots % tmp = remove_dots(tmp); 'firstname := % firstname = change_case(tmp, "u"); namelist nameindex "{ll}" format.name$ % tmp = format_name(namelist, nameindex, "{ll}"); 'lastname := % lastname = change_case(tmp, "u"); jrname empty$ not { % if (! empty(jrname)) { jrname * " " * % result = result + jrname + " " } 'skip$ if$ % } vonname empty$ not { % if (! empty(vonname)) { vonname * " " * % result = result + vonname + " " } 'skip$ if$ % } lastname empty$ not { % if (! empty(lastname)) { lastname * " " * % result = result + lastname + " " } 'skip$ if$ % } firstname empty$ not { % if (! empty(firstname)) { firstname * " " * % result = result + firstname + " " } 'skip$ if$ % } trim.end % result = trim_end(result); } while$ % } nameindex namecount < { % if (nameindex < namecount) { cap.et.al * % result = result + cap_et_al(); } 'skip$ if$ % } } % } % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // format English names FUNCTION {format.names.en} { % String Entry::format_names_en(String names) { format.names % format_names(names); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % // format Chinese names FUNCTION {format.names.zh} { % String Entry::format_names_zh(String names) { format.names % format_names(names); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.author} { % String Emtry::format_author(String authors) { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese) { format.names.zh % authors = format_names_zh(authors); } { % } else { format.names.en % authors = format_names_en(authors); } if$ % } "author" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(authors, "author"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.editor} { % String Emtry::format_author(String editors) { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese) { format.names.zh % editors = format_names_zh(editors); } { % } else { format.names.en % editors = format_names_en(editors); } if$ % } "editor" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(editors, "editor"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.translator} { % String Emtry::format_translator(String translators) { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese) { duplicate$ % String names = translators; format.names.zh % translators = format_names_zh(translators); swap$ num.names$ #3 > { % if (num_names(names) > 3) { cap.translate.zh * % translators = translators + cap_translate_zh; } { % } else { cap.comma * cap.translate.zh * % translators = translators + cap_comma + cap_translate_zh; } if$ % } } { % } else { duplicate$ % String names = translators; format.names.en % translators = format_names_en(translators); swap$ num.names$ #3 > { % if (num_names(names) > 3) { cap.translate.en * % translators = translators + cap_translate_en; } { % } else { cap.comma * cap.translate.en * % translators = translators + cap_comma + cap_translate_en; } if$ % } } if$ % } "translator" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(translator, "translator"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.title} { % String Emtry::format_title(String title) { "title" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(title, "title"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.booktitle} { % String Emtry::format_booktitle(String booktitle) { "booktitle" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(booktitle, "booktitle"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.mark} { % String Emtry::format_mark(String mark) { "[" swap$ * "]" * % mark = "[" + mark + "]"; "mark" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(mark, "mark"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.country} { % String Emtry::format_country(String country) { "country" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(country, "country"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.patentid} { % String Emtry::format_patentid(String patentid) { "patentid" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(patentid, "patentid"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.edition} { % String Emtry::format_edition(String edition) { duplicate$ is.number { % if (is_number(edition)) { is.in.chinese { % if (is_in_chinese()) { cap.edition.zh * % edition = edition + cap_edition_zh; } { % } else { num.to.ordinal.en cap.edition.en * % edition = num_to_ordinal_en(edition) + cap_edition_en; } if$ % } } 'skip$ if$ % } % // use a \mbox{} to prevent line break within edition "\mbox{" swap$ * "}" * % edition = "\mbox{" + edition + "}"; "edition" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(edition, "edition"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.organization} { % String Emtry::format_organization(String organization) { "organization" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(organization, "organization"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.address} { % String Emtry::format_address(String address) { "address" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(address, "address"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.publisher} { % String Emtry::format_publisher(String publisher) { "publisher" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(publisher, "publisher"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.institution} { % String Emtry::format_institution(String institution) { "institution" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(institution, "institution"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.school} { % String Emtry::format_school(String school) { "school" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(school, "school"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.year} { % String Emtry::format_year(String year) { "year" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(year, "year"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.date} { % String Emtry::format_date(String date) { "date" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(date, "date"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.journal} { % String Emtry::format_journal(String journal) { "journal" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(journal, "journal"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.volume} { % String Emtry::format_volume(String volume) { "volume" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(volume, "volume"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.number} { % String Emtry::format_number(String number) { add.bracket % number = add_bracket(number); "number" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(number, "number"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.report.number} { % String Emtry::format_report_number(String number) { "number" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(number, "number"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.version} { % String Emtry::format_version(String version) { "version" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(version, "version"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.pages} { % String Emtry::format_pages(String pages) { "pages" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(pages, "pages"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.modifydate} { % String Emtry::format_modifydate(String modifydate) { add.bracket % modifydate = add_bracket(modifydate); "modifydate" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(modifydate, "modifydate"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {format.citedate} { % String Emtry::format_citedate(String citedate) { add.squarebracket % citedate = add_squarebracket(citedate); "citedate" format.bibinfo % return format_bibinfo(citedate, "citedate"); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % // NOTE: do not use the format_bibinfo() for URL, % // since if the URL contains special symbols such % // as '%', the \biburl{} will be broken. FUNCTION {format.url} { % String Emtry::format_url(String url) { "\url{" swap$ * "}" * % return "\url{" + url + "}"; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {get.full.title} { % String Entry::get_full_title() { series empty$ { % if (empty(this.series)) { volume empty$ { % if (empty(this.volume)) { title % return this.title; } { % } else { title cap.colon * cap.volume * volume * % return this.title + cap_colon + cap_volume() + this.volume; } if$ % } } { % } else { volume empty$ { % if (empty(this.volume)) { series cap.colon * title * % return this.series + cap_colon + this.title; } { % } else { series cap.comma * cap.volume * volume * % String str = this.series + cap_comma + cal_volume() + this.volume; cap.colon * title * % return str + cap_colon + this.title; } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {get.full.booktitle} { % String Entry::get_full_booktitle() { series empty$ { % if (empty(this.series)) { volume empty$ { % if (empty(this.volume)) { booktitle % return this.booktitle; } { % } else { booktitle cap.colon * cap.volume * volume * % return this.booktitle + cap_colon + cap_volume() + this.volume; } if$ % } } { % } else { volume empty$ { % if (empty(this.volume)) { series cap.colon * booktitle * % return this.series + cap_colon + this.booktitle; } { % } else { series cap.comma * cap.volume * volume * % String str = this.series + cap_comma + cal_volume() + this.volume; cap.colon * booktitle * % return str + cap_colon + this.booktitle; } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {get.pages} { % String Entry::get_pages() { pages contain.dash { % if (contain_dash(this.pages)) { pages extract.before.first.dash % String p1 = extract_before_first_dash(this.pages); pages extract.after.last.dash % String p2 = extract_after_last_dash(this.pages); cap.dash swap$ * * % return p1 + cap_dash + p2; } { % } else { pages % return this.pages; } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.author.or.editor} { % void Entry::output_author_or_editor(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; author empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.author)) { author format.author write$ % write(format_author(this.author)); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } { % } else { editor empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.editor)) { editor format.editor write$ % write(format_editor(this.editor)); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require author/editor: " cite$ * warning$% warning("Require author/editor: " + this.cite); cap.anonymous format.author write$ % write(format_author(cap_anonymous())); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.author} { % void Entry::output_author(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; author empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.author)) { author format.author write$ % write(format_author(this.author)); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require author: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require author: " + this.cite); cap.anonymous format.author write$ % write(format_author(cap_anonymous())); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.editor} { % void Entry::output_editor(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; editor empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.editor)) { editor format.editor write$ % write(format_editor(this.editor)); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require editor: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require editor: " + this.cite); cap.anonymous format.editor write$ % write(format_editor(cap_anonymous())); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.title} { % void Entry::output_title(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; title empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.title)) { title format.title write$ % write(format_title(this.title)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require title: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require title: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.series.volume.title} { % void Entry::output_series_volume_title(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; title empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.title)) { get.full.title format.booktitle write$ % write(format_booktitle(get_full_title())); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require title: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require title: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.series.volume.booktitle} { % void Entry::output_series_volume_booktitle(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; booktitle empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.booktitle)) { get.full.booktitle format.booktitle write$ % write(format_booktitle(get_full_booktitle()); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require booktitle: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require booktitle: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.journal} { % void Entry::output_journal(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; journal empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.journal)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); journal format.journal write$ % write(format_journal(this.journal)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require journal: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require journal: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.mark} { % void Entry::output_mark(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; mark empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.mark)) { mark format.mark write$ % write(format_mark(this.mark)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require mark: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require mark: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.translator} { % void Entry::output_translator(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; translator empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.translator)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); translator format.translator write$ % write(format_translator(this.translator)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require translator: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require translator: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.edition} { % void Entry::output_edition(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; edition empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.edition)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); edition format.edition write$ % write(format_edition(this.edition)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require edition: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require edition: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.address} { % void Entry::output_address(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; address empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.address)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); address format.address write$ % write(format_address(this.address)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require address: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require address: " + this.cite); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); cap.no.address format.address write$ % write(format_address(cap_no_address())); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.inproaddress} { % void Entry::output_inproaddress(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; address empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.address)) { cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); address format.address write$ % write(format_address(this.address)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require address: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require address: " + this.cite); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); cap.no.address format.address write$ % write(format_address(cap_no_address())); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.publisher} { % void Entry::output_publisher(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); publisher format.publisher write$ % write(format_publisher(this.publisher)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require publisher: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require publisher: " + this.cite); cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); cap.no.publisher format.publisher write$ % write(format_publisher(cap_no_publisher())); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.publisher.no.address} { % void Entry::output_publisher_no_address(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); publisher format.publisher write$ % write(format_publisher(this.publisher)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require publisher: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require publisher: " + this.cite); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); cap.no.publisher format.publisher write$ % write(format_publisher(cap_no_publisher())); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.school} { % void Entry::output_school(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; school empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.school)) { cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); school format.school write$ % write(format_school(this.school)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require school: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require publisher: " + this.cite); cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); cap.no.publisher format.school write$ % write(format_school(cap_no_publisher())); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.institution} { % void Entry::output_institution(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; institution empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.institution)) { cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); institution format.institution write$ % write(format_publisher(this.institution)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require institution: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require institution: " + this.cite); cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); cap.no.publisher format.institution write$ % write(format_institution(cap_no_publisher())); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.year} { % void Entry::output_year(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; year empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.year)) { year format.year write$ % write(format_year(this.year)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require year: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require year: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.pages} { % void Entry::output_pages(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; pages empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.pages)) { cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); get.pages format.pages write$ % write(format_pages(get_pages())); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require pages: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require pages: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.modifydate} { % void Entry::output_modifydate(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; modifydate empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.modifydate)) { cap.space write$ % write(cap_space); modifydate format.modifydate write$ % write(format_modifydate(this.modifydate)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require modifydate: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require modifydate: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.citedate} { % void Entry::output_citedate(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; citedate empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.citedate)) { cap.space write$ % write(cap_space); citedate format.citedate write$ % write(format_citedate(this.citedate)); } { % } else { required is.online or { % if ((required == 1) || (is_online())) { "Require citedate: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require citedate: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.date} { % void Entry::output_date(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; date empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.date)) { date format.date write$ % write(format_date(this.date)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require date: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require date: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.volume} { % void Entry::output_volume(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; volume empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.volume)) { cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); volume format.volume write$ % write(format_volume(this.volume)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require volume: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require volume: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.number} { % void Entry::output_number(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; number empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.number)) { number format.number write$ % write(format_number(this.number)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require number: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require number: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.report.number} { % void Entry::output_report_number(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; number empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.number)) { cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); number format.report.number write$ % write(format_report_number(this.number)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require number: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require number: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.country} { % void Entry::output_country(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; country empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.country)) { cap.colon write$ % write(cap_colon); country format.country write$ % write(format_country(this.country)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require country: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require country: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.patentid} { % void Entry::output_patentid(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; patentid empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.patentid)) { cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); patentid format.patentid write$ % write(format_patentid(this.patentid)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require patentid: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require patentid: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.start.year} { % void Entry::output_start_year(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; year empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.year)) { year extract.before.first.dash % String str = extract_before_first_dash(this.year); format.year write$ % write(format_year(str)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require year: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require year: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.start.volume} { % void Entry::output_start_volume(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; volume empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.volume)) { cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); volume extract.before.first.dash % String str = extract_before_first_dash(this.volume); format.volume write$ % write(format_volume(str)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require volume: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require volume: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.start.number} { % void Entry::output_start_number(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; number empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.number)) { number extract.before.first.dash % String str = extract_before_first_dash(this.number); format.number write$ % write(format_number(str)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require number: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require number: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.end.year} { % void Entry::output_end_year(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; year empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.year)) { year extract.after.last.dash % String str = extract_after_last_dash(this.year); format.year write$ % write(format_year(str)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require year: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require year: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.end.volume} { % void Entry::output_end_volume(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; volume empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.volume)) { cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); volume extract.after.last.dash % String str = extract_after_last_dash(this.volume); format.volume write$ % write(format_volume(str)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require volume: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require volume: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.end.number} { % void Entry::output_end_number(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; number empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.number)) { number extract.after.last.dash % String str = extract_after_last_dash(this.number); format.number write$ % write(format_number(str)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require number: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require number: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.url.or.doi} { % void Entry::output_url_or_doi(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; url empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.url)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); url format.url write$ % write(format_url(this.url)); } { % } else { doi empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.doi)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); cap.doi.url doi * format.url write$ % write(format_url(cap_doi_url + this.doi)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require URL or DOI: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require URL or DOI: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.url} { % void Entry::output_url(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; url empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.url)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); url format.url write$ % write(format_url(this.url)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require URL: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require URL: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {output.version} { % void Entry::output_version(int required) { 'required := % this.required = required; version empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.version)) { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); version format.version write$ % write(format_version(this.version)); } { % } else { required { % if (required == 1) { "Require version: " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Require version: " + this.cite); } 'skip$ if$ % } } if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {book.impl} { % void Entry::book_impl() { start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author.or.editor % output_author_or_editor(true); true output.series.volume.title % output_series_volume_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); false output.edition % output_edition(false); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {book} { % void Entry::book() { "M" set.mark % set_mark("M"); book.impl % book_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {collection} { % void Entry::collection() { "G" set.mark % set_mark("G"); book.impl % book_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {proceedings} { % void Entry::proceedings() { "C" set.mark % set_mark("C"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.editor % output_editor(true); true output.series.volume.title % output_series_volume_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); false output.edition % output_edition(false); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {conference} { % void Entry::conference() { proceedings % proceedings(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {thesis.impl} { % void Entry::thesis_impl() { start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); true output.address % output_address(true); true output.school % output_school(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {phdthesis} { % void Entry::phdthesis() { "D" set.mark % set_mark("D"); thesis.impl % thesis_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {masterthesis} { % void Entry::masterthesis() { "D" set.mark % set_mark("D"); thesis.impl % thesis_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {bachelorthesis} { % void Entry::bachelorthesis() { "D" set.mark % set_mark("D"); thesis.impl % thesis_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {techreport} { % void Entry::techreport() { "R" set.mark % set_mark("R"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); false output.report.number % output_report_number(false); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); false output.edition % output_edition(false); false output.version % output_version(false); institution empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.institution)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.institution % output_institution(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {standard} { % void Entry::standard() { "S" set.mark % set_mark("S"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); false output.edition % output_edition(false); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {reference} { % void Entry::reference() { "K" set.mark % set_mark("K"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); false output.author.or.editor % output_author_or_editor(false); true output.series.volume.title % output_series_volume_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); false output.edition % output_edition(false); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {manual} { % void Entry::manual() { reference % reference(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {periodical.impl} { % void Entry::periodical_impl() { start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); false output.editor % output_editor(false); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); true output.start.year % output_start_year(true); false output.start.volume % output_start_volume(false); false output.start.number % output_start_number(false); cap.dash write$ % write(cap_dash); year contain.dash { % if (contain_dash(this.year)) { true output.end.year % output_end_year(true); false output.end.volume % output_end_volume(false); false output.end.number % output_end_number(false); } 'skip$ if$ % } publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.start.year % output_start_year(true); cap.dash write$ % write(cap_dash); year contain.dash { % if (contain_dash(this.year)) { true output.end.year % output_end_year(true); } 'skip$ if$ % } false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {periodical} { % void Entry::periodical() { "J" set.mark % set_mark("J"); periodical.impl % periodical_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {newspaper} { % void Entry::newspaper() { "N" set.mark % set_mark("N"); periodical.impl % periodical_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {patent} { % void Entry::patent() { "P" set.mark % set_mark("P"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.country % output_country(true); true output.patentid % output_patentid(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); true output.date % output_date(true); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {online} { % void Entry::online() { "EB" set.mark % set_mark("EB"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); false output.author % output_author(false); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { address empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.address)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { true output.publisher.no.address % output_publisher_no_address(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } if$ % } } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.modifydate % output_modifydate(false); true output.citedate % output_citedate(true); true output.url % output_url(true); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {webpage} { % void Entry::online() { online % online(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {program.impl} { % void Entry::program_impl() { start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); false output.author % output_author(false); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {program} { % void Entry::program() { "CP" set.mark % set_mark("CP"); program.impl % program_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {database} { % void Entry::database() { "DB" set.mark % set_mark("DB"); program.impl % program_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {unpublished} { % void Entry::unpublished() { "H" set.mark % set_mark("H"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); true output.year % output_year(true); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {manuscript} { % void Entry::manuscript() { unpublished % unpublished(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {inbook.impl} { % void Entry::inbook_impl() { start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); cap.double.slash write$ % write(cap_double_slash); false output.editor % output_editor(false); true output.series.volume.booktitle % output_series_volume_booktitle(true); false output.edition % output_edition(false); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.address % output_address(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { cap.period write$ % write(cap_period); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {inproceedings.impl} { % void Entry::inproceedings_impl() { start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); false output.translator % output_translator(false); cap.double.slash write$ % write(cap_double_slash); false output.editor % output_editor(false); true output.series.volume.booktitle % output_series_volume_booktitle(true); false output.edition % output_edition(false); publisher empty$ not { % if (! empty(this.publisher)) { true output.inproaddress % output_inproaddress(true); true output.publisher % output_publisher(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } { % } else { true output.inproaddress % output_inproaddress(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); } if$ % } true output.year % output_year(true); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {inbook} { % void Entry::inbook() { "M" set.mark % set_mark("M"); inbook.impl % inbook_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {incollection} { % void Entry::incollection() { "G" set.mark % set_mark("G"); inbook.impl % inbook_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {inproceedings} { % void Entry::inproceedings() { "C" set.mark % set_mark("C"); inproceedings.impl % inproceedings_impl(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {article} { % void Entry::article() { "J" set.mark % set_mark("J"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); true output.journal % output_journal(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); true output.year % output_year(true); false output.volume % output_volume(false); false output.number % output_number(false); false output.pages % output_pages(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {news} { % void Entry::news() { "N" set.mark % set_mark("N"); start.bibitem % start_bibitem(); true output.author % output_author(true); true output.title % output_title(true); true output.mark % output_mark(true); true output.journal % output_journal(true); cap.comma write$ % write(cap_comma); true output.date % output_date(true); false output.number % output_number(false); false output.citedate % output_citedate(false); false output.url.or.doi % output_url_or_doi(false); end.bibitem % end_bibitem(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {default.type} { % void Entry::default_type() { "Unsupported entry type for " cite$ * warning$ % warning("Unsupported entry type for " + this.cite); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {longest.label.pass} { % void longest_label_pass(Entry entry) { entry.count #1 + 'entry.count := % entry_count = entry_count + 1; entry.count int.to.str$ 'label := % this.label = int_to_str(entry_count); label width$ longest.label.width > { % if (width(this.label) > longest_label_width) { label 'longest.label := % longest_label = this.label; label width$ 'longest.label.width := % longest_label_width = width(this.label); } 'skip$ if$ % } } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {write.style.commands} { % void write_style_commands() { cmd.bibauthor write$ % write(cmd_bibauthor); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibeditor write$ % write(cmd_bibeditor); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibtranslator write$ % write(cmd_bibtranslator); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibtitle write$ % write(cmd_bibtitle); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibbooktitle write$ % write(cmd_bibbooktitle); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibjournal write$ % write(cmd_bibjournal); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibmark write$ % write(cmd_bibmark); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibcountry write$ % write(cmd_bibcountry); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibpatentid write$ % write(cmd_bibpatentid); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibedition write$ % write(cmd_bibedition); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.biborganization write$ % write(cmd_biborganization); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibaddress write$ % write(cmd_bibaddress); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibpublisher write$ % write(cmd_bibpublisher); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibinstitution write$ % write(cmd_bibinstitution); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibschool write$ % write(cmd_bibschool); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibvolume write$ % write(cmd_bibvolume); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibnumber write$ % write(cmd_bibnumber); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibversion write$ % write(cmd_bibversion); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibpages write$ % write(cmd_bibpages); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibmodifydate write$ % write(cmd_bibmodifydate); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibcitedate write$ % write(cmd_bibcitedate); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibyear write$ % write(cmd_bibyear); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.bibdate write$ % write(cmd_bibdate); newline$ % writeln(); cmd.biburl write$ % write(cmd_biburl); newline$ % writeln(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {begin.bib} { % void begin_bib() { preamble$ empty$ not { % if (! empty(premble)) { preamble$ write$ % write(premeable); newline$ % writeln(); } 'skip$ if$ % } env.bibbegin write$ % write(env_bibbegin); "{" longest.label * "}" * write$ % write("{" + longest.label + "}"); newline$ % writeln(); write.style.commands % write_style_commands(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {end.bib} { % void end_bib() { newline$ % writeln(); env.bibend write$ % write(env_bibend); newline$ % writeln(); } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FUNCTION {initialize} { % void initialize() { #0 'entry.count := % entry_count = 0; #0 'longest.label.width := % longest_label_width = 0; "" 'longest.label := % longest_label = ""; } % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % void main() { READ % List<Entry> entryList = read("<file>.bib"); EXECUTE {initialize} % initialize(); ITERATE {longest.label.pass} % for (Entry entry : entryList) { % longest_label_pass(entry); % } EXECUTE {begin.bib} % begin_bib(); ITERATE {call.type$} % for (Entry entry : entryList) { % switch (typeof(entry)) { % case "book": % entry.book(); % break; % case "article": % entry.article(); % break; % . % . % . % case "incollection": % entry.incollection(); % break; % case "misc": % entry.misc(); % break; % default: % entry.default_type(); % } % } EXECUTE {end.bib} % end_bib(); % } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% End of file `GBT7714-2005.bst'