<div align="center">  [](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex_beamer_pure_minimalistic/releases) [](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex_beamer_pure_minimalistic/blob/master/LICENSE) [](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) [](https://github.com/intuit/auto)   A presentation theme for LaTeX-Beamer that is truly minimalistic, so that the focus is on the presenter and not on the slides. Requires the packages [fira](https://ctan.org/pkg/fira) and [silence](https://ctan.org/pkg/silence) to be installed on your system. To build the [beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.tex](beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.tex) file, [PGF/TikZ](https://ctan.org/pkg/pgf), [appendixnumberbeamer](https://ctan.org/pkg/appendixnumberbeamer), [fontaxes](https://ctan.org/pkg/fontaxes), and [mwe](https://ctan.org/pkg/mwe) are also required. <!-- <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kaitub" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/arial-blue.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 20px !important;width: 81px !important;" ></a> --> <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kaitub" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/arial-blue.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" width="162px" height="40px"/></a> </div> **Table of contents:** - [Main goals](#main-goals) - [Demo](#demo) - [Comparison](#comparison) - [Dark mode](#dark-mode) - [Light mode](#light-mode) - [Download](#download) - [Instructions](#instructions) - [Customize](#customize) - [Customize Logos](#customize-logos) - [Color](#color) - [Fonts](#fonts) - [Footer options](#footer-options) - [Release status](#release-status) - [License](#license) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Contact](#contact) - [Other great beamer themes](#other-great-beamer-themes) # Main goals - It should be looking *good* in a 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio, without the need to change anything. - Provides an environment for vertical-spaced items - Easy option to either use light- or dark-mode - Is designed to be purely minimalistic without any distractions - Easily use own logos - Should support different languages without too many changes # Demo A sample document can be seen in the [beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/wiki/beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf), produced from [beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.tex](beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.tex). The document shows all of the design decisions, as well as some packages and commands that work well for presentations. For example, starting the frame counter after the *Table of Contents* section does not include backup slides to the total frame counter. Please use [beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.tex](beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.tex) as a starting point, as exhaustive comments were added for a smooth start. [Here](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/wiki/beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.png) a short *inline teaser* version of the [beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/wiki/beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf) can be seen.  Please look at the [PDF](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/wiki/beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf) version for high-resolution images. :) I highly recommend [pympress](https://github.com/Cimbali/pympress) to add videos to the presentation. This presentation tool works perfectly with Beamer presentations and is available on all major OS! # Comparison To show some differences between the default LaTeX beamer theme and the pure minimalistic beamer theme (inspired by the [auriga beamer theme](https://github.com/anishathalye/auriga)): ## Dark mode On the [left](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/compare_examples/comparison_dark.png) is the pure minimalistic theme in dark mode, and on the [right](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/compare_examples/comparison_dark.png) is the default beamer theme.  ## Light mode On the [left](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/compare_examples/comparison_light.png) is the pure minimalistic theme in light mode, and on the [right](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/compare_examples/comparison_light.png) is the default beamer theme.  # Download Download the latest release by going to the [release page](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex_beamer_pure_minimalistic/releases). # Instructions After downloading, copy the files named beamer*pureminimalistic.sty into the same folder as your LaTeX source file. Then include the theme by writing: ```latex \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} \usetheme[]{pureminimalistic} ``` # Customize All options and commands are also described in detail in the [beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/wiki/beamertheme-pure-minimalistic-demo.pdf). ## Customize Logos By default, the theme expects the logos to be present in a folder `logos` relative to the `.sty` file with the names: `header_logo`, `header_logo_darkmode`, `institute_logo`, and `institute_logo_darkmode`. But you can easily change the logos used. There are 3 commands used to define which logos are used and how they are formatted: - `\logotitle` – Command used for title page. Here `\linewidth` corresponds to the entire paper width. - `\logoheader` – Command used for the header. Here `\linewidth` corresponds to a smaller box, as the horizontal space is shared with the title. - `\logofooter` – Command used for the footer. Here `\linewidth` corresponds to a smaller box, as the horizontal space is shared with the footer text. To load your own logos for the title, header, and footer set them with: ```latex \renewcommand{\logotitle}{\includegraphics% [width=.2\linewidth]{alternative_logo/gameboy.png}} \renewcommand{\logoheader}{\includegraphics% [width=.5\linewidth]{alternative_logo/gameboy.png}} \renewcommand{\logofooter}{\includegraphics% [width=.15\linewidth]{alternative_logo/console.png}} ```   ## Color The theme includes two default color options. The default color theme is light. The alternative color theme is the dark color theme, enabled with: ```latex \usetheme[darkmode]{pureminimalistic} ``` The themes color commands can be redefined to customize the appearance. Please set these *after* loading the theme and *before* `\begin{document}` for the changes to take effect. The following theme color commands exist: - `\beamertextcolor` - `\beamerbgcolor` - `\beamerfootertextcolor` - `\beamertitlecolor` To redefine the background, for example, the following commands could be used: ```latex \usetheme{pureminimalistic} \definecolor{textcolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 120} \definecolor{title}{RGB}{0, 0, 0} \definecolor{footercolor}{RGB}{133, 133, 133} \definecolor{bg}{RGB}{25, 116, 210} \renewcommand{\beamertextcolor}{textcolor} \renewcommand{\beamerbgcolor}{bg} \renewcommand{\beamerfootertextcolor}{footercolor} \renewcommand{\beamertitlecolor}{title} ```  ## Fonts The default fonts are the [Fira Fonts](https://bboxtype.com/typefaces/FiraSans/#!layout=specimen). This decision was inspired by another awesome beamer theme, the [Focus beamer theme](https://github.com/elauksap/focus-beamertheme).  Some dislike the Fira Fonts. As an alternative, this theme also integrates the *Noto* fonts. To use the Noto fonts: ```latex \usetheme[noto, darkmode]{pureminimalistic} ```  If you prefer the default fonts _or_ load your own fonts, disable the Fira Fonts with: ```latex \usetheme[customfont, darkmode]{pureminimalistic} ```  ## Footer options **Show max slide numbers** To show the maximum number of slides, enable the `showmaxslides` option: ```latex \usetheme[showmaxslides, darkmode]{pureminimalistic} ```  **Disable footer** To disable the footer altogether, including the institute image, set the `nofooter` option: ```latex \usetheme[nofooter, darkmode]{pureminimalistic} ```  **Replace footer logo with page count** To remove the footer logo and instead move the page description to that position use the `nofooterlogo` option: ```latex \usetheme[nofooterlogo, darkmode]{pureminimalistic} ```  **Customize word for Page in footer** To change the word _Page_ in the footer, define a different word with: ```latex \renewcommand{\pageword}{Seite} ```  # Release status The next steps and thoughts about the upcoming release with possible features can be seen on the [project page](https://github.com/kai-tub/latex-beamer-pure-minimalistic/projects/1). # License This software is released under the GNU GPL v3.0 [License](LICENSE). # Contributing Please see the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information. As always, PRs are welcome. :) # Contact If you have any comments, issues, or suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. I will try my best to help as much as I can. :) # Other great beamer themes If you want to check out other awesome LaTeX beamer themes take a look at the [ultimate-beamer-theme-list](https://github.com/martinbjeldbak/ultimate-beamer-theme-list) by [Martin Bjeldbak Madsen](https://github.com/martinbjeldbak)!