verbatimtex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{palatino} \usepackage{concmath} \usepackage{ccfonts} \begin{document} etex %prologues := 2; vardef trigonometry(expr ct)= save z, p, m, pic; numeric m; pair z[]; path p[]; picture pic; pic := nullpicture; m := if (xpart ct) > (ypart ct): ypart ct else: xpart ct fi; p0 = unitsquare xscaled (xpart ct) yscaled (ypart ct); p3 = origin--ct; p2 = (m,0)--(m,m)--(0,m); p1 = (m,0){up}..{left}(0,m); z0 = origin; z2 = point 0 of p2; z5 = point 2 of p2; z6 = ct; z3 = p1 intersectionpoint p3; z4 = p2 intersectionpoint p3; z1 = (xpart z3, 0); p4 = z1--z3; m := xpart (p2 intersectiontimes p3); if m <= 1: p5 = z2--z4; p6 = z5--z6; else: p5 = z5--z4; p6 = z2--z6; fi; m := top(0)-bot(0); for i=0 upto 4: addto pic doublepath p[i] withpen pencircle scaled (m/3); endfor; for i=3 upto 6: addto pic doublepath p[i] withpen pencircle scaled m; endfor; for i=0 upto 6: addto pic doublepath z[i] withpen pencircle scaled 3m; endfor; addto pic also thelabel.llft(btex \strut $a$ etex , z0); addto pic also \strut $b$ etex, z1); addto pic also \strut $c$ etex, z2); addto pic also thelabel.lft(btex $d$ etex, z3); addto pic also thelabel.ulft(btex $e$ etex, z4); addto pic also thelabel.lft(btex \strut $f$ etex, z5); addto pic also thelabel.rt(btex \strut $g$ etex, z6); pic enddef; beginfig(1); pickup pencircle scaled .6pt; draw trigonometry((6cm,3cm)); draw trigonometry((3cm,6cm))shifted (7cm,0); endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex end