T1Subset: A library for subsetting PostScript Type 1 fonts
Copyright (c) 2020 by Peter Frane Jr.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
The author may be contacted via the e-mail address pfranejr@hotmail.com
#pragma once
#include "t1-encoding.h"
using namespace std;
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 127
#define MAX_LINE_BUFFER 512
#define MAX_GLYPH_COUNT 256
typedef unsigned char byte_t;
const unsigned short key_eexec = 55665, key_charstring = 4330;
const uint16_t C1 = 52845, C2 = 22719;
class t1subset
char m_line_buffer[MAX_LINE_BUFFER + 1]{ 0 };
FILE* m_input_file{ nullptr };
FILE* m_output_file{ nullptr };
bool m_char_subset[MAX_GLYPH_COUNT]{ false };
int32_t m_bin_data_offset{ 0 };
vector m_bin_data;
byte_t m_discard_bytes[4]{ 0 };
int32_t m_lenIV{ 0 };
vector m_glyph_list;
void clear()
if (m_input_file)
if (m_output_file && m_output_file != stdout)
m_input_file = m_output_file = nullptr;
void file_size_check()
long curpos, file_size, binary_data_offset = 0;
fread(&binary_data_offset, sizeof(binary_data_offset), 1, m_input_file);
curpos = ftell(m_input_file);
fseek(m_input_file, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(m_input_file);
if (file_size <= 512) // trailer size is at least 512 bytes
throw runtime_error("File is not a valid '.pfb' file. File size can't be less than 512 bytes");
else if (binary_data_offset >= file_size)
throw runtime_error("File is not a valid '.pfb' file. Binary data missing");
fseek(m_input_file, curpos, SEEK_SET);
void check_file_type()
byte_t signature[6] = { 0 };
char buf[20]{ 0 };
fread(signature, 2, 1, m_input_file);
if (128 == signature[0] && 1 == signature[1])
// check the file size to ensure we have enough data and to avoid checking for EOF all over the place
// write a temporary signature
fwrite(signature, sizeof(signature), 1, m_output_file);
throw runtime_error("File is not a '.pfb' file");
fgets(m_line_buffer, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, m_input_file);
if ('%' == *m_line_buffer)
const char sgn1[] = "%!PS-AdobeFont";
const char sgn2[] = "%!FontType1";
if ((strncmp(m_line_buffer, sgn1, sizeof(sgn1) - 1) == 0) || (strncmp(m_line_buffer, sgn2, sizeof(sgn2) - 1) == 0))
fputs(m_line_buffer, m_output_file);
throw runtime_error("Unknown file type");
throw runtime_error("File is not a '.pfb' file");
void load_file(const char* font_name)
fopen_s(&m_input_file, font_name, "rb");
if (!m_input_file)
throw runtime_error("Unable to open input font file");
void create_output_file(const char* output_filename)
if (!output_filename)
m_output_file = stdout;
fopen_s(&m_output_file, output_filename, "wb");
if (!m_output_file)
throw runtime_error("Unable to create the output file");
void precondition(const char* font_name, const byte_t* char_subset, byte_t char_subset_count, const char* output_filename)
if (!font_name)
throw runtime_error("Please indicate the filename of the input font");
else if (!char_subset)
throw runtime_error("Please indicate the characters/glyphs to subset");
for (short i = 0; i < char_subset_count; ++i)
byte_t ch = char_subset[i];
m_char_subset[ch] = true;
bool read_char(byte_t& ch)
int c = fgetc(m_input_file);
ch = (byte_t)c;
return c != EOF;
void write_comment()
fputc('%', m_output_file);
if (fgets(m_line_buffer, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, m_input_file))
fputs(m_line_buffer, m_output_file);
bool read_name(char* name, short len)
return fscanf_s(m_input_file, "%s", name, len) == 1;
void find_encoding()
byte_t ch;
while (read_char(ch))
if ('%' == ch)
else if ('/' == ch)
m_line_buffer[0] = ch;
read_name(&m_line_buffer[1], MAX_NAME_LEN);
fputs(m_line_buffer, m_output_file);
if (strcmp(m_line_buffer, "/Encoding") == 0)
fputc(' ', m_output_file);
fputc(ch, m_output_file);
throw runtime_error("Unable to find the /Encoding part");
void read_encoding_name(const char* name)
const char** enc = nullptr;
if (strcmp(name, "StandardEncoding") == 0)
enc = StandardEncoding;
else if (strcmp(name, "WinAnsiEncoding") == 0)
enc = WinAnsiEncoding;
else if (strcmp(name, "MacRomanEncoding") == 0)
enc = MacRomanEncoding;
// m_line_buffer == name; don't use it
char msg[MAX_LINE_BUFFER];
sprintf_s(msg, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, "Unsupported encoding: %s", name);
throw runtime_error(msg);
// skip the 'def' after the encoding name
read_name(m_line_buffer, MAX_NAME_LEN);
fputs("256 array\n 0 1 255 { 1 index exch / .notdef put} for\n", m_output_file);
if (enc)
string name(128, ' ');
name[0] = '/';
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_GLYPH_COUNT; ++i)
if (m_char_subset[i] && enc[i])
sprintf_s(m_line_buffer, sizeof(m_line_buffer), "dup %u /%s put\n", i, enc[i]);
fputs(m_line_buffer, m_output_file);
name.replace(1, string::npos, enc[i]);
fputs("readonly def\n", m_output_file);
void find_for_operator()
byte_t ch;
while (read_char(ch))
// find 'for'
//" 256 array\n 0 1 255 { 1 index exch / .notdef put} for"
if ('}' == ch)
fputc(ch, m_output_file);
read_name(m_line_buffer, MAX_NAME_LEN);
if (strcmp(m_line_buffer, "for") == 0)
fputs(" for\n", m_output_file);
// unlikely
else if ('%' == ch)
fputc(ch, m_output_file);
throw runtime_error("Unable to find the 'for' operator");
void read_encoding_table()
while (read_name(m_line_buffer, MAX_NAME_LEN))
if (strcmp(m_line_buffer, "dup") == 0)
char glyph_name[MAX_NAME_LEN + 1]{ 0 };
char opr_name[MAX_NAME_LEN + 1]{ 0 };
int index;
if (fscanf_s(m_input_file, " %d %s %s", &index, glyph_name, MAX_NAME_LEN, opr_name, MAX_NAME_LEN) == 3)
if (index < 0 || index > 255)
sprintf_s(m_line_buffer, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, "Index out of range: %d", index);
throw runtime_error(m_line_buffer);
else if (glyph_name[0] != '/')
sprintf_s(m_line_buffer, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, "Glyph name must begin with '/': %s", glyph_name);
throw runtime_error(m_line_buffer);
else if (strcmp(opr_name, "put") != 0)
sprintf_s(m_line_buffer, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, "Operator 'put' expected after the glyph name '%s'; operator found: '%s'", glyph_name, opr_name);
throw runtime_error(m_line_buffer);
if (m_char_subset[index])
fprintf(m_output_file, "dup %d %s put\n", index, glyph_name);
throw runtime_error("Expected to read a glyph index and its name here");
else if (strcmp(m_line_buffer, "readonly") == 0)
fputs(m_line_buffer, m_output_file);
throw runtime_error("Expected to read either the 'dup' or the 'readonly' operator here");
throw runtime_error("Unexpected end of file");
void get_encoding_type()
read_name(m_line_buffer, MAX_NAME_LEN);
if (isdigit((byte_t)*m_line_buffer))
fputs(m_line_buffer, m_output_file);
else if (isalpha((byte_t)*m_line_buffer))
throw runtime_error("A number or the encoding name is expected after /Encoding");
void update_offset()
int32_t new_offset;
// update the offset at the header
m_bin_data_offset = (int32_t)ftell(m_output_file);
fseek(m_output_file, 2, SEEK_SET);
// offset is relative to the header, not to the start of the file
new_offset = m_bin_data_offset - 6;
fwrite(&new_offset, sizeof(new_offset), 1, m_output_file);
fseek(m_output_file, m_bin_data_offset, SEEK_SET);
void goto_binary_data()
byte_t ch;
while (read_char(ch))
if (128 == ch)
ungetc(ch, m_input_file);
fputc(ch, m_output_file);
throw runtime_error("Unexpected end of file");
void write_trailer()
byte_t hdr2[6] = { 128, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
long curpos = ftell(m_output_file);
size_t bin_data_size = curpos - m_bin_data_offset - sizeof(hdr2); // size of the encrypted data
size_t* size = (size_t*)&hdr2[2];
*size = bin_data_size;
// write the rest of the non-encrypted data in the input file
while (!feof(m_input_file))
size_t size = fread(m_line_buffer, 1, sizeof(m_line_buffer), m_input_file);
if (size > 0)
fwrite(m_line_buffer, size, 1, m_output_file);
// go to the start of the binary data
fseek(m_output_file, m_bin_data_offset, SEEK_SET);
//update the size of header 2
fwrite(hdr2, sizeof(hdr2), 1, m_output_file);
char* find_name(const string& name, size_t offset)
auto it = std::search(m_bin_data.begin() + offset, m_bin_data.end(), std::boyer_moore_searcher(name.begin(), name.end()));
if (it != m_bin_data.end())
char* data = (char*)m_bin_data.data();
int64_t offset = it - m_bin_data.begin();
return (data + offset);
return nullptr;
void read_lenIV()
char* p = find_name(string("/lenIV"), 0);
if (p)
m_lenIV = atoi(p + 6); // 6 = length of '/lenIV'
m_lenIV = 4;
byte_t decrypt(byte_t cipher, uint16_t& key)
if (m_lenIV < 0)
return cipher;
byte_t plain = cipher ^ (key >> 8);
key = ((cipher + key) * C1 + C2);
return plain;
byte_t encrypt(byte_t plain, uint16_t& key)
byte_t cipher = plain ^ (key >> 8);
key = (cipher + key) * C1 + C2;
return cipher;
void decrypt_binary_data()
byte_t hdr2[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
fread(hdr2, sizeof(hdr2), 1, m_input_file);
if (hdr2[1] != 2)
sprintf_s(m_line_buffer, MAX_LINE_BUFFER, "Invalid byte in the secondary header: %d. Expected is '2'", hdr2[1]);
throw runtime_error(m_line_buffer);
uint16_t key = key_eexec;
size_t data_size;
byte_t* data;
byte_t ch;
data_size = *((size_t*)&hdr2[2]);
if (0 == data_size)
throw runtime_error("Size of encrypted data is 0");
fwrite(hdr2, sizeof(hdr2), 1, m_output_file);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
m_discard_bytes[i] = ch;
// discard the result of these 4 bytes
decrypt(ch, key);
// subtract the 4 bytes discarded
data_size -= 4;
data = (byte_t*)m_bin_data.data();
fread(data, data_size, 1, m_input_file);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i)
data[i] = decrypt(data[i], key);
void encrypt_data(char* start, size_t len, uint16_t& key)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
byte_t ch = (char)encrypt((byte_t)start[i], key);
start[i] = (char)ch;
fwrite(start, len, 1, m_output_file);
char* skip_glyph(const char* start, const char* end)
char* p = (char*)start;
int len;
char* endp;
if (*p != '/')
return nullptr;
while (p < end)
if (isspace((byte_t)*p))
len = strtol(p, &endp, 10);
p = endp;
while (*p && isspace((byte_t)*p))
// skip 'RD' or -|
p += 2;
while (*p && isspace((byte_t)*p))
p += len;
return strchr(p, '\n') + 1;
char* write_glyph_data(const string& name, const char* start_data, const char* data_end, const char* curpos, uint16_t& key)
size_t len = name.size();
char* endp, * p = (char*)curpos;
while (p)
p = find_name(name, p - start_data);
if (p)
endp = skip_glyph(p, data_end);
if (isspace((byte_t)p[len])) // ensure this is an exact match
encrypt_data(p, endp - p, key);
return endp;
// skip this glyph and repeat the search
p = endp;
return nullptr;
void find_end_of_charstring(const char* curpos, const char* data_start, const char* data_end, uint16_t& key)
size_t offset = curpos - data_start;
char* p;// = (char*)curpos;
p = find_name(string("end"), offset);
if (p)
char* start = p;
p += 3;
while (*p && isspace((byte_t)*p))
if (strncmp(p, "end", 3) == 0)
encrypt_data(start, data_end - start, key);
offset = p - data_start;
throw runtime_error("Unable to find the text 'end end' in the /CharString data");
} while (p < data_end);
throw runtime_error("Unable to find the text 'end end' in the /CharString data");
void remove_glyphs()
char* p = find_name(string("/.notdef"), 0);
if (p)
char* data = m_bin_data.data();
size_t size = m_bin_data.size();
char* data_end = data + size;
char* endp, * end_of_notdef;
uint16_t key = 55665;
// encrypt the 4 random bytes
encrypt_data((char*)m_discard_bytes, sizeof(m_discard_bytes), key);
// skip .notdef
end_of_notdef = endp = skip_glyph(p, data_end);
// encrypt from the start of the encrypted data to the end of .notdef
encrypt_data(data, end_of_notdef - data, key);
p = end_of_notdef;
for (const string& name : m_glyph_list)
// start from the current position
p = write_glyph_data(name, data, data_end, p, key);
if (!p)
// start from the beginning
p = write_glyph_data(name, data, data_end, end_of_notdef, key);
// if still null
if (!p)
// restart from the beginning, for the next glyph
p = end_of_notdef;
find_end_of_charstring(endp, data, data_end, key);
throw runtime_error("Unable to locate /CharString");
void do_subsetting()
t1subset() : m_bin_data(), m_glyph_list()
~t1subset() {}
bool subset_font(const char* font_name, const byte_t* char_subset, byte_t char_subset_count,
const char* output_filename, string& error)
bool result = true;
precondition(font_name, char_subset, char_subset_count, output_filename);
catch (const exception& ex)
error = ex.what();
result = false;
return result;