Lete-Sans-Math package ====================== ## Description __Lete Sans Math__ is an OpenType sans-serif math font, based on the [Lato](https://github.com/latofonts/lato-source) font. ## Contents * Lete-SansMath.otf OpenType Math font * Lete-SansMath-Bold.otf Bold variant (limited coverage) * lete-sans-math.sty LaTeX style file * Lete-SansMath.pdf Documentation in PDF format * Lete-SansMath.ltx LaTeX source of Lete-SansMath.pdf * unimath-lete-sans.pdf Modified version of unimath-symbols.pdf showing available Lete-SansMath symbols compared to other sans-serif math fonts. * unimath-lete-sans.ltx LaTeX source of unimath-sans.pdf * README.md (this file) ## Installation This package is meant to be installed automatically by TeXLive, MikTeX, etc. Otherwise, the package can be installed under TEXMFHOME or TEXMFLOCAL, f.i. Lete-SansMath.otf in directory texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/Lete-SansMath/ and lete-sans-math.sty in directory texmf-local/tex/latex/LatoMath/. Documentation files and their sources can go to directory texmf-local/doc/fonts/public/LeteSansMath/ Don't forget to rebuild the file database (mktexlsr or so) if you install under TEXMFLOCAL. Finally, make the system font database aware of the LeteSansMath font (fontconfig under Linux). ## License * The font `LeteSansMath.otf’ is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL * The other files are distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. Either version 1.3c or, at your option, any later version. ## Changes * v. 0.1: first appeared on https://github.com/abccsss/LatoMath/ Author: Chenjing Bu. * First public version: 0.36 * v. 0.37: - Missing Greek sans glyphs (U+1D756-U+1D7CB) added to LatoMath-Bold. - Glyphs U+2234 to U+223B added to LatoMath-Bold. * v.0.40 Fonts renamed from "Lato Math" to "Lete Sans Math" due to the Reserved Font Name clause on the Lato fonts. Package "lato-math" renamed as "lete-sans-math". * v.0.41 Added feature cv11 to provide a single-storey variant for lowercase g (upright, italic, bold, bolditalic). * v.0.43 - Glyphs U+0332 and U+23DC to U+23DF resized for consistency. - Fixed vertical composition of int symbol (U+222B). - Glyphs U+21D0 to U+21D5, U+27F8 to U+27FA, U+27FD, and U+27FE slightly changed to be constent with the equal sign (U+003D). Horizontal composition of these arrows reworked. * v.0.44 Triple and quadruple stroked arrows (U+21DA, U+21DB, U+2B45, U+2B46) are extensible again. * v.0.45 Displayed integrals and big operators are now verticaly aligned on the Math axis, this should fix Issue#13. --- Copyright 2024 Chenjing Bu, Daniel Flipo. https://github.com/abccsss/LeteSansMath/