blacklettert1 package


Copy the *.vf, *.tfm, and *.fd files of the blacklettert1 distribution where
your TeX system can find them (if you don't know where, put them where files of
the same type are already located).

Alternatively use the Makefile.  Call

    make TEXMFDIR=/usr/local/texmf install

to install blacklettert1 in a TDS compliant system.  It may be necessary to be
root for that.  TEXMFDIR denotes your TEXMF root directory of course.  To
install it locally, you may write

    make TEXMFDIR=/home/yourlogin/texmf install

Then update your TeX filename database.  This may be done with "texhash" or
"initexmf --update-fndb" depending on your TeX implementation.

For usage information, run the file blacklettert1.dtx through LaTeX or run
"make doc".

Tell me ( if you have trouble with the installation.