FPL Fonts -- Sources

This directory contains:

FontForge source files for the new glyphs in the FPL Fonts (*.sfd)
Metric files containing kerning information (*.afm)
FontForge scripts for generating final fonts (*.pe, AddGPL, AddException)
The OtherSubrs from the original URW fonts (URW-OtherSubrs.ps)

In order to produce the FPL Fonts, you will also need the four shapes of
the URW Palladio L font:

uplr8a.pfb    URW Palladio L Roman
uplri8a.pfb   URW Palladio L Italic
uplb8a.pfb    URW Palladio L Bold
uplbi8a.pfb   URW Palladio L Bold Italic

These are typically located in $TEXMF/fonts/type1/urw/palatino/.

Note that the FontForge scripts use ReadOtherSubrsFile(), which has been
added to the CVS on 2004-02-02. 

Ralf Stubner