CM Unicode 0.7.0 (June 18 2009)
 o License changed to OFL 1.1
 o Converted to lookups for Advanced Typography
 o Changed building of accented characters, it is now based on anchors
 o Added special accents for capital letters
 o Added small serifs to U+26A in sans-serif fonts
 o Reencoded U+478 and U+479 as U+A46A, U+A46B
 o Kerning copied to built accented characters

CM Unicode 0.6.3a (March 14 2008)
 o Bug fixes:
   - wrong ucircumflex and udieresis in CMUTypewriter-Regular, 
     CMUTypewriter-Oblique, CMUTypewriter-LightOblique
   - wrong advanced width of U+044F in CMUSerif-Italic
   - empty M in CMUSansSerif-Oblique
   - changed encoding of U+2116 in *.enc files

CM Unicode 0.6.3 (March 16 2007)
 o Added Latin Extended-A and Latin Extended-B characters to
   CMUSerif-Roman from Victor Carbajo
 o Added glyphs from t2d encoded lh fonts
 o Regenerated by newer fontforge which fixes an issue with "dotlessj"

CM Unicode 0.6.2 (March 02 2007)
 o Added anchors to phonetic characters
 o Added 18 pixel bitmap font to CMUBright-Roman, fixed other sizes
 o Swapped "uni1FBC", "uni1FCC", "uni1FFC" and "uni1FBC.alt", "uni1FCC.alt",
   "uni1FFC.alt" (suggested by Alexey Kryukov), removed relevant substitution 
   with "case" tag, added alternative set of capital letters with mute iota
 o Patched lh fonts to make U+0428 symmetric, also changed U+0429
 o Added stylistic set 1 with some Latin accented letters based on Vietnamese 
   ones and capital letters with adscript mute iota
 o Added Greek small capitals to CMUSerif-Roman, CMUSerif-Bold, CMUSansSerif,
   CMUSansSerif-Bold, CMUTypewriter-Regular
 o Added 'kern' GPOS tables to languages other than "latn{dflt}"

CM Unicode 0.6.1 (November 10 2006)
 o Added ligatures for "i", "j" + combining accents, "Aogonek"
 o Added anchors
 o Reencoded "femaleuncrossed" as "uni26B2", "uni2040" as "uni2322",
   "uni0311" as "tieaccentlowercase", "cyrflex" as "uni0311"
 o Added 14 and 16 pixel fonts to CMUBright-Roman, regenerated
   embedded bitmap fonts
 o Changed script and language tags (suggested by Alexey Kryukov)
 o Added "uni1FEE" as reference to "uni0385", "figuredash"
 o Reencoded accented Russian vowels
 o Retraced CMUSansSerif-Bold
 o Added substitution from "uni1FB3", "uni1FBC", "uni1FC3",
   "uni1FCC", "uni1FF3", "uni1FFC" to "uni1FBC.alt", "uni1FCC.alt",
   "uni1FFC.alt" with "case" tag (suggested by Alexey Kryukov)
 o Further manual correction of badly traced glyphs from
   CMUSerif-Roman, CMUSerif-Italic, CMUSerif-BoldItalic,
   CMUSansSerif-Bold, CMUSansSerif-BoldOblique, CMUBright-Roman

CM Unicode 0.6.0 (June 28 2006)                                             
 o Added Vietnamese glyphs from vnr fonts. Characters existed in ec       
   fonts added as local alternatives                                      
 o Changed position of accents in "atilde", "amacron", "otilde",          
   "ntilde", "umacron", "omacron", "aemacron", "uni1E7D", "etilde",       
   "emacron", "afii10831", "afii10832"                                    
 o Corrected "u" and "y" in CMUClassicalSerif-Italic                      
 o Changed shape of "afii10063" to "afii10068" + "macron"                 
 o Fixed Cyrillic small capital characters in CMUConcrete-Roman           
 o Used names with suffixes for glyph variants. Type 1 fonts now          
   require at least Freetype 2.2                                          
 o Set OS2 Values WinAscent, WinDescent, HHeadAscent and HHeadDescent     
   from bounding box of ec fonts. TypoLineGap and HHeadLineGap are set    
   to 200 (20% of em) as advised by Recommendations for OpenType Fonts.   
   The OpenType fonts now have more condensed line spacing                
 o Used lh fonts 3.5.4                                                    
 o Fixed some badly traced glyphs (manually edited) from                  
   CMUSerif-Roman, CMUSansSerif, CMUSansSerif-Oblique, CMUBright-Roman,   
   CMUBright-Oblique, CMUBright-Bold fonts, look at post_*.sfd files      
 o Added "locl" substitution from "beta", "gamma", "theta", "lambda",     
   "chi", "omega" to IPA variants imported from tipa fonts for Latin      

CM Unicode 0.5.0 (March 01 2006)
 o Removed extra space from name of "CMU Concrete Bold Extended Roman"
 o Added CM Bright font family and "Typewriter Text Light" fonts (8 fonts)
 o Added accented Russian vowels
 o Added glyphs from lb fonts
 o Built yet more extended Latin characters
 o Renamed "babygamma" as "babygammaold" not to interfere with "rams horn"
 o Font family name for "CMUTypewriter-Oblique" changed to "CMU Typewriter Text"
 o Added quotereversed, uni201F, uni01A7, uni01A8, uni02C1
 o Added uni1FBD and uni1FFD as references
 o Changed font and family name for "CMUSerif-UnslantedItalic" to 
 o Added space characters: uni2000...uni200D
 o Added longs and florin to most fonts

CM Unicode 0.4.3 (December 07 2005)
 o Copied some combining glyphs to spacing ones for compatibility with TeX
 o Changed simplification rules in
 o Non-unicode glyphs reencoded into Private Use Area
 o Added small capitals for Cyrillic and Latin characters to some fonts
 o Copied afii10063 from CMUSerif-Italic to CMUClassicalSerif-Italic
 o Reencoded acrophonic Greek numbers
 o Reencoded some glyphs accordingly upcoming Unicode 5.0
 o Added a workaround for fractions in Serif Bold fonts  
 o Built uni0326 from comma, rebuilt Scommaaccent, scommaaccent, uni021A, 
   uni021B using uni0326

CM Unicode 0.4.2 (September 20 2005)
 o Substituted some glyphs (numerals, basic Latin alphabet and some others) from
   Blue Sky fonts when available
 o Built yet more extended Latin characters
 o Built uni0186 from C and uni0254 from c for fonts without IPA
 o Added OpenType substitution for old-style numerals (Thanks to Cody Boisclair)
CM Unicode 0.4.1 (May 25 2005)
 o Removed Apple Advanced Typography tables from opentype fonts
 o Reverted nexusleftside and nexusrightside in g.enc
 o Properly reencoded strokes in rx.enc
 o Used guillemets from lh fonts as default, the ones from ec fonts substituted 
   with GSUB locl tag
 o Corrected uni0329
 o Built yet more phonetic symbols

CM Unicode 0.4.0 (May 03 2005)
 o Added Concrete font family
 o Reencoded some symbols accordingly Unicode 4.1
 o Merged into uc (ux) fonts from the lh fonts
 o Set width of combining glyphs to zero in proportional width fonts
 o Used leipzig shape of Greek letters in serif italic fonts,
   the old one is moved to CMUClassicalSerif-Italic
 o Rebuilt uni1FBC, uni1FCC, uni1FFC placing mute iota under a glyph
 o Built capital Greek polytonic glyphs in proportional width fonts
 o Built several accented Latin glyphs
 o Built IPA digraphs: uni02A3, uni02A5, uni02A8, uni02A9, uni02AA, uni02AB
 o Built several phonetic symbols
 o Reencoded CYREPS as uni0190 and cyreps as uni0190 in rx.enc
 o Merged changes from Alexey Kryukov into g.enc
 o Several accents in tc.enc  encoded as capital accents
 o Used neutral shape for quotesingle from tc fonts

CM Unicode 0.3.2 (Mar 28 2005)
 o Reencoded Serbian italic glyphs
 o Made lowercase monotonic accented Greek glyphs as references to polytonic 
 o Added Delta.greek, Omega.greek and mu.greek as references to unicode encoded 
 o Added several composite Latin glyphs
 o Removed tipabs10 and tipxbs10 from SansSerif-BoldOblique
 o acc_height changed to 90/36pt in,,, in order
   to shift up accents. Aring glyph is built using fontforge.
CM Unicode 0.3.1 (Mar 09 2005)
 o Reverted tracing options for Serif Italic fonts with a workaround for fractions
 o Changed tracing options for SansSerif-DemiCondensed to produce more smooth 
 o Regenerated by the fontforge from CVS which fixes the positions of accented eta 
   glyphs in otf files

CM Unicode 0.3.0 (Feb 28 2005)
 o License changed for X11 with an exception for fonts
 o Fixed width of ellipsis in proportional fonts
 o Changed magnification of italics serif fonts, fixes a bug with onehalf
 o Added IPA symbols from tipa fonts
 o changed slope of the Greek glyphs in italics, roman slanted and typewriter
   text fonts
 o Added 10 (6 unicode) Cyrillic extended glyphs from lc fonts

CM Unicode 0.2.2 (Dec 22 2004)
 o Rebuilt by fontforge with fixed bug related to generation of .pfb fonts with 
 o Added ATT tags for substitution of g, d, p and t for Serbian language in 
   italic fonts
 o Built Serbian glyphs "p" and "t" from Cyrillic "i" and "sha" in italic fonts
 o Built imacron

CM Unicode 0.2.1 (Dec 21 2004)
 o created experimental font gtdn1000 which is merged into 
 o gsme1000 and gsxe1000 fonts used instead of gsmn1000 (changed a shape of 
 o grmu1000 merged into CMUSerif-UnslantedItalic
 o created experimental font gtbi1000 which is merged into 
 o created experimental font gtbn1000 which is merged into CMUTypewriter-Bold
 o changed encoding for Omega and Delta symbols
 o renamed macron.ts1 by macronts1 to avoid ambiguity in freetype
 o OpenType fonts are also generated
 o added ATT substitutions for guillemotleft, guillemotright, emdash
 o Added nonbreakingspace as reference to space

CM Unicode 0.2.0 (Nov 03 2004)
 o TeX fonts are retraced by mftrace with autotrace backend at higher 
   resolutions. This should create more correct outlines (I hope). 
 o Added linedrawing characters to Typewriter fonts
 o Added ".notdef" glyph as supposed by Adobe
 o Generated several Cyrillic and Greek accented glyphs using fontforge
 o Changed fontnames for several fonts to conform Adobe conventions
 o regenerated by fontforge-20041028

CM Unicode 0.1.3 (May 11 2004)
 o regenerated by fontforge-20040509 which fixes issues with hints
CM Unicode 0.1.2 (Dec 09 2003)
 o regenerated by pfaedit-031205
 o added two experimental fonts CMUTypewriter-Bold and CMUTypewriter-BoldItalic,
   containing Latin and Cyrillic glyphs
 o added RoundToInt() to merging script
 o redesigned "musicalnote" glyph for monospaced fonts
 o changed family name for Typewriter Text Regular

CM Unicode 0.1.1 (Aug 27 2003)
 o redesigned ellipsis glyph for monospaced fonts
 o changed names for Typewriter Text fonts to conform Mac OS X reqirements
 o panose value "monospaced" is set for Typewriter Text fonts
 o regenerated by pfaedit-030822

CM Unicode 0.1 (Apr 10 2003)
 o First public release