This is a slightly modified version of the namedplus style, which fully conforms
with the Journal of Neuroscience citation style.
Last modified 2004 April 06 by Matthias Hennig (

version = 1.00 of jneurosci.bst 2004 April 06

The following citation labels are implemented:

  these labels are processed by the following commands: 
  which produces citations with both author and year, enclosed in parens. 
  which produces citations with year only, enclosed in parens 
  which produces the author information only 
  which produces the year information only 
  which produces Author (Year) 
  which produces Author, Year 
The output looks like that:
  (Strettoi and Masland, 1996; Kolb, 1997; Masland, 2001) and (Fisher et al., 1975)
  for reviews, see McNaughton (1990); M�ller and Kaupp (1998); Fain et al. (2001).

The bibliography follows J Neurosci conventions, e.g.:
Koch C (1999) Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons Oxford University Press.
Enroth-Cugell C, Robson JG (1966) The contrast sensitivity of retinal ganglion cells of the cat. J Physiol 187:517-552. 
This is a modified version of the namedplus style by:
A. David Redish
Neural Systems, Memory and Aging, Univ of AZ, Tucson AZ

which was in turn modified by:

and finally modified by:
Matthias H Hennig, University of Edinburgh, mhennig at