1.9.1: (unstable)

* Sqlite support: Improvements, including changing of fields types, and 
  adding/deleting fields.
  (We will later make this only a configure option.)
  (Armin Burgmeier)
* Use SQL parameters where possible, making code safer and fixing problems 
  with image data with libgda-4.0.
  (Johannes Schmid)
* When cancelling the initial dialog, fix the strange behaviour.
  (Johannes Schmid) Bug #569721. 
* Main window: Correct the order of the widgets at the bottom-right that 
  show the number of found records and the total number of records.
  (Murray Cumming)
* List view, Related Records lists:
  Really show lookup values and related fields.
  This regression was introduce in Glom 1.8, now fixed.
  (Murray Cumming) Bug #569722 (Johannes Schmid)

1.9.0: (unstable)