xrun is a quick X11 utility to run commands and keep a history file of commands run, a browse facility is also included. To extract xrun.tgz, under linux I use 'tar zxvf xrun.tgz' this will create a xrun directory and files, not all tar programs have the z option so you may have to 'gzip -d xrun.tgz' then ' tar xvf xrun.tar' To create xrun type 'make' To install in /usr/local/bin type 'make install' To remove tidy the source directory type 'make clean' To create a backup in a backups directory off the parent directory type 'make backup' xrun is copyright kevin Mulholland 21st June 1996 (kevin@dvstsol.demon.co.uk) you require the Forms Library for X to create xrun the XForm Library is available from ftp://bloch.phys.edu./pub/xforms