xfl v2.0 released Dec-98, Russel Lane & Associates, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "xfl" library contains the following packages: xcol multi-column browser. xmenus windows95-ish menus. xps process lister. All functions in this library begin with "xfl_". All types and manifest constants defined in this library begin with "XFL_". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xcol - multi-column browser A "multi-column" browser has a heading row that contains column labels and one or more detail rows that contain data. The xcol package allows the user to select the key on which to sort the data in the browser and the order in which to present it (i.e., ascending or descending). Clicking on a column label sorts the list on that column. Clicking again on the same column toggles the sort order. The xcol package also allows the user to "configure" the browser; i.e., to select those columns from a pool that are to appear in the browser, and the order in which they are to appear, from left-to-right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmenus - windows95-ish menus A "windows95" menu reacts much more to mouse movement than does a traditional X-based menu which requires more clicking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xps - process lister This is a sample application that makes use of a multi-column browser and a windows95-style menu. Note that this is not a great example for demonstrating the configuration feature of the browser because the pool of columns to display is small enough where they can all be displayed at once. This feature was designed for applications that have many more columns of data than can be displayed without exceeding the browser line length limit or (to satisfy my asthetic requirements) using a horizontal scrollbar.