Digital Audio Processor ======================= For Silicon Graphics (IRIX 5.3) (c) Richard Kent 1996 Introduction ------------ Welcome to the digital audio processor for the Silicon Graphics range of computers running IRIX 5.3. I have produced this program as my final year project for a degree in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University, near Edinburgh in Scotland. The reason for producing this program was the apallingly basic (but I suppose functional) "SoundEditor" bundled with IRIX 5.3 which is a far too basic given the advanced nature of the Silicon Graphics Audio. The program has been designed and developed over the last nine months - but in parallel with full time lectures :( - and is now at a relatively finished stage. I thought I might "release" the package, at this point, to all Silicon Graphics XForms users free of charge and I hope that I'll receive some feedback, bug reports, suggestions for improvement and general comments on the package. I am developing the program over the summer (before I start "real" work in September) and so feedback and comments would be much appreciated. If my prospective employers allow me I'll probably even continue development of the package after that point as well. So, in other words please, please send me comments and feedback, whether you think the program is good or a load of .... well not nice stuff. Bug reports, criticisms and general banter are just as welcomed !!!! So that's it, no instruction manual, no help file - a fair chunk of the program is self explanatory, the rest can all be worked out with experimentation (I hope - if not mail me). Oh, and not all the effects are functional yet - you'll get a lovely "please register" prompt if the effect you are trying to execute is not available (ignore this prompt it was just to look good for my demo to my superviser - there is no registration !!!). The only effects not working at the moment are gated reverberation and equalization. Enjoy, and hope to hear from you all real soon....... TicH PS This program was developed using XForms 0.81 on a Silicon Graphics Indy running IRIX 5.3 - let me know if you have any difficulties running the program and give me details of your setup. PPS Source is not included yet 'cos there's lots of it and there are still bugs to sort out - will include it once it is all working !! History (well kind of) ---------------------- Since first release :- * Added ability to load and save effects parameter settings * Implemented Auto Pan * Bug fix in time remaining on DSP execute screen * Two channel mixing, slider fades samples correctly * Loading of samples,checking for loop markers eased (were problems when loading non-looped samples) * Four channel capability added to entire package - note the switch to put the SG into 4 channel mode is on the playback page Planned Improvements -------------------- * Multi threading so that audio not stopped by user interaction * Complete context sensitive help * Spatialization toolkit * Direct to disk editing / recording / playback for large audio files * Linux conversion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name - Richard Kent (Tich) Plan - I used to have I don't.... EMail - Phone - (0131) 228 5588 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------