This is a little example that shows how to use C++ with fdesign. They key point here is how one can recover a valid "this" pointer in a static method. This is simply done by storing the "this" pointer in the u_vdata field of the form. When a callback is called, it is very simple to get to the pointer because the FL_OBJECT has a field form which is the form it is in. So we do something like: ClassPtr *ptr = (ClassPtr *) object->form->u_vdata; Now we have a valid object pointer and we can call regular methods from this poiinter. This example contains the following sources: FormApp.{cc, h} The base class that encapsulate the Forms Library MyFormClass.{cc, h} A FormApp derived class that wraps around the form generated by fdesign SubFormClass.{cc,h} Another FormApp derived class that wraps around the form generated by fdesign. But I included one of these in the MyFormClass class. An example of using the MyFormClass MyForm.fd The fdesign file MyForm.{c, h} The files generated by fdesign Makefile this on should be evident per see Classes.h A file containing all the headers of the classes referenced in MyForm.c. When generating the code with fdesign, the -I Classes.h should be used. There is also one last point. When fdesign generates the header file, it adds some prototypes of callback functions without checking if they are C++ methods. And it causes a compiler error because we have a line that looks like: extern void MyFormClass::_MyFormCallback(FL_OBJECT *, long); I put in the Makefile a little workaround for that. It is just a perl statement that comments out these lines in the header file. This bug should be fixed in the next release. I guess it is it. Hope this helps. Have fun Jacques Tremblay Universite Laval Quebec