Release Notes for X11R6.9 and X11R7.0

The X.Org Foundation


The XFree86 Project, Inc.

21 December 2005

These release notes contains information about features and their status in the X.Org Foundation X11R6.9/X11R7.0 release. It is based on the XFree86 4.4RC2 RELNOTES document published by The XFree86[tm] Project, Inc. There are significant updates and differences in the X.Org release as noted below.

1. Introduction to the X11R6.9/X11R7.0 Release

2. Summary of new features in X11R6.9 and X11R7.0

2.1. Updated keyboard mappings
2.2. New loader mechanism
2.3. Video driver enhancements

3. Drivers

3.1. Video Drivers
3.2. Input Drivers

4. Overview of X11R6.9 and X11R7.0

4.1. Loader and Modules
4.2. Configuration File
4.3. Command Line Options
4.4. XAA
4.5. Multi-head
4.6. Xinerama
4.7. DGA version 2
4.8. DDC
4.9. GLX and the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)
4.10. XVideo Extension (Xv)
4.11. X Rendering Extension (Render)
4.12. Other extensions
4.13. xedit
4.14. Font support
4.15. TrueType support
4.16. CID font support
4.17. Internationalisation of the scalable font backends
4.18. Large font optimisation
4.19. Unicode/ISO 10646 support
4.20. Xlib Compose file support and extensions
4.21. Bitstream Vera fonts
4.22. Luxi fonts from Bigelow and Holmes

5. Miscellaneous

5.1. Legacy keyboard driver phase-out
5.2. Socket directory ownership and permissions
5.3. Composite exposes extra visuals

6. Deprecated components and removal plans

7. Attributions/Acknowledgements/Credits