gnome-vfs 2.15.3 'Kill the monkeys'
	Note: The moniker code was moved to a seperate module
	called gnome-vfs-monikers. We need to keep that in the
	platform to be API/ABI compatible.
	Also note that bonobo mime related functions have been 
	moved to libbonobo.
	This relase is free of Bonobos :) 

	* Replace bonobo by DBus as IPC mechanism between clients 
	  and the daemon: Remove all references and dependencies 
          on bonobo. (Initial work done by Richard Hult and Mikael 
	  Hallendal from Imendio)

	* Massive API documentation update.
	* INotify: fixes for remote (i.e. NFS) filesystems
	* INotify: Updates to the timers used (see ChangeLog)
	* Convert all use of pop to GOption
	* Fix non ACL file method build	
	* OSX fix for GnomeVFSAddress	
	* Handle %% escaping % in desktop files. (#343632)
	* Check for later version of libselinux. (#344349)