3.21.90 - Aug 19, 2016

Hello there!

So we will stop using a redirect from gis.gnome.org to Mapbox tile server.
Instead we will attempt to download a service.json file from gis.gnome.org.
This file will tell us where our third-party services are. Starting with
tile services. This is for two reasons. 1) It is much faster and 2) Mapbox
didn't like the redirect approach.

Changes since 3.21.4:

- Download a service.json file to get tile server URI among other things.
- Use GtkClutter for the attribution logo, to get transparency.

Added/updated/fixed translations:
  - Hungarian
  - Slovak
  - Hebrew
  - Czech
  - Arabic
  - Finnish
  - Brazilian Portuguese
  - Indonesian
  - Brittish English

All contributors to this release:
Andika Triwidada <atriwidada@gnome.org>
Balázs Úr <urbalazs@gmail.com>
David King <amigadave@amigadave.com>
Dušan Kazik <prescott66@gmail.com>
Gustavo Marques <gutodisse@gmail.com>
Jiri Grönroos <jiri.gronroos@iki.fi>
Jonas Danielsson <jonas@threetimestwo.org>
Marek Cernocky <marek_cernocky@conel.cz>
Mattias Bengtsson <mattias.jc.bengtsson@gmail.com>
Safa Alfulaij <safa1996alfulaij@gmail.com>
Yosef Or Boczko <yoseforb@src.gnome.org>