2015-11-30 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> 3.19.3 2015-11-30 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Require the latest gtkmm and glibmm. 2015-11-26 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Add an override keyword 2015-11-26 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Multi-threaded chapter: Remove warnings about sigc::slots and Glib::Threads::Thread. Because people would use regular lambdas or std::function functors with std::thread in C++11. Also, change the mention of Glib::Thread::Mutex to std::mutex. Bug #755091 2015-11-26 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> multithread example: Use std::thread, etc, instead of Glib::Threads::*. Because C++11 now has this concurrency API and we should use standard C++ where possible. We cannot actually deprecate Glib::Threads until a future (soon) gtkmm when we can depend on C++14: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2015-August/msg00070.html Bug #755091