Overview of Changes in 4.11.3, 05-06 2023

* GtkGridView:
 - Respect css border-spacing
 - Don't leak the factories

* GtkListView:
 - Don't leak the factories

* GtkColumnView:
 - Support displaying sections

* GtkNotebook:
 - Make the pages model implement GtkSelectionModel

* GtkScrolledWindow:
 - Propagate child measure size whenever possible

* GtkPopoverMenu:
 - Avoid unnecessary left padding

* GtkSearchEntry:
 - Improve size allocation for the clear icon

* GtkBoxLayout:
 - Fix a regression from recent baseline work

* CSS:
 - Add new binding-friendly css provider apis

* Theme:
 - Show focus in the shortcuts window

* GDK:
 - Support grayscale and alpha texture formats for loading
   and saving to png and tiff, and in GL
 - Fix some regressions in GL context initialization

* GSK:
 - Support grayscale and alpha texture formats in the GL renderer
 - Support straight alpha textures in the GL renderer
 - Many improvements to the experimental Vulkan renderer

* Wayland:
 - Make exporting surface handles more flexible

* X11:
 - Trap XRandr errors
 - Stop using passive grabs during DND

* Windows:
 - Many cleanups and simplifications

* Tests:
 - Improve test coverage

* Build:
 - Some build options have been renamed:
     demos -> build-demos
     profile -> demo-profile
   The old names still work

* Deprecations:
 - gtk_css_provider_load_from_data
 - gdk_wayland_toplevel_unexport_handle
 - gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface
 - gdk_pixbuf_get_from_texture
 - gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf
 - gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf
 - gtk_picture_new_for_pixbuf
 - gtk_picture_set_pixbuf

* Translation updates: