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Try 'c' or 'r'.U WVSu }jEP]Ej@à Sh1C POC|!C4P EEPEc7d~&rx E0$Et,E0HPRu4 yuhWuƒ E8t'jjjh_PbtuuE1REщHPhu uuhuSu ujj1҅tS R'E86PE0Su1҅tS R螙E8 jS EE8cu1҅tS RAtE}1҅tS B0hu1҅tS R芙ujjjh~0ҋE8uN„tq7h7Sw ujj1҅tS R) E8uuaEVh%uEPWUB@0ua'ǃ>u/jVuEpJ>Wp&>uVuhEjSe[^_RcsDiff: %s %s UWVS] U}0t:ntM=0~uSh&N WjSuV?u\jÃS贊CSMYWuC0A@0uu3?uWjjMqzjVe[^_RcsDiff2: %s %s vs %s %s UWVS}u =0~uuuu hV'j;ÃSCS3_VSuuW;>uVuuu PR@Ѝe[^_RcsInteg: %s %s vs %s %s Integration invoked without input file.U(WVS=0~uuuu h'Uzujjjh(ujuVEVR]SES9UB@8} t2uVuu R1U:tjS"jVZE8u]SuuuU:u"uUB@0E0WJUBjSɈEjP軈e[^_UWVS} uVjW]S$>uVuWhBjSe[^_UWVS]}j)ƃVFV!sWjjVe[^_tempfile write not initialized!US]E UM{ujjjh)QRhEUQEPsQ]UEU xujjjh)RhÐRpnothing to read!US]U M{tuRs-Q{tEPuRsJC9{ujjjh{*Qg1 EUEQEPs覌EEE]UWVSuVju ]Sv>t jSVuu+ǃ ujSrVjju[>tjSVhSWD, t$VPu >tW-Vu袌jEPc[^_ \%%&p'<()*L**,$ ,,UE@UE8,E tPİUE@ ,u P{UWVS}u ]SW{SVPJ W e[^_US]jS{K]pathtypehandlerrwpermsclient-OpenDiffclient-OpenFiledataclient-WriteDiffclient-WriteFilecommitclient-CloseDiffclient-CloseFile%s: librarian's checkout failed.UWVSu]$u(u}ǃM(9QuuPR@ ЃM(9/%Eu h`-Vuhe-Vu hj-V$s-uq-Phv-V-}t|-PVF 8uehh-Vu(hPBHPBLЉÃM(9u1SVt#u hj-VM-}t-댐0ҋF 8u M(9„th-h-V u hj-V-}t-PVtjPXR@\ЃM(9tjjuh-Qbe[^_client-OutputTextUWVS}uu|ƃM9Quu PR@ ЃM9uXG 8uMhh-WuhPBHPBLЉÃM9uSWyh/W*utjPXR@\ЃM9tjju h-Qae[^_%s: librarian's diff failed.UWVS}$Wu"{ƃ?Wu uuuu P R@$Ѓ?uYMA 8uLhh-QWhPBHPBLЉÃ?uSuh/u4utjPXR@\Ѓ?tjju h0W`e[^_%s: librarian's digest failed.UWVS}uVu+zÃ>u(Vu WPR@ Ѓ>u VuSPz ttjPXR@\Ѓ>tjjWh1VK`e[^_UMtjPXR@\lbrPathlbrRevlbrTypeU WVS}u Vh`2W!EVhj-WEVhh2WE$Vho2W >uqV01yÃ>u_VhD2SuwDb>ttAjPXR@\/VM1M1P0R@4Ѓ>t uwDce[^_UWVS] Shj-uVSh-uFE;ucSVMqDcE ;uVMqDctE}u+SMq1P8R@<Ѓ;t VMqDHce[^_UWVS}] Shj-Wƃ ;u=SVwDxb ;u)tjPXR@\ЃVwDbVwDbe[^_user%s: librarian's checkin failed.UWVS}u Vh`2W)EVhj-WEVhh2W E$VhK4WE >VuwDaà >uwDbuCVB@PBDЋVM1M1M1BPBЃ>t*uwDa>tjjM1hP4V2]tjPXR@\ЃuwD]ae[^_lbrPathBaselbrRevBaseclient-OpenMerge2client-WriteMergeclient-CloseMerge%s: librarian's merge failed.UWVSuu h`2VEu hh2VEu ho2Vǃ$h5VHh5V=u hj-Vcu h`-VSE(u he-V?E] M 9SQ7ruǃM 9:QM1M1PR@ ЃM 9uh`-Vuhe-VShj-V$h5VF 8u`hh-Vu hPBHPBLЉSV$M 9u%t!uhj-VWh5V8뛐0ҋF 8u M 9„t Vuhj-Vh5VM 9tjjM1h5u ZtjPXR@\Ѝe[^_client-OpenMerge3bitsUWVSu h`2uEu hh2uEh5uHƃ h5u6u hj-uXEu h`-uEE u he-u/EMM M 9QuMqD]ǃ M 9uMqD^u P@R@DЋu M1M11tP1tPB(PB,Ѓ M 9tuMqD]$uh`-uhuhe-uXuhj-uH$h7u$MA 8hh-Q-u hPBHPBLЉËBPPBTЉƃ SuM 9u9t5Vh7u7uhj-uh5u j0ҋMA 8u M 9„t uRuhj-ugh5uFM 9tjjM1h5u XtjPXR@\ЃuMqD5\e[^_lbr-OpenFilelbr-WriteFilelbr-ForsakeFilelbr-SubmitFilelbr-MergeFile2lbr-MergeFile3 `;UE;E tP8US]E 8tPSS1]dataclient-OutputDataUS]u h;Sh;S]1levelUS]u h;Sh;h;S[h;Sx]2US]u h;Soh)<h;S#h;S@]client-OutputErrorUWVS}u >t9hSVW Sh;Wha<W1[^_ U WVS] uVks3V 0<HPh<V Vh;uha<udjVke[^_client-OutputInfoUS]u h;S;hM=S]client-OutputTextUS]u h;Sh=S]Unknown command. Try 'help' for info.UVSu] jjjh=STSVye[^Server error:I/O error prevented error from reaching userUVSu] F 8u!jjjh>STSNUSV F 8tjjjh>SSS%Ue[^funcHandleerrorHandleUWVS}u ]SWjSVP8 W e[^_US]jSiK]Client side operations(s) failed. Command aborted.UVSu] jjjh?S$SSV Ve[^Use 'diff' command now.UVSu] jjjht?SRSVe[^Use 'edit' command now.UVSu] jjjh?SRSVSVe[^Use 'revert' command now.UVSu] jjjh@SLRSV5SVje[^Use 'get' command now.UVSu] jjjhM@SRSVSVRe[^Use 'have' command now.UVSu] jjjh@SQSVSV*Ie[^dm-AbortCommanddm-CommitSubmitdm-OpenFiledm-ReleaseFiledm-ResolvedFaileddm-ResolvedFiledm-SubmitChangedm-TookFiledm-UpdateBranchSpecdm-UpdateChangeSpecdm-UpdateClientSpecdm-UpdateJobSpecdm-UpdateLabelSpecdm-UpdateProtectSpecdm-UpdateUserSpecserver-DiffFileserver-CmpFileuser-adduser-branchuser-branchesuser-changeuser-changesuser-clientuser-clientsuser-deleteuser-describeuser-diffuser-diffheaduser-diffhaveuser-difftookuser-diff2user-edituser-flushuser-filesuser-fileloguser-fixuser-fixesuser-getuser-gotuser-helpuser-infouser-haveuser-integuser-integeduser-integrateuser-integrateduser-jobuser-jobsuser-labeluser-labelsuser-labelsyncuser-lockuser-openuser-openeduser-printuser-protectuser-refreshuser-releaseuser-reopenuser-reresolveuser-resolveuser-resolveduser-revertuser-reviewuser-reviewsuser-submituser-syncuser-takeuser-tookuser-unlockuser-updateuser-useruser-usersuser-where# A Perforce Branch Specification.## Branch: The branch name. Read-only.# Owner: The user who created this branch. Can be changed.# Date: The date this specification was last modified. Read only.# Description: A short description of the branch (optional).# View: Lines to map source depot files to target depot files.# Use 'p4 help branch' to see more about branch views.BranchOwnerDateDescriptionViewUS]C P3^CP3S]clientcwdosuserdiodm-UpdateBranchSpecconfirmclient-InputDatadataclient-OutputDatadm-AbortCommanddeclineclient-EditDataUxWVSu hFuu hFuzu hFud$u hFuKju'U :uEuEu hLjhFuV}W]S[$u ujjiSu] tDžu hMj\jjoSN] tDž5jjdS.] tDžu hMDžu hLjhFVWS[u uu jjUr@Ra(U :uRUrHr@u utjsu/hFhFuMhFuhj=h(jbUr@WDž@LE0S_u SVWu utCjS_DžXLjP^jP^jSuouWjS^DžXLjP^jP^jDu VWJ U :t7DžXLjPW^jPI^juu 2jVWU :t9DžXLjP]jP]jPhFu uhFuu= 4hFhFuJhFhFu8hFuS DžXLjP\]jPN]jP`|[^_U8WVS} WhFu EȍuV\?uq]h(jbUr@S|E@LWVujSWuuVu\uD EXLjEP\jEP\jV\e[^_`FpLLUVSu] F$XLjFP3\jF P(\tV e[^UVSu] F$XLjFP[jF P[tVѐe[^branch [ -d -i -o ] branchnamebranch -d branchnamebranch -iclientcwdosuseriodm-UpdateChangeSpecconfirmclient-InputDatadataclient-OutputDataclient-EditDatadm-AbortCommanddeclineUPWVSu} Wh0MVWh7MVWh;MV$Wh>MVjV?V7EV>EWhRjhCMMQMQ]S U$WV0jjiSV tDžWh6Rj5jjoSV tDž DžWh!RjhFMSTWVu!hGMh[MVYhcMVvWjjv@SjZ(?uWvHv@WVt jSEDžt=WPR PPv@vgWV tNjSWjjSE^WVt jSWjSv@Hi?tjS|htMVs uhyMthMV8V /hGMh[MVhMhMVhMV jPd[[^_UWVS} Wh0Mu Wh7MuWh;Mu$Wh>MuWhtMujuhà uVBW?WjjS Ur@(SFX(WuuWWjjS\WuuEWhYu-EčuVI?]h,jcUr@S蛬ED_WjUrHSWuu4WVuċU2S薯WuuVuYuA E\_jEPIjEPIjVIe[^_Wt__UVSu] F$\_jFP/IjF P$ItV ~e[^UVSu] F$\_jFPHjF PHtV}e[^UWVS}u ]SWHSVP W e[^_US]jSHK]client [ -d -i -o ] [ clientname ]client [ -o ] clientnameclient -d clientnameclient -iclientcwdosusers Jobs fixed ... Affected files ... Differences ... U<WVSu h`uu h`uu h`u|$u h`ucju?E 8EPG}WFuVFuEuEu hzgjh`EPEP]SA0u ut jVFjWFjjjsSJC %u jtREp@S_G(E 8uPEpHp@yu ut8jSdIjV FjWFjUj$M}u E0P'u uXu Ep@h,zPuE 8b0ҋE@ 8uu PF{ „VP}Vu+E`0щHPh`V: Vu]0ҋE@ 8uu G| „tSE`0щHPh`S Su0S趀Su뀀|„E`щHPh`Vo Vu@0ҋE@ 8uu Sz „tVS}Vu뽐t>E`0щHPh`V Vu? E`щHPh`V Vu0ҋE@ 8uu @P"z „V@P}Vu tu EP\PMu EP|PM u u>[u jPPPPuPuu^ u uVE0s t Vu+tjt0ҋE 8u E@ 8tuEu\jPEjEPAjEPAjEPA[^_UWVS}u ]SWASVP W e[^_US]jSAK]describe [-s] [change #...]clientcwdosuserfuncbincmpcmpfilefs:Client doesn't have necessary support for diff -s.pathtypemessageserver-CmpFileconfirmdigestdeletesdoeditsrevertsanyclient-CheckFilelbrPathlbrRevlbrTypeserver-DiffFilediffUDWVS}u hgWu hgWu hgW$u hgWнu hgW輽jW蠺 hgWȾhgW跾M 9kMQ??M艍Q0?uV'?MЉQ?WWu hrjhgPPS94u Wt0j>jV>j>jjjfS^; %jjsSA;0 t tKjjjhgu 4(u W'jZ>jVR>jE>ju jjw@ S ?(M 9uQwHw@)u WjSAj=jV=j= jpj@jEPx=jEPm=jEPb= 4j P@jEP?=jEP4=jEP)= 4yu tP07Bu Wj/0t 9du0t 9et ?0t 9rt1t u Pw@j;qPZM 9m M艍00ҋG 8uu  „u P+Gu W>uuуuWU0}u Xu u jhhPEPuPuWD$u W0诂 tWtjk0ҋM 9uG 8t$tt WYWj P;jEP?8jEP48jEP)8$jEP8[^_statussameUWVSu] ShgVݵEShhVεESh\hV迵E$ShdhV譵EShkhV螵EShhV菵E$ShpV}ǃ ;uFuVzhp7Dt'SjhhU2U2U2U2U2V艼e[^_missingexistsUWVS] ShhuEShpuSh6huٴƃ$;EEE0h.h6eCuhq7RCÄu-0h9h68Cuhq7%CÄtE}u-0h?h6Cuhp7BÄtE}u-0hGh6Buhp7BÄtE}t uue[^_diff [-f -sd -se -sr ] [files...]clientcwdosuserd:UWVS}u VhsW~ VhsWlVh sWZ$VhsWEjW#>#M Q4M艍Q4M܉Q4W観W誳VhwjhsPPSu/0VW{t(j4j4j zjjdS1Vjj w@QL54>uV wHw@lVWjR7j3j3j j7j7jEP3jEP3 j$P6jP6jEPy3jEPn3 MVjj w@$S:4(Vj0e8VjpN8 VWZVw@jgPiÃ>0ҋG 8uVPS „PSIWM}uVEPP5=VEPHP= VWmVPPEPu荅(PuW߹ VWy-p0StWt jSυ0҃>uG 8tDWޮj$P4jP4jEP'1jEP1$jEP1[^_diff2 [-d] file file2clientcwdosuserfuncuser-branchesuser-clientsuser-labelsUWVSu hwux u hwubu hwuL$u hwu3juu hwu ƃ M 9]S/u蟮u衮u hzjhwPPPj*(u ult jSֿwt ƅbDֿx t ƅc"ֿx tƅlu jj Mq@$V0(M 9uQ MqHq@ u ut jVu fPMq@hcP蹢ÃM 9tjVLu0ҋMA 8uu WS  „tVWS%Vu@ǐt jS0ҋM 9u MA 8tuu蒫j$PD1jEP-[^_branches/clients/labelsclientcwdosuserfuncquser-printUWVS] Sh{uoSh{u[Sh {uG$Sh{u0Sh{uju ;M|Q,M艍xQ,M܉tQ,u}du`Shojh{`PdPhpQD'0SuHt)jtt,jxg,j|6{ %lDžht"jjqp( %hSjltPMq@V,(;uSMqHq@SuSt@jV.jtw+jxj+j|jddtddSj`0d0Su¾VSdMq@h, `Pƃ;y0ҋMA 8uSPV] „0ltBP6uhuWPV6WuiltSEPLPdN5SuZS@PPEPuu*Su蹽)Wd`0V7t Wut jV0҃;u MA 8tu`au(jP,jEP)jEPt)jEPi)X[^_UEfiles/print [-q] files...clientcwdosuserlUlWVSu huu huڦu huĦ$u hu諦ju臣M 9QM􉍠QK(}WB(uV9(uuu hjhPPS"0u u޺tjV(jW(jjjlS$ %u jjMq@S((M 9uQMqHq@Ǝu u0t5jS*jVY'jWQ'jju j0m,u u螺Yu Mq@h\[PIÃM 9h0ҋMA 8uu PS „VPS蝩Vud0ҋMA 8uu S „tVS蝩VuL0ҋMA 8uu WS  „tVWS蹬VuLǐV0S[t Vuǹt jS@0ҋM 9u MA 8tuZujP(jEPW%jEPL%jEPA%[^_filelog [-l] files...clientcwdosuserc:dFix requires a -c changeName flag.UWVS} Whu転,Whu觢(Whu蓢$$Whu|ju\ ?u EuEWh<jhEPEP]S0$?ujjcS  tjjjhW Wu賶YjjdSz  %Wjj V$(,Ur@S$(?uW,VUrHr@ŊWPWut jSWSUr@^'gژCؙ <eϚ/W؛ add -- Open a new file to add to the depot p4 add [ -c change# ] [ -t type ] file ... Open a new file for adding to the depot. If the file exists on the client it is read to determine if it is text or binary. If it does not exist it is assumed to be text. The file must either not exist in the depot, or it must be deleted at the current head revision. Files may be deleted and re-added arbitrarily. If the -c flag is given the open files are associated with the specified pending change number; otherwise the open files are associated with the current 'default' change. If file is already open it is moved into the specified pending change. It is not permissible to reopen a file for add unless it was already open for add. If -t type is given the file is explicitly opened as the specified file type, which may be text, ltext, xtext, binary or xbinary. See the Users' Guide for a description of file types. If no type is specified, the type is determined automatically by examination of the file's contents and execution permission bits.М/m)q_BȠ branch -- Create or edit a branch specification p4 branch [ -d ] name Create a new branch specification or edit an existing branch specification. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $EDITOR) is invoked. The branch specification form contains the following fields: Branch: The branch name (read only.) Date: The date specification was last modified (read only.) Description: A short description of the branch (optional). View: What depot files you want to create in the branch and and what depot files they are derived from and will continue to be related. The left hand side specifies a depot path which is the source; the right hand side gives the target branch path, also specified as a depot path. You may use wildcards: ... matches any characters including / * matches any character except / %1 to %9 like *, used to associate wild cards Wildcarding must be congruent in both the source and target paths. There may be any number of view lines. A branch definition is used only by the 'integrate' command. The -d flag deletes the named branch.d/q~+gLˤUΥ branches -- Display list of defined branches p4 branches Reports the list of all branches currently known to the system. Branches takes no arguments.ĦF change -- Create or edit a change description p4 change [ change# ] Creates a new change description with no argument or edit the text description of an existing change if a change number is given. To associate or remove files from a pending change use the open commands (open, edit, add, delete) or revert. It is not possible to discard a pending change.ЧMŨ changes -- Display list of pending and submitted changes p4 changes [ -l -s status ] [ file ] Reports the list of all pending and submitted changes currently known to the system. If files are specified, limits report to changes that affect those files or changes that have been integrated into those files. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the change descriptions. The -s status flag limits the output to pending or submitted changes.$a˩ Qժ client -- Create or edit a client specification p4 client [ -d ] [ name ] With no argument client creates a new client view specification or edits an existing client specification. The client name is taken from the environment variable $P4CLIENT if set, or else from the current host name. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $EDITOR) is invoked. If a name is given, the specification of the named client is displayed read-only. The specification form contains the following fields: Client: The client name (read only.) Description: A short description of the client (optional). Root: The root directory of the client file workspace (given in local file system syntax), under which all client files will be placed. If you change this, you must physically relocate any files as well. View: What files you want to see from the depot and how they map to locations on the client. The left hand side specifies a depot path, which must begin with //depot/. The right hand side gives the correcponding client path, given in canonical Perforce file syntax. On expansion to an actual local client file name the initial //client/ is replaced by the Root value, given above. You may use wildcards: Wildcarding must be congruent in both the client and depot paths. You may have any number of view entries. A new view takes effect on the next 'get'. The -d flag causes the named client to be deleted.0dƫFƬ0gέ H3m$bˤİ4 clients -- Display list of clients p4 clients Reports the list of all clients currently known to the system.CR delete -- Open an existing file to delete it from the depot p4 delete [ -c change# ] file ... Opens a file that currently exists in the depot for deletion. If the file is present on the client it is removed. If a pending change number is given with the -c flag the opened file is associated with that change, otherwise it is associated with the 'default' pending change. If file is already open it is reopened for delete and moved into the specified pending change (or 'default' change if no change number is given.) Files that are deleted generally do not appear on the have list.U߳ 1sƴ describe -- Display a change description p4 describe [ -s ] change# Display a change description, including the change number, user, client, date of submission, textual description, list of affected files and diffs of files updated. Pending changes are flagged as 'pending' and the list of affected files and file diffs is not displayed. The -s flag requests a shortened form of describe that doesn't include the diffs of files updated.LyԵQζ diff -- Display diff of client file with depot file p4 diff [ -f -sa -sd -se -sr ] [ file ... ] Run diff (on the client) of a client file against the corresponding revision in the depot. The file is only compared if the file is opened for edit or the revision provided with the file argument is not the same as the revision had by the client. If no file argument is given, diff all open files. This can be used to view pending changes. The -f flag forces a diff for every file, regardless of whether they are opened or if the client has the named revision. This can be used to verify the client contents. The -s flag outputs reduces the output of diff to the names of files satisfying the following criteria: -sa Opened files that are different than the revision in the depot, or missing. -sd Unopened files that are missing on the client. -se Unopened files that are different than the revision in the depot. -sr Opened files that are the same as the revision in the depot.D|3wܸHUr. diff2 -- Display diff of two depot files p4 diff2 file1 file2 Run diff (on the server) of two files in the depot. Both files may optionally include a revision specification; the default is to compare the head revision. Wildcards may be used, but they must match between file1 and file2 and they must be escaped from the user's shell by quoting or with backslashes (\).;| edit -- Open an existing file for edit p4 edit [ -c change# ] [ -t type ] file ... Open or re-open an existing file for edit. If file is already open for edit or delete then it is reopened for edit and moved into the specified change number (or 'default' change if no change number is given.) is specified, the type is carried over from the current revision.`'jB files -- List files in the depot p4 files file ... List files named or matching wild card specification. Display shows depot file name, revision, file type, change action and change number of the current head revision. If client file names are given as arguments the view mapping is used to list the corresponding depot files.9Oտb filelog -- List revision history of files p4 filelog [ -l ] file ... List the revision history of the files named, working backwards from the latest revision to the most recent revision 'added'. If file is given as a client file, the depot file last gotten is listed. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the change descriptions.&e fix -- Mark jobs as being fixed by a change number p4 fix [ -d ] -c change# jobName ... 'Fix' marks each named job as being fixed by the change number given with -c. The change may be either pending or submitted, and the jobs may be still be opened or already closed (fixed by another change). If the change has already been submitted and the job is still open then 'fix' marks the job closed. If the change has not been submitted and the job is still open, the job will be marked closed when the change is submitted. If the job is already closed, it is left alone. The -d flag causes the specified fixes to be deleted. This does not otherwise affect the named change or jobs.0gb(ly fixes -- List what changes fix what jobs p4 fixes [ -j jobName ] [ -c change# ] [ file ... ] 'Fixes' shows all jobs with fix records associated with them, along with the change number of the fix. Fix records are created either directly with the 'fix' command or via change creation with the 'change' and 'submit' commands. The 'fixes' command show fixes regardless of whether the changes are submitted or still pending. By default, 'fixes' lists all fixes. This list can be limited in any of three ways. If -j jobName is given, only fixes for the named job are listed. If -c change# is given, only fixes from the numbered change are listed. If a file (pattern) is given, only fixes for changes affecting that file (or set of files) are listed. The file pattern may include wildcards and/or a revision number range.4a"c*p> get -- Synchronize the client with its view p4 get [ -n ] [ file ... ] Synchronize a client with its view for the files named, or for the entire client if no files named. Get handles the case where files have been updated in the depot and need to be brought up-to-date on the client as well as the case when the view itself has changed. Depot files in the clients view not currently gotten on the client will be added. Client files that were gotten from the depot but that are no longer in the clients view (or have been deleted in the depot) will be deleted from the client. Client files that are still in the client view but which have been updated in the depot are replaced by the needed revision from the depot. If file gives a revision specifier, then retrieve the revision so indicated. The client view is used to map client file names to depot file names and vice versa. If -n is given show what revisions would need to be gotten to synchronize the client with the view, but do not actually get the files. If no files are named show the result for the entire client view.["0iTBY have -- List revisions last gotten p4 have [ file ... ] List revisions of named files that were last gotten from the depot. If no file name is given list all files gotten on this client. The format is depot-file#revision - client-file(k} help -- Print help message p4 help [ command ... ] Print a help message about command. If no command name is given print a general help message about Perforce and give a list of available client commands.E info -- Print out client/server information p4 info Info dumps out what the server knows about the client (the user name, the client name, and the client directory) and some server information (the server's address, version, and license data).E integ -- schedule integrations between branches p4 integ [ -n -r ] [ -c change# ] -b branch [ file ... ] Integ determines what integrations are necessary between related files, according to the branch named and its view. These integrations, represented by a list of revisions of branch source files which need to be merged into the related branch target file, are scheduled for later action. The actual merge and any necessary conflict resolution is performed using the resolve command. The -n flag displays what integrations would be necessary but does not schedule them. A branch name is required. If the -r flag is present, the mappings in the branch view are reversed, with the target files and source files exchanging place. If no file names are given then the entire branch view is examined for needed integrations. Files that are not mapped in the client's view are ignored. Files scheduled for integration are opened for the appropriate action in the default change. If -c change# is given the files are opened in the numbered pending change. ]ZWd integrated -- Show integrations that have been submitted p4 integrated file ... Integrated shows integrations that have already been submitted. Use 'resolve -n' to see unresolved integrations and 'resolved' to see resolved but unsubmitted integrations.xT job -- Create or edit a job (defect) specification p4 job [ jobName ] p4 job -d jobName p4 job -o [ jobName ] p4 job -i 'Job' creates and edits job specifications using an ASCII form. A job is a defect, enhancement, or other unit of intended work. The 'fix' command can associate changes with jobs. With no arguments, 'job' creates a blank job specification form and invokes the user's editor. When the form is saved, a job name of the form jobNNNNNN is created. If a jobName is given on the command line either that named job will be created or, if the job already exists, the job can be modified. The -d flag deletes the named job and any associated fixes. The -o flag causes 'job' to write the job specification form to the standard output, instead of invoking the editor. The -i flag causes 'job' to read a job specification form from the standard input. '5v0w[ jobs -- Display list of jobs p4 jobs [ -l -s status ] [ file ... ] Reports the list of all jobs, open or closed, currently known to the system. If a file (pattern) is given, only fixes for changes affecting that file (or set of files) are listed. The file pattern may include wildcards and/or a revision number range. The -l flag produces long output with the full text of the job descriptions. The -s status flag limits the output to jobs of the given status: open, suspended, or closed.Tb label -- Create or edit a label specification p4 label [ -d ] name Create a new label specification or edit an existing label specification. A name is required. The specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable $EDITOR) is invoked. The label specification form contains the following fields: Label: The label name (read only.) Description: A short description of the label (optional). View: What depot files you want recorded in the branch. The left hand side specifies the depot paths of interest. The right hand side gives the label name space top which the depot paths are mapped. (This name space is currently not usable for any function.) Paths on the right should begin with the name of the label: //label/... You may use wildcards: Wildcarding must be congruent in both the depot and A label definition is used only by the 'labelsync' command. Flag -d causes the named label to be deleted.;yF/gˤS labels -- Display list of defined labels p4 labels Reports the list of all labels currently known to the system. Labels takes no arguments.P} labelsync -- Synchronize label with the current client contents p4 labelsync [ -d -n ] -l label [ file ... ] Labelsync causes the named label to refect the current contents of the client. It records the last revision of each file taken onto the client. The label's name can subsequently be used in a revision specification as @label to refer to the revision of a file as stored in the label. If a file argument is given, labelsync adds or updates only that named file. If the file argument includes a revision specification, that revision is used instead of the revision taken by the client. The -d deletes the named file from the label, regardless of revision. The file argument may contain wildcards. The -n flag lists how the label would be affected, but doesn't actually update the label.L}?'k lock -- Lock an opened file against change submission p4 lock [ -c change# ] [file ... ] The open files named are locked in the depot, preventing any user other than the current user on the current client from submitting changes to the files. If a file is already locked then the lock request is rejected. If no file names are given then lock all files currently open in the change number given or in the 'default' change if no change number is given.'d( open -- Open an existing file for edit; same as edit command p4 open [ -c change# ] [ -t type ] file ... Open is a synonym for 'edit'; open or re-open an existing file for edit. for edit and moved into the specified change number (change 'default' if no change number is given.)>IB opened -- Display list of files opened for pending change p4 opened [ -a ] [ file ... ] Shows files currently opened for pending changes or indicates for the specified individual files whether they are currently opened. If no file names are given, all files open on the current client are listed. The -a flag lists opened files in all clients.2T print -- Retrieve a depot file to the standard output p4 print [ -q ] file ... Retrieve the contents of a depot file to the client's standard output. The client's gotten list is not affected. If file is specified as a client file name, the client view is used to find the corresponding depot file. The -q flag suppresses the initial line that displays the file name and revision.[ protect -- Modify protections on the depot namespace p4 protect p4 protect -o p4 protect -i 'Protect' edits the protections table using an ASCII form.<u refresh -- Refresh the contents of an unopened file p4 refresh file ... Refresh replaces the files with their contents from the depot. Refresh only refreshes unopened files; opened files must be reverted. This command requires naming files explicitly.@X reopen -- Change the type or change number of an opened file p4 reopen [ -c change# ] [ -t type ] file ... Reopen takes an already opened file and moves it to a new change or changes its type (text, ltext, xtext, binary, xbinary).4u reresolve -- Repeat a previous integration merge p4 reresolve [ -a -f -n ] [ file ... ] Reresolve repeats merge operations previously done by 'resolve' but not yet submitted with 'submit'. The -a, -f, and -n flags are the same as for the 'resolve' command.H}Q resolve -- Resolve an integration merge p4 resolve [ -a -f -n ] [ file ... ] Resolve handles file integrations, through an interactive dialog. If no file is named all open files requiring integration will be acted upon. Perforce detects the occurence of parallel changes, requiring a merger of changes and resolution of potential conflicts. Resolution may be either textual or non-textual. Textual resolution occurs when there are parallel edits to related text files. In this case it may be possible to comingle edits meaningfully. Non-textual resolution occurs when at least one of the related files is binary, or the change actions themselves are incompatible, such as when one file has been deleted while the other file has been edited. For textual resolution you are provided with a file containing a merger of your changes in the working file on the client ('yours') with the parallel changes that have been made in the depot ('theirs'), based on a common original ancestor revision of the two parallel versions ('base'). The display presents a count of change sections of the merged text according to whether they are: yours change is only in your working revision (no conflict) theirs change is only in the depot revision (no conflict) both same text added or changed in both (no conflict) conflicting conflicting changes between the yours and theirs If the count for 'conflicts' is non-zero then the merged version will contain integration marks bracketing alternative changes at places in the text where conflicts occur. You must edit the file to resolve the conflict and remove the integration marks. For non-textual resolution no merge file is created and you are given the choice of choosing 'yours' or 'theirs'. Choices for action include: Accept: at Keep only changes to their file. ay Keep only changes to your file. * am Keep merged file. * a Keep autoselected file. Diff: * dt See their changes alone. * dy See your changes alone. * dm See merged changes. d Diff your file against merged file. Edit: et Edit their file (read only). ey Edit your file (read/write). * e Edit merged file (read/write). Misc: * m Run '$MERGE base theirs yours merged'. s Skip this file. h Print this help message. ^C Quit the resolve operation. Options marked (*) appear only for textual resolution. Any form of Accept marks the resolution complete (to the users satisfaction). Skip leaves the integration marked unresolved allowing you to return to it at a later time. The Merge option allows you to invoke your own integration and conflict resolution utility (named in the $MERGE environment variable). This utility is expected to replaced the existing merged file with a new one. The -a flag puts 'resolve' into automatic mode: if there are conflicts, the file is skipped; if there are no conflicts and yours hasn't changed it accepts theirs; if theirs hasn't changed it accepts yours; if both yours and theirs have changed it accepts the merge. Files that have no base for merging (e.g. binary files) are always skipped. If -f flag forces 'resolve' in automatic mode to accept the merged file even if there are conflicts. This flag implies -a. The -n flag lists the integrations which would be performed without actually putting the user into the resolution dialog. _oXT9wTSc7eA=L(`O'f1F resolved -- Show integrations that have been resolved p4 resolved [ file ... ] Resolved shows integrations that have already been resolved but not yet submitted. Use 'resolve -n' to see unresolved integrations and 'integrated' to see already submitted integrations.D revert -- Discard changes from an opened file p4 revert file ... Revert an open file back to the revision previously gotten from the depot, discarding any pending changes or integrations that have been made. This command requires naming files explicitly. After running revert the named files will no longer be locked or open.&=~> review -- Show changes not yet reviewed p4 review [ -c change# ] [ -t counter ] 'Review' lists changes that have not been reviewed before, as tracked by the named counter. If the counter is not given, 'review' lists all changes. If a change# and counter are given, 'review' sets the counter to that change# and produces no output. 'Review' is not meant as an end-user command. It exists to support an automated change review daemon.t H  reviews -- Show what users are subscribed to review files p4 reviews [ -c change# ] [ file ... ] Reviews lists all users who have subscribed to review the named files, the files in the numbered change, or all files by default. Users subscribe to review files via the 'user' command.lY submit -- Submit a pending change to the depot p4 submit [ -c change# ] Submit commits a pending change with its associated files to the depot. With no argument submit sends the 'default' change. With the -c flag the designated pending change is sent. Before committing the change submit locks all associated files not already locked. If any file cannot be locked the change is aborted. If submit is sending the default change it first provides the user with a dialog similar to 'p4 change' so the user can compose a change description. In this dialog the user is presented with the list of open files in change 'default'. Files may be deleted from this list but they cannot be added. (Use an open command (open, edit, add, delete) to add additional files to a change or to move files between changes.) If the submit fails for any reason the files are left open in a newly created pending change. Submit is guaranteed to be atomic. Either all files will be updated in the depot as a unit or none will be.Q#f2 v   6 W   unlock -- Release a locked file but leave open p4 unlock [ -c change# ] file ... Unlock releases a lock on an open file in a pending change. If the file is open in a specific pending change other than 'default', then the -c flag is required to specify the pending change. If no file name is given then all files in the designated change are unlocked.$ W }   7 p  user -- Create or edit a user specification p4 user [ name ] p4 user -d name Create a new user specification or edit an existing user Normally, a user specification is created automatically the first time the user invokes any client command that can update the depot. The 'user' command is generally used to edit the user's reviewing subscription list for change review. The user specification form contains the following fields: User: The user name (read only). Email: The user's email address (user@client default). Update: The date the specification was last modified (read only). Access: The date the user last issued a client command. FullName: The user's real name. Reviews: The subscription list for change review. You may There may be any number of review lines. The -d flag deletes the named user, but only if the user is not the owner of any branches, clients, jobs, labels, or opened files.    /qS   E0nˤC users -- Display list of known users p4 users [ user ... ] Reports the list of all users, or those users matching the argument, currently known to the system. The report includes the last time each user accessed the system. Ic where -- Show how local file names map into depot names p4 where [ file ... ] Where shows how the named files map through the client map into the depot. If no file is given, the mapping for '...' (all files in the current directory and below) is shown.0lclientcwduserUser name: Client name: Current directory: Client address: Server address: Server root: Server version: Server license: UWVS] Sh`uEShgu|Shku~x$;vuEuEShjhp}WEP}W$Su&lt]Sۓ}pW̓jcEp@uVHEq׊tщHPhqS xw7S SuC(E}׊tщHPh}S }w7Sn Su'ES7V+HSu'E׊tщHPhS |w7S Su'E׊tщHPhS ju lp0S Su-'E׊tщHPhSi ju lp0SH Su&E׊tщHPhS  }wTwPS SW&E׊tщHPhS }L։tщHPRS Su&p}wH辚E׊tщHPhSF uuS7 Su%ujp jS\[^_UWVS}u ]SWSVP_ W e[^_US]jSK]infoclientcwdosuserintegb:c:nrIntegrate requires a -b branch flag.pathclient-DeleteFilerwpermstypeclient-ChmodFilehandleU<WVSu} Wh V Wh'V Wh+V $Wh.V jV ?p@Q[4QI(Q7VVWhjh9PPS0jjnS迋 %jjrS袋 %0?ujjbS~ tjjjh@WxWVu!t*j衎j蔎jMjjcSWSP+00?ut tt"W11v@WV t"j(Pj4PWjjv@Sʎ(?uWvHv@WVX jSՐj(Pwj4Pi!j觐j(PIj4P;jPvj(Pj4P aWj0?WVt *WDPPv@j P?J$?0ҋF 8uWLP?Y „RW@PP踗WVuEV$  l  @PheVhjV@PheVh|hV6EPI1PhV!(hV;W4PPFWVWj2W4PPWVWjh30PP40P@V$WV_8E |WLPv@ uXEwM$hh3hV WPv@] (SLP=PSV(S0V t SVtjgJ0҃?uF 8tWVn VjP貌j(PTj4PF j@P5[^_integ -b branch [ -n -r ] [-c change] [files...]clientcwdosuserUhWVS}u hWu hWu hW$u hWtjWRÃM 9$uV WW|u h"jh|PPPǂ(u WtjVu jjSw@SՈ(M 9uQwHw@u W^t#jSߊjVEj*u j|0譌u Wu w@h(+PR[ÃM 9m0ҋG 8uu S] „tVS ]VWV|0S%^ t VWt jS[0ҋM 9uG 8tu|WjP蘉jEP=[^_integrated files...# A Perforce Job Specification.## Job: The job name. 'new' generates a sequenced job number.# User: The user who created the job. Can be changed.# Status: Either 'open', 'closed', or 'suspended'. Can be changed.# Date: The date this specification was last modified.# Description: Comments about the job. Required.JobUserStatusDateDescriptionclientcwdosuserdiodm-UpdateJobSpecconfirmclient-InputDatadataclient-OutputDatadm-AbortCommanddeclineclient-EditDataUXWVSu h3$uu h:$uu h>$u$u hA$uju{U :(u&Eu+Eu h4)jhF$uV}W]S~$u ujjiS tDžu h`)j\jjoS tDž5jjdS tDžu hQ)jDžu h4)jhJ$VWSW}u uY0u jjUr@RY(U :uRUrHr@su utju/hK$h\$uhd$ujph Ur@W^E0 upSdu SVW!du uFtjSwjSuujSKj1ۅtu VWX^à u ut juu V2W_ÃU :t jtShu$u uhz$uu5 4hK$h\$uBh$h$u0h$uK jP讃[^_UWVS} Wh3$u*Wh:$uWh>$u$WhA$uEWhu$uEuV?uHh Ur@]S\WVuU2S^ WutuVuDu,jVe[^_job [ -d -i -o ] [ jobName ]job -d jobNamejob -iclientcwdosuserls:UWVS}u Vhp)WM(Qz~WTWXVh,jh)PPS#y(VW)tj(3jjlSz %$jjsSz tVPP^  VWt j(Vjj,048uV<0wHw@VWXt%jSـj(ZjBl(Vj0蛂VWVfP %P8%Pw@hPgÃ>=0ҋG 8uVSj „t)$SjWu봅t jSi0҃>uG 8tuWj@PxjEP|[^_jobs [-l -s status] [files...]# A Perforce Label Specification.## Label: The label name. Read-only.# Owner: The user who created this label. Can be changed.# Date: The date this specification was last modified. Read only.# Description: A short description of the label (optional).# View: Lines to select depot files for the label.# Use 'p4 help label' to see more about label views.LabelOwnerDateDescriptionViewUVS]u C P3>CPV3覡e[^clientcwdosuserdiodm-UpdateLabelSpecconfirmclient-InputDatadataclient-OutputDatadm-AbortCommanddeclineclient-EditDataUxWVSu h.upu h.uZu h.uD$u h.u+juU :uEuEu h5jh.uV}W]Ss$u u jjiSUu tDžu hR5j\jjoS.u tDž5jjdSu tDžu h?5Džu h5jh.VWSru u u jjUr@Rx(U :uRUrHr@u ui tju/h.h.u-h.uHjVhjlUr@WDžx4E0Svu SVWau u tCjSvDž4jPvjPvjSuO u7jSvDž4jPvjPvvj]u VW*u u t6Dž4jP.vjP vjuu 2jVWÃU :t7Dž4jPujPuju+Sh.uh.uluHSh.ubh.h.uh/h/u$h/uDž4jP#ujPujPTx|[^_U8WVS} Wh.uEȍuVt?uq]hjlUr@SDEx4WVujSaWuTuVu$ u  E4jEPgtjEP\tjVQte[^_|.44UVSu] F$4jFPsjF PstVըe[^UVSu] F$4jFPsjF PstV虨e[^label [ -d -i -o ] [ labelname ]label -d labelnamelabel -iclientcwdosuserfuncdl:nLabelsync requires a -l label flag.UpWVSu h`5uu hg5uu hk5u$u hn5uu hs5ujuǃ M 9u.Eu3Eu h9jhx5EPEP]Sm0$M 9ujjlSn tjjjh}5u [u u3jjnSn %jjdSxn %u jjWVMq@Sr(M 9uQVMqHq@u u-tNjSjPnjP=qj[jPB.PpM}MA@0tu jE0+vu u\ uE8%u PMq@j肥PiƃM 90ҋMA 8uu V:V,jV(?h$QmVV Wh=jhC: PPS`h(WVftj${jjcS"j WPP 00?u t tt"W,181v@WVWjj(,048v@ t ƅ ƅu jjtSd PPb u ut$j8P.hjDP hjjcSdu PPp00M 9u t tt'u 11Mq@xu uZt#j8PgjDPwg;u jjMq@SAh(M 9uQMqHq@[u ujSBjj8PfjDPfjjj8PfjDPfkjPij8PfjDPvf:\8u j0ku uu fPfP%PMq@hlPmƃ M 90ҋMA 8uu Vz „u PPtPqu uuWPV.{WuE\u SVz tWSVwWuJِ@u SVy t+u SMq@舝WPSVWu$WV t WuEtw t5t+yPPh>ulh>uKRPPh>uDh)>h,>uEP Ph2>u(h7>uEws tI:tPhH>u PhS>uyEPPPh]>ubEP9Phe>uK,EPPhm>u1EP\Pht>u h{>h>u }t,EPPh2>uh>udPPh>uh>ug;u tPMq@# W0V衁 t Wut jVn0ҋM 9u MA 8tudujPej8PHbjDP:b jPP)b[^_%s - can't add file.UWVSu] Shm>VShH>VShS>Vǃ$Sh]>VShe>V|Sht>Vx$Sh=VptSh=V^pSh2>VL$;S0lEPH ;t jj7hFSJSVSj h2l Sj h7PS2EPS|2EPS2EP$Sx2EP ESj j@t2P%ESjj p2P EP;uSlv@}`[^_add/edit/delete [-c change] [-t type] files...clientcwdosuseraUWVS} WhHudWhHu`WhHu\$WhHupXjuLT?uV_M艍PQ _u8u4WhKjhH4P8P/WoEWvEVh-XjhpTEPEPEPMN$VWSVjjS w@Q]T(>uVwHw@}VWtHjtjPSj$PRj0PRj:0PR$PRSR &80ҋG 8uVS衒 „V0P]VWu0S葒WuV$PDP\VW@UVjhhTPP$"P0W$VWE0S tW t jS 0҃>uG 8tuEHWfjPPj$PPj0PPjPS[^_refresh files...clientcwdosuserrevertpathclient-DeleteFilehandleclientFiledepotFiledm-ReleaseFileconfirmclient-AckUWVSu} Wh@XV WhGXVWhKXV$WhNXVjVÃ?MQVOM艍QGOM܉Q8OVVWh^jhZXPPPI0WVt(jOjOjWjjS v@SO(?uW vHv@WVajSQjNjtNjTjQjEPLNjEPAN#jP~QjEP#NjEPNTWj0?SWVt[Wjv@h迂Pv? W> WXWVuEЃtt*h[XVh`XVsWEPVjPNjEP'KjEPK jEPK[^_UWVS}] ShyXWShXWSh@XW$ShNXW| ;htjV  Sj h2V Sj h2PESj j@2PESjj |2P;u SVw@܁p[^_revert files...clientcwdosuserfuncc:t:U4WVSu} Wh^VWh^VWh^Vr$Wh^V]Wh^VKjV/ $QH?tjVVWhbjh^PPSC$WVtjWjjtSME PPWVZtj}jjcSEWPP00?u t tt"W11v@gWVWjjv@SH(?uWvHv@WVmtjSjx0$-Wj0LWVWfP%Pv@j|PΞÃ?L0ҋF 8uWSe „t9u(VYCu艵$VJCu܉ V;C}W2Cu u u hpjhcPPS=4u ut,jWCjVCj$Bj(z0 c%jjnSO? %jjfS2? tDžc(jjaS? 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Submit failed.Unresolved integration(s) remain. Submit failed.Locking files ...No files to submit.UWVSDžHDžDDž@1LS8,E@u pjpp@hla0P5ǃE 8tjS tE]S!nEщHPhnS } EщHPu Sc EщHPhS? SE01Vu0҃>u E@ 8tu/Vuf0҃>u E@ 8tu Vu`jEP1!e[^_change%s got unresolved!Submit aborted. Resubmit with submit -c. submitted. renamed and submitted.UWVSM A@0]SIu hM q@X9E0ҋE 8u MI+M„tu hEp@8E M 9t jSu Epjpq@h?UP0l,P4(0ҋE 8uP,0 „1u W0! dtuu WM q@lX PS,tSWM䉍XDž`Ehu WM q@WF ijjWhu 0҃u „P(舷WQxXH4X8T<\Q@PݿDžDdHELu (M q@V Ut.r _jjPhu ?u uuWPQ,Ep@)S 0tj0肭M 9tjjjhQFu uEpq@^>E 8$4SDUE@+E t]Rs$JRS ۇ$҉HPhۇR JRSk  ҉HPhSB MQ JRS  ҉HPhS 4QE0ʰu Mqp@h2QP賵ƃ@0ҋM 9uQSVn „tJE@+Etu uSM q@_Ptu PM q@x` 뛐t jV`j4PsjEP舨[^_clientcwdosuseric:dm-SubmitChangeclient-InputDataNo files to submit from the default change.dataclient-EditDataUWVSu} WhcV躘EWhjV諘EWhnV蜘E$WhqV芘|jVhx?VEVEWhjhvEPEP]S$WVXjjiS t hzhBVĕhV'Wx|uuuVUtR WV萬t jtjjcSN t/WPtbWVWjtWjuv@*Ã?t jt|u$jjjhWWVjtTShǍVhzhBVȔhƁhZV踔$h̍Vҕt jSjEP5h[^_U@WVS} Whcu視EWhju蕖EWhnu脖Ẽ$WhqupEWhǍu_Eju>ƃ ]S?WVuuuuuuV WuުuRWU؉URSuuUr@+Wu贪 u(Su脬WuõPVWu航jVjSe[^_File transfer(s) failed. 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'new' on a new change. Read-only.# Date: The date this specification was last modified. Read-only.# Client: The client on which the change was created. Read-only.# User: The user who created the change. Read-only.# Status: Either 'pending' or 'committed'. Read-only.# Description: Comments about the change. Required.# Jobs: What opened jobs are to be close by this change.# You may delete jobs from this list. (New changes only.)# Files: What opened files from the default change are to be added# to this change. You may delete files from this list.# (New changes only.)ChangeDateClientUserStatusDescriptionJobsFiles%s unknown.%s description missing!UWVSEu0}W_Vjj W脁@Vjj Ws<(>hl]S/ VuU䉕8R茎>U؉4REEԉDVDP@ ujj8ݎPh1VEP<ī uEjj8誎Ph&VCj4rjS jW~1V84PjS0 VEP PjS  VLWjS VEPjS  VEP譔PjS VujS  10ۀ}tu WwtuEuP^tU2]S jEPjS jEP}([^_newWOdfileU$WVSE}0]S?}Wjj SdWjjSS(?t jShl]S WhTjS WE PjS (Wu HVjS WhTjS  W50jS Vh#Pà `MʼnSWVBPBЃ t$Wj >PVjEPVŐtCjPR@ Ѓu h9#PHjM hXSj(#Pà UlSWPBPBЃ t*W躊PVjEPE뺐tCjPR@ Ѓ}u"]S jSjEP{jEPmjEP{1[^_Change description missing. You must enter one.Can't update committed %s.Client, user, and status cannot be changed.Error in change specification.changeJob %s disappeared from open list!%s left default change! created updated with open file(s) fixing job(s).U|WVS}uVDžM1SyujjS{ujj S{(ujj S{ujj S{ ujjS{E8tjSyjVhlSWu7S1ۃ09~ M9„I@0P)$Ľ0LpֿT%uR`Phuj j@Uujj 0R w0҃t%0Tt„uAu0EP菎#Ep0 C0ҋE8uu50d„tjjjhuaM9BtMEE PRE HPRË<8Pn`uS7 ujj`PPh<ujjSMPhȻuE8uyƅ0ۍhRPQuERP:tu E8tƅs`u0PF C tFjPR@ ЃMA`P60ۋJRu ytp׈։HPRul tf҉HPhu6 uJRh tf҉HPhu uJRh ҉HPhug jQjPpjMQx[^_0щHPh>S I0щHPhIS uVSe[^_ UWVS] uF0щHPRV; PliE}0JRuV 0щHPhV SlbE}0JRuVe[^_ ==== (/) ==== U WVSuF0щKShVe U Œ0щKSRV@ E  PohE}0JRuV  0щKShV E PiE}0JRuV ] 0]E ] 80tP0щKShVt umiE}0JRuVG 0щKShV$e[^_ fixed on **UWVS]C} 0щNVu S 0щNVh S E DPgbE}0JRuS 20щNVh2Sf U ‰0щNVRSA 70щNVh7S U I0щNVRS E Eu ts+0щNVh+S udE}0JRuS .0щNVh.Sr I0щNVhISO E 4@PSie[^_UUB xu!ju hpjr4uÐ1djxjdj~jj(~jjL,TXjs,tsE(M9tjSMt jjQv jju P ƋMtjjQDjjuطPӴ jkP蕩Guu諷ƒ8uRu,u萷8tP PGP@ SVP8uSVwkM9Mt1jwjQ˶P薯Ãt jwH_Mt3ju葶PjwWÃt jw _=~h`wnujQPxqjwhiSh1PuuSh8PÃ,hqjwhiShpP輔jMhiSj(P襒Ã,hqSj|PsujPpjwhiPh|P?(uuPh8_P jwhiPj(DP$jMhiPj( PjhxSPShPցG ,uWjEP :e[^_UWVSu} ~ ttF PjBF PB Ѓ~tt^S߮jS̭~tt jvtV6e[^_UWVSbMA Pu ======= < none > - ==== = () - ) ==== - UWVSu ]C$<o0щHPhoS 0щHPVS ƀuV6LE}0JRuS u0щHPhue0щHPho0щHPhoS0 0щHPVS PKE}0JRuS 0щHPh;o0щHPhoS 0щHPVS PJE}0JRuSS 0щHPhS0 PeLE}0JRuS 0щHPhS 0щHPRS P+JE}0JRuS 0щHPhSf $uVKE}0JRuS2 0щHPho0щHPhoS 0щHPVS PEIE}0JRuS 0щHPhS 0щHPRS^ uVHE}0JRuS* 0щHPhSe[^_UWVSu E@xÄEEP[щHPVu щHPhu }щHPuuk juh%jEp uNju1e[^_ d uWVSBPBЃ „tVS7fPE0tGjPR@ Ѓ>_ExcjP8WjuWVSBPBЃ „tVSE0@ ːtGjPR@ Ѓ>ExcjIPpVjuWVSBPBЃ „tVSE0 ːtGjPR@ Ѓ>VXSE0VSE0yE@P00JRu 0щHPh u 0щHPSu 0щHPhuw jMjh=SPj$ڞPEM0h=Pj|輞P0‹M :Vȃ PRjp蒞P.M}Tudjj]SnMd9t jSPjDPk-MjVP0h&PBMPȃ PBPBЃ$h=M1j|P0M uudjj]SMd9tjSfPj贝P,M}t6jVP0h荝PttPjBPB Ѓ~tt^SRkjS?jtV辜e[^_UWVSu} TPWSBPBЃ tSvmk؍H[^_UEp@u p}k fixed by on by @UWVSu ]C0щHPVSq aA0щHPhaASN F@PVE}0JRuS  lA0щHPhlAS FDPE}0JRuS qA0щHPhqAS 0щHPRS vA0щHPhvASg I0щHPVSHe[^_HI3UUBHu ABPAUE@D[E tP臁UE@Yu PVUE@Zu P>UUBHu ABPAUE@D[E tPUUBHu ABPAUUBHuu ABPAUE@D[E tP軀UE@D[E tP蟀UE@D[E tP胀UWVS}u ]SWKSVP W e[^_US]jSKK]UEU MH unknown. root: UWVSM01ې(KuA/0PXPu q1~tÄt^/PJ(0ۋ(JR(u ]щHPh]t|/P((JR(uP ]щHPh]u+ щHPVu [^_UWVS}u ]SWISVP W e[^_US]jSIK]integ branchinteg limited clientinteg limited branchREdfiletfileSTactionENactionENtypeUWVSu}UBzB BB0vjVRPjWyHU@@ =~5hP_WEh]_VRPEhr_UEu j}P jUh_Shi}P,*VuShXO}Pr=Ã,h_jWh_Shp)}P/jVRPh_Sj(}P-Ã,jh_Sj(|P-ËUZЃNjU2jjh_U2<jjh_U2~< jjh_U2h<Uǂ\Ee[^_UVS]u C0v{ttCPjBCPB ЃttjBCztS{e[^DmIntegBranch: U WVS}u `MM\w\$4bHbbccdGPuuBGPBЃ uuRtLJ\uVuPIdžƆ dždždžLJ\=~hau 7; GPuuBGPBЃ uLJ\uVQtLJ\q\{ESHtS;uE}t LJ\I1e[^_REisheadINtfile/REdfileINisrevUWVS]u CzC CCvsƃujxyPCh d`RPjpXyP{ CjhdP6h8yPCC,Nj6jjh#d38M13d9؍e[^_UVS]u Cv{tCPjBCPB Ѓ{tCPjBCPB ЃCztS]xe[^UWVS]u }CPWVBCPBЃ u1PCPVBCPBЋCPW$PBCPBЉ udžƆe[^_INtfile,INffile,INsfrevINtfile/INtfile,INffile/INffileINcfileINtfileINcfile,INffile,INsfrevINcfile/INtfile,INffile/INffileINcfile/HAcfileINcfile/WOcfileUWVSu} ]M$FFFF EFU VNu(XPSjbWku(uSWPF U(:h@@ jvLPCLB V7PHRgu(jjHu(jjHqD(u(jjHV@u(jj H>ǃ U(:SjvP@6,[^_ - can't (already opened for ) - is already opened by client - is already opened by user existing file deleted file - must take before integrating. - from - get/ - flag not handled!UWVSu ]C$4ooxpptt@qqq@qqxrxrrrrrrsssr0щHPRS ;n0щHPh;nS PE}0JRuS En0щHPhEnS 1uVE}0JRuS^ [n0щHPh[nS/0щHPRS ]n0щHPh]nS <0щHPRS0щHPRS }n0щHPh}nS |0щHPRSd0щHPRSQ ;n0щHPh;nS. ƥuV<E}0JRuS n0щHPhnS0щHPRS ;n0щHPh;nS ƥuVE}0JRuS^ n0щHPhnS/0щHPVS n0щHPhnS0щHPRS PE}0JRuS n0щHPhnS PE}0JRuSX n0щHPhnS5 0щHPRS uVE}0JRuS0щHPRS PvE}0JRuS n0щHPhnSe PvE}0JRuS4 n0щHPhnS 0щHPRS uVE}0JRuS0щHPRS ƠuVIE}0JRuS[ n0щHPhnS8 S4En0JRhnue[^_UE0u p7t1UE8!ju hppu?Ð1d\e| UEU MHUWVS] }lRt"W,PxVSU2OaUrSz=WVjSX=WEPjSK=(WEPPjS2=WEP PjS= WljS =SjV<؍e[^_Job description missing. You must enter one.Error in job specification.New jobs must have a 'new' status.jobJob saved. not changed.UWVS}lVy EEPAEEpS;u7S!<1ۃx 09 ~ E8„ $@0P$|T$ֿ%uj j@R$Uujj 0Rgj$ֿ%u8uREP&$Džpp0  C0ҋE8ul5@+„tjjjhhuE8tjjjhP*0҃t tjjjhuyt(uhՇE06PxPtEE8u,PxVE0]E8Äu~E@هщHPhهu щHPVu tއ׈щHPRu jP8jlP[^_ doesn't exist. deleted.UHWVSlPE@ه0щHPhهu u,PxVu E0[uQ0щHPVu 30щHPh3u} j0ujjjjE0P}`0ҋE8uPPPڴ „t.u獵E0_L뫐E8ÄtjPٳzjPƳuxPE0] щHPun CщHPhCuI jlPp[^_UUBHu ABPAUE@@u PUUBHu ABPAUE@E tP>UE@u P~UE@u PfUE@ u PUE@Hu PUUBHu ABPAUE@E tP=UUBHu ABPAUUBHuu ABPAUE@E tP#=UE@E tP=UE@E tP<UWVS}u ]SWSVP W e[^_US]jSK]Use 'label' to change label owner.Can't modify label '%s' owned by '%s'.NEcfileHAdfileHAdfile,NEcfile/HAcfile,HArevREdfileREdfile/HAdfile,NEcfile/HAcfile,RErev/HArevHAcfile,HArev=dHAcfileHAcfile/HAcfileUWVS}uG GUWGuXPVjlu /ujVu sGU:0YYtEHPSt+jjjh ujSVhCuj;ÃS"C _U 2PSГujjSLujjSƃ(U:t jS UulRLj:PyhjjwhrVhp}:PLƃ$hzL2VjpZ:PyƃuVj2:PYjShVh:Pƃ uLVh89PjShVj(9Pƃ$hjjwhVhp9P~hL2Vjp9Pƃ(h̡Vj|t9PLj\9PjwhܡSh<9PÃ(jwhܡSj(9Pju_ PhrSj(8PÃ(CtjhVSVh8P}u_wuWjPPƑ@[^_UWVSu} >ttPjBPB Ѓ~tt jv~tt^SjSrtV7e[^_labelsync %d: U WVS]} PWVBPBЃ =~p hǥiV0@ t"wt st#kE{t[E{uK{u E;txRPt E+E=EVs%[^_UEp @ u p - added - deleted - replaced - updatedUWVS] uFrk0щHPRV ]SE}0JRuV 0щHPh_0щHPRV ]SwE}0JRuVm 0щHPh0щHPRV) ]SE}0JRuV 0щHPhr0щHPRV ]S苣E}0JRuV 0щHPhV^e[^_UEx  ju hjpu Ð1ttSjS~tt^SjSp~tt^SdjSQtV'e[^_open %s %s %s %d File %s isn't in revisions table!DmOpenData unhandled DBT_OPEN_FLAG!UWVS]\0щHPh>Q0щHPRS (0щHPh(S ƀuVtE}0JRuS >0щHPh>0щHPRSA |P>E}0JRuS N0щHPhN0щHPRS |PʉE}0JRuS _0щHPh_0щHPRSY Ƚ0щHPhȽS6 ƁuV脂E}0JRuS x0щHPhx90щHPRS Ƚ0щHPhȽS ƁuVE}0JRuSj 0щHPh0щHPRS) |P&E}0JRuS 0щHPhS ƁuV#E}0JRuS e[^_UEuuu hj - locked by - also opened by @UWVSu ]C0щHPVS) t0щHPRS 0щHPRS 0щHPhS 0щHPRSe[^_ - warning: of existing file of deleted fileUWVSu ]CT$H\\0щHPRS 0щHPhS ƁuV E}0JRuS 0щHPh0щHPRS] 0щHPhS: ƁuV~E}0JRuS 0щHPhS1e[^_USUM ]xt16z$tjQh8jdjQhj\S]|jM,sf [^_UEp@u pq - reopened - nothing changed; user ; type ; UWVSu ]C0щHPRS PHE}0JRuS ytm0щHPRSk tE0щHPhS? 0щHPRS tT0щHPhS PIE}0JRuS tT0щHPhS uVBE}0JRuS`e[^_UUBxu!ju hՎjru莯Ð1(  Pdu E10<t < uu <@uu EP0ۃt^Put E!<8\t EEM(PPB(PBЃ1M(Pu (PB(PBЃ t11SftSYut}PMq^"[^_UE0u pk - has been deleted - revert and get. - vs - / merge - merging UWVSu U]C\\$||@\0щHPRS  s0щHPhs0щHPRS 0щHPh0щHPRS 0щHPhSp Py;E}0JRuS? 0щHPhS P%;E}0JRuS 0щHPh60щHPRS 0щHPhS 0щHPRSn uV8E}0JRuS4e[^_UE8!ju hj$u۠1djxjdj~jj(~jjL,TXjs,tsPt$hWRPjpPAS$$uWjS'e[^_UWVSu} $t t$PjB$PB Ѓ~tt^SjSߏtV^e[^_UWVSu} $PWSB$PBЃ t}tSvʐ[^_UE0u p - UWVSu U]C0щHPRS 0щHPhS P.E}0JRuS 0щHPhS 0щHPRSe V0E}0JRuS.e[^_UUBxu!ju h{j$u1djxj` djx ~jj(~jjL   , TX js,ts ()UWVSu E@V!E0ۋ}JRuu $щHPh$u ׈щHPRuu $щHPh$uP ׈щHPRu, $щHPh$u щHPVu $щHPh$ue[^_djxj(dj(~jj(~jjs,tsttPjBPB Ѓ~tt^S}jS|tV:e[^_UWVSu} 8PWSBPBЃ tSv}؍,[^_UEp@u p} <> ()UWVS] uF0щHPSV .0щHPh.V S 0щHPRV .0щHPh.Vd H0щHPSVE .0щHPh.V"e[^_d++jjdjxj@3djX3~jj(~jjLp333,3TX3js,ts0щHPh>S* duV E}0JRu0щHPRS >0щHPh>S dP E}0JRuS >0щHPh>S^ uV@ E}0JRuS* >0щHPh>S e[^_ UWVS] uFiP"E}0JRuV @0щHPh@V 0щHPRVs xSX E}0JRuVB e[^_ - must resolve UWVS] uF0щHPSV NA0щHPhNAV 0щHPRV S E}0JRuV}e[^_US]C xu,PPu hjsur1]FXchange=dFXjob/JOjobUWVS}u GjMÃSRhC 4_6]SujjS)ujjS(ujjS ujjSƒ M9EGLRjҚP)jhWBP0h賚Pb?PG PBPBЃ$Vj芚P)jhbBP7hmP<uWu$jSze[^_UWVSu} >ttPjBPB Ѓ~tt^SRhjS?gtV辙e[^_U4WVSu} PWSBPBЃ tSvmh؍[^_UEp@u p}hJIGuuPh8@PMG,hJjufPhJwhp PCGjUhJPj(PAG,hJPj|̐P"Guuj賐PHGjUhKPj(菐PjAG,hKhKGP7PheP81G jh(KPwPhCP1G GG0ujPAGuWjS%e[^_UWVSu} >ttPjBPB Ѓ~ttFPjBFPB Ѓ~ttFPjBFPB Ѓ~ ttF PjBF PB Ѓ~tt jvqA~$tt^$S]jSr\~(tt^(Sf]jSS\tVҎe[^_sync %d: UWVSu\<|8F Pu WBF PBЃ =~!v @/PhNWF 0Ov /H$OOOO O$PP0P<aE< u EW8pet E+t=EpEfW8,et EGE+u E 3~ E& @4VBHu 4ABPAЃ t4v([ǐF(@E} Wv$p[([^_UVS]u sCVs$z[tCC1e[^UEP9P~R@u p(3[Ð1 - added as - deleted as - is opened and can't be added - is opened and can't be deleted - replacing - is opened and can't be replaced - updating - must be resolved - is older than working revision - skipped - is up-to-dateUWVS] uF C$RRTST UUVVWW0щHPSVs À]SYE}0JRuV? 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