Originally for \LaTeX{} 2.09 but updated for \LaTeX2e. Mostly superceded by
  \LaTeX2e support for a4 paper but defines the extra option of widemargins.
  The \href{\#geometry}{geometry} package is usually better.\\
A bundle of \LaTeX{}/\BibTeX{} files and sample documents to aid those
  producing papers and journal articles according to the guidelines of the
  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)\\
\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style for American Chemical Society\\
This package ensures that all acronyms used in the text are spelled out in full
  at least once. It also provides an environment to build a list of acronyms.\\
Using address lists in \LaTeX\\
Styles for American Geophysical Union.\\
An extended \LaTeX{} with better modularity\\
\LaTeX{} environments for typesetting algorithms\\
Defines a floating algorithm environment designed to work with the
  \href{\#algorithmic}{algorithmic} package.\\
System binaries for Alpha running Linux\\
System binaries for Alpha running OSF 3.2\\
A generalised replacement for some parts of psnfss and mfnfss. Similar to
  \href{\#psfont}{psfont} with the PostScript specific code removed.\\
An Amiga port of the complete UNIX-TeX system.\\
A set of miscellaneous \TeX{} fonts from the American Mathematical Society that
  augment the standard set normally distributed with \TeX. The set includes:
  Extra mathematical symbols; Blackboard bold letters (uppercase only;) Fraktur
  letters; Subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold; Greek letters;
  Subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; Added sizes of the
  Computer Modern small caps font; Cyrillic fonts (from the University of
  Washington); Euler math fonts.\\
A collection of loosely related files that are distributed together by the
  American Mathematical Society. These files are miscellaneous enhancements to
  \LaTeX{} whose aim is superior information structure of mathematical
  documents and superior printed output.\\
American Mathematical Society plain \TeX{} macros\\
Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers.\\
\LaTeX{} class and \BibTeX{} style used to format text according to the
  American Psychological Association Publication Manual (4th ed.)
  specifications for manuscripts or, with an option to the package, in an APA
  journal style format or as a regular document.\\
Fonts for typesetting APL programs\\
Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic\\
Miscellaneous macros by Donald Arseneau.\\
Support for IBM extended ASCII font.\\
Astronomical (planetary) symbols.\\
Header files for dvips to make colour separations\\
Generating tabular setups\\
Multilingual support for \LaTeX.\\
Style for typesetting backgammon boards\\
Computer Modern and AMS font in PostScript Type1 form.\\
Fonts for making barcodes.\\
Diagram macros by Michael Barr.\\
Basic \LaTeX{} system\\
An NFSS-interface to the symbol font bbding containing many of the Zapf
  dingbats fonts.\\
Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with \LaTeX{} support\\
Basic \BibTeX{} styles\\
Basic \BibTeX{} documentation\\
Nelson Beebe's collection of \TeX-related bibliographies, and \BibTeX{} style
Typeset a \LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts designed by Don Knuth and
  used in his book ``Concrete Mathematics''.\\
\BibTeX{} styles by Joachim Schrod\\
Kees van der Laan's BLUe format, a concise but expressive document preparation
  system modelled on Knuth's manmac\\
This is a package for accessing bold symbols in math mode. (Similar to the AMS
  |\boldsymbol| command, but taking more care over spacing, delimiters etc.)\\
Nicer layout of tables\\
Diagram macros by Francois Borceux\\
Macros for typesetting Bridge diagrams\\
Adds infix expressions to perform arithmetic in the \LaTeX{} commands
  |\setcounter|, |\addtocounter|, |\setlength|, and |\addtolength|.\\
Plain macros for making nice calendars\\
Nicer calligraphic letters.\\
Comprehensive bibliography manager (prototype citation engine for \LaTeX3).
  Will become \BibTeX{} 1.0 on release. Under development.\\
Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables, such as the caption width,
  style, font. Many aspects are tunable as options.\\
Miscellaneous small packages by David Carlisle\\
\LaTeX{} support for Concrete fonts\\
Macros and fonts for typesetting Chinese Chess board diagrams\\
Cellular table construction\\
Generate changebars in \LaTeX{} documents.\\
A \LaTeX{} style file for using compound numbers in chemistry documents. It
  works like |\cite| and the |\thebibliography|, using |\fcite| and
  |\theffbibliography| instead. It allows compound names in documents to be
  numbered and does not affect the normal citation routines.\\
Macros for typing chemical symbols\\
Adobe chess font\\
Fonts for Cherokee scripts\\
Fonts for typesetting chess boards\\
Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams. Several electrical symbols like
  resistor, capacitor, transistors etc., are defined. The symbols can be
  connected with wires.\\
Language for drawing circuit diagrams\\
Fonts for Cirth\\
Supports compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations: [8,11-16].\\
Computer Modern fonts\\
Computer Modern Bright fonts\\
Alternative Russian encoding support\\
Extra Computer Modern fonts, from the American Mathematical Society\\
A Computer Modern Pica variant\\
Type1 versions of PostScript fonts, from Blue Sky and Y \& Y\\
Support for variant code pages.\\
Support for colour separation when using dvips\\
Concrete math fonts derived from Computer Modern math fonts using parameters
  from Concrete text fonts. A \LaTeX{} package providing the necessary font
  definition code is included.\\
Concrete fonts\\
ppchtex is a package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas. The package
  is a separate module of the context macro package for \TeX{} (context is a
  full featured, parameter driven macro package, which fully supports advanced
  interactive documents).\\
Setting |\count1| to |\count9|\\
Fonts for typesetting Croatian scripts\\
Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles\\
Czech/Slovak-tuned \MF{} Computer Modern fonts\\
\LaTeX{} support for Czech/Slovak typesetting\\
Plain \TeX{} support for Czech/Slovak typesetting\\
Draws curves in the \LaTeX{} picture environment using parabolas between points
  with continuous slope at points. Equivalent to technical pens with compasses
  and French curves.\\
Package generating customized \BibTeX{} bibliography styles from a generic file
  using docstrip.\\
Font for the Sherlock Holmes `Dancing Men'\\
Macros for parsing date strings\\
Provides a more flexible numbering of equations, subequations, and `recycled'
  equations, including `partial' equation numbers (`3a', `3b' etc.).\\
Fonts for typesetting Devanagari\\
Macros for constructing interactive \LaTeX{} scripts\\
German letter DIN style.\\
Basic documentation for \TeXLive{}\\
Recommended documentation for \TeXLive{}\\
Flush left equations with dotted letters to the numbers\\
Places the word DRAFT (or other words) in light grey diagonally across the
  background (or at the bottom) of each (or selected) pages of the document.\\
General drawing macros entirely in \TeX\\
A \LaTeXe{} macro for dropping the first character(s) (or word(s)) of a
  paragraph. This is an extension of the \LaTeX{} 2.09 package
  \href{\#dropcaps}{dropcaps}. This package automatically takes care of finding
  the font name.\\
Macros for the DANTE publication\\
Computer Duerer fonts.\\
Tom Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver\\
Basic support files for dvips\\
Font for making EAN barcodes.\\
Macros for simplying the writing of equations\\
The ec fonts support the complete \LaTeX{} T1 encoding, as defined at the 1990
  TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland. They are intended to be as stable as the
  cm fonts are, i.e. there shall be no more changes to the tfm files. The ec
  fonts also contain a Text Companion Symbol font, called tc, featuring many
  usefull characters needed in typesetting, for example oldstyle digits,
  currency symbols (including the newly created Euro symbol), the permille
  sign, copyright, trade mark and servicemark as well as a copyleft sign, and
  many others. Recent releases of \LaTeX2e support the ec fonts. The dc fonts,
  which were termed as preliminary versions, will dissappear from the
`European' (T1 encoded) version of the Concrete fonts\\
A macro package for typesetting scholarly critical editions\\
A set of \TeX{} macros for \LaTeX{} implementing several extensions to EPIC and
  the \LaTeX{} picture drawing environment, including the drawing of lines at
  any slope, the drawing of circles in any radii, and the drawing of dotted and
  dashed lines much faster with much less \TeX{} memory, and providing several
  new commands for drawing ellipsis, arcs, splines, and filled cirlces and
Macros and EIAD fonts\\
Preprint style for Elsevier Science journals\\
Font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script\\
Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the document with
  markers like ``[Figure 3 about here]'' appearing in the text (by default)
  near to where the figure (or table) would normally have occurred.\\
Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script, by Michael Urban\\
Printing addresses on enevlopes\\
A \LaTeX2e{} package for producing mailing envelopes and labels, including
  barcodes and address formatting according to the US Postal Service rules.
  Redefines the standard |\makelabels| command of the \LaTeX2e{} letter
Simple but powerful extended version of the plain format, adding support for
  bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of
  files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and
  commutative diagrams.\\
An extensive document which explains how to use Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
  files in \LaTeXe{} documents. Includes explanations of Bounding Boxes, and
Style for different equation numbering\\
More generalised equation arrays with numbering.\\
Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts for math in \LaTeX{}
  documents. ``The underlying philosophy of Zapf's Euler design was to capture
  the flavor of mathematics as it might be written by a mathematician with
  excellent handwriting.'' [concrete-tug] The euler package is based on Knuth's
  macros for the book ``Concrete Mathematics''. The text fonts for the Concrete
  book are provided by the beton package.\\
\LaTeX{} package which provides hooks into \cs{selectfont}.\\
Hooks for taking action at every |\shipout|\\
Package for typesetting exam scripts\\
Exam questions can be multiple choice or free form long/short answer questions.
  Options include the typesetting of the exam itself, an exam showing all the
  answers and a collection of questions and answers. Questions can be
  parametrized. Use of a random generator provides for automatic shuffling of
  multiple choice items.\\
Expanded description environments\\
This package allows the user to export/import the values of \LaTeX{} registers
  (counters, rigid and rubber lengths only). It is definitely NOT for
  faint-hearted users.\\
Support for sophisticated control of page headers and footers in \LaTeX2e. It
  supercedes \href{\#fancyheadings}{fancyheadings}.\\
Better control over page headers and footers in \LaTeX. This is an up-to-date
  version for \LaTeX. For \LaTeX2e{} it is now called
Sophisticated handling of verbatim text, to write it out, read it in, and
  typeset it\\
Document class for preparing faxes.\\
Fonts for African languages, complimentary to Computer Modern.\\
Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams.\\
Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and
  tables. Introduces the boxed float and the ruled float. You can define your
  own floats and improve the behaviour of the old ones. Also incorporates the H
  option of the superceded \href{\#here}{here} package. You can select this as
  automatic default with |\floatplacement{figure}{H}|\\
Allows text to be wrapped around figures.\\
Float text around figures and tables which do not span the full width of a
  page. This is an improved version of floatfig. It is more or less similar
  floatingtable. The tables/figures can be set left/right or alternating on
  even/odd pages. Works with the \href{\#multicol}{multicol} package. Doesn't
  work well in the neighbourhood of list environments unless you change your
  \LaTeX{} document.\\
This package provides six predefined chapter headings. Each can be modified
  using a set of simple commands. Optionally one can modify the formatting
  routines in order to create additional chapter headings. This package was
  previously known as FancyChapter.\\
A \LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies. Can be used with
  \href{\#fancybox}{fancybox} to place a variety of borders around the
\TeX{} macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to \TeX{} metric and
  virtual font format\\
Miscellaneous \MF{} input files\\
Karl Berry's scheme for naming fonts in \TeX\\
Extra line and circle fonts for \LaTeX\\
More sophisticated footnotes.\\
Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from 1, rather than being
  numbered sequentially through the document.\\
Prebuilt \TeX{} format and \MF{} base files\\
Provides an extensive collection of arithmetic operations for fixed point real
  numbers of high precision.\\
Style for French typography\\
A \LaTeX{} class for writing letters.\\
Providing \LaTeX{} access to various font families\\
Fonts for the Older Futhark script\\
A document class for \LaTeX 2e and serves for formatting formless letters in
  german or english language.\\
Government Binding styles.\\
Useful general documentation\\
Miscellaneous small files for all formats, specific to the \TeXLive{} \CDROM.\\
A package which allows \LaTeXe\ users to customise page layout (page sizes)
  using an easy and flexible user interface. You can specify
  |\geometry{body={6.5in,8.75in}, top=1.2in, left=2cm, nohead}|. This is an
  update of the now superseded pagesize package.\\
Style for German typography.\\
German variants of standard \BibTeX{} styles\\
Fonts and macros for typesetting go games\\
Gothic and ornamental initial fonts by Yannis Haralambous\\
The primary \LaTeX{} package for the support of the inclusion of graphics
  generally produced with other tools. This package aims to give a consistent
  interface to including the file types that are understood by your printer
Fonts for gray scales\\
Pointing hand fonts\\
Extra harpoons, using the graphics package\\
The Harvard bibliography style family.\\
Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles\\
Fancy boxing effects\\
Drawing histograms with the \LaTeX{} picture environment\\
System binaries HP running hpux10.20\\
System binaries HP running hpux9.05\\
Various \TeX{} documentation converted to HTML\\
Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert |\special| commands for
  HyperTeX dvi viewers\\
Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert |\special| commands for
  HyperTeX dvi viewers, or translation to Acrobat.\\
Collection of hyphenation patterns\\
System binaries for Intel machines running Linux\\
System binaries for Intel PC running FreeBSD 2.2\\
System binaries for Intel Pentium Pro running Linux\\
Allows typesetting of transactions, as well as discussions and closures, for
  the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions journals.\\
Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings\\
A package to automatically generate an Author Index based on citations made
  using \BibTeX. It requires the use of the harvard and index packages and
Documentation in GNU info form\\
Controlling inpout encoding\\
Style for using International Phonetic Alphabet fonts\\
Class and package files for typesetting ISO International Standard documents.
  Several standard documents have been printed by ISO from camera-ready copy
  prepared using \LaTeX{} and these files. One set of files is for generic ISO
  typesetting and the other is an extension set of packages for typesetting ISO
  10303 standards.\\
Macro package on top of \LaTeX{} to typeset \TeX{} output of Jade DSSSL
Miscellaneous macros, mostly for making use of extra fonts by J\"org Knappen\\
Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod\\
A document class for German law students.\\
Knuth's own documentation, including the \TeX book and the \MF book\\
A replacement for the article/report/book classes with emphasis on European
  rules of typography and paper formats as laid down by Jan Tschichold.\\
Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams.\\
Support for printing sheets of sticky labels (but could also be used for
  business cards). The number of rows and columns of labels, and their size,
  can be changed.\\
A merge of the best in AMS\TeX{} and \LaTeX\\
Reference the number of pages in your \LaTeX{} document (as in a page footer
  that says: Page N of M).\\
Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts\\
Adds line numbers to selected paragraphs with reference possible through the
  \LaTeX{} |\ref| and |\pageref| cross reference mechanism. Version 2.00
  supports numbering of one in five lines and switching the line numbers from
  the left to the right side of the page in twoside mode.\\
Package for pretty-printed program listings, with support for a range of
Macros for localizing \TeX{} register allocations\\
\MF{} font for drawing logic diagrams\\
A new generation format\\
Short introduction to \LaTeX\\
Modifies the tabularx environment to combine the features of the tabularx
  package (auto-sized columns in a fixed width table) with those of the
  longtable package (multi-page tables).\\
Class for documented \LaTeX2e classes.\\
Miscellaneus \LaTeX{} styles.\\
Font metrics and \LaTeX{} font description files for standard 35 PostScript
Support for LY1 \LaTeX{} encoding, ie the Y\&Y texnansi encoding\\
System binaries for Next boxes running Nextstep 3\\
Macros for mail merging\\
Documentation for the Makeindex program.\\
A new sans-serif font family\\
Support for multiple character sets and encodings\\
Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter\\
A package which provides access to some interesting chars of the Text Companion
  fonts (TS1 encoding) in math mode.\\
Support for collapsing multiple citations into one, as custumoary in physics
Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding, including support for |@|, a doafter
  command, footnotes, mathenv for various alignment in maths, list handling,
  trivial maths oddments, rewrite of \LaTeX{}'s |tabular| and |array|
  environments, varbatim handling, and syntax diagrams.\\
A package to provide something similar to `multiple master' fonts, but using
  \MF; you specify a font by a set of \MF{} parameters, and \TeX{} makes up a
  .mf file to generate the required font; this package is not integrated with
  NFSS (or MakeTeXTFM) yet fun.\\
\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the Knuthian `logo' fonts
  described in `The \MF{}book' and the \MF{} and \MP{} logos in \LaTeX{}
Small support files for \MF\\
Font description files for extra fonts like yinit and ygoth\\
Macros which generate \MF{} code for drawing pictures\\
a \MF{} package for generating (encapsulated PostScript) files readable by
  CorelDRAW!, Adobe Illustrator and Fontographer. \MF{} writes PostScript code
  to a LOG-file, and from the LOG-file the code can be extracted by either
  \TeX{} or AWK. DOS batch files, \TeX{} source, and AWK source are placed in
  the subdirectory PROGS.\\
A set of useful macro tools\\
Table of contents per chapter.\\
System binaries for SGI box running Irix 4.0.5\\
System binaries for SGI box running Irix 5.3\\
System binaries for SGI box running Irix 6.3\\
System binaries for MIPS machine running Ultrix 4.4\\
Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX\\
Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX 209\\
Styles for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society\\
Towards a more rational and modular \LaTeX, by Matt Swift; a set of powerful
A verbatim mode that can handle TABs properly, can number lines, can number
  lines in an included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc.\\
Basic Metapost support files\\
A package which provides the command |\mpfootnotemark|, which can be used in
  the same way as |\footnotemark|. The difference between these two macros is
  that within minipage environments the latter uses the standard footnote
  marker style (defined by |\thefootnote|), while the new command uses the
  minipage footnote marker style (defined by |\thempfootnote|).\\
\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style files for a respectably close approximation to APA
  (American Psychological Association) citation and reference style.\\
Examples from \emph{Mathematical \TeX{} by Example} by Arvind Borde\\
Typesetting music with \TeX.\\
Extended MusicTeX, with better slurs\\
Another letter package\\
Drawing Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams\\
A bibliography style that handles author-year and numbered references.\\
Format algoritms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.\\
Macros for making newsletters\\
A modified version of the theorem-style which provides generation of lists of
Support for fancy framing of pages\\
Nomenclature package for producing lists of symbols using the capabilities of
  the MakeIndex program.\\
Versions of the standard \LaTeX{} article and report classes, rewritten to
  reflect a more European design, by the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group\\
Macros for numbering lines.\\
Macros for typesetting Object Z\\
OCR font\\
Fonts for OCR-A\\
Fonts for OCR-A\\
Fonts for typesetting Ogham script\\
Support for Polish typography and the ogonek\\
Font information needed to load the |cmmi| and |cmmib| fonts for use to produce
  oldstyle numbers\\
Osmanian fonts by Alan Stanier for writing Somali\\
Macros to use to the OT2 Cyrillic encoding\\
This package provides two macros which can be used as building blocks for the
  parsing of text. For an example of their use, see the
  \href{\#calendar}{calendar} package.\\
The Pandora font family\\
A class derived from article, tuned for producing papers for journals.
  Introduces new layout options and font commands for sections/parts. Defines a
  new keywords environment, and subtitle and institution commands for the title
  section. New commands for revisions. And more.\\
Provides a parallel environment which allows two columns of text to be typeset.
  Useful for typesetting two languages side-by-side.\\
Diagram package, using LAMS\TeX{} fonts, by Paul Burchard.\\
Damian Cugley's macro tools.\\
Documentation in PDf format\\
Macro packages for variant \TeX{} which writes PDF format\\
\MF{} Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern\\
PHYSE format\\
A \TeX{} format for physicists\\
Insert pictures into paragraphs. (NOTE: Piet van Oostrum does not recommend
  this package. \href{\#picins}{Picins} is recommended instead.)\\
Picture drawing macros for \LaTeX.\\
Macro tools by Mike Piff\\
Miscellaneous useful macros for plain \TeX\\
Basic Plain \TeX{} macros\\
Computer Modern variant fonts for Polish\\
\LaTeX{} graphics package with wrapper to allow it to be used with generic
  plain \TeX\\
A set of extensions to \LaTeX{} picture environment, including a wider range of
  vectors, and a lot more box frame styles.\\
Page preparation for prepress, color separation, crop-marks, color and gray
  scale bars, booklet preparation, etc.\\
Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document\\
Additional functionality to \LaTeX2e label--reference mechanism. It allows the
  author to ``preformat'' all types of labels.\\
The file `programs.sty' is intended to allow a parameterized way of typesetting
  programs with \TeX/\LaTeX{} commands inside. The file `keywords.sty' allows
  use and define sets of keywords that will be typeset with different fonts,
  according to the wish of the user.\\
Typesetting programs and algorithms\\
Macros for building proof trees\\
Postscript fonts for use with \TeX{} and \LaTeX.\\
A set of macros and a PostScript header which allows \LaTeX{} constructions
  (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over
  Encapsulated PostScript figures. The user can use his/her favorite drawing
  tool to create an EPS figure, placing simple text ``tags'' where each
  replacement is to be placed. PSfrag will automatically remove those tags from
  the figure and replace them with the \LaTeX{} construction that the user
  specifies, properly aligned, scaled, and/or rotated.\\
A \TeX{} format from SLAC\\
A small package that makes \LaTeX{} default to `standard' PostScript fonts. It
  is basically a merger of the \href{\#times}{times} and
  \href{\#mathptm}{mathptm} styles from the psnfss suite of packages. You must
  have installed standard \LaTeX{} and PSNFSS PostScript fonts to use this
  package. The main novel feature is that the pslatex package tries to
  compensate for the visual differences between the Adobe fonts by scaling
  Helvetica by 90\%, and `condensing' Courier (ie scaling horizontally) by
  85\%. The package is supplied with a (unix) shell file for a `pslatex'
  command that allows standard \LaTeX{} documents to be processed, without
  needing to edit the file.\\
Font definition files, macros and font metrics for common PostScript fonts\\
Extra styles and encodings for PS fonts, including Y\&Y encoding support\\
Replacement for core \LaTeX{} picture macros to use PostScript |\special|
An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most
  \TeX{} macro packages, including Plain \TeX, \LaTeX, AmSTeX, and AmS-LaTeX.
  Included are macros for color, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and
  overlays. It has many special features, including: a wide variety of graphics
  (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with color support;
  There are macros for coloring or shading the cells of tables.\\
Donald Knuth's punk font\\
\LaTeX{} macros for typesetting trees\\
For defining systematic mnemonic abbreviations, starting with |`| for math
  symbols and |\"| for arrows, from the amssymb and stmaryrd packages\\
\LaTeX{} package which defines new commands |\Centering|, |\RaggedLeft|, and
  |\RaggedRight| and new environments Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which
  set ragged text and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation.\\
Use RCS (revision control system) tags in \LaTeX{} documents.\\
Macros for real arithmetic calculations\\
Variant report and article styles\\
Styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and
  Optical Society of America, Only works in compatibility mode under
A macro package for use with epsf.tex which allows PostScript labels in an eps
  file to be replaced by \TeX{} labels\\
A package built on the standard \LaTeX{} graphics package to perform all the
  different sorts of rotation one might like, including complete figures and
  tables and captions.\\
Rotate floats.\\
Redefines the `plain' pagestyle. The page numbers are now in the lower right
System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 3.2.5\\
System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 4.1.1\\
Extensions to the CM fonts, providing a parameterization scheme to build fonts
  at true design sizes\\
A package to scale a document by \ensuremath{\sqrt{2}}. This is useful if you
  are preparing a document on e.g. A5 paper and want to print on A4 paper to
  achieve a better resolution.\\
Variant report / book styles\\
Eases the typesetting of notation of semantics and compilers. Includes
  T-diagrams, various derivation symbols and inference threes.\\
Produce overhead slides (transparencies) with bells and whistles.\\
Provides commands and environments for doing double and one-and-a-half line
  spacing based on pt size. If a different spacing is required then the
  |\setstretch{baselinestretch}| command is supported. The spacing environment
  takes one argument which is the baselinestretch to use, e.g.,
A tool to shade the background of any box - text, figure, table etc., using
  Plain(La) \TeX.\\
Package that allows declarations of the form |\newshadetheorem{thm}{Theorem}|
  or |\newshadetheorem{}[]{}| or |\newshadetheorem{}{}[]| to produce shaded
  boxes from the usual command |\begin{theorem}| \ldots |\end{theorem}|. The
  color package is required\\
Show label commands in the margin.\\
Styles for SIAM publications\\
Document class for formatting papers according to the specifications for
  submission to the annual ACM Siggraph conference\\
A class package for the easy production of a slide collection with annotations.
  Builds on the report style (or variants).\\
Support for all 4 shapes of Small caps in DC1.3 where SC becomes a family,
  rather than a shape (|\scshape| is replaced by |\scfamily|). Thus you can
  write |\bf\scfamily\slshape| to get small caps bold slanted\\
Package for typesetting song lyrics\\
System binaries for Sparc running Linux\\
System binaries for Sparc running Solaris 2.4\\
System binaries for Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.5\\
System binaries for Sparc running SunOS 4.1.3\\
Macros to set bitmaps with \TeX\\
\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the `cmssq' fonts, i.e.
  Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation Style. The \LaTeX{} package also defines
  a |chapterquotes| environment as an example application.\\
A \TeX{} format designed to help students write short reports and essays. It
  provides the user with a suitable set of commands for such a task. It is also
  more robust than plain \TeX{} and \LaTeX.\\
St Mary Road symbols for functional programming.\\
Package for subequation numbering\\
Equation array with sub numbering.\\
Figures divided into subfigures.\\
A multi-page tables package.\\
Miscellaneous macros by Matt Swift\\
An advanced table package\\
Diagram macros by Paul Taylor\\
Examples from Arvind Borde's \emph{\TeX{} by Example}\\
Font for typesetting Tolkien Tengwar script, by Michael Urban\\
Various extra support file for dvips\\
Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.\\
Macros from \emph{\TeX{} in Practice}\\
Basic material for \TeXLive{}\\
\TeX{} format from the University of Washington\\
Supports the Text Companion fonts which provide many text symbols (such as
  baht, bullet, copyright, musicalnote, onequarter, section, and yen) in the
  TS1 encoding.\\
Package to support fitting of text to a given width of height by scaling the
Merge text in \TeX{} and \LaTeX. Useful, for example, in mail merge.\\
A class for producing a thesis based on the report class for a more European
  and more flexible look. Supports options like noindent, noitemization,
  headline, nocenter, crosshair, and chapterbib.\\
Package for typesetting time sheets\\
Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters\\
Standard \LaTeX2e{} tools, for extended tabular, verbatim and theorem support\\
Automatically adjust spaces between symbols in words or phrases to fit them
  into a specified length. Any chain of symbols (including spaces) in the
  current font may be treated.\\
Tree macros\\
Allows the automatic layout of n-ary trees with arbitrary node sizes in \LaTeX,
  using an external C program to do much of the hard work.\\
Macros for TUGboat articles (plain and \LaTeX{}\\
A package that removes the restriction when using scalable versions of the cm
  fonts (Type1 Bakoma, or versions from BSR/Y\&Y, or True Type versions from
  Kinch, PCTeX etc.) where \LaTeX{} restricts the cm fonts to discrete sizes.\\
Typeset HTML (i.e., World Wide Web documents) directly from \LaTeX. Can handle
  almost all of HTML2, and most of the math fragment of the draft HTML3.\\
This package provides a \LaTeX2e document class named `ua-thesis' for
  typesetting theses and dissertations in the official format required by the
  University of Arizona. Moreover, there is a fully compatible alternative
  document class `my-thesis' for private ``nice'' copies of the dissertation,
  and the respective title pages are available as separate packages to work
  with ``any'' document class.\\
A modified version of the standard \LaTeX{} REPORT style that is accepted for
  use with University of California PhD dissertations and Masters theses.\\
Extra mathematical characters\\
An interface to inputenc for using alternate input encodings\\
Package for page frames\\
Package for underlining. Be advised that underlining is considered bad style in
  typesetting. See also \href{\#ulem}{ulem} which is a specific package for
Useful documentation; various \LaTeX{} guides, FAQ, fontname docs etc\\
Produces a thesis that meets the requirements of the Graduate School of The
  University of Texas at Austin :-)\\
University of Washington thesis\\
Typesetting VDM schemas\\
Macros for more convenient representation of vectors in \LaTeX2e, both
  symbolically and as implicit or explicit rows/columns of elements\\
Styles for economics working papers and journals\\
This class provides necessary macros to prepare your Curriculum Vitae or
Verbatim macros via plain \TeX\\
Defines a command which produces a version number in the .dvi-file when
  \LaTeX{} is run.\\
The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts)\\
Makes some additional characters available that come from the wasy fonts
  (Waldis symbol fonts). These fonts are not automatically included in
  NFSS2/LaTeX2e since they take up important space and aren't necessary if one
  makes use of the packages amsfonts or amssymb. Symbols include: join, box,
  diamond, leadsto, sqsubset, lhd, rhd, apprle, ocircle, invneg, logof, varint,
  male, female, phone, clock, lightning, pointer, sun, bell, permil, smiley,
  various electrical symbols, shapes, music notes, circles, signs, astronomy,
Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.\\
System binaries for Windows 32\\
\MF{} fonts for Old English, Indic languages in transcription, and American
  Indian languages\\
Washington State University IPA phonetic fonts\\
Typesetting chemical structures.\\
Sophisticated macros and fonts, originally designed for commutative diagrams,
  but with general applicability.\\
Extended maths fonts for \LaTeX.\\
A package for typesetting Young-Tableaux mathematical symbols for the
  representations of groups, providing two macros, |\yng(#1)| and |\young(#1)|
  to generate the whole Young-Tableaux.\\
Macro package developed at MIT\\
Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications\\