This is README.1ST for 386 - DVIPS 5.55  for OS/2, DOS Windows
G. Sawade                  V 1.6                    7.Sep.1994


Change to the Drive, where emTeX is already installed.

        pkunzip -o -d dvipslib       (DVIPS related stuff)
        pkunzip -d dps555b           (Binaries)
(       pkunzip -o -d dps555s        (additional Sources, optional) )
        unzip -o dvipslib
        unzip dps555b
        unzip -o dps555s

Note:  For updating an already installed dvips you need only dps555b.
       The TeX related files (*.tex, *.sty) of dvipslib have moved
       into \emtex\texinput\dvips. If you have older ones installed,
       remove these first, they are normally in \emtex\texinput.
       If you do not use tex386 Beta 11 or higher, which searches
       files in subdirectories (one level) by default, you must add
       \emtex\texinput\dvips to your TEXINPUT entry.

Note2: At the moment, emx.exe/emx.dll of emx-0.8h Fixlevel10
       are the absolutly newest of their kind. While unpacking
       dps555b please be shure, that no newer emx files have
       been installed at the same place (\emtex emtex\dll).

This system should run, (try it as follows:
        cd \emtex\doc
        dvips adjust       (you get 'adjust.ps')
   Print adjust.ps as usual on a PostScript device or via GhostScript
   and use the output to adjust the margin settings in dvips.cmd/bat.)

Possible Problems:

      - Some environmental variables have not been set correctly,
        check \emtex\set-tex.bat/cmd and the settings in
        \emtex\dvips.bat/cmd, especially the value EMTEXDRV or
        preferred EMTEXDIR for tex386 since Beta9.
        The default values are
        EMTEXDRV=C           (Not more recommended)

        If your emTeX is  N O T  installed on Drive C:, you must
        edit the file
          * Paths (uncomment and edit if you need these)
          *T c:\emtex\tfm
          *V c:\texfonts\vf
          *P c:\texfonts\pixel.lj\%ddpi\%f.%p
          *L c:\texfonts\;lj_0;lj_h;lj_1;lj_2;lj_3;lj_4;lj_5a;lj_5b;lj_sli
          *S .;c:\emtex\texinput
          *H .;c:\emtex\ps
        usually, only some changes should be necessary, example:
           P d:\texfonts\pixel.lj\%ddpi\%f.%p
           L d:\texfonts\;lj_0;lj_h;lj_1;lj_2;lj_3;lj_4;lj_5a;lj_5b;lj_sli
           T d:\emtex\tfm
           V d:\texfonts\vf

      - If you have problems with DPMI
        (messages like: 'rsx not found, DPMI not supported by emx')
        you should use rsx32.exe instead of emx.exe by 
                set EMX=%EMTEXDIR%/RSX32.EXE
        (see also: emtex\rsx-doc\install.txt)

      - If you do not have a Coprocessor installed, RSX32 is able to
        emulate it. (But you need at least a DPMI-Server for running RSX32).


This dvips has been compiled with emx/gcc 0.8h(10) by E. Mattes,
by editing the makefile (pc\makefile.emx, now pc\makefile.saw),
and making some patches to dvips.

        Guido Sawade      <sawade@marie.physik.tu-berlin.de>
        TU Berlin, Opt.Inst., PN 0-1
        Hardenbergstr. 36               (Fon.: ++49.30. 314-23151)
        D -- 10623 BERLIN

                Contact me on problems with THIS version of dvips.

It is real 32Bit Code for use with 386-and-higher mashines ONLY.

The programs (dvips32.exe and afm2tfm) make use of 
EMX.DLL (OS2)    or      EMX.EXE or RSX32.EXE (DOS/Windows),
S O   D O   N O T   R E M O V E   T H E S E   F I L E S !

Make shure under OS2, that EMX.DLL (of this Version or a NEWER one)
is the one and only within the pathes listed in your LIBPATH-Entry.

   If you use this Version of dvips, please send me an email :).
   I add your adress to my dvips mailinglist, so I can post
   updates of the archives to all users.

Several problems with/without dvips and related topics are discussed
in the emtex mailing list.
For subscription ask    emtex@chemie.fu-berlin.de

- History
  1.2    initial release

  1.3    dps5499b.zip:  compiled with emx/gcc 08.h(9).
                        squeeze.exe removed.
                        dvips.bat/dvips.cmd changed
                        rsx.zip included (dvips32.exe runs
                        under DOS-DPMI and Windows)

  1.4    dps555b.zip    The new Version 5.55 of dvips is
         dps555s.zip    now available. The archives hold
         dvipslib.zip   now emTeX-style *.REM files for
                        removal of all archive contents.

  1.5    dps555b.zip    A change in dvips.c has been necessary.
         dps555s.zip    Now dvips32.exe can be called by emTeX's
                        dvidrv and the automatic font generation
                        works correctly.

  1.6    dps555b.zip    Changed search.c allows now correct location
         dps555s.zip    of files which are specified by a complete
                        path (like /mypics/data/plot1.eps).
                        A newer rsx (now RSX32 Beta4) is included.

END                                              of README.1ST