# Autoconf configfile for SQLTeX. # To create a new distribution, execute the following steps: # aclocal # autoconf # automake --add-missing # ./configure # make dist # # To install: # ./configure [options] # make # [sudo] make install AC_PREREQ([2.69]) # Ensure configure can check for the required perl modules. m4_include([aclocal/ax_prog_perl_modules.m4]) AC_INIT([SQLTeX], [3.0], [support@oveas.com]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES([DBI DBD::mysql Getopt::Long Term::ReadKey] , ,[AC_MSG_ERROR([Not all required perl modules are installed])] ) # Makefile to be generated in the subdirectories as well AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile doc/Makefile man/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT