#!/usr/bin/env perl # kanji-config-updmap: setup Japanese font embedding # Version 20130418.0 # # formerly known as updmap-setup-kanji # # Copyright 2004-2006 by KOBAYASHI R. Taizo for the shell version (updmap-otf) # Copyright 2011-2013 by PREINING Norbert # # This file is licensed under GPL version 3 or any later version. # For copyright statements see end of file. # # For development see # https://git.gitorious.org/tlptexlive/jfontmaps.git # # For a changelog see # https://gitorious.org/tlptexlive/jfontmaps/blobs/master/ChangeLog # $^W = 1; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_autoabbrev ignore_case_always); use strict; my $prg = "kanji-config-updmap"; my $version = "20130418.0"; my $updmap_real = "updmap"; my $updmap = $updmap_real; my $dry_run = 0; my $opt_help = 0; my $opt_jis = 0; if (! GetOptions( "n|dry-run" => \$dry_run, "h|help" => \$opt_help, "jis2004" => \$opt_jis, "version" => sub { print &version(); exit(0); }, ) ) { die "Try \"$0 --help\" for more information.\n"; } sub win32 { return ($^O=~/^MSWin(32|64)$/i); } my $nul = (win32() ? 'nul' : '/dev/null') ; if ($dry_run) { $updmap = "echo updmap"; } if ($opt_help) { Usage(); exit 0; } # # representatives of support font families # my %representatives = ( "hiragino" => "HiraMinPro-W3.otf", "hiragino-pron" => "HiraMinProN-W3.otf", "morisawa" => "A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf", "morisawa-pr6n" => "A-OTF-RyuminPr6N-Light.otf", "kozuka" => "KozMinPro-Regular.otf", "kozuka-pr6n" => "KozMinPr6N-Regular.otf", "kozuka-pr6" => "KozMinProVI-Regular.otf", "ipa" => "ipam.ttf", "ipaex" => "ipaexm.ttf", "ms" => "msgothic.ttc", ); my %available; main(@ARGV); sub version { my $ret = sprintf "%s version %s\n", $prg, $version; return $ret; } sub Usage { my $usage = <<"EOF"; $prg Set up embedding of Japanese fonts via updmap.cfg. This script searches for some of the most common fonts for embedding into pdfs by dvipdfmx. In addition it allows to set up arbitrary font families to be embedded into the generated pdf files, as long as at least the map file otf-.map is present. Other map files that will be used if available are ptex-.map uptex-.map otf-up-.map Please see the documentation of updmap for details (updmap --help). Usage: $prg [OPTION] {|auto|nofont|status} embed an arbitrary font family , at least the map file otf-.map has to be available. auto: embed one of the following supported font families automatically: hiragino, hiragino-pron, morisawa, morisawa-pr6n, kozuka, kozuka-pr6, kozuka-pr6n, ipaex, ipa, ms and fall back to not embedding any font if none of them is available nofont: embed no fonts (and rely on system fonts when displaying pdfs) If your system does not have any of the supported font families as specified above, this target is selected automatically. status: get information about current environment and usable font map Options: -n, --dry-run do not actually run updmap -h, --help show this message and exit -jis2004 use JIS2004 variants for default fonts of (u)pTeX --version show version information and exit EOF ; print $usage; exit 0; } ### ### Check Installed Font ### sub CheckInstallFont { for my $k (keys %representatives) { my $f = `kpsewhich $representatives{$k}`; if (! $?) { $available{$k} = chomp($f); } } } ### ### GetStatus ### sub check_mapfile { my $mapf = shift; my $f = `kpsewhich $mapf 2> $nul`; my $ret = $?; if (wantarray) { return (!$ret, $f); } else { return (!$ret); } } sub GetStatus { my $val = `$updmap_real --quiet --showoption kanjiEmbed`; my $STATUS; if ($val =~ m/^kanjiEmbed=([^()\s]*)(\s+\()?/) { $STATUS = $1; } else { printf STDERR "Cannot find status of current kanjiEmbed setting via updmap --showoption!\n"; exit 1; } if (check_mapfile("ptex-$STATUS.map")) { print "CURRENT family : $STATUS\n"; } else { print "WARNING: Currently selected map file cannot be found: ptex-$STATUS.map\n"; } for my $k (sort keys %representatives) { my $MAPFILE = "ptex-$k.map"; next if ($MAPFILE eq "ptex-$STATUS.map"); if (check_mapfile($MAPFILE)) { if ($available{$k}) { print "Standby family : $k\n"; } } } return $STATUS; } ### ### Setup Map files ### sub SetupMapFile { my $rep = shift; my $MAPFILE = "ptex-$rep.map"; if (check_mapfile($MAPFILE)) { print "Setting up ... $MAPFILE\n"; system("$updmap --quiet --nomkmap --nohash -setoption kanjiEmbed $rep"); if ($opt_jis) { system("$updmap --quiet --nomkmap --nohash -setoption kanjiVariant -04"); } else { system("$updmap --quiet --nomkmap --nohash -setoption kanjiVariant \"\""); } system("$updmap"); } else { print "NOT EXIST $MAPFILE\n"; exit 1; } } sub SetupReplacement { my $rep = shift; if (defined($representatives{$rep})) { if ($available{$rep}) { return SetupMapFile($rep); } else { printf STDERR "$rep not available, falling back to auto!\n"; return SetupReplacement("auto"); } } else { if ($rep eq "nofont") { return SetupMapFile("noEmbed"); } elsif ($rep eq "auto") { my $STATUS = GetStatus(); # first check if we have a status set and the font is installed # in this case don't change anything, just make sure if (defined($representatives{$STATUS}) && $available{$STATUS}) { return SetupMapFile($STATUS); } else { if (!($STATUS eq "noEmbed" || $STATUS eq "")) { # some unknown setting is set up currently, overwrite, but warn print "Previous setting $STATUS is unknown, replacing it!\n" } # if we are in the noEmbed or nothing set case, but one # of the three fonts hiragino/morisawa/kozuka are present # then use them for my $i (qw/morisawa-pr6n kozuka-pr6n kozuka-pr6 hiragino-pron hiragino morisawa kozuka ipaex ipa ms/) { if ($available{$i}) { return SetupMapFile($i); } } # still here, no map file found! return SetupMapFile("noEmbed"); } } else { # anything else is treated as a map file name return SetupMapFile($rep); } } } ### ### MAIN ### sub main { my ($a, $b) = @_; CheckInstallFont(); if (!defined($a) || defined($b)) { Usage(); exit 1; } if ($a eq "status") { GetStatus(); exit 0; } return SetupReplacement($a); } # # # Copyright statements: # # KOBAYASHI Taizo # email to preining@logic.at # Message-Id: <20120130.162953.59640143170594580.tkoba@cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp> # Message-Id: <20120201.105639.625859878546968959.tkoba@cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp> # -------------------------------------------------------- # copyright statement は簡単に以下で結構です。 # # Copyright 2004-2006 by KOBAYASHI Taizo # # では # GPL version 3 or any later version # # -------------------------------------------------------- # # PREINING Norbert # as author and maintainer of the current file # Licensed under GPL version 3 or any later version # ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim: set tabstop=2 expandtab autoindent: