--% Kale Ewasiuk (kalekje@gmail.com) --% 2025-02-14 --% Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Kale Ewasiuk --% --% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy --% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal --% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights --% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell --% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --% furnished to do so, subjected to the following conditions: --% --% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in --% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --% --% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF --% ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED --% TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A --% PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT --% SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR --% ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN --% ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, --% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE --% OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- https://lunarmodules.github.io/Penlight/ __PL_PLUS__ = true __PL_SKIP_TEX__ = __PL_SKIP_TEX__ or false --if declared true before here, it will use regular print functions -- (for troubleshooting with texlua instead of actual use in lua latex) __PL_GLOBALS__ = __PL_GLOBALS__ or false __PL_NO_HYPERREF__ = __PL_NO_HYPERREF__ or false penlight.luakeys = require'luakeys'() penlight.debug_available = false -- check if penlight debug package is available if debug ~= nil then if type(debug.getinfo) == 'function' then penlight.debug_available = true end end -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin -- todo read me!! penlight.tex = {} -- adding a sub-module for tex related stuff local bind = bind or penlight.func.bind function penlight.hasval(x) -- if something has value if (type(x) == 'function') or (type(x) == 'CFunction') or (type(x) == 'userdata') then return true elseif (x == nil) or (x == false) or (x == 0) or (x == '') or (x == {}) then return false elseif (type(x) ~= 'boolean') and (type(x) ~= 'number') and (type(x) ~= 'string') then -- something else? maybe ths not needed if #x == 0 then -- one more check, probably no needed though, I was trying to cover other classes but they all tables return false else return true end end return true end function penlight._Gdot(s) -- return a global with nots o = _G for _, a in ipairs(s:split('.')) do o = o[a] end return o end -- Some simple and helpful LaTeX functions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- xparse defaults penlight.tex.xTrue = '\\BooleanTrue ' penlight.tex.xFalse = '\\BooleanFalse ' penlight.tex.xNoValue = '-NoValue-' penlight.tex._xTrue = '\\BooleanTrue ' penlight.tex._xFalse = '\\BooleanFalse ' penlight.tex._xNoValue = '-NoValue-' --Generic LuaLaTeX utilities for print commands or environments if not __PL_SKIP_TEX__ then local function check_special_chars(s) -- todo extend to toher special chars? if type(s) == 'string' then if string.find(s, '[\n\r\t\0]') then penlight.tex.pkgwarn('penlight', 'printing string with special (eg. newline) char, possible unexpected behaviour on string: '..s) end end end -- NOTE: usage is a bit different than default. If number is first arg, you CANT change catcode. -- We don't need that under normal use, use tex.print or tex.sprint if you need function penlight.tex.prt(s, ...) -- print something, no new line after check_special_chars(s) if type(s) == 'number' then s = tostring(s) end tex.sprint(s, ...) --can print lists as well, but will NOT put new line between them or anything printed end function penlight.tex.prtn(s, ...) -- print with new line after, can print lists or nums. C-function not in Lua, apparantly s = s or '' check_special_chars(s) if type(s) == 'number' then s = tostring(s) end tex.print(s, ...) end penlight.tex.wrt = texio.write penlight.tex.wrtn = texio.write_nl else penlight.tex.prt = io.write penlight.tex.prtn = print --print with new line penlight.tex.wrt = io.write penlight.tex.wrtn = io.write_nl end function penlight.tex.prtl(str) -- prints a literal/lines string in latex, adds new line between them for line in str:gmatch"[^\n]*" do -- gets all characters up to a new line penlight.tex.prtn(line) end end -- todo option to specify between character? one for first table, on for recursives? function penlight.tex.prtt(tab, d1, d2) -- prints a table with new line between each item d1 = d1 or '' d2 = d2 or '\\leavevmode\\\\' for _, t in pairs(tab) do -- if type(t) ~= 'table' then if d1 == '' then penlight.tex.prtn(t) else penlight.tex.prt(t, d1) end else penlight.tex.prtn(d2) penlight.tex.prtt(t,d1,d2) end end end function penlight.tex.wrth(s1, s2) -- helpful printing, makes it easy to debug, s1 is object, s2 is note local wrt2 = wrt or texio.write_nl or print s2 = s2 or '' wrt2('\nvvvvv '..s2..'\n') if type(s1) == 'table' then wrt2(penlight.pretty.write(s1)) else wrt2(tostring(s1)) end wrt2('\n^^^^^\n') end penlight.wrth = penlight.tex.wrth penlight.tex.help_wrt = penlight.tex.wrth penlight.help_wrt = penlight.tex.wrth function penlight.tex.prt_array2d(t) for _, r in ipairs(t) do local s = '' for _, v in ipairs(r) do s = s.. tostring(v)..', ' end penlight.tex.prt(s) penlight.tex.prt('\n') end end -- -- -- -- -- function penlight.tex.pkgwarn(pkg, msg1, msg2) pkg = pkg or '' msg1 = msg1 or '' msg2 = msg2 or '' tex.sprint('\\PackageWarning{'..pkg..'}{'..msg1..'}{'..msg2..'}') end function penlight.tex.pkgerror(pkg, msg1, msg2, stop) pkg = pkg or '' msg1 = msg1 or '' msg2 = msg2 or '' stop = penlight.hasval(stop) tex.sprint('\\PackageError{'..pkg..'}{'..msg1..'}{'..msg2..'}') if stop then tex.sprint('\\stop') end -- stop on the spot (say that 10 times) end if not penlight.debug_available then penlight.tex.pkgwarn('penlightplus', 'lua debug library is not available, recommend re-compiling with the --luadebug option') end function penlight.tex.errorif(exp, pkg, msg1, msg2, stop) if penlight.hasval(exp) then penlight.tex.pkgerror(pkg, msg1, msg2, stop) end end --definition helpers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function penlight.tex.defmacro(cs, val, g) -- , will not work if val contains undefined tokens (so pre-define them if using..) val = val or '' -- however this works for arbitrary command names (\@hello-123 etc allowed) g = g or 'global' token.set_macro(cs, val, g) end function penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) -- fixes above issue, but only chars allowed in cs (and no @) val = val or '' tex.sprint('\\gdef\\'..cs..'{'..val..'}') end function penlight.tex.defcmdAT(cs, val) -- allows @ in cs, --however should only be used in preamble. I avoid \makeatother because I've ran into issues with cls and sty files using it. val = val or '' tex.sprint('\\makeatletter\\gdef\\'..cs..'{'..val..'}') end function penlight.tex.prvcmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) then -- do nothing if token is defined already --pkgwarn('penlight', 'Definition '..cs..' is being overwritten') else penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) end end function penlight.tex.newcmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlight: newcmd',cs..' already defined') else penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) end end function penlight.tex.renewcmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) then penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) else penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlight: renewcmd',cs..' not defined') end end function penlight.tex.deccmd(cs, def, overwrite) -- declare a definition, placeholder throws an error if it used but not set! overwrite = penlight.hasval(overwrite) local decfun if overwrite then decfun = penlight.tex.defcmd else decfun = penlight.tex.newcmd end if def == nil then decfun(cs, pkgerror('penlight', cs..' was declared and used in document, but never set')) else decfun(cs, def) end end -- -- -- todo add and improve this, options for args? --local function defcmd_nest(cs) -- for option if you'd like your commands under a parent ex. \csparent{var} -- tex.print('\\gdef\\'..cs..'#1{\\csname '..var..'--#1--\\endcsname}') --end -- -- --local function defcmd(cs, val, nargs) -- if (nargs == nil) or (args == 0) then -- token.set_macro(cs, tostring(val), 'global') -- else -- local args = '#1' -- tex.print('\\gdef\\'..cs..args..'{'..val..'}') -- -- todo https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/57551/create-a-capitalized-macro-token-using-csname -- -- \expandafter\gdef\csname Two\endcsname#1#2{1:#1, two:#2} --todo do it like this -- end --end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- when nesting commands, this makes it helpful to not worry about brackets penlight.tex._NumBkts = 0 penlight.tex._EndEnvs = {} --prt(opencmd('textbf')..opencmd('texttt')..'bold typwriter'..close_bkt_cnt()) function penlight.tex.opencmd(cmd) return '\\'..cmd..add_bkt_cnt() end function penlight.tex.reset_bkt_cnt(n) n = n or 0 _NumBkts = n end function penlight.tex.add_bkt_cnt(n) -- add open bracket n times, returns brackets n = n or 1 _NumBkts = _NumBkts + n return ('{'):rep(n) end function penlight.tex.close_bkt_cnt(n) n = n or _NumBkts local s = ('}'):rep(n) _NumBkts = _NumBkts - n return s end function penlight.tex.openenv(env, opt) if opt == nil then opt = '' else opt = '['..opt..']' end tex.sprint('\\begin{' .. env .. '}'..opt) table.insert(penlight.tex._EndEnvs, 1, '\\end{'..env..'}') end function penlight.tex.closeenv(num) num = num or #penlight.tex._EndEnvs for i=1, num do tex.sprint(penlight.tex._EndEnvs[1]) table.remove(penlight.tex._EndEnvs, 1) end end function penlight.tex.aliasluastring(s, d) s = s:delspace():upper():tolist() d = d:delspace():upper():tolist() for i, S in penlight.seq.enum(d:slice_assign(1,#s,s)) do if (S == 'F') then S = '' end -- F is fully expanded penlight.tex.prtn('\\let\\plluastring'..penlight.Char(i)..'\\luastring'..S) end end function penlight.tex.get_ref_info(l) local n = 5 if __PL_NO_HYPERREF__ then local n = 2 end local r = token.get_macro('r@'..l) local t = {} if r == nil then t = penlight.tablex.new(n, 0) -- make all 0s r = '-not found-' else t = {r:match(("(%b{})"):rep(n))} t = penlight.tablex.map(string.trimfl, t) end t[#t+1] = r -- add the og return of label --penlight.help_wrt(t, 'ref info') return t end -- todo add regex pattern for cref info --function penlight.tex.get_ref_info_all_cref(l) -- local r = token.get_macro('r@'..l..'@cref') -- if r == nil then -- return r, 0, 0 -- end -- local sec, page = r:match("{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}") -- return r, sec, page --end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- math stuff function math.mod(a, b) -- math modulo, return remainder only return a - (math.floor(a/b)*b) end function math.mod2(a) -- math modulo 2 return math.mod(a,2) end -- -- -- -- string stuff local lpeg = require"lpeg" local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V local number = P{"number", number = (V"int" * V"frac"^-1 * V"exp"^-1) / tonumber, int = V"sign"^-1 * (R"19" * V"digits" + V"digit"), digits = V"digit" * V"digits" + V"digit", digit = R"09", sign = S"+-", frac = P"." * V"digits", exp = S"eE" * V"sign"^-1 * V"digits", } function penlight.char(num) return string.char(string.byte("a")+tonumber(num)-1) end function penlight.Char(num) return string.char(string.byte("A")+tonumber(num)-1) end local str_mt = getmetatable("") -- register functions with str function str_mt.__index.gnum(s) return number:match(s) end function str_mt.__index.gextract(s, pat) --extract a pattern from string, returns both local s_extr = '' local s_rem = s for e in s:gmatch(pat) do s_extr = s_extr..e s_rem = s_rem:gsub(e,'') end return s_extr, s_rem end function str_mt.__index.gxtrct(s, pat, num, join) --extract a pattern from string, returns both -- todo a variant where you can specify the number of extractions, and either list of concatenate them would be helpful local l_extr = penlight.List{} local s_rem = s local n = 1 num = num or 99999 for e in s:gmatch(pat) do l_extr = l_extr:append(e) s_rem = s_rem:gsub(e,'',1) if n == num then break end n = n +1 end if join then l_extr = l_extr:join(join) end return l_extr, s_rem end function str_mt.__index.gfirst(s, t) -- get the first pattern found from a table of pattern for _, pat in pairs(t) do if string.find(s, pat) then return pat end end end function str_mt.__index.appif(S, W, B, O) --append W ord to S tring if B oolean true, otherwise O ther --append Word to String if B then --if b is true S = S .. W else --consider Other word O = O or '' S = S .. O end return S end function str_mt.__index.containsany(s, exp) if type(exp) ~= 'table' then exp = {exp} end for _, e in ipairs(exp) do if s:find(e) then return true end end return false end function str_mt.__index.containsanycase(s, exp) if type(exp) ~= 'table' then exp = {exp} end for _, e in ipairs(exp) do if s:lower():find(e:lower()) then return true end end return false end function str_mt.__index.totable(str) local t = {} for i = 1, #str do t[i] = str:sub(i, i) end return t end function str_mt.__index.tolist(str) return penlight.List(str) end function str_mt.__index.upfirst(str) return str:gsub('%a', function(x) return x:upper() end, 1) end function str_mt.__index.delspace(str) return str:gsub('%s','') end function str_mt.__index.trimfl(str) return str:sub(2,-2) end function str_mt.__index.istexdim(str) for _, u in pairs{'pt', 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'ex', 'em', 'mu', 'sp'} do if penlight.hasval(str:delspace():find('^%-?%d*%.?%d+'..u..'$')) then return true end end return false end function str_mt.__index.subpar(s, r) r = r or ' ' return (s:gsub('\\par', r)) end function str_mt.__index.fmt(s, t, fmt) -- format a $1 and $k string with an array or table and formats -- formats can be a luakeys string, or a table and are applied to table before string is formatted if type(t) ~= 'table' then t = {t} end t = penlight.tablex.strinds(t) t = penlight.tablex.fmt(t, fmt, true) return s % t end function str_mt.__index.parsekv(s, t) -- parsekv string if type(t) ~= 'table' then t = penlight.luakeys.parse(t) end return penlight.luakeys.parse(s, t) end function str_mt.__index.splitstrip(s, sep, stri) -- sep = sep or ',' return penlight.List(s:split(sep)):map(function(x) return penlight.stringx.strip(x, stri) end) end function str_mt.__index.split2(s, sep1, sep2, stri) -- sep1 = sep1 or ',' sep2 = sep2 or '=' if stri == nil then stri = true end stri = penlight.hasval(strip) local splitfunc = string.split if stri then splitfunc = string.splitstrip end return penlight.List(splitfunc(s,sep1)):map(function(x) return splitfunc(x, sep2) end) end function str_mt.__index.hasnonum(s) -- string only contains letters and symbols --assert_string(1,s) -- todo return string.find(s,'^[%D]+$') == 1 end function str_mt.__index.hasnoalpha(s) -- string only contains numbers and symbols --assert_string(1,s) -- todo return string.find(s,'^[%A]+$') == 1 end function str_mt.__index.isvarlike(s) -- string is like a variable, does not start with a number, then followd by letter, number, or underscore --assert_string(1,s) -- todo return string.find(s,'^[%a_][%w%d_]*$') == 1 end -- -- -- -- function stuff function penlight.clone_function(fn) local dumped = string.dump(fn) local cloned = loadstring(dumped) local i = 1 while true do local name = debug.getupvalue(fn, i) if not name then break end debug.upvaluejoin(cloned, i, fn, i) i = i + 1 end return cloned end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- functions below extend the seq module function penlight.seq.check_neg_index(i, len, fallback) i = tostring(i):delspace() if i == '' then return fallback end i = tonumber(i) if i == nil then local _ = 1*'"Attempted to use seqstr indexing with negative number, but length of list not provided"' return fallback -- fallback is the number to fall back on if i isn't provided end len = tonumber(len) if i < 0 then if len == nil then local _ = 1*'"Attempted to use seqstr indexing with negative number, but length of list not provided"' return penlight.utils.raise("Attempted to use seqstr indexing with negative number, but length of list not provided") end i = len + 1 + i -- negative index end return i end penlight.seq.train_element_sep = ',' penlight.seq.train_range_sep = ':' function penlight.seq.train(s, len) -- parse a range given a string indexer -- syntax is: s = 'i1, i2, r1:r2' where i1 and i2 are individual indexes. -- r1:r2 is a range (inclusive). -- a 'stride' can be given to ranges, eg. ::2 is 1,3,5,..., or 2::3 is 2,5,8,... -- negative numbers can be used to index relative to the length of the table, eg, -1 -> len -- if length is not given, negative indeing cannot be used -- returns a penlight list of numbers local t = penlight.List() -- list of indexes local check_neg = penlight.seq.check_neg_index local steps = s:split(penlight.seq.train_element_sep) --penlight.wrth(steps,'abc') for _, r in ipairs(steps) do --penlight.wrth(r,'seq.train = '..s) r = penlight.stringx.strip(r) if r == '*' then -- if the string has no numbers and no :, it is a key t:append(r) elseif string.isvarlike(r) then -- if the string has no numbers and no :, it is a key t:append(r) elseif r:find(penlight.seq.train_range_sep) then r = r:split(penlight.seq.train_range_sep) -- if it's a range t:extend(penlight.List.range(check_neg(r[1], len, 1), check_neg(r[2], len, len), tonumber(r[3]))) else t:append(check_neg(r, len)) end end return t end function penlight.seq.itrain(s, len) -- iterator version of sequence-string local t = penlight.seq.train(s, len) local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 if i <= #t then return t[i] end end end function penlight.seq.tbltrain(tbl, s) -- iterate over a table using the train syntax local inds = penlight.seq.train(s, #tbl) -- indexes to use local star = inds:index('*') if star ~= nil then inds:pop(star) inds:inject(penlight.tablex.kkeys(tbl), star) end local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 -- i of indexes if i <= #inds then local v = tbl[inds[i]] --penlight.wrth(v) --if v == nil then penlight.test.asserteq(v, true) end -- todo make a generic lua error message function return inds[i], v end end end function penlight.seq.prod(t1, t2) -- cartesian prduct of two tables (uses ipairs) local t_new = {} for _, v1 in ipairs(t1) do for _, v2 in ipairs(t2) do t_new[#t_new + 1] = {v1, v2} end end local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 if i <= #t_new then return t_new[i][1], t_new[i][2] end end end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- functions below extend the operator module function penlight.operator.strgt(a,b) return tostring(a) > tostring(b) end function penlight.operator.strlt(a,b) return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end -- -- -- -- functions below are helpers for arrays and 2d local function compare_elements(a, b, op, ele) op = op or penlight.oper.gt ele = ele or 1 return op(a[ele], b[ele]) end local function comp_2ele_func(op, ele) -- make a 2 element comparison function, --sort with function on element nnum return bind(compare_elements, _1, _2, op, ele) end -- table stuff below function penlight.tablex.concatenate(t1,t2) -- todo is this needed for i=1,#t2 do t1[#t1+1] = t2[i] end return t1 end function penlight.tablex.strinds(t) -- convert indices that are numbers to string indices local t_new = {} for i, v in pairs(t) do -- ensure all indexes are strings if type(i) == 'number' then t_new[tostring(i)] = v else t_new[i] = v end end return t_new end function penlight.tablex.listcontains(t, v) return penlight.tablex.find(t, v) ~= nil end -- format contents of a table function penlight.tablex.fmt(t, fmt, strinds) if fmt == nil then return t end strinds = strinds or false -- if your fmt table should use string indexes if type(fmt) == 'string' then if not fmt:find('=') then -- if no = assume format all same for k, v in pairs(t) do -- apply same format to all if tonumber(v) ~= nil then -- only apply to numeric values t[k] = string.format("%"..fmt, v) end end return t else fmt = fmt:parsekv('naked_as_value') -- make fmt a table from keyval str end end if strinds then fmt = penlight.tablex.strinds(fmt) end -- convert int inds to str inds for k, f in pairs(fmt) do -- apply formatting to table t[k] = string.format("%"..f, tostring(t[k])) end return t end function penlight.tablex.list2comma(t) t = penlight.List(t) local s = '' if #t == 1 then s = t[1] elseif #t == 2 then s = t:join(' and ') elseif #t >= 3 then s = t:slice(1,#t-1):join(', ')..', and '..t[#t] end return s end function penlight.tablex.map_slice(func, T, j1, j2) if type(j1) == 'string' then return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, {T}, ','..j1)[1] else return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, {T}, 1, j1, 1, j2)[1] end end penlight.array2d.map_slice1 = penlight.tablex.map_slice function penlight.tablex.kkeys(t) local keys = {} for k, _ in penlight.utils.kpairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end return keys end -- todo option for multiple filters with AND logic, like the filter files?? function penlight.tablex.filterstr(t, exp, case) -- case = case sensitive case = penlight.hasval(case) -- apply lua patterns to a table to filter iter -- str or table of str's can be passed, OR logic is used if table is passed if case then return penlight.tablex.filter(t, bind(string.containsany,_1,exp)) else return penlight.tablex.filter(t, bind(string.containsanycase,_1,exp)) end end function penlight.tablex.train(t,seq,reind) local t_new = {} local num = 0 for k, v in penlight.seq.tbltrain(t, seq) do if reind and type(v) == 'number' then num = num + 1 k = num end t_new[k] = v end return t_new end function penlight.trysplitcomma(s) strip = strip or false if type(s) == 'number' then s = tostring(s) end if type(s) == 'string' then return s:splitstrip(',') end return s end function penlight.findfiles(kv) if type(kv) == 'string' then kv = penlight.luakeys.parse(kv) end kv = penlight.tablex.update({dir={'.'}, fn={'*'}, ext={''}, sub=false}, kv) kv.dir = penlight.trysplitcomma(kv.dir) kv.fn = penlight.trysplitcomma(kv.fn) kv.ext = penlight.trysplitcomma(kv.ext) --local files_all = penlight.getallfilesdirs(kv.dir, kv.sub) local getfiles = penlight.dir.getfiles if penlight.hasval(kv.sub) then getfiles = function(dir, fn) return penlight.dir.getallfiles(dir, '*'..fn) end -- need * in front so folder does not affect result end local files = penlight.List{} for fn, ext in penlight.seq.prod(kv.fn, kv.ext) do for _, dir in ipairs(kv.dir) do files:extend(getfiles(dir, fn..ext)) end end files = pl.List(penlight.tablex.keys(pl.Set(files))) -- clear duplicates files = files:map(function(s) return s:gsub('\\','/') end) -- change slash for latex return files end penlight.dir.findfiles = penlight.findfiles --todo add doc function penlight.utils.filterfiles(...) -- f1 is a series of filtering patterns, or condition -- f2 is a series of filtering patters, or condition -- (f1_a or f2_...) and (f2 .. ) must match local args = table.pack(...) -- dir, recursive[bool], filt1, filt2 etc... -- OR recursive[bool], filt1, filt2, etc.. -- OR filt1, filt2, filt3, etc.. -- this could allow one to omit dir -- if boolean given ar arg 1, assume dir = '.' local nstart = 3 local r = args[2] -- recursive local dir = args[1] -- start dir if type(args[1]) == 'boolean' then dir = '.' r = args[1] nstart = 2 elseif type(args[2]) ~= 'boolean' then -- if boolean given ar arg 1, assume dir = '.' dir = '.' r = false nstart = 1 end local files if r then files = penlight.dir.getallfiles(dir) else files = penlight.dir.getfiles(dir) end for i=nstart,args.n do files = penlight.tablex.filter(files, penlight.func.compose(bind(string.containsanycase,_1, args[i]), penlight.path.basename)) end return files end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- functions below extend the array2d module function penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, i1, j1, i2, j2) -- map a function to a slice of a Matrix func = penlight.utils.function_arg(1, func) for i,j in penlight.array2d.iter(M, true, i1, j1, i2, j2) do M[i][j] = func(M[i][j]) end return M end penlight.array2d.map_slice2 = penlight.array2d.map_slice function penlight.array2d.map_cols(func, M, j1, j2) -- map function to columns of matrix if type(j1) == 'string' then return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, ','..j1) else j2 = j2 or -1 return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, 1, j1, -1, j2) end end penlight.array2d.map_columns = penlight.array2d.map_cols function penlight.array2d.map_rows(func, M, i1, i2) -- map function to rows of matrix if type(i1) == 'string' then return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, i1) else i2 = i2 or -1 return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, i1, 1, i2, -1) end end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function penlight.array2d.sortOP(M, op, ele) -- sort a 2d array based on operator criteria, ele is column, ie sort on which element M_new = {} for row in penlight.seq.sort(M, comp_2ele_func(op, ele)) do M_new[#M_new+1] = row end return M_new end function penlight.array2d.like(M1, v) v = v or 0 r, c = penlight.array2d.size(M1) return penlight.array2d.new(r,c,v) end function penlight.array2d.from_table(t) -- turns a labelled table to a 2d, label-free array t_new = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == 'table' then t_new_row = {k} for _, v_ in ipairs(v) do t_new_row[#t_new_row+1] = v_ end t_new[#t_new+1] = t_new_row else t_new[#t_new+1] = {k, v} end end return t_new end function penlight.array2d.toTeX(M, EL) --puts & between columns, can choose to end line with \\ if EL is true (end-line) EL = EL or false if EL then EL = '\\\\' else EL = '' end return penlight.array2d.reduce2(_1..EL.._2, _1..'&'.._2, M)..EL end local function parse_numpy1d(i1, i2, iS) i1 = tonumber(i1) i2 = tonumber(i2) if iS == ':' then if i1 == nil then i1 = 1 end if i2 == nil then i2 = -1 end else if i1 == nil then i1 = 1 i2 = -1 else i2 = i1 end end return i1, i2 end function penlight.array2d.parse_numpy2d_str(s) s = s:gsub('%s+', '') _, _, i1, iS, i2, j1, jS, j2 = string.find(s, "(%-?%d*)(:?)(%-?%d*),?(%-?%d*)(:?)(%-?%d*)") i1, i2 = parse_numpy1d(i1, i2, iS) j1, j2 = parse_numpy1d(j1, j2, jS) return i1, j1, i2, j2 end if penlight.debug_available then penlight.COMP = penlight.comprehension.new() -- for comprehensions local _parse_range = penlight.clone_function(penlight.array2d.parse_range) function penlight.array2d.parse_range(s) -- edit parse range to do numpy string if no letter passed penlight.utils.assert_arg(1,s,'string') if not s:find'%a' then return penlight.array2d.parse_numpy2d_str(s) end return _parse_range(s) end end function penlight.List:inject(l2, pos) pos = pos or 1 if pos < 1 then pos = #self + pos + 1 end l2 = penlight.List(l2):reverse() for i in l2:iter() do self:insert(pos, i) end return self end -- https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/38150/in-lualatex-how-do-i-pass-the-content-of-an-environment-to-lua-verbatim penlight.tex.recordedbuf = "" function penlight.tex.readbuf(buf) i,j = string.find(buf, '\\end{%w+}') if i==nil then -- if not ending an environment penlight.tex.recordedbuf = penlight.tex.recordedbuf .. buf .. "\n" return "" else return nil end end function penlight.tex.startrecording() penlight.tex.recordedbuf = "" luatexbase.add_to_callback('process_input_buffer', penlight.tex.readbuf, 'readbuf') end function penlight.tex.stoprecording() luatexbase.remove_from_callback('process_input_buffer', 'readbuf') penlight.tex.recordedbuf = penlight.tex.recordedbuf:gsub("\\end{%w+}\n","") end __PDFmetadata__ = {} penlight.tex.add_xspace_intext = true function penlight.tex.checkPDFkey(k) k = k:delspace():upfirst() local keys_allowed = 'Title Author Subject Date Language Keywords Publisher Copyright CopyrightURL Copyrighted Owner CertificateURL Coverage PublicationType Relation Source Doi ISBN URLlink Journaltitle Journalnumber Volume Issue Firstpage Lastpage CoverDisplayDate CoverDate Advisory BaseURL Identifier Nickname Thumbnails ' if not keys_allowed:find(k ..' ') then penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlightplus', 'invalid PDF metadata key assigned "'..k..'"') end return k end function penlight.tex.makePDFtablekv(kv) local t_new = {} for k, v in pairs(penlight.luakeys.parse(kv)) do k = penlight.tex.checkPDFkey(k) v = penlight.tex.makePDFvarstr(v) t_new[k] = v end return t_new end function penlight.tex.updatePDFtable(k, v, o) -- update pdf table if o == nil then o = true end k = k:strip():upfirst() if penlight.hasval(o) or (__PDFmetadata__[k] == nil) then __PDFmetadata__[penlight.tex.checkPDFkey(k)] = penlight.tex.makePDFvarstr(v) end end penlight.tex.writePDFmetadata = function(t) -- write PDF metadata to xmpdata file t = t or __PDFmetadata__ local str = '' for k, v in pairs(t) do str = str..'\\'..k..'{'..v..'}'..'\n' end penlight.utils.writefile(tex.jobname:gsub('"','')..'.xmpdata', str) end function penlight.tex.makePDFvarstr(s) s = s:gsub('%s*\\sep%s+','\0'):gsub('%s*\\and%s+','\0') -- turn \and into \sep -- todo preserve \%, \{, \}, \backslash, and \copyright s = penlight.tex.clear_cmds_str(s) s = s:gsub('\0','\\sep ') --penlight.tex.help_wrt(s,'PDF var string') return s end function penlight.tex.clear_cmds_str(s) return s:gsub('%s+', ' '):gsub('\\\\',' '):gsub('\\%a+',''):gsub('{',' '):gsub('}',' '):gsub('%s+',' '):strip() end function penlight.tex.makeInTextstr(s) local s, c_and = s:gsub('%s*\\and%s+','\0') s = penlight.tex.clear_cmds_str(s) if penlight.tex.add_xspace_intext then s = s..'\\xspace' end if c_and == 1 then s = s:gsub('\0',' and ') elseif c_and > 1 then s = s:gsub('\0',', ', c_and - 1) s = s:gsub('\0',', and ') end --penlight.tex.help_wrt(s,'in text var string') return s end function penlight.toggle_luaexpr(expr) if expr then tex.sprint('\\toggletrue{luaexpr}') else tex.sprint('\\togglefalse{luaexpr}') end end function penlight.caseswitch(s, c, kv) local kvtbl = penlight.luakeys.parse(kv) local sw = kvtbl[c] -- the returned switch if sw == nil then -- if switch not found if s == penlight.tex.xTrue then -- if star, throw error penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlight', 'case: "'..c..'" not found in key-vals: "'..kv..'"') sw = '' else sw = kvtbl['__'] or '' -- use __ as not found case end end tex.sprint(sw) end -- global setting type stuff function penlight.make_tex_global() for k,v in pairs(penlight.tex) do -- make tex functions global _G[k] = v end end penlight.kpairs = penlight.utils.kpairs penlight.npairs = penlight.utils.npairs penlight.writefile = penlight.utils.writefile penlight.readfile = penlight.utils.readfile penlight.readlines = penlight.utils.readfile penlight.filterfiles = penlight.utils.filterfiles -- adopt table functions in tablex penlight.tablex.concat = table.concat penlight.tablex.insert = table.insert penlight.tablex.maxn = table.maxn penlight.tablex.remove = table.remove penlight.tablex.sort = table.sort penlight.tbx = penlight.tablex penlight.a2d = penlight.array2d if penlight.hasval(__PL_GLOBALS__) then -- iterators kpairs = penlight.utils.kpairs npairs = penlight.utils.npairs hasval = penlight.hasval COMP = penlight.COMP for k,v in pairs(penlight.tablex) do -- extend the table table to contain tablex functions if k == 'sort' then table.sortk = v elseif k == 'move' then table.xmove = v else _G['table'][k] = v end end table.join = table.concat -- alias a2d = penlight.array2d tbx = penlight.tablex end -- graveyard --todo decide on above or below penlight.tex.list2comma = penlight.tablex.list2comma function penlight.tex.split2comma(s, d) local t = penlight.List(s:split(d)):map(string.strip) penlight.tex.prt(penlight.tex.list2comma(t)) end function penlight.tex.split2items(s, d) local t = penlight.List(s:split(d)):map(string.strip) for n, v in ipairs(t) do penlight.tex.prtn('\\item '..v) end end -- --\subsection*{Splitting strings} --Splitting text (or a cmd) into oxford comma format via: --\cmd{\splittocomma[expansion level]{text}{text to split on}}: -- --\begin{LTXexample}[width=0.3\linewidth] -- \splittocomma{ j doe }{\and}-\\ --\splittocomma{ j doe \and s else }{\and}-\\ --\splittocomma{ j doe \and s else \and a per }{\and}-\\ --\splittocomma{ j doe \and s else \and a per \and f guy}{\and}- -- --\def\authors{j doe \and s else \and a per \and f guy} --\splittocomma[o]{\authors}{\and} --\end{LTXexample} -- --The expansion level is up to two characters, \cmd{n|o|t|f}, to control the expansion of each argument. -- --You can do a similar string split but to \cmd{\item} instead of commas with \cmd{\splittoitems} --\begin{LTXexample} --\begin{itemize} -- \splittoitems{kale\and john}{\and} -- \splittoitems{kale -john -someone else}{-} -- \splittoitems{1,2,3,4}{,} --\end{itemize} --\end{LTXexample} -- --\NewDocumentCommand{\splittocomma}{ O{nn} m m }{% -- \MakeluastringCommands[nn]{#1}% -- \luadirect{penlight.tex.split2comma(\plluastringA{#2},\plluastringB{#3})}% --} -- --\NewDocumentCommand{\splittoitems}{ O{NN} m m }{% -- \MakeluastringCommands[nn]{#1}% -- \luadirect{penlight.tex.split2items(\plluastringA{#2},\plluastringB{#3})}% --}