This README is for version:
      2012/10/13 v0.6 %
LaTeX-package 'dateiliste' - include list of used files
(like \listfiles) in the document, and related features.

Author:  Paul Ebermann <>
License: LPPL 1.3b or later, author-maintained

All Documentation (other than this file) is in german.

The typesetting of the documentation needs 'pauldoc' (from the
same author).
Additionally you'll need the packages 'ltxtable', 'tabularx',
'longtable' and 'rcsinfo'.

The package comes as .dtx + .ins.
Run "latex dateiliste.ins" to create the style file and the
README-files (and maybe put them to texmf/tex/latex/paul/, if
your docstrip is configured accordingly), (after that and
maybe updating your TeX hash) run "latex dateiliste.dtx"
(some times) to create the documentation.

The package has three main features, which can
be used independently, but together are specially

(1) automatic version infos:

  If you use a version control system like RCS, CVS, Subversion
  for your LaTeX source files, you may use the Id tag to generate
  the date and version number for the version string in \listfiles.

    \ProvideFileInfos{$<>Id$}{short description}

  (without '<>' [0]) in your file, and do a 'cvs commit' (or
  'svn commit'). In the svn case, use the package-option 'svn'
  (or 'subversion') to indicate the parsing format to the
  package, and tell Subversion to expand Id:
     svn propset svn:keywords Id <filename>

(2) include main file:

  Normally the "main" file (given on the command
  line to LaTeX) does not appear in the list given
  by \listfiles. This is changed by the package for
  the case that the file has the name \jobname.tex.

  (More precisely, the package adds \jobname.tex
   iff this file exists and it not can be determinded[1]
   to be already in the file list [2].)

  This is enabled by default and may be disabled
  using the package option 'noaddmain'.
  The macro
  may also be invoked manually to add the main file.

(3) include file list also in the (dvi) result

  You can use the command

    \printFileList[<section command>]

  to include a pretty-printed version of the
  file list as a section (by default \section*,
  any sectioning command may be given as an
  optional argument).

  You also have to use \listfiles in the
  document preamble (otherwise you'll only get
  an error message).

  The table only appears from the second LaTeX-run,
  from the third one is complete, and may need some
  more runs to align correctly.

  The title, preamble and table headers may be localized
  with babel - translations for 'english', 'german',
  'ngerman' and 'esperanto' are included.
  If you need something else or don't use babel, you have
  to redefine the following macros:

  \fileListName     - title ("List of Files")
  \fileListPreamble - preamble (typeset before the table)
  \fileNameName     - table header "file name"
  \dateName         - table header "date"
  \verName          - table header "version"
  \descriptionName  - table header "description"

[0] The <> are inserted here to avoid Subversion
    expanding this line. If someone has an idea how
    to have this in plain format in the README (maybe
    with some complicated magic in the .dtx and/or .ins),
    please contact me.
[1] this determination can be configured with
    the package options
    nocat12 - does only work with eTeX, else
       may give double entry
    cat12 - works also without eTeX, but may
       have some side effects to other macro
       packages, since it converts \@filelist
       to cat 12.
    The default setting works like cat12 on non-eTeX
    and like nocat12 on eTeX.

[2] this may occur when you invoke
    LaTeX with "\input{mainfile.tex}".