%% %% This is file `./config/APAendfloat.cfg', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% apa6.dtx (with options: `APAendfloat') %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% apa6 - A LaTeX class for formatting documents in compliance with the %% American Psychological Association's Publication Manual, 6th edition %% %% Copyright (C) 2011-2023 by Brian D. Beitzel <brian at beitzel.com> %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in the file: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% Users may freely modify these files without permission, as long as the %% copyright line and this statement are maintained intact. %% %% This work is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or probably even known %% by, the American Psychological Association. %% %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% This is file `endfloat.cfg', %% modifed from the original supplied with the endfloat package %% to handle both sideways floats and longtable %% %% Athanassios Protopapas <protopap@ilsp.gr> %% July 2005 %% %% Original authors: James Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu>, %% Jeff Goldberg <j.goldberg@cranfield.ac.uk> %% Original version: Version 2.4i <October 1995> %% \RequirePackage{rotating} \let\efsaved@sidewaysfigure\sidewaysfigure \let\efsaved@sidewaystable\sidewaystable \let\efsaved@longtable\longtable \AtBeginTables{\let\sidewaystable=\efsaved@sidewaystable\relax} \AtBeginTables{\let\longtable=\efsaved@longtable\relax} \AtBeginFigures{\let\sidewaysfigure=\efsaved@sidewaysfigure\relax} \def\sidewaystable{\efloat@condopen{ttt} \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{\string\begin{sidewaystable}}% \def\@currenvir{efloat@float}% \begingroup \let\do\ef@makeinnocent \dospecials \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xsidetable} {\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 % \gdef\ef@xsidetable#1^^M{\def\test{#1} \ifx\test\ef@endsidetabletest \efloat@foundend{ttt}{sidewaystable} \else \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{#1}% \let\next\ef@xsidetable \fi \next} } \def\sidewaysfigure{\efloat@condopen{fff} \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\begin{sidewaysfigure}}% \def\@currenvir{efloat@float}% \begingroup \let\do\ef@makeinnocent \dospecials \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xsidefigure} {\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 % \gdef\ef@xsidefigure#1^^M{\def\test{#1} \ifx\test\ef@endsidefiguretest \efloat@foundend{fff}{sidewaysfigure} \else \efloat@iwrite{fff}{#1}% \let\next\ef@xsidefigure \fi \next} } \def\longtable{\efloat@condopen{ttt} \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{\string\begin{longtable}}% \def\@currenvir{efloat@float}% \begingroup \let\do\ef@makeinnocent \dospecials \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xlongtable} {\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 % \gdef\ef@xlongtable#1^^M{\def\test{#1} \ifx\test\ef@endlongtabletest \efloat@foundend{ttt}{longtable} \else \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{#1}% \let\next\ef@xlongtable \fi \next} } {\escapechar=-1% \xdef\ef@endsidefiguretest{\string\\end\string\{sidewaysfigure\string\}}% \xdef\ef@endsidetabletest{\string\\end\string\{sidewaystable\string\}} \xdef\ef@endlongtabletest{\string\\end\string\{longtable\string\}}}% %% %% Copyright (C) 2011-2023 by Brian D. Beitzel <brian at beitzel.com> %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in the file: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% Users may freely modify these files without permission, as long as the %% copyright line and this statement are maintained intact. %% %% This work is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or probably even known %% by, the American Psychological Association. %% %% %% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by %% Brian D. Beitzel. %% %% This work consists of the file apa6.dtx %% and the derived files apa6.ins, %% apa6.cls, %% apa6.pdf, %% README, %% APAamerican.txt, %% APAbritish.txt, %% APAdutch.txt, %% APAenglish.txt, %% APAgerman.txt, %% APAngerman.txt, %% APAgreek.txt, %% APAczech.txt, %% APAturkish.txt, %% APAendfloat.cfg, %% apa6.ptex, %% TeX2WordForapa6.bas, %% Figure1.pdf, %% shortsample.tex, %% longsample.tex, and %% bibliography.bib. %% %% %% End of file `./config/APAendfloat.cfg'.