#!/usr/bin/perl # # Script to print the key, the reference type, and the first part of the # title of ALL the references in a BiBTeX database. # # # This script is part of the XBibFile software package. # Writer: Ross Maloney # Date: August 2000 # while ( <> ) { chomp; if ( /@/ ) { $count++ ; $type = 'x'; if ( /\@ARTICLE/ ) { $type = 'A' } ; if ( /\@BOOK/ ) { $type = 'B' } ; if ( /\@INCOLLECTION/ ) { $type = 'C' } ; if ( /\@INPROCEEDINGS/ ) { $type = 'P' } ; if ( /\@PHDTHESIS/ ) { $type = 'T' } ; @fields = split(/{/, $_); $fields[1] =~ s/,//; printf "\n%s %s", $type, $fields[1]; } else { if ( /^ +title = \{/ ) { @fields = split(/{/, $_); $fields[1] =~ s/},//; printf "\t%s", substr($fields[1], 0, 50) ; } } } print "\nnumber of references = $count\n" ;