NAME Schema::Abstract - Abstract class for DB schemas. SYNOPSIS package Schema::Foo; use base qw(Schema::Abstract); sub _versions_file { return 'versions.txt'; } package main; my $obj = Schema::Foo->new; my @versions = $obj->list_versions; my $schema = $obj->schema; my $version = $obj->version; DESCRIPTION This is abstract class for versioned schemas modules. METHODS "new" my $obj = Schema::Abstract->new(%params); Constructor. Returns instance of object. * "version" Selected schema version. Default value is last version. "list_versions" my @versions = $obj->list_versions; Get sorted list of versions. Returns array of versions. "schema" my $schema = $obj->schema; Get schema module name. Returns string. "version" my $version = $obj->version; Get version of schema, which is actial set. Returns string. ERRORS new(): Cannot load Schema module. Module name: %s Error: %s Schema version has bad format. Schema version: %s From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. (only in this abstract class) We need to implement distribution file with Schema versions. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use File::Temp qw(tempdir tempfile); use IO::Barf qw(barf); # Temp directory for generated module my $temp_dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); # File with versions. my (undef, $versions_file) = tempfile(); make_path(catfile($temp_dir, 'Schema', 'Foo')); my $package_schema_foo = catfile($temp_dir, 'Schema', ''); barf($package_schema_foo, <<"END"); package Schema::Foo; use base qw(Schema::Abstract); use IO::Barf qw(barf); sub _versions_file { barf('$versions_file', "0.2.0\\n0.1.0\\n0.1.1"); return '$versions_file'; } 1; END my $package_schema_foo_0_1_0 = catfile($temp_dir, 'Schema', 'Foo', ''); barf($package_schema_foo_0_1_0, <<'END'); package Schema::Foo::0_1_0; 1; END my $package_schema_foo_0_1_1 = catfile($temp_dir, 'Schema', 'Foo', ''); barf($package_schema_foo_0_1_1, <<'END'); package Schema::Foo::0_1_1; 1; END my $package_schema_foo_0_2_0 = catfile($temp_dir, 'Schema', 'Foo', ''); barf($package_schema_foo_0_2_0, <<'END'); package Schema::Foo::0_2_0; 1; END unshift @INC, $temp_dir; require Schema::Foo; my $obj = Schema::Foo->new; my @versions = $obj->list_versions; print join "\n", @versions; unlink $versions_file; # Output: # 0.1.0 # 0.1.1 # 0.2.0 DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, English, Error::Pure, Perl6::Slurp. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2022 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.04