NAME Indent::Form - A perl module for form indenting. SYNOPSIS use Indent::Form; my $indent = Indent::Form->new(%parametes); $indent->indent($data_ar, $actual_indent, $non_indent_flag); METHODS "new(%params)" Constructor. * "ansi" Use with ANSI sequences. Default value is 0. * "align" Align of left side of form. Default value is 'right'. * "fill_character" Fill character for left side of form. Default value is ' '. * "form_separator" Form separator. Default value of 'form_separator' is ': '. * "line_size" Line size. Default value of 'line_size' is 79 chars. * "next_indent" Next indent. Default value of 'next_indent' isn't define. * "output_separator" Output separator. Default value of 'output_separator' is new line (\n). "indent($data_ar[, $actual_indent, $non_indent_flag])" Indent data. Returns string. Arguments: $data_ar - Reference to data array ([['key' => 'value'], [..]]); $actual_indent - String to actual indent. $non_indent_flag - Flag, than says no-indent. ERRORS new(): 'align' parameter must be a 'left' or 'right' string. 'line_size' parameter must be a number. Cannot load 'Text::ANSI::Util' module. From Class::Utils: Unknown parameter '%s'. EXAMPLE1 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Indent::Form; # Indent object. my $indent = Indent::Form->new; # Input data. my $input_ar = [ ['Filename', ''], ['Size', '1456kB'], ['Description', 'File'], ['Author', ''], ]; # Indent. print $indent->indent($input_ar)."\n"; # Output: # Filename: # Size: 1456kB # Description: File # Author: EXAMPLE2 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Indent::Form; # Indent object. my $indent = Indent::Form->new( 'align' => 'left', ); # Input data. my $input_ar = [ ['Filename', ''], ['Size', '1456kB'], ['Description', 'File'], ['Author', ''], ]; # Indent. print $indent->indent($input_ar)."\n"; # Output: # Filename : # Size : 1456kB # Description: File # Author : EXAMPLE3 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Indent::Form; # Indent object. my $indent = Indent::Form->new( 'align' => 'left', 'fill_character' => '.', ); # Input data. my $input_ar = [ ['Filename', ''], ['Size', '1456kB'], ['Description', 'File'], ['Author', ''], ]; # Indent. print $indent->indent($input_ar)."\n"; # Output: # Filename...: # Size.......: 1456kB # Description: File # Author.....: DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, English, Error::Pure, Indent::Word, List::MoreUtils, Readonly. Text::ANSI::Util for situation with 'ansi' => 1. SEE ALSO Indent, Indent::Block, Indent::Data, Indent::String, Indent::Utils, Indent::Word. AUTHOR Michal Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT BSD license. VERSION 0.01