NAME Data::asXML - convert data structures to/from XML SYNOPSIS use Data::asXML; my $dxml = Data::asXML->new(); my $dom = $dxml->encode({ 'some' => 'value', 'in' => [ qw(a data structure) ], }); my $data = $dxml->decode(q{ <HASH> <KEY name="some"><VALUE>value</VALUE></KEY> <KEY name="in"> <ARRAY> <VALUE>a</VALUE> <VALUE>data</VALUE> <VALUE>structure</VALUE> </ARRAY> </KEY> </HASH> }); my (%hash1, %hash2); $hash1{other}=\%hash2; $hash2{other}=\%hash1; print Data::asXML->new->encode([1, \%hash1, \%hash2])->toString; <ARRAY> <VALUE>1</VALUE> <HASH> <KEY name="other"> <HASH> <KEY name="other"> <HASH href="../../../../*[2]"/> </KEY> </HASH> </KEY> </HASH> <HASH href="*[2]/*[1]/*[1]"/> </ARRAY> For more examples see t/01_Data-asXML.t. WARNING experimental, use at your own risk :-) DESCRIPTION There are couple of modules mapping XML to data structures. (XML::Compile, XML::TreePP, XML::Simple, ...) but they aim at making data structures adapt to XML structure. This one defines couple of simple XML tags to represent data structures. It makes the serialization to and from XML possible. For the moment it is an experiment. I plan to use it for passing data structures as DOM to XSLT for transformations, so that I can match them with XPATH similar way how I access them in Perl. /HASH/KEY[@name="key"]/VALUE /HASH/KEY[@name="key2"]/ARRAY/*[3]/VALUE /ARRAY/*[1]/VALUE /ARRAY/*[2]/HASH/KEY[@name="key3"]/VALUE If you are looking for a module to serialize your data, without requirement to do so in XML, you should probably better have a look at JSON::XS or Storable. PROPERTIES pretty (default 1 - true) will insert text nodes to the XML to make the output indented. safe_mode (default undef - false) in case of `encode()' perform the xml string decoding back and will compare the two data structures to be sure the data can be reconstructed back without errors. in case of a `decode()' it will decode to data then encode to xml string and from xml string decode back to data. this two data values are then compared. Both compares is done using Test::Deep::NoTest::eq_deeply. namespace (default undef - false) adds xml:ns attribute to the root element. if `namespace' is set to 1 the xml:ns will be otherwise it will be the value of `namespace'. METHODS new() Object constructor. encode($what) From structure `$what' generates XML::LibXML::Document DOM. Call `->toString' to get XML string. For more actions see XML::LibXML. decode($xmlstring) Takes `$xmlstring' and converts to data structure. AUTHOR Jozef Kutej, `<jkutej at>' CONTRIBUTORS The following people have contributed to the Sys::Path by committing their code, sending patches, reporting bugs, asking questions, suggesting useful advice, nitpicking, chatting on IRC or commenting on my blog (in no particular order): Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 Emmanuel Rodriguez TODO * int, float encoding ? (string enough?) * XSD * anyone else has an idea? * what to do with blessed? do the same as JSON::XS does? BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-data-asxml at', or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Data::asXML You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Jozef Kutej. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.