[](https://travis-ci.org/ePages-de/Mockify) # NAME Test::Mockify - minimal mocking framework for perl # SYNOPSIS use Test::Mockify; use Test::Mockify::Verify qw ( WasCalled ); # build a new mocked object my $MockObjectBuilder = Test::Mockify->new('SampleLogger', []); my $returnValue = undef; my $expectedParameterTypes = ['string']; $MockObjectBuilder->mock('log', $returnValue, $expectedParameterTypes); my $MockedLogger = $MockLoggerBuilder->getMockObject(); # inject mocked object into the code you want to test my $App = SampleApp->new('logger'=> $MockedLogger); $App->do_something(); # verify that the mock object was called ok(WasCalled($MockedLogger, 'log'), 'log was called'); done_testing(); # DESCRIPTION Use [Test::Mockify](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mockify) to create and configure mock objects. Use [Test::Mockify::Verify](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mockify::Verify) to verify the interactions with your mocks. # METHODS ## new my $MockObjectBuilder = Test::Mockify->new('Module::To::Mock', ['Constructor Parameters']); ### Options The `new` method creates a new mock object builder. Use `getMockObject` to obtain the final mock object. ## getMockObject Provides the actual mock object, which you can use in the test. my $aParameterList = ['SomeValueForConstructor']; my $MockObjectBuilder = Test::Mockify->new( 'My::Module', $aParameterList ); my $MyModuleObject = $MockObjectBuilder->getMockObject(); ## mock This is a short cut for \*addMock\*, \*addMockWithReturnValue\* and \*addMockWithReturnValueAndParameterCheck\*. \*mock\* detects the required method with given parameters. | Parameter in \*mock\* | actually used method | | ------------- | ------------- | | mock('MethodName', sub{}) | \*addMock\* | | mock('MethodName', 'someValue') | \*addMockWithReturnValue\* | | mock('MethodName', 'someValue', \['string',{'string' => 'abcd'}\]) | \*addMockWithReturnValueAndParameterCheck\* | ## addMethodSpy With this method it is possible to observe a method. That means, you keep the original functionality, but you can get meta data from the mockify- framework. $MockObjectBuilder->addMethodSpy('myMethodName'); ## addMethodSpyWithParameterCheck With this method it is possible to observe a method and check the parameters. That means, you keep the original functionality, but you can get meta data from the mockify- framework and use the parameter check, like \*addMockWithReturnValueAndParameterCheck\*. my $aParameterTypes = ['string',{'string' => 'abcd'}]; $MockObjectBuilder->addMethodSpyWithParameterCheck('myMethodName', $aParameterTypes); ### Options Pure types ['string', 'int', 'hashref', 'float', 'arrayref', 'object', 'undef', 'any'] or types with expected values [{'string'=>'abcdef'}, {'int' => 123}, {'float' => 1.23}, {'hashref' => {'key'=>'value'}}, {'arrayref'=>['one', 'two']}, {'object'=> 'PAth::to:Obejct}] If you use \*any\*, you have to verify this value explicitly in the test, see \*\*GetParametersFromMockifyCall\*\* in [Test::Mockify::Verify](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mockify::Verify). ## addMock This is the simplest case. It works like the mock-method from Test::MockObject. Only handover the \*\*name\*\* and a \*\*method pointer\*\*. Mockify will automatically check if the method exists in the original object. $MockObjectBuilder->addMock('myMethodName', sub { # Your implementation } ); ## addMockWithReturnValue Does the same as `addMock`, but here you can handover a \*\*value\*\* which will be returned if you call the mocked method. $MockObjectBuilder->addMockWithReturnValue('myMethodName','the return value'); ## addMockWithReturnValueAndParameterCheck This method is an extension of \*addMockWithReturnValue\*. Here you can also check the parameters which will be passed. You can check if they have a specific \*\*data type\*\* or even check if they have a given \*\*value\*\*. In the following example two strings will be expected, and the second one has to have the value "abcd". my $aParameterTypes = ['string',{'string' => 'abcd'}]; $MockObjectBuilder->addMockWithReturnValueAndParameterCheck('myMethodName','the return value',$aParameterTypes); ### Options Pure types ['string', 'int', 'float', 'hashref', 'arrayref', 'object', 'undef', 'any'] or types with expected values [{'string'=>'abcdef'}, {'int' => 123}, {'float' => 1.23}, {'hashref' => {'key'=>'value'}}, {'arrayref'=>['one', 'two']}, {'object'=> 'PAth::to:Obejct}] If you use \*\*any\*\*, you have to verify this value explicitly in the test, see +\*GetParametersFromMockifyCall\*\* in [Test::Mockify::Verify](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mockify::Verify). # LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017 ePages GmbH This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Christian Breitkreutz <cbreitkreutz@epages.com>