NAME Data::Message::Board - Data object for Message board. SYNOPSIS use Data::Message::Board; my $obj = Data::Message::Board->new(%params); my $author = $obj->author; my $comments_ar = $obj->comments; my $date = $obj->date; my $id = $obj->id; my $message = $obj->message; METHODS "new" my $obj = Data::Message::Board->new(%params); Constructor. * "author" Author object which is Data::Person instance. It's required. * "comments" Message board comments which are Data::Mesaage::Board::Comment instances. Default value is []. * "date" Date of comment which is DateTime instance. It's required. * "id" Id. Default value is undef. * "message" Main comment message. Max length of message is 4096 character. It's required. Returns instance of object. "author" my $author = $obj->author; Get author instance. Returns Data::Person instance. "comments" my $comments_ar = $obj->comments; Get message board comments. Returns reference to array with Data::Message::Board::Comment instances. "date" my $date = $obj->date; Get datetime of comment. Returns DateTime instance. "id" my $id = $obj->id; Get comment id. Returns natural number. "" my $message = $obj->message; Get comment message. Returns string. ERRORS new(): From Mo::utils::check_array_object(): Parameter 'comments' must be a array. Value: %s Reference: %s Comment isn't 'Data::Message::Board::Comment' object. Value: %s Reference: %s From Mo::utils::check_isa(): Parameter 'author' must be a 'Data::Person' object. Value: %s Reference: %s Parameter 'date' must be a 'DateTime' object. Value: %s Reference: %s From Mo::utils::check_length(): Parameter 'message' has length greater than '4096'. Value: %s From Mo::utils::check_number_id(): Parameter 'id' must be a natural number. Value: %s From Mo::utils::check_required(): Parameter 'author' is required. Parameter 'date' is required. Parameter 'message' is required. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use Data::Person; use Data::Message::Board; use Data::Message::Board::Comment; use DateTime; use Unicode::UTF8 qw(decode_utf8 encode_utf8); my $dt = DateTime->now; my $dt_comment1 = $dt->clone->add('minutes' => 5); my $dt_comment2 = $dt_comment1->clone->add('seconds' => 34); my $obj = Data::Message::Board->new( 'author' => Data::Person->new( 'email' => '', 'name' => decode_utf8('Michal Josef Špaček'), ), 'comments' => [ Data::Message::Board::Comment->new( 'author' => Data::Person->new( 'email' => '', 'name' => decode_utf8('St. John'), ), 'date' => $dt_comment1, 'id' => 7, 'message' => 'I am fine.', ), Data::Message::Board::Comment->new( 'author' => Data::Person->new( 'email' => '', 'name' => decode_utf8('John Wick'), ), 'date' => $dt_comment2, 'id' => 6, 'message' => 'Not bad.', ), ], 'date' => $dt, 'id' => 1, 'message' => 'How are you?', ); # Print out. print 'Author name: '.encode_utf8($obj->author->name)."\n"; print 'Author email: '.$obj->author->email."\n"; print 'Date: '.$obj->date."\n"; print 'Id: '.$obj->id."\n"; print 'Message: '.$obj->message."\n"; print "Comments:\n"; map { print "\tAuthor name: ".$_->author->name."\n"; print "\tDate: ".$_->date."\n"; print "\tId: ".$_->id."\n"; print "\tComment: ".$_->message."\n\n"; } @{$obj->comments}; # Output: # Author name: Michal Josef Špaček # Author email: # Date: 2024-05-27T18:10:55 # Id: 1 # Message: How are you? # Comments: # Author name: St. John # Date: 2024-05-27T18:15:55 # Id: 7 # Comment: I am fine. # # Author name: John Wick # Date: 2024-05-27T18:16:29 # Id: 6 # Comment: Not bad. # DEPENDENCIES Mo, Mo::utils. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2024 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01