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This  code  provides  various  crypt()-compatible  interfaces  to  the
MD5-based crypt() function found in  various *nixes. It's based on the
implementation  found  on FreeBSD  2.2.[56]-RELEASE  and contains  the
following license in it:

"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
<phk@login.dknet.dk>  wrote this  file.  As  long as  you  retain this
notice you can  do whatever you want with this stuff.  If we meet some
day, and you  think this stuff is worth  it, you can buy me  a beer in
return.  Poul-Henning Kamp

To install, follow the standard CPAN recipe of:

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test

If all tests pass, then do

$ make install

You can see the documentation by issuing the following command at a
nearby shell

$ perldoc Crypt::PasswdMD5

Bug  reports  are  welcome. Please  do  not  forget  to tell  me  what
version/platform are you running this code on. Providing a small piece
of  code that  shows the  bug helps  me a  lot in  sorting it  out and
possibly in writting more tests for the distribution.

Report your bugs to me (luismunoz@cpan.org).


I  have  no control  on  the machanisms  involved  in  the storage  or
transport  of this distribution.  This means  that I  cannot guarantee
that  the distribution  you have  in your  hands is  indeed,  the same
distribution I packed and uploaded.

Along the distribution file, you should have a file with the extension
".asc".   This  contains a  GPG  "detached  signature"  that makes  it
impossible for anybody to alter  this distribution.  If security is of
any concern to you, by all means verify the signature of this file and
contact the author if any discrepancy is detected.

You can find more information about this at the following URL


This  information includes  the correct  keys,  fingerprints, etc.Note
that this README file should also be signed.


This software is (c) Luis E. Mu�oz.  It can be used under the terms of
the perl artistic license provided  that proper credit for the work of
the  author is  preserved in  the form  of this  copyright  notice and
license for this module.

No warranty of any kind is  expressed or implied. This code might make
your computer go up in a puff of black smoke.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)


$Id: README,v 1.2 2004/02/17 11:10:43 lem Exp $