[](https://travis-ci.org/Songmu/p5-DBIx-Schema-DSL) [](https://coveralls.io/r/Songmu/p5-DBIx-Schema-DSL?branch=master) # NAME DBIx::Schema::DSL - DSL for Database schema declaration # VERSION This document describes DBIx::Schema::DSL version 1.0000. # SYNOPSIS # declaration package My::Schema; use DBIx::Schema::DSL; database 'MySQL'; # optional. default 'MySQL' create_database 'my_database'; # optional # Optional. Default values is same as follows if database is 'MySQL'. add_table_options 'mysql_table_type' => 'InnoDB', 'mysql_charset' => 'utf8'; create_table 'book' => columns { integer 'id', primary_key, auto_increment; varchar 'name', null; integer 'author_id'; decimal 'price', 'size' => [4,2]; add_index 'author_id_idx' => ['author_id']; belongs_to 'author'; }; create_table 'author' => columns { primary_key 'id'; varchar 'name'; decimal 'height', 'precision' => 4, 'scale' => 1; add_index 'height_idx' => ['height']; has_many 'book'; }; 1; # use your schema class like this # use My::Schema; # print My::Schema->output; # output DDL # DESCRIPTION This module provides DSL for database schema declaration like ruby's ActiveRecord::Schema. **THE SOFTWARE IS IT'S IN ALPHA QUALITY. IT MAY CHANGE THE API WITHOUT NOTICE.** # INTERFACE ## Export Functions ### `database($str :Str)` Set database type like MySQL, Oracle and so on. (Optional default 'MySQL') ### `create_database($str :Str)` Set database name. (Optional) ### `add_table_options(%opt :Hash)` Set global setting of table->extra for SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ### `default_unsigned()` Automatically set unsigned when declaring integer columns. If you want to declare singed columns, using \`singed\` sugar. ### `default_not_null()` Automatically set not null. If you want to declare null columns, using \`null\` sugar. ### `create_table($table_name :Str, $columns :CodeRef)` Declare table. ### `columns { block } :CodeRef` Declare columns settings of table in block. In fact `columns {...}` is mostly same as `sub {...}`, so just syntax sugar. ## Export Functions for declaring column ### `column($column_name :Str, $data_type :Str(DataType), (%option :Optional))` Declare column. It can be called only in create\_table block. `$data_type` strings (ex. `integer` ) are can be used as a function. `integer($column_name, (%option))` is same as `column('integer', $column_name, (%option))` DataType functions are as follows. - `bigint` - `binary` - `bit` - `blob` - `char` - `date` - `datetime` - `dec` - `decimal` - `double` - `integer` - `number` - `numeric` - `smallint` - `string` - `text` - `timestamp` - `tinyblob` - `tinyint` - `varbinary` - `varchar` - `float` - `real` - `enum` - `set` ### `primary_key($column_name :Str, (%option :Optional))` Same as `column($column_name, 'integer', primary_key => 1, auto_increment => 1, (%option))` ### `pk($column_name :Str, (%option :Optional))` Alias of `primary_key` . #### `%option` arguments Specify column using `%option` hash. integer 'id', primary_key => 1, default => 0; Each keyword has mapping to argument for SQL::Translator::Schema::Field. mappings are: null => 'is_nullable', size => 'size', limit => 'size', default => 'default_value', unique => 'is_unique', primary_key => 'is_primary_key', auto_increment => 'is_auto_increment', unsigned => {extra => {unsigned => 1}}, on_update => {extra => {'on update' => 'hoge'}}, precision => 'size[0]', scale => 'size[1]', #### Syntax sugars for `%option` There are syntax sugar functions for `%option`. - `primary_key()` ('primary_key' => 1) - `pk()` Alias of primary\_key. - `unique()` ('unique' => 1) - `auto_increment()` ('auto_increment' => 1) - `unsigned()` ('unsigned' => 1) - `signed()` ('unsigned' => 0) - `null()` ('null' => 1) - `not_null()` ('null' => 0) ## Export Functions for declaring primary\_key and indices ### `set_primary_key(@columns)` Set primary key. This is useful for multi column primary key. Do not need to call this function when primary\_key column already declared. ### `add_index($index_name :Str, $colums :ArrayRef, ($index_type :Str(default 'NORMAL')) )` Add index. ### `add_unique_index($index_name :Str, $colums :ArrayRef)` Same as `add_index($index_name, $columns, 'UNIQUE')` ## Export Functions for declaring foreign keys ### `foreign_key($columns :(Str|ArrayRef), $foreign_table :Str, $foreign_columns :(Str|ArrayRef) )` Add foreign key. ### `fk(@_)` Alias of `foreign_key(@_)` ### Foreign key sugar functions - `has_many($foreign_table)` - `has_one($foreign_table)` - `belongs_to($foreign_table)` ## Export Class Methods ### `output() :Str` Output schema DDL. ### `no_fk_output() :Str` Output schema DDL without FOREIGN KEY constraints. ### `translate_to($database_type :Str) :Any` Output schema DDL of `$database_type`. ### `translator() :SQL::Translator` Returns SQL::Translator object. ### `context() :DBIx::Schema::DSL::Context` # DEPENDENCIES Perl 5.8.1 or later. # BUGS All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT. # SEE ALSO [perl](https://metacpan.org/pod/perl) # AUTHOR Masayuki Matsuki <y.songmu@gmail.com> # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2013, Masayuki Matsuki. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.