
  This is a set of snmp utilities that work with Joe Marzot's SNMP Perl library.
  Refer the the html file in this directory for details.


    1.0 Initial Release
    1.1 Fixed Manifest File
    1.2 Added get_hash / walk_hash now calls walk / Modified output in poll_value
    1.3 Added use strict to library and fixed some bugs with my vars
    1.4 Fixed code to elminate perl warning
    1.5 Changed all mapInt functions to mapEnum - (support for mapInt not in
        Joe Marzot's version 1.8).
    1.6 Updated docs (html and text)
    1.7 Updated 1.6 with patches from Charles Anderson
    1.8 Updated 1.7 with patches from tyoshida


    User documentation in POD format is contained within the module
    source (i.e. the .pm file).  Installing using "make install"
    places this documentation in a man page in the perl library under
    the directory "man/man3".  There is also html documentation in this


    To install, cd to the directory containing the unpacked
    distribution and do one of the following:

        Create a makefile by running Makefile.PL using the perl
        program into whose library you want to install and then run
        make three times:

            perl Makefile.PL

            Note: Edit the file and add the correct mibs before executing make test

            make test
            make install

        To install into a private library, for example your home

            perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB=$HOME/lib INSTALLMAN3DIR=$HOME/man

            Note: Edit the file and add the correct mibs before executing make test

            make test
            make pure_install

        Alternatively, you can just copy or move
        from the distribution into a directory named SNMP/ in the Perl
        library.  You can then manually build the documentation using
        pod2man or pod2html.