[](https://travis-ci.com/Hypernova-Oy/SMS-Send-BudgetSMS) # SMS-Send-BudgetSMS SMS::Send::BudgetSMS - SMS::Send driver to send messages via BudgetSMS (https://www.budgetsms.net/) ## VERSION version 0.02 ## SYNOPSIS ``` use SMS::Send; # Create a sender my $sender = SMS::Send->new( 'BudgetSMS', _login => 'budgetsms_username', _userid => 'budgetsms_userid', _password => 'budgetsms_handle', ); # Send a message my $sent = $sender->send_sms( text => 'This is a test message', to => '+61 (4) 1234 5678', ); if ($sent) { print "Message sent ok\n"; } else { print "Failed to send message\n"; } ``` ## DESCRIPTION SMS::Send driver for BudgetSMS - https://www.budgetsms.net/ This is not intended to be used directly, but instead called by SMS::Send (see synopsis above for a basic illustration, and see SMS::Send's documentation for further information). The driver uses the BudgetSMS HTTP API mechanism. This is documented at https://www.budgetsms.net/sms-http-api/send-sms/ ## METHODS ### new Constructor, takes argument pairs passed by SMS::Send, returns an SMS::Send::BudgetSMS object. See usage synopsis for example, and see SMS::Send documentation for further info on using SMS::Send drivers. Additional arguments that may be passed include:- #### _userid BudgetSMS userid #### _endpoint The HTTP API endpoint. Defaults to https://api.budgetsms.net/sendsms/ For development purposes, you may also use test API https://api.budgetsms.net/testsms/ #### _timeout The timeout in seconds for HTTP operations. Defaults to 20 seconds. ### send_sms Send the message - see SMS::Send for details. Additionally the following options can be given - these have the same meaning as they do in the C<new> method:- #### _from Alphanumeric or Numeric senderid (shown as the sender of SMS) ## INSTALLATION See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules. ## BUGS AND LIMITATIONS You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through GitHub at https://github.com/Hypernova-Oy/SMS-Send-BudgetSMS/issues ## AVAILABILITY The project homepage is https://github.com/Hypernova-Oy/SMS-Send-BudgetSMS The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit http://www.perl.com/CPAN/ to find a CPAN site near you, or see https://metacpan.org/module/SMS::Send::BudgetSMS/ ## AUTHOR Lari Taskula <lari.taskula@hypernova.fi> Sponsor: Hypernova Oy, https://www.hypernova.fi ## COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Hypernova Oy. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.