NAME Catalyst::View::XSLT - XSLT View Class SYNOPSIS # use the helper to create your view view XSLT XSLT # configure in lib/MyApp/View/ (can be done from a config file too) package MyApp::View::XSLT; use base 'Catalyst::View::XSLT'; __PACKAGE__->config( # paths to the directories with templates INCLUDE_PATH => [ MyApp->path_to( 'root', 'xslt' ), MyApp->path_to( 'templates', 'xsl' ), ], # default template extension to use # when you don't provide template name TEMPLATE_EXTENSION => '.xsl', # use this for debug purposes # it will dump the the final (merged) config DUMP_CONFIG => 1, # XML::LibXSLT specific configuration LibXSLT => { register_function => [ { uri => 'urn:catalyst', name => 'add', subref => sub { return $_[0] + $_[1] }, }, { uri => 'urn:foo', name => 'Hello', subref => sub { return 'Hello, Catalyst\'s user.' }, }, ], }, ); # don't need nothing more 1; # in your controller(s) : sub someAction : Local { # 'template' could be string or path to file # see 'xml' for more info about string version # path to the template could be absolute $c->stash->{template} = $c->config->{home} . 'root/some.xsl'; # or relative $c->stash->{template} = 'some.xsl'; # this file will be searched in include paths # or if you didn't provide any template name # then the last chance is 'someAction.xsl' ($c->action . $config->{TEMPLATE_EXTENSION}) # 'xml' could be string $c->stash->{xml} =<<XML; <root> <level1>data</level> </root> XML # or a relative path which will se searched in include paths # $c->stash->{xml} = 'my.xml'; # or an absolute path # $c->stash->{xml} = '/some/where/around.xml'; # add more subrefs (these will predefine config ones if they overlap) $c->stash->{additional_register_function} = [ { uri => 'urn:catalyst', name => 'doIt', subref => sub { return $obj->method(@_) }, } ]; # everything else in the stash will be used for parameters (<xsl:param name="param1" />) $c->stash->{param1} = 'Param1 value';' $c->stash->{param2} = 'Param2 value'; } # Meanwhile, maybe in an 'end' action $c->forward('MyApp::View::XSLT'); # to use your registered functions in some.xsl: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:catalyst="urn:catalyst" xmlns:foo="urn:foo" version="1.0"> ... <xsl:value-of select="catalyst:add(4, 5)" /> <xsl:value-of select="foo:Hello()" /> <xsl:value-of select="catalyst:doIt($param1, 3)" /> ... </xsl:stylesheet> DESCRIPTION This is a "XSLT" view class for Catalyst. Your application should defined a view class which is a subclass of this module. The easiest way to achieve this is using the script (where myapp should be replaced with whatever your application is called). This script is created as part of the Catalyst setup. METHODS new The constructor for the XSLT view. Reads the application config. render Renders the template specified via $template. The template parameters are set to %$args if $args is a hashref, or "$c->stash" otherwise. process Renders the template specified in "$c->stash->{template}" or "$c->action". Calls "render" to perform actual rendering. Template params are set up from the contents of "$c->stash". Output is stored in "$c->response->body". NOTE This version works only with XML::LibXSLT. SEE ALSO Catalyst, Catalyst::Base, XML::LibXSLT AUTHORS Martin Grigorov, <mcgregory {at} e-card {dot} bg> Simon Bertrang, <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.