Copyright (c) 2000 James P Edwards (  All
rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. allows the user to read files in the grib FORM FM 92-IX
Ext. GRIB into perl PDL - it may not read all possible grib format

If you want to use this module you'll need to have some understanding
of the format as the module refers to section octet numbers rather
than trying to name all of the fields.  The manual is available on line at:

Prerequisites - You need to have the perl PDL module installed.

Build and Install:

$ zcat PDL-IO-Grib-xx.tar.gz | tar xf -
$ cd PDL-IO-Grib-xx
$ perl
$ make 
$ make install

Changes / enhancements you plan to make in the future:

Need to expand the list of possible grib flavors it can read.  
ECMWF, NCEP, and DWD all have slight variations on the theme.
It would be nice if it could write too.

New in version  2.0 
I had to change the version number scheme for compatibility with CPAN.
I added a which first creates a grib file with various bits per value in the 
packing scheme.  then reads it back in and makes sure it matchs within some tolerance.

New in  version 1.20

Added the script which can be used to view the Grib header data
and with TriD or PGPLOT to plot simple contours of the data.
GribView requires Tk and Tk::FileDialog

Added partial write capability including the ability to update a
pre-existing file.

Uses xs and some code from wgrib to decode data.  Stores all section
information in pdl format and only decodes on demand.