# PDF::Table This module creates and inserts text blocks and tables into PDF documents using the PDF::API2 or PDF::Builder Perl module. ## What is it? PDF::Table is a library to format tables for insertion into PDF documents, using either the PDF::Builder or the PDF::API2 PDF-creation libraries, called from a Perl program. The PDF library (e.g., PDF::Builder) makes certain objects available to PDF::Table, as well as providing support services, and handles the overall PDF creation task. PDF::Table is called from within that a Perl program using that library, to place tables of specific layout at the current active place on a document page. Tables may split across pages. Note that PDF::Table, unlike PDF::Builder or PDF::API2, does not provide a set of low-level building blocks, but rather, is an all-in-one "table" call with very complex and flexible input. The table layout capability is a bit richer than that found in HTML/CSS, with a great deal of control over row, column, and cell properties, as well as rule and border formatting. With PDF::Builder as the underlying engine, PDF::Table cell content may be defined using Markdown or HTML markup languages. However, note that PDF::Table itself does not use HTML tag markup, nor does PDF::Builder currently support HTML table tags! The only way to put a table into a document is to invoke PDF::Table. [Home Page](https://www.catskilltech.com/FreeSW/product/PDF%2DTable/title/PDF%3A%3ATable/freeSW_full), including Documentation and Examples. [](https://github.com/PhilterPaper/PDF-Table/issues) [](https://makeapullrequest.com) [](https://GitHub.com/PhilterPaper/PDF-Table/graphs/commit-activity) The official repository for PDF::Table module collaboration: "https://github.com/PhilterPaper/PDF-Table.git" Any patches, pull requests, issues and feedback are more than welcome. Do NOT under ANY circumstances open a PR (Pull Request) to **report a _bug_**. It is a waste of both _your_ and _our_ time and effort. Instead, simply open a regular ticket (_issue_), and attach a Perl (.pl) program illustrating the problem, if possible. If you believe that you have a program patch (i.e., a permanent change to the code), and offer to share it as a PR, we may give the go-ahead. Unsolicited PRs may be closed without further action. ## Prerequisites Required for installation: Test::More Optional for installation: Test::Pod, Test::CheckManifest Required for running: Carp, PDF::API2 and/or PDF::Builder Optional for running: Pod::Simple::HTML ## Installation To install the module from CPAN, please type the following command: ```cpanm PDF::Table``` To test or add features to this module, please type the following command: ```cpanm .``` ## Changes To see a list of changes, please do one or more of the following: - Read the [Changes](Changes) file - Review commits history on GitHub - Make a diff from the tools menu at CPAN ## Contacts - Use the issue tracker on GitHub, "https://github.com/PhilterPaper/PDF-Table/issues" - See "https://metacpan.org/pod/PDF::Table" for distribution and more information ## License Copyright (C) 2006 by Daemmon Hughes Extended by Desislav Kamenov (Twitter @deskata) versions 0.02 - 0.11 Extended by Phil Perry since version 0.12 Copyright (C) 2020 - 2024 by Phil M Perry This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. Note that Perl 5.10 is now the minimum for installation.