package Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderCGI; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderCGI::Template; use Mojo::Util qw(encode md5_sum); our $VERSION = '0.101'; my $pkg = __PACKAGE__; has qw(app); has handler_name => ''; has default => 0; has cgi_import => sub { [qw(:html :form)] }; has exception => sub { {'handler'=>'ep', 'layout' => undef,} }; has cache => sub { {} }; sub register { my ($plugin, $app, $conf) = @_; $plugin->app($app); map $plugin->$_($conf->{$_}), grep defined($conf->{$_}), qw(name default import exception); #~ $app->renderer->default_handler($plugin->handler_name) не работает $app->log->debug("Set default render handler ".$plugin->handler_name) and $app->defaults('handler'=>$plugin->handler_name) if $plugin->default; $app->renderer->add_handler( $plugin->handler_name => sub {$plugin->handler(@_)} ); } sub handler { my ($plugin, $renderer, $c, $output, $options) = @_; my $app = $c->app; #~ $app->log->debug($app->dumper($options)); # относительный путь шаблона my $content = $options->{inline};# встроенный шаблон my $name = defined $content ? md5_sum encode('UTF-8', $content) : undef; return unless defined($name //= $renderer->template_path($options) || $renderer->template_name($options)); #~ my $url = Mojo::URL->new($name); #~ ($name, my $param) = (url_unescape($url->path), $url->query->to_hash); #~ utf8::decode($name); my ($template, $from) = ($plugin->cache->{$name}, 'cache');# подходящий шаблон из кэша my $stash = $c->stash($pkg); $c->stash($pkg => {stack => []}) unless $stash; $stash ||= $c->stash($pkg); my $last_template = $stash->{stack}[-1]; if ($last_template && $last_template eq $name) { $$output = $plugin->error("Stop looping template [$name]!", $c); return; } push @{$stash->{stack}}, $name; $$output = ''; unless ($template) {#не кэш if (defined $content) {# инлайн $from = 'inline'; } else { # подходящий шаблон в секции DATA ($content, $from) = ($renderer->get_data_template($options), 'DATA section');#,, $name unless (defined $content) {# file # абсолютный путь шаблона if (my $path = $renderer->template_path($options)) { my $file = Mojo::Asset::File->new(path => $path); ($content, $from) = ($file->slurp, 'file'); } else { $$output = $plugin->error(sprintf(qq{Template "%s" does not found}, $name), $c); return; } } } $app->log->debug(sprintf(qq{Empty or nothing template "%s"}, $name)) and return unless $content =~ /\w/; utf8::decode($content); $template = Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderCGI::Template->new(_import=>$plugin->cgi_import, _plugin=>$plugin, ); my $err = $template->_compile($content); $$output = $plugin->error(sprintf(qq{Compile time error for template "%s" from the %s: %s}, $name, $from, $err), $c) and return unless ref $err; # ref success } $app->log->debug(sprintf(qq{Rendering template "%s" from the %s}, $name, $from,)); $plugin->cache->{$name} ||= $template; my @out = eval { $template->_run($c)}; $$output = $plugin->error(sprintf(qq{Runtime error for template "%s" from the %s:\n%s}, $name, $from, $@), $c) and return if $@; $$output = join "\n", grep defined, @out; } sub error {# харе my ($plugin, $error, $c) = @_; $c->stash(%{$plugin->exception}) and die $error if ref($plugin->exception) eq 'HASH'; $c->app->log->error($error);# лог после die! return $error if $plugin->exception eq 'template'; return "<!-- $error -->" if $plugin->exception =~ m'comment'; }; 1; =pod =encoding utf8 Доброго всем =head1 Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderCGI ¡ ¡ ¡ ALL GLORY TO GLORIA ! ! ! =head1 VERSION 0.101 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderCGI - Rendering template with Perl code and funcs/subs for tags emits. =head1 SYNOPSIS $app->plugin('RenderCGI'); =head1 Template Template is a Perl code that generate content as list of statements. Similar to C<do BLOCK>. Template file name like "templates/foo/" # Predefined variables: # $self is a Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderCGI::Template object # $c is a current controller object # $cgi is a CGI object $c->layout('default', handler=>'ep',);# set handler 'ep' for all templates/includes !!! even default handler cgi my $foo = $c->stash('foo') or die "Where is your FOO?"; #======================================= #======= content comma list! =========== #======================================= h1({}, "Welcome"),# but this template handlered cgi! $c->include('foo', handler=>''),# change handler against layout $c->include('bar'); # handler still "ep" unless template "foo" (and its includes) didn`t changes it by $c->stash('handler'=>...) <<END_HTML, <!-- comment --> END_HTML $self->app->log->info("Template has done") && undef, There are NO Mojolicious helpers without OO-style prefixes: C<< $c-> >>. B<REMEMBER!> Escapes untrusted data. No auto escapes! div({}, esc(...UNTRUSTED DATA...)), C<esc> is a shortcut for &CGI::escapeHTML. =head1 NOTE about autoloading subs and methods In template you can generate any tag: # <foo-tag class="class1">...</foo-tag> foo_tag({-class=>"class1",}, '...'), # same $self->foo_tag({-class=>"class1",}, '...'), =head1 OPTIONS =head2 handler_name ( string ) # Mojolicious::Lite plugin RenderCGI => {handler_name => 'pl'}; Handler name, defaults to B<>. =head2 default (bool) When C<true> then default handler. Defaults - 0 (no this default handler for app). default => 1, Is similar to C<< $app->defaults(handler=> <name above>); >> =head2 cgi_import ( string (space delims) | arrayref ) What subs do you want from import $app->plugin('RenderCGI', cgi_import=>':html ...'); # or $app->plugin('RenderCGI', cgi_import=>[qw(:html ...)]); See at perldoc section "USING THE FUNCTION-ORIENTED INTERFACE". Default is ':html :form' (string) same as [qw(:html :form)] (arrayref). cgi_import=>[], # none import subs CGI =head2 exception ( string | hashref ) To show fatal errors (not found, compile and runtime errors) as content of there template you must set string B<template>. Set string B<comment> same above but include html comment tag <!-- $error --> To show fatals as standard Mojolicious 'exception.<mode>.html.ep' page - set hashref like {'handler'=>'ep', 'layout' => undef,}. Overwise fatals are skips (empty string whole template). By default set to hashref C<< {'handler'=>'ep', 'layout' => undef,} >>. exception => 'template', =head1 Methods, subs, helpers... Implements register method only. Register new renderer handler. No new helpers. =head1 SEE ALSO L<CGI> L<CGI::HTML::Functions> L<Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers> L<HTML::Tiny> =head1 AUTHOR Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), C<< <mche[-at-]> >> =head1 BUGS / CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs or feature requests at L<>. Pull requests also welcome. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 Mikhail Che. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut