NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::REST - Mojolicious Plugin for RESTful operations VERSION version 0.006 SYNOPSIS # In Mojolicious Application $self->plugin( 'REST' => { prefix => 'api', version => 'v1' } ); $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account' ); # Installs following routes: # /api/v1/accounts .... GET "Account::list_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts .... POST "Account::create_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId .... DELETE "Account::delete_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId .... GET "Account::read_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId .... PUT "Account::update_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)? $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Feature', under => 'Account' ); # Installs following routes: # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features # +/ .... GET "Feature::list_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features # +/ .... POST "Feature::create_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+) # +/ .... DELETE "Feature::delete_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+) # +/ .... GET "Feature::read_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+) # +/ .... PUT "Feature::update_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Product', under => 'Account', types => [qw(ftp ssh)] ); # Installs following routes: # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products # +/ .... GET "Product::list_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products # +/ .... POST "Product::create_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ftp B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ftp # +/ .... DELETE "Product::Ftp::delete_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ssh B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ssh # +/ .... DELETE "Product::Ssh::delete_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ftp B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ftp # +/ .... GET "Product::Ftp::read_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ssh B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ssh # +/ .... GET "Product::Ssh::read_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ftp B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ftp # +/ .... PUT "Product::Ftp::update_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ssh B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ssh # +/ .... PUT "Product::Ssh::update_account_product()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::REST adds various helpers for REST <>ful CRUD <,_read,_update_and_delete> operations via HTTP <> to your mojolicious application. As much as possible, it tries to follow RESTful API Design <> principles from Apigee. Used in conjuction with Mojolicious::Controller::REST, this module makes building RESTful application a breeze. This module is inspired from Mojolicious::Plugin::RESTRoutes. WARNING This module is still under development, and it's possible that things may change between releases without warning or deprecations. MOJOLICIOUS HELPERS rest_routes A routes shortcut to easily add RESTful routes for a resource and associations. MOJOLICIOUS HOOKS This module installs an before_render application hook, which gurantees JSON output. Refer Mojolicious::Controller::REST documentation for output format. Hook installation can be disabled by passing hook => 0 in plugin options. For Example: $self->plugin( 'REST', prefix => 'api', version => 'v1', hook => 0 ); OPTIONS Following options can be used to control route creation: methods This option can be used to control which methods are created for declared rest_route. Each character in the value of this option, determined if corresponding route will be created or ommited. For Example: $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account', methods => 'crudl' ); This will install all the rest routes, value 'crudl' signifies: c - create r - read u - update d - delete l - list. Only methods whose first character is mentioned in the value for this option will be created. For Example: $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account', methods => 'crd' ); This will install only create, read and delete routes as below: # /api/v1/accounts .... POST "Account::create_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId .... DELETE "Account::delete_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId .... GET "Account::read_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)? option value 'crd' signifies, c - create, r - read, d - delete Old readonly behaviour can thus be achieved using: $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account', methods => 'cl' ); This will install only create and list routes as below: # /api/v1/accounts .... GET "Account::list_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts .... POST "Account::create_account()" ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)? name The name of the resource, e.g. 'User'. This name will be used to build the route url as well as the controller name. controller By default, resource name will be converted to CamelCase controller name. You can change it by providing controller name. If customized, this options needs a full namespace of the controller class. under This option can be used for associations. If present, url's for named resource will be created under given under resource. The actions created, will be bridged under 'method_chained' method of given under resouce. For Example: $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Feature', under => 'Account' ); # will create following routes, where routes for feature are bridged under Account::chained() # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features # +/ .... GET "Feature::list_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features # +/ .... POST "Feature::create_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+) # +/ .... DELETE "Feature::delete_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+) # +/ .... GET "Feature::read_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId B... * "Account::chained()" ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+) # +/ .... PUT "Feature::update_account_feature()" ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)? Note that, The actual bridge code needs to return a true value or the dispatch chain will be broken. Please refer Mojolicious Bridges Documentation <> for more information on bridges in Mojolicious. types This option can be used to specify types of resources available in application. PLUGIN OPTIONS method_chained If present, this value will be used as a method name for chained methods in route bridges. prefix If present, this value will be added as prefix to all routes created. version If present, this value will be added as prefix to all routes created but after prefix. htt2crud If present, given HTTP to CRUD mapping will be used to determine method names. Default mapping: { collection => { get => 'list', post => 'create', }, resource => { get => 'read', put => 'update', delete => 'delete' } } AUTHOR Abhishek Shende <> CONTRIBUTOR Vincent HETRU <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Abhishek Shende. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.