Math::CDF -- Generate probabilities and quantiles from several
             statistical probability functions

This module provides cumulative probabilities [P(X <= x)] and 
quantiles [given p, returns x such that P(X <= x) = p] from several
statistical probability distributions.

This package provides a perl interface to DCDFLIB, a set of C functions
written by Barry W. Brown, James Lovato and Kathy Russell of the 
Department of Biomathematics at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson 
Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. DCDFLIB code is included in this module
distribution with permission of its authors.

Please read the README for DCDFLIB provided in the /cdflib subdirectory
of the Math::CDF distribution. In particular please notice in that 
document that some DCDFLIB routines might not be properly included in
commercial applications.

How to Install

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Before compiling you may need to edit the file cdflib/ipmpar.c and 
uncomment the section of code corresponding to the platform you are 
compiling on. By default this file is set up for computers that use 
IEEE Arithmetic, which includes IBM PC, Macintosh and most Unix 


Math::CDF was put together by Ed Callahan,

Environmental Statistics
PO Box 563
Fountain City, WI  54629

DCDFLIB was written by Barry W. Brown (, 
James Lovato and Kathy Russell

Department of Biomathematics, Box 237
The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard
Houston, TX  77030