HTML/Processor version 0.2.1 ============================ HTML::Processor HTML Template Processor DESCRIPTION is primarily an HTML template processing utility. It is designed to remove html from perl scripts without putting too much Perl into the html. The tag syntax (configurable) is somewhat verbose in order to not scare off html coders, while retaining some Perl logic and functionality. The Perl interface is OO for flexibility and clarity and has a fairly basic set of methods. While its not as heavy duty as some of the other Template modules, it occupies a firm middle ground with all the essential data replacement funtions. Functionality: - File includes - Optional content - If/Else blocks - Variable substitution - Loops (nested recursively) - Loop Optional content - Loop If/else blocks - Data sorting (columns) - Debugging, Perl and Object data DOCUMENTATION All documentation, with examples, is in, additionally in Processor.html which was generated via pod2html from See also provided example script. VERSION HISTORY 13/11/200x == Version 0.2.1 ------------------ 13/11/2002 looping bug fix: first element disappeared 06/11/2002 Clenup of uninitialised vars 05/11/2002 == Version 0.2 ------------------ 01/11/2002 Removed globals for mod_perl functionality 29/10/2002 Added path stacking for template processing and lookup of includes 15/03/2002 fixed bug in nested loops 20/03/2002 added 'LIKE' and 'NOT LIKE' logic to the IF/ELSE comparisons 08/04/2002 added sorting for arrays with 'bgcolor' and 'bgcolour' $tpl->sort( [array_name] ); now works with bg colours 09/08/2001 == Version 0.0.1 ------------------- EXAMPLE PERL ------------------------------------------------------ use HTML::Processor; $tpl = new HTML::Processor; -or with config options- $tpl = new HTML::Processor ({ debug => "Normal", footprint => 1, clean => 0 }); # data %animals = ( mammals => { types => [qw(monkey lion zebra elephant)], count => 120 }, fish => { types => [qw(swordfish shark guppy tuna marlin tunny)], count => 85 }, reptiles => { types => [qw(monitor python crocodile tortoise)], count => 25 }, birds => { types => [qw(eagle pigeon kite crow owl sparrow)], count => 57 } ); # create parent loop object my $animals = $tpl->new_loop("animals"); foreach my $animal_type( keys %animals){ # add data to the parent loop $animals->array("animal_type", $animal_type); $animals->array("count", $animals{$animal_type}{ count }); # create new nested loop object 'keyed' on # the parent via $animal_type my $types = $tpl->new_loop("types", $animal_type); foreach my $type ( @{ $animals{$animal_type}{types} }){ # populate each 'child' loop $types->array("type", $type); } } # set variables $tpl->variable("what", "ANIMALS"); $tpl->variable("count", 2); # process and print parsed template print $tpl->process("templates/animals.html"); HTML ------------------------------------------------------ <html> <head> <title>Sample</title> </head> <body> [TPL variable='what']:<br> <table width="200"> [TPL LOOP name='animals'] <tr> <td>[TPL array='animal_type'] [[TPL array='count']]</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> [TPL LOOP name='types'] [TPL array='type']<br> [TPL LOOP END] </td> </tr> [TPL LOOP END] </table> <br><br> [TPL IF count == '2'] count is 2 [TPL ELSE] count is not 2 [TPL ENDIF] <br><br> [TPL include=''] OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------ <!--- TEMPLATE: templates/animals.html ---> <html> <head> <title>Sample</title> </head> <body> ANIMALS:<br> <table width="200"> <tr> <td>mammals [120]</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> monkey<br> lion<br> zebra<br> elephant<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>fish [85]</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> swordfish<br> shark<br> guppy<br> tuna<br> marlin<br> tunny<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>birds [57]</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> eagle<br> pigeon<br> kite<br> crow<br> owl<br> sparrow<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>reptiles [25]</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> monitor<br> python<br> crocodile<br> tortoise<br> </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> count is 2 <br><br> <!--- INCLUDED: templates/ ---> <br> COMMON FOOTER </body> </html> INSTALLATION Requires: Data::Dumper Install with the usual: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install AUTHOR Paul Schnell <> Any comments, questions or feeback welcome LICENSE Copyright (c) 2001 Paul Schnell. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.